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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I don't post here usually, but just wanting to rant. After trying desperately to finally make it out of Bronze to Silver, I get a string of bad games resulting in loss after loss (various DCers, whom conveniently return much to late), from people whom are more interested in going after their enemy laner rather than last hitting (one Trynd yesterday who repeatedly died to an Aatrox doing this), teams that throw because they're too damn greedy, and just all around bad luck... Got myself demoted from BI toBII.

It becomes discouraging and has me hitting my head against the wall @_@


I don't post here usually, but just wanting to rant. After trying desperately to finally make it out of Bronze to Silver, I get a string of bad games resulting in loss after loss (various DCers, whom conveniently return much to late), from people whom are more interested in going after their enemy laner rather than last hitting (one Trynd yesterday who repeatedly died to an Aatrox doing this), teams that throw because they're too damn greedy, and just all around bad luck... Got myself demoted from BI toBII.

It becomes discouraging and has me hitting my head against the wall @_@

dang that's rough


I don't post here usually, but just wanting to rant. After trying desperately to finally make it out of Bronze to Silver, I get a string of bad games resulting in loss after loss (various DCers, whom conveniently return much to late), from people whom are more interested in going after their enemy laner rather than last hitting (one Trynd yesterday who repeatedly died to an Aatrox doing this), teams that throw because they're too damn greedy, and just all around bad luck... Got myself demoted from BI toBII.

It becomes discouraging and has me hitting my head against the wall @_@
stay strong comrade
So I got placed in Silver 3 and am #20 in the division. Is that okay? For a little over 2 months in? Odds I'll make it to Gold V in a month?
itll depend on how good you actually are and how much you play


stay strong comrade

I'm trying, but I just had two more losses ;_; (one which was unfortunately thrown, so I don't have much to say... Fair game and we messed up. Another with a top Ryze who fed, then quit, and a Middlesticks who was 0/9 before getting a kill, and was several levels behind everyone).
I'm trying, but I just had two more losses ;_; (one which was unfortunately thrown, so I don't have much to say... Fair game and we messed up. Another with a top Ryze who fed, then quit, and a Middlesticks who was 0/9 before getting a kill, and was several levels behind everyone).

Why are you not taking top and mid? Seriously, that's the only way you're going to get out.

Christ, just pick Zed and carry your way out.

Stop giving a fuck what roles people want. You can't get mid, nvm, pick Zyra/Annie and go supp instead. Seriously, if you believe you're good enough to get out this is the only way - coming from someone who started out in S4, has been as low as B3 and now pushing back for S3.


I started using Miss Fortune since she's F2P and I bought her, really fun and strong. Now for a skin... they are all awesome, da fuq? I dunno what to get. I like Mafia the most but the others are great, really like Secret Agent and Waterloo. Can't decide.


I started using Miss Fortune since she's F2P and I bought her, really fun and strong. Now for a skin... they are all awesome, da fuq? I dunno what to get. I like Mafia the most but the others are great, really like Secret Agent and Waterloo. Can't decide.

This is a problem I had when I played MF a lot.. So I just ended up buying them all at some point (except road warrior, fuck that skin). Secret Agent is definitely my favourite though.


This is a problem I had when I played MF a lot.. So I just ended up buying them all at some point (except road warrior, fuck that skin). Secret Agent is definitely my favourite though.

Hi 5! I had a pretty difficult time deciding between SA and Mafia at the time but that's what i ended up going with as well.

In other news, I think I fell in lurve with Karma. I've had some pathetic misses with her Q but i *really* love her kit overall, she provides a metric ton of utility while still bringing significant damage, even with a support build in bot lane. If I change my masteries around a bit can play just about any lane with her safely.


Why are you not taking top and mid? Seriously, that's the only way you're going to get out.

Christ, just pick Zed and carry your way out.

Stop giving a fuck what roles people want.
You can't get mid, nvm, pick Zyra/Annie and go supp instead. Seriously, if you believe you're good enough to get out this is the only way - coming from someone who started out in S4, has been as low as B3 and now pushing back for S3.

This is probably my biggest problem. Since I just let others pick their roles, I usually wind up as support (or jungle). Sure I can support, but sure as hell can't carry from the role.


Sad to think I was at my diamond promo 2 days ago and now, I need to win 20 games in a row to get back there.

