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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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OT Hard Carry
Demoted to silver 3 and i didn't even have to duo with program for that

When i'm supporting I get the carry fed and wards all over, when I'm carry I can go 8/0 in lane and also help with map vision. And yet these absolutely incompetent potatoes for teammates I get still manage to throw the fucking game

I play much, much better than any moron I get paired with, but not enough to compensate for the handicap of 3-4 dead weights. And the more I lose the more imbeciles I get.

This system is stupid.


OT Hard Carry
Maybe Program needs some updates..


Hey guys, what's the right way to use the Panthenon ult?

Every other part of his kit makes sense and is very straight-forward. That ult though...the long delay and telegraphing. I'm not sure how it's used to initiate because a blind man can see it coming. Using it to escape, I get that. But using it offensively seems to require some serious coordination and a favorable team comp? It almost seems like (as always, correct me if wrong) the large circle shown when the ult is channeling should be seen by your teammates as the "draw them in and cc in this area right fucking now" circle. Of course, that would require some sort of meaningful cc on your team. A J4. Perhaps a Blitz or an Ahri that can keep at least someone from simply walking away. Is that kinda the gist? Ult to initiate and hope your team gets some disables off in the circle so you can drop on someone?


Demoted to silver 3 and i didn't even have to duo with program for that

When i'm supporting I get the carry fed and wards all over, when I'm carry I can go 8/0 in lane and also help with map vision. And yet these absolutely incompetent potatoes for teammates I get still manage to throw the fucking game

I play much, much better than any moron I get paired with, but not enough to compensate for the handicap of 3-4 dead weights. And the more I lose the more imbeciles I get.

This system is stupid.

Surely there's a better chance of the other team having more "idiots"/"morons" tho? Just sayin'


Hey guys, what's the right way to use the Panthenon ult?

Every other part of his kit makes sense and is very straight-forward. That ult though...the long delay and telegraphing. I'm not sure how it's used to initiate because a blind man can see it coming. Using it to escape, I get that. But using it offensively seems to require some serious coordination and a favorable team comp? It almost seems like (as always, correct me if wrong) the large circle shown when the ult is channeling should be seen by your teammates as the "draw them in and cc in this area right fucking now" circle. Of course, that would require some sort of meaningful cc on your team. A J4. Perhaps a Blitz or an Ahri that can keep at least someone from simply walking away. Is that kinda the gist? Ult to initiate and hope your team gets some disables off in the circle so you can drop on someone?

I find what the Panth ult most useful for is to cut off an escape path. For example, say your team wants to dive the enemy team under a tower. Pantheon charges behind the tower such that when the enemies try to escape from the dive, they get a panth in their backline. Either the enemies stay under their tower allowing panth easy access to the back line, or they try to escape and will get the ult damage on them.

Cutting off their escape path from a gank is also great.


Hey guys, what's the right way to use the Panthenon ult?

Every other part of his kit makes sense and is very straight-forward. That ult though...the long delay and telegraphing. I'm not sure how it's used to initiate because a blind man can see it coming. Using it to escape, I get that. But using it offensively seems to require some serious coordination and a favorable team comp? It almost seems like (as always, correct me if wrong) the large circle shown when the ult is channeling should be seen by your teammates as the "draw them in and cc in this area right fucking now" circle. Of course, that would require some sort of meaningful cc on your team. A J4. Perhaps a Blitz or an Ahri that can keep at least someone from simply walking away. Is that kinda the gist? Ult to initiate and hope your team gets some disables off in the circle so you can drop on someone?

You would be surprised how often enemies are oblivious to you dropping in for a gank. It's harder with teamfights in solo queue just because of the lack of coordination, but initiating with it and then a quick stun can allow your team to follow in for a free kill. Especially if the other team is less coordinated than your own.
Demoted to silver 3 and i didn't even have to duo with program for that

When i'm supporting I get the carry fed and wards all over, when I'm carry I can go 8/0 in lane and also help with map vision. And yet these absolutely incompetent potatoes for teammates I get still manage to throw the fucking game

I play much, much better than any moron I get paired with, but not enough to compensate for the handicap of 3-4 dead weights. And the more I lose the more imbeciles I get.

