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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I keep reading these.


Yeah, Im just having problems with her early game really. Im afraid to jump the gun and get killed since her ball/minion placement can get quite tricky specially with her w (the timing + distance is giving me a hard time). Im trying to wait till reaching 6 to go all out specially against the likes of Lux and Kass. Unless I can tell I have a good oportunity to kill someone early obviously.

Edit: Also the angle with the E is annoying sometimes, gotta get used to that too.
lol dude when kassadin reaches level 6 you should just forget about dueling him.

your best bet for that is farming with q while moving. most mids don't get many kill opportunities pre-6 without ganks so don't worry too much about it, just farm until 6 then make something happen.

and for her e just place it in a straight line between where you want it to go and where you are. it takes some practice but the range on it is insane. I kinda feel her w is harder to land, really.

MS nerf and CD nerf, your damage is still there
on 40% cdr it's only 6 seconds more on her ult, but it still sucks. the ms nerf is also pretty painful, since she needs pretty good positioning already.

but yeah, I'm glad they didn't mess with her damage.
Oh, I didnt know that. Never played him. Thats kinda crazy though. @_@
1 AP from last hitting with Q, 1-5 AP for killing a champion with any ability. His Q costs a bit of mana for something you want to use as often as possible so it doesn't get that crazy, but it does matter late game.


Very rarely does my team get the perfect team game!

What's funny is they invaded us early on. We let them settle in on our blue, then counter invaded. Caught them by surprise and we got first blood.

If your entire team can, I will always say contest an invasion no matter the team comp. Even if fail, hopefully you've backed them off of buff and hell, lvl 1 team fights are fun, period! :D


How much IP does a new character costs in the first weeks again? 7900? Im saving for Lissandra.

lol dude when kassadin reaches level 6 you should just forget about dueling him.

your best bet for that is farming with q while moving. most mids don't get many kill opportunities pre-6 without ganks so don't worry too much about it, just farm until 6 then make something happen.

and for her e just place it in a straight line between where you want it to go and where you are. it takes some practice but the range on it is insane. I kinda feel her w is harder to land, really.

I was seriously going crazy against him, I couldnt do enough damage and he kept doing that annoying teleport and damaging me. Ugh.


How much IP does a new character costs in the first weeks again? 7900? Im saving for Lissandra.
first week I htink is 7800, then 6300 on the second week.

if you're gonna buy her with IP just wait a week.

I was seriously going crazy against him, I couldnt do enough damage and he kept doing that annoying teleport and damaging me. Ugh.
your best bet against kassadin is to get kills on him with assistance of your jungler or just push him to his tower and go gank top/bot. and if you're in lane just don't let him get cs without getting his ass spanked.

then after level 6 just ignore your lane, push it, ward both sides so you can know where he went (warn your teammates) and go gank.


I'll be buying lissandra on release. Been wanting a champ like that for ages. Teleport in, cc everyone with self cast ult then zhonyas.

4 second invulnerability going to be so fun.


So, my friend invites me to play a game of Dominion. We enter champ select and I pick Irelia because I've been playing her lately. I minimize the screen and start dicking around on Reddit, the game loads. I hear the game start and I open the tab... only to find out that he misclicked and we're playing SR instead.

So not only am I playing ghost+revive Irelia on SR, my pissed off team also informs me that I'm playing ADC. Oh, and my support was pissed at me and AFKed for a few minutes, so I had to 1v2 a Cait-Leona lane.

But, fortunately my team knew what we were doing and we ended up winning, despite getting like... 3 CS in the first 7 minutes of the game.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
It's amazing how many supports don't ward baron before 20 minutes. 2 of those wins were literally from me pinking baron, seeing nothing, seeing their ADC free farming bot and just telling my team to come get the freelo.

got to 6300 and can't decide on which support to buy...

I'm down to lulu and zyra. I wish I could buy both :3

Zyra got nerfed and isn't very good as a support anymore outside of a 2v1 lane. You lose lane as Lulu and still be a huge asset to your team because of your ult and various utility spells. You lose lane as an aggressive support you have a hard time bouncing back.

I'm genuinely worried she is gonna get nerfed soon.


Zyra got nerfed and isn't very good as a support anymore outside of a 2v1 lane. You lose lane as Lulu and still be a huge asset to your team because of your ult and various utility spells.

I'm genuinely worried she is gonna get nerfed soon.
yeah unfortunately I think you can count on it.

better get to gold fast


Urgh I need to stop playing ranked in the evening (EU-west).
Won 2 ranked games in a row in the afternoon and went ahead to lose 2 ranked games in the evening.