Sigh.. I hate this shit


info on switheroooo (jinX)

Additional Information:
The 10% bonus damage is a modifier that also affects critical strikes.
The splash damage scales with critical strikes, but on-hit effects are only applied to the primary target.
It is worth noting that Jinx's attack speed per level is tied for the lowest in the game and is significantly lower than other marksmen. At level 18, Jinx requires between 21% and 50% bonus attack speed to off-set the difference - lowering the effective bonus that Pow-Pow grants.
Runaan's Hurricane will apply either effect of Switcheroo! to additional targets, but no unit can be damaged more than once by the splash effect of Fishbones.


a few days ago i posted on here asking for tips to help me lead my teams to more wins, sine i'm usually doing the best (B5 btw) and felt like i'mbeing held back by teammates. you guys gave me critques on what i could so as a player to help the team out (play safer) amongst a few other things., just wanted to show you my games i've played since the feedback and say thanks. I'm still b5, but i think things are going to be looking a bit up from here on out.

Sorc Shoes on Corki Y/N?

Mercury Treads are also an option, if you're worried about the amount of CC the enemy team's divers have or they're just running an AP-heavy composition. The Sorc Shoes are generally going to get you more value than 'Zerkers, outside of extreme late game situations.


a few days ago i posted on here asking for tips to help me lead my teams to more wins, sine i'm usually doing the best (B5 btw) and felt like i'mbeing held back by teammates. you guys gave me critques on what i could so as a player to help the team out (play safer) amongst a few other things., just wanted to show you my games i've played since the feedback and say thanks. I'm still b5, but i think things are going to be looking a bit up from here on out.

np, friend!
wow what happened to supergaf
I don't think we can hold until S4. Like, we'd hit 500 pages by then I'd say.

If a mod says it's cool I wouldn't mind, I just can't see it happening.

I can ask though. Who's the best person to ask?

So these queue times are starting to get beyond ridiculous.

Yup, I was hitting 4/5 minutes for ranked solo queue in mid-high silver elo. So dumb.


I don't think we can hold until S4. Like, we'd hit 500 pages by then I'd say.

If a mod says it's cool I wouldn't mind, I just can't see it happening.

I can ask though. Who's the best person to ask?

280 pages actually.

we can just hang tight until then. mods dont visit community anyway.

if you have to ask, opiate would be the one
280 pages actually.

we can just hang tight until then. mods dont visit community anyway.

if you have to ask, opiate would be the one

you mean the Puzzle and Dragons thread would hit 280? :/

I mean I have no problem updating the OT with some S4 stuff.

I've got magma chamber added in already and there isn't really anything that would change in the OT between seasons. Can add in replays too.

As long as dobshitterkops is ok with the image stuff for additions.


you mean the Puzzle and Dragons thread would hit 280? :/

I mean I have no problem updating the OT with some S4 stuff.

I've got magma chamber added in already and there isn't really anything that would change in the OT between seasons. Can add in replays too.

As long as dobshitterkops is ok with the image stuff for additions.
I meant that we should hit 280 by the time preseason4 hits
Fun ARAM game. We were pretty much a tank team + Ashe. The game was pretty close. We almost won but their nexus survived with 10 ish HP.

I was Olaf. I told my team that I was gonna go fast. I bought a Shurelya and was disappointed there was no Homeguard and that my Ghost was on cooldown. When the enemy team came knocking at our inhib again, I made a mad dash towards the nexus. They threw everything at me and was pretty much getting ALL their attention. I barely made it to their inhib area but luckily this allowed our Ashe to get so many free hits so we won the teamfight and pushed to victory.


I think individual champion win rates are a bad indicator of anything generally. Comes down to what mmr you played those champions at etc. For example right after a huge losing streak I went on I played a ton of lee sin jungle and climbed all the way back up to where i was playing pretty much just him and ended up with a 66% win rate or something out of like 45 games. Then I tried to play him at gold 3 and had way less success and now it's sitting at like 55% out of 60 games.

My Diana is like 60% out of 50 games I think because I played her mostly before she got nerfed and when I was climbing through silver.

And my Ezreal is exactly 90/90 and I put that down to playing him pretty consistently throughout the whole season. I dunno, my champion win rates even after playing a ton of games seem pretty random to me so I just don't think they have that much significance.
I think you just gave explanations of the significance of your various champion win rates, then concluded that they didn't have much significance. :p

Bear in mind I am a low level player, in silver, playing low level players, playing one or two champions to work on consistency. I also accounted for the different levels as mentioned, in that AP Corki was mostly played at perhaps Silver 3, while Sejuani with the similar win rate is perhaps Silver 1. I used to be something crazy with Draven like 80% out of 20 games, but part of that was being lucky even when losing, and part of that was probably pre-nerf Draven, and part of that was probably being Silver 4 or 5.

If I can play one champion almost exclusively at a given level and achieve 54-60% win rates, that is a positive sign for me that I may be able to climb ratings slightly with them, at least to a certain point.