This system is stupid.

in the same position as dobkeratops. Had awful games recently. Played 1 or 2 bad ones myself, but in so many I do really well and it just doesn't matter. Have had so many afks and toxic players.

So horrible.


I just had Kiunch's evil twin on my ranked team. They took jungle J4 without saying anything after someone else asked for jungle, and basically the only communication they would do all game long was to ping spam baron and type



PUSH THEN BARON [like 18 minutes in when the team was losing]

Sometimes they would say a sentence or "I solo baron" so I think they had to understand English. It might even have been okay, and we got baron once...but this particular J4 also built pure AD besides the golem jungle item (we had no other tank), and suicided into the enemy team out of reach of his own team after getting baron, while both top and bottom lanes were pushed all the way to our nexus.

After suiciding once or twice more, he went afk for the last 5-10 minutes of the game in spawn. Not disconnected since his name was not red, merely afk, to seal the deal.
Hey guys, what's the right way to use the Panthenon ult?

Every other part of his kit makes sense and is very straight-forward. That ult though...the long delay and telegraphing. I'm not sure how it's used to initiate because a blind man can see it coming. Using it to escape, I get that. But using it offensively seems to require some serious coordination and a favorable team comp? It almost seems like (as always, correct me if wrong) the large circle shown when the ult is channeling should be seen by your teammates as the "draw them in and cc in this area right fucking now" circle. Of course, that would require some sort of meaningful cc on your team. A J4. Perhaps a Blitz or an Ahri that can keep at least someone from simply walking away. Is that kinda the gist? Ult to initiate and hope your team gets some disables off in the circle so you can drop on someone?

You have Shen use Stand United on you in-transit for the double mandrop. (I'm only partially kidding, that can actually be pretty freaking awesome when you do it.)

As a more practical matter, though, during lane phase you use it primarily as a teleport. You dip out of lane, go a bit up/down river until you're in range to drop onto the top/bottom lane, and turn it into a free gank. (Having pink ward control of the area you're ulting from helps a lot for this, because if they have a ward that sees you going down the river they're likely to see it coming.) You can also use it from the jungle to jump into a lane.

You shouldn't generally expect to actually damage anyone with it under normal circumstances - maybe if the other team is backed into Baron pit and can't leave without giving it up, but that's about it - and rather think of it as a way of getting you where you want to be to do what you want to do, whether that's turning a fair fight unfair in your favor, countering an opponent's gank to clean things up, or cutting off the retreat path for an opposing team. The best placement is usually just behind your opponents, such that if they try to retreat they have to move right through the middle of it; if they do you get the damage, if they don't you keep them pinned in against your team, right where you want them. Win-win.
I find what the Panth ult most useful for is to cut off an escape path. For example, say your team wants to dive the enemy team under a tower. Pantheon charges behind the tower such that when the enemies try to escape from the dive, they get a panth in their backline. Either the enemies stay under their tower allowing panth easy access to the back line, or they try to escape and will get the ult damage on them.

Cutting off their escape path from a gank is also great.

You would be surprised how often enemies are oblivious to you dropping in for a gank. It's harder with teamfights in solo queue just because of the lack of coordination, but initiating with it and then a quick stun can allow your team to follow in for a free kill. Especially if the other team is less coordinated than your own.
You have Shen use Stand United on you in-transit for the double mandrop. (I'm only partially kidding, that can actually be pretty freaking awesome when you do it.)

As a more practical matter, though, during lane phase you use it primarily as a teleport. You dip out of lane, go a bit up/down river until you're in range to drop onto the top/bottom lane, and turn it into a free gank. (Having pink ward control of the area you're ulting from helps a lot for this, because if they have a ward that sees you going down the river they're likely to see it coming.) You can also use it from the jungle to jump into a lane.

