placed not high = dead.
yeah. i don't think victory was unachievable but we just didn't play well.i heard u guys played against plat/diamond team
You don't know hell until you've gone against pantheon as jayce.
what is in store for season 4
Also.. when do I start all inning with Jayce?
Level 2
What should I put my second point into? E or W? W would probably help with dueling
brb switching to leagueBruisers being OP, Assassins being useless, and supports and jungles becoming carries.
What should I put my second point into? E or W? W would probably help with dueling
Q and E.
You E-Q-R-Q-E-R
You can also Q-E-R-Q-E-R if you're fast at placing a gate just after casting shock blast but in time for it to pass through the gate.
yeah. i don't think victory was unachievable but we just didn't play well.
Q and E.
You E-Q-R-Q-E-R
You can also Q-E-R-Q-E-R if you're fast at placing a gate just after casting shock blast but in time for it to pass through the gate.
that's really too good.
I probably would have gone Randuin's instead, since really the only AD damage is from Ez and Renekton. Also, the active is really useful.that's really too good.
I really like Thornmail...I think. I'm not sure if the purchase was the right one here?
edit: anyone have that Garen skin that's on sale? I was wondering if it was decent enough to pick up. I kinda like Garen. Haven't lost with him yet.
dat sunday morning lolz. so good.
Also Udyr's mixed damage. If he's phoenix Udyr, which I'm guessing he was from that build, it's magic damage mostly.
I use Rugged Garen when I play him, but Dreadknight looks pretty cool too.
Does anyone else do really well with their champion buy they just can't manage to win a game? :/ sitting at 0 LP because of moronic udyrs...
Yeah, I got fb on jayce and totally zoned garen. However our nasus and syndra fed corki and he got huge.
Trinity force on corki is just wrong.
You mean after the update, right?Yea the shoulders are kinda putting me off. I'd really like to spectate a game with someone using that skin, but haven't seen any Garen picksamong the main menu 5 matches. I just want to see it in motion.
Annie always fucking face-checking.
Does anyone else do really well with their champion buy they just can't manage to win a game? :/ sitting at 0 LP because of moronic udyrs...
That's the exact reason why I stopped playing Jayce lol.. I would do great the whole game, but we would still lose. I just gave up on the champ.
I love playing him. A lot, I think he's a ton of fun. Part of me thinks he's better mid, but I do just fine against many top laners. Even the dreaded Garen.
The meta has definitely shifted to a tanky top laner, and a bruiser jungler (I think). Zac, Renekton, and Shen are all very tanky and are contested picks in the pro League world.
Udyr isn't AD damage? I was thinking there were 3 major sources of that damage type.
I'm not even sure how I ended up with thronmail. I initially bought the chainmail and negatron and was trying to decide what to do with them, and I think I must have moused over that item first and saw "100 armor" and I was like, "sheeeeeeeeyit. yes plz." I don't think I've ever bought it before. What is the best situation for buying that item?
It's not related to meta shift. Jayce was OP and then he got nerfed.I love playing him. A lot, I think he's a ton of fun. Part of me thinks he's better mid, but I do just fine against many top laners. Even the dreaded Garen.
The meta has definitely shifted to a tanky top laner, and a bruiser jungler (I think). Zac, Renekton, and Shen are all very tanky and are contested picks in the pro League world.
Yep. I was always really attached to him because he was the first 6300 champion that I bought. The only champions that I bought before him were Kayle and Amumu.
Jayce was like an AOE Nidalee before he got nerfed. Really loved the nerfs. Nerfs on trinity are gonna be great too.It's not related to meta shift. Jayce was OP and then he got nerfed.
Thank you for the insight, good sir. Makes perfect sense. Situational 6th item in te event that AD is the big problem for the team, coming from multiple sources.Udyr can be either physical (if he's maxing Tiger first) or magic (if he's maxing Phoenix), though in this case he wouldn't really have been a significant source of either, given his build. The main thing he would've been doing with those items is just running around bear-smacking people for micro stuns.
Thornmail's a great sixth item on a top/jungler any time a game's actually gone long enough for you to get a sixth item. That's the main thing about it: barring special-use situations (ie, all-AD opposing team) it generally doesn't get good until the game's gone pretty late and the six item ADCs are out on the prowl.
You almost always want to prioritize other items over it because of this (Sunfire Cape, Randuin's Omen, or Spirit Visage, depending). Even in the ideal use-case scenario - a double ADC composition (Ezreal mid with Cait bottom), with an AD jungler (Aatrox or Lee Sin) and an AD top (Rengar, Jayce, etc.) the Sunfire Cape is generally going to be a priority because balancing Health and Armor generally gives better results than stacking either one alone, though it'd make a pretty attractive second- or third-build item in that scenario.
Will the new thread be up tomorrow?
that's what it's like on EUW every week