Why is Nidalee even allowed to exist?
She exists to teach people to strafe to dodge skillshots.


Fun ARAM game. We were pretty much a tank team + Ashe. The game was pretty close. We almost won but their nexus survived with 10 ish HP.

I was Olaf. I told my team that I was gonna go fast. I bought a Shurelya and was disappointed there was no Homeguard and that my Ghost was on cooldown. When the enemy team came knocking at our inhib again, I made a mad dash towards the nexus. They threw everything at me and was pretty much getting ALL their attention. I barely made it to their inhib area but luckily this allowed our Ashe to get so many free hits so we won the teamfight and pushed to victory.

Get Guardian's Horn instead.


So my local best buy has this promo where if you get a Logitech item, you get a promo code with lucian. I needed a new mouse so I got a deal! Lucian + new mouse. I'll try Lucian bruiser in the top lane when I get home.
I'm kind of interested in ARAM build orders, actually. I don't really think much about it - I usually just buy the most expensive component item for my role going in, so Giant's Belt + Boots, Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome, etc. - but I seem to have good results. Then again, most of my games recently have been on Malphite due to people on my team always wanting to trade/reroll him. (People hate winning.)

Had an awesome game starting all-AP like that on Nidalee, but I had a Soraka feeding me mana, so I suppose a Tear would be a better starting item on her even though it's pretty hard to stack them in an ARAM's game length.

I see people building Doran's items in ARAM a lot - is that actually a good idea at all? I kind of feel like those only exist due to early-game gold budget on Summoner's Rift, anyway, and it's kind of weird to bother with them when you can start with Howling Abyss's BT-equivalent more than half built. I see a lot of AP going double Doran's Rings, in particular.
I don't think starting with a Belt is good. Just get a Horn instead. They both serve the same purpose of letting you go all in very early on. Horn gives you a lot of regen in case it didn't go too well, and the active is always great. The item last until you have to buy your 6th item.

Boots aren't a mandatory starter item. In very specific situations I can even get away with not getting them at all. Eg, you don't really need boots on Nidalee in ARAM.


I'm kind of interested in ARAM build orders, actually. I don't really think much about it - I usually just buy the most expensive component item for my role going in, so Giant's Belt + Boots, Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome, etc. - but I seem to have good results. Then again, most of my games recently have been on Malphite due to people on my team always wanting to trade/reroll him. (People hate winning.)

Had an awesome game starting all-AP like that on Nidalee, but I had a Soraka feeding me mana, so I suppose a Tear would be a better starting item on her even though it's pretty hard to stack them in an ARAM's game length.

I see people building Doran's items in ARAM a lot - is that actually a good idea at all? I kind of feel like those only exist due to early-game gold budget on Summoner's Rift, anyway, and it's kind of weird to bother with them when you can start with Howling Abyss's BT-equivalent more than half built. I see a lot of AP going double Doran's Rings, in particular.
Doran's Rings are great for some people on aram. Malz wants like 3 doran's ring and then just buy some big item.
I don't think starting with a Belt is good. Just get a Horn instead. They both serve the same purpose of letting you go all in very early on. Horn gives you a lot of regen in case it didn't go too well, and the active is always great. The item last until you have to buy your 6th item.

Boots aren't a mandatory starter item. In very specific situations I can even get away with not getting them at all. Eg, you don't really need boots on Nidalee in ARAM.

Belt is pretty ridiculous as a starting item on Malphite. Your passive ends up beefed up enough to literally eat most early poke without suffering actual damage, allowing you to constantly run in to bully the other team back or cover for a carry who got caught out as long as you pay attention to refreshing your passive.

I don't actually buy Boots as a starting item on non-tanks - like I said, usually the two component-type damage items (Wand and Tome or Pick and Longsword) - unless the other team has a lot of stuff I really need to be dodging. (Blitzcrank + Nidalee team, fun for the whole family!)

I do see the point of Doran's gaining some value based on the fact the game probably won't go late enough for replacing them to become an option, though. You at least aren't losing slot efficiency, though I do worry you give up overall gold-to-stats efficiency by not racing to completed items.


You don't know hell until you've gone against pantheon as jayce.
I had someone in ranked say something like "sweet baby jesus, thank you, a pantheon" so they didn't seem to mind laning as pantheon against jayce.

It may depend on the ranked level though as to how bad the matchup is. *edit* This was like Silver 1.


I had someone in ranked say something like "sweet baby jesus, thank you, a pantheon" so they didn't seem to mind laning as pantheon against jayce.

It may depend on the ranked level though as to how bad the matchup is.

What level was the rank? I'm Bronze 1.

Also.. when do I start all inning with Jayce?
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