Anybody here willing to view one of my replays to see where I can improve?
Because honestly I lose so many games where I seriously feel like there is nothing I could've done. I usually play mid or top and I NEVER lose my lane (asin I never feed an enemy 3 kills or something). That doesn't mean I always win it though. I usually win toplane with either Teemo, Elise or Jax. Sometimes when I play middle it feels like a tie until one of us starts roaming to get ahead of the other.
When I'm mid I ALWAYS go to roam to help a losing lane, which usually is botlane (also often premades </3). I only roam when I'm ahead in my own lane though but usually the enemy will still continue to push and take my mid tower while I'm gone helping other lanes.
Then comes the moment where everything should be warded while it isn't. Since mid tower is down, mid will start roaming. I tell my teammates this but 90% of the time there is no response. I almost always take 1 ward with me every time I go back and I ward near purple wraiths or near dragon. Or when toplane doesn't ward when they should I might ward top river for them after getting blue or something.
Specially with Jax winning your lane is so damn easy, but even as 7-2-1 Jax I wasn't able to turn games around. I need lessons in how to carry when fed T_T

I'm so sick of people saying the loss is my fault because I'm 3-4 at the 25 minute mark while I was 3-0 in lane and ended up dying in situations which are caused by other losing lanes.
The only thing I know I can improve on is CSing but I feel like I wont improve that much more on it.

tl;dr: I usually win lane, but cant win the game even though I do my best to help other lanes with my own advantage.


How long does it usually take from champion reveal to release? Or better yet is there a rumored release date for Lissandra? I'm still pretty new and she is the first champ to release since I started playing that I'm actually interested in.


How long does it usually take from champion reveal to release? Or better yet is there a rumored release date for Lissandra? I'm still pretty new and she is the first champ to release since I started playing that I'm actually interested in.

Moving forward, we’re targeting 14-17 new champions in 2013 -- around one every 3-4 weeks.
Zac was released on March 29th so add 3-4 weeks to that and you're at the end of April. You shouldn't put too much emphasis on the actual reveal - Riot are most likely aiming for a bigger content update this time around (several reworks, Lissandra and Howling Abyss).
Easier to build. Better build path. CDR > Armor. There was no reason to build the old Ancient Golem. Spend 300 more and get Sunfire. The armor was a nonsensical stat that only even showed up when you had the full item. You could literally buy a cloth armor + new Ancient Golem for the price of the old one and only lose out on 15 armor.

This is really well-timed for me because I've just started building Kindlegem early on junglers, and experimenting with where I can go from that. Spirit Visage is pretty sweet on GP against an AP-heavy team or a fed AP carry, but probably not great outside that. Tried Zeke's Herald but honestly didn't see its effects much - it's also probably not good to have auras when I'm still in the jungle. I love Shurelya's but again, it's a team-benefit item on a lone person. I'll still buy it for ganks, I think. But this new Spirit of the Ancient Golem is definitely going to get some play from me.


I wish Riot would take Taric's old passive and make a new item based around it. Maybe add a Long Sword to the recipe list. It would (almost) be the AD equivalent of Athene's Unholy Grail.

Gemcraft (Innate): Taric loves to socket magical gems into all of his weapons, resulting in his melee attacks replenishing his mana for 7.5% of damage dealt.
I'll give you this one for free, Riot.


I might have to run MS-quints and 9/0/21 just to show them who's boss...
I've been running 14 13 3 on adcs for a while now so maybe I should try something new on my luxin

wont spend 6k IP on quints thats for sure

I can really tell how the incoming nerf just did a number on my mental state when playing as lux, it's depressing.

omg this shit is hilarious. old, but hilarious


"This teemo bought an oracle and went afk at drag. He said he would be a vision ward"
"fuck you! put your bf sword in the river" always cracks me up


I run 9/0/21 on most of my APC's, but since lux is all about that burst I haven't switched to that on her yet. MS-quints is gonna wreak havoc on my early game though. Guess I'll have to play her like I play Anivia. Farm, Farm, Farm until 6, then kill.


I run 9/0/21 on most of my APC's, but since lux is all about that burst I haven't switched to that on her yet. MS-quints is gonna wreak havoc on my early game though. Guess I'll have to play her like I play Anivia. Farm, Farm, Farm until 6, then kill.
I run 21/0/9 on lux since she has that curse of enemies escaping with like 18 hp left.

I should probably switch to 9/0/21 for syndra/ori/anivia since they really have so much damage it doesn't really matter. I just like spellsword so much :/
We usually don't get the patch in Europe before it's fully deployed in NA. This is more of a broken-server issue.

Well the patch is out. Servers went down for it last night, saw the message. or at least it should be out. Although I'm on EUNE so it could be different.

Edit: http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1133278

10:40 BST - We are aware of the unknown error when attempting to login as well as games not starting. We have our team looking into the issue and hope to have it resolved ASAP.

10:49 BST - We have located the source of the issue, unfortunatly we will need to close the platform again briefly while we work on resolving this.
it's probably the patch. na's down too.

pretty hilarious they felt like buffing all of karma's spells lol

She's in the Zyra situation right now, really strong support but underwhelming AP mid. Not sure what they're going for still. She needs to be one or the other I think, and I'll probably play her as support.
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