You shouldn't generally expect to actually damage anyone with it under normal circumstances - maybe if the other team is backed into Baron pit and can't leave without giving it up, but that's about it - and rather think of it as a way of getting you where you want to be to do what you want to do, whether that's turning a fair fight unfair in your favor, countering an opponent's gank to clean things up, or cutting off the retreat path for an opposing team. The best placement is usually just behind your opponents, such that if they try to retreat they have to move right through the middle of it; if they do you get the damage, if they don't you keep them pinned in against your team, right where you want them. Win-win.
understood, gentlemen. thanks for the insight. makes a lot of sense.
u need bt+black cleaver for him to do decent end game damage.
edit: Hydra is good alternative to bt too.

His transition isn't the best, and that's why you don't see him as much at really high ranks, but this right here should work quite well in anything up to Gold. The amount of damage he can do just off a Brutalizer can easily take people off-guard, especially if you manage his passive properly. He can carry in solo queue.
2-0 in placements so far.

First game 2/0/2 as Fortune, I had very little to do. Mid Nidalee and Singed got them to tap out pretty much bi-handedly. I guess I was just more or less the insurance policy, farming and being ready to carry in the event the game went long. They tapped out at maybe 25 minutes.

Second game 5/3/9 as jungle Vi, and I had a lot to do. I really, really like Vi's presence. I got our top and bot lanes 3 kills for the farmers in those lanes (Renek and Vayne, respectively) in the first 5 minutes. I got a bit behind in levels ganking so hard, but Vi is just so good, man. All 3 of the deaths were miscalculations. (1) I mistake late trying to 1v1 Poppy. Honestly, I've just never even seen the champ in a match. I just assumed she was AD and fought since I had like 150 armor. In the death screen I found out her "crushing blow" or whatever it's called was magic. Was kinda salty. (2) Died diving a tower, and (3) ulting Zed as he flashed into the fountain. Could have been much cleaner, but I did get 7 honors for the effort. The other team blamed their jungler (Cho), but really...without a single low-cooldown stun on the team, I don't know how he was supposed to gank anyone successfully.

Hopefully I'll get a couple more in today. I've been fortunate so far to have competent teammates and probably some smurfs. I suspect that luck will run out sooner or later.


Other team were throwing racist remarks in the match, a group of aholes playing together. Well needless to say after stomping mud holes into all of their backsides. We win the match, in the great words of Alucard from Hellsing abridged. "What happen? You were taking all that good shit just a moment ago?" LOL



Finally got promoted back up to silver 3 after winning 6/7. Unfortunately a champion select with 3 assholes and a 5th pick "plat smurf" (who a quick lolking search of showed him at 400 ranked games with a sub .500 record and still in bronze 1) which everyone completely bought followed by an irl emergency forced me to leave back to back queues. Apparently you get -10 lp for your second consecutive left queue? So immediately after promotion I'm sitting at -13 lp! Oh well, happy to finally be climbing after my plummet from silver II.
Demoted to silver 3 and i didn't even have to duo with program for that

When i'm supporting I get the carry fed and wards all over, when I'm carry I can go 8/0 in lane and also help with map vision. And yet these absolutely incompetent potatoes for teammates I get still manage to throw the fucking game

I play much, much better than any moron I get paired with, but not enough to compensate for the handicap of 3-4 dead weights. And the more I lose the more imbeciles I get.

This system is stupid.

Maybe Program needs some updates..


Dat hate. I'm bad, but I'm not malicious. :( :(

Myself and dobkeratops are working on OT5, so if you guys have any title suggestions feel free to post them here so we can shamelessly rob them.

I see what's going on here.

League of Legends |OT5| Everybody hates ProgramTheNinth
League of Legends |OT5| Duo with me if you want to lose -Program
League of Legends |OT5| League of Program Fails

I'm sure there are better ones.


League of Legends |OT5| Samsung Galaxy S4
League of Legends |OT5| No inhib; I'm glib
League of Legends |OT5| Let's mid push, everyone shush!
League of Legends |OT5| Gold V; I'm Alive
League of Legends |OT5| Tabe, or not Tabe
League of Legends |OT5| Relationship Chart Revengence
League of Legends |OT5| Served for Free
League of Legends |OT5| Bringin' guns to the knife fight
League of Legends |OT5| Empty boxes of care
League of Legends |OT5| Fishbone's isn't just for seafood anymore

4-1 half way through placements. All going quite well.


First pick instalocks Soraka, leaves halfway through the match. Annie leaves after feeding Kayle. I make some plays as Jayce (out played a Lee Sin), but there was no hope.

RIP that 8 LP :(


we found our ot subtitle
I've had at least two players on my teams today tell other players to kill themselves/jump off a building.

Then later I had one player who was being toxic all game and being like "Canadian *censored" to insult another player, and finally the player who had been quiet started raving that the first player had a *racial slur* for president.


Thankfully my theory held true about Nidalees with the cyber hunter skin, and our Nidalee was pretty good and helped with objectives and we won anyway.


Someone in my friend list went from g3 to plat 1 playing Riven in 99% of his games ( in 3 weeks).
Maybe its time for me to specialize in a character...


we found our ot subtitle


League of Legends |OT5| Lost promo series again, brb cliff


League of Legends |OT5| A Waifu for Every Fetish
League of Legends |OT5| Best thread steal NA
League of Legends |OT5| Do you think that waifu can bloom, even on SR?
League of Legends |OT5| Please complete the relationship chart survey
League of Legends |OT5| Kog 880RP, Hurricane 2,4k, Raging@Kayos: Priceless


Sorc Shoes on Corki Y/N?
I do it on the rare occasion that I attempt to play AD bot lane Corki. On AP mid Corki, absolutely since you pretty much want as much magic penetration as possible.

However, I am not good at AD bot lane Corki, and I am 100% doing it because "I think someone did it in a championship and it was supposedly good" or whatever. :p


Apparently my win rate is just plain 56%. I switched from AP mid Corki to Sejuani to try to do better in ranked, but my results in ranked have been:

Corki 31/24, won 56.4% of 55 games.
Sejuani 33/26, won 55.9% of 59 games.

I feel like I could still improve Sejuani and jungling in general, so there may still be a chance I will climb back over 60% with Sejuani eventually. Although, the Corki games were basically 56% wins in maybe Silver 3 or Silver 2, and the Sejuani wins may mostly be in Silver 1, so in theory I'm doing better overall?


Apparently my win rate is just plain 56%. I switched from AP mid Corki to Sejuani to try to do better in ranked, but my results in ranked have been:

Corki 31/24, won 56.4% of 55 games.
Sejuani 33/26, won 55.9% of 59 games.

I feel like I could still improve Sejuani and jungling in general, so there may still be a chance I will climb back over 60% with Sejuani eventually. Although, the Corki games were basically 56% wins in maybe Silver 3 or Silver 2, and the Sejuani wins may mostly be in Silver 1, so in theory I'm doing better overall?

I think individual champion win rates are a bad indicator of anything generally. Comes down to what mmr you played those champions at etc. For example right after a huge losing streak I went on I played a ton of lee sin jungle and climbed all the way back up to where i was playing pretty much just him and ended up with a 66% win rate or something out of like 45 games. Then I tried to play him at gold 3 and had way less success and now it's sitting at like 55% out of 60 games.

My Diana is like 60% out of 50 games I think because I played her mostly before she got nerfed and when I was climbing through silver.

And my Ezreal is exactly 90/90 and I put that down to playing him pretty consistently throughout the whole season. I dunno, my champion win rates even after playing a ton of games seem pretty random to me so I just don't think they have that much significance.
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