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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
why is ahri so popular with girls
for context, ahri and leblanc are married in this picture.


Everyone should start posting about good games they have on solo queue as well to balance things out.

Last ranked game I played, was duo with Acht. We got first blood when Leona was trying to ward our jungle or something, and we caught her, though I had to leash fiddle so I couldn't spend the gold. Both the Leona and Caitlyn were plat, but we destroyed that lane. Acht was hitting flash bubbles, and we were getting kills over and over. After we had already destroyed lane, our Kass kept tping bottom and getting fed off the duo too. The Nasus farmed, Fiddle was getting Dragon, and Kass was doing well in lane. Really good game.


Just played this game. Everyone got the role they wanted in champ select, everyone was nice and not arguing, I think lux even took support instead of jungle because Lee said he wanted it. And then we just stomped every lane and won. Beautiful.


Last ranked game I played, was duo with Acht. We got first blood when Leona was trying to ward our jungle or something, and we caught her, though I had to leash fiddle so I couldn't spend the gold. Both the Leona and Caitlyn were plat, but we destroyed that lane. Acht was hitting flash bubbles, and we were getting kills over and over. After we had already destroyed lane, our Kass kept tping bottom and getting fed off the duo too. The Nasus farmed, Fiddle was getting Dragon, and Kass was doing well in lane. Really good game.

See, I'd much rather read things like this than people complaining about bad teammates and stuff.


Just played this game. Everyone got the role they wanted in champ select, everyone was nice and not arguing, I think lux even took support instead of jungle because Lee said he wanted it. And then we just stomped every lane and won. Beautiful.


See, I'd much rather read things like this than people complaining about bad teammates and stuff.

Man. You have more games in ranked this season than I do total in the 1.75 years I've been playing League lol.

Nice that you can still get 22lp after that many games too. I kind of like this system over the old elo. Hope they don't mess with it TOO much for s4.


Man. You have more games in ranked this season than I do total in the 1.75 years I've been playing League lol.

Nice that you can still get 22lp after that many games too. I kind of like this system over the old elo. Hope they don't mess with it TOO much for s4.

Yeah, I play a lot :p
Everyone should start posting about good games they have on solo queue as well to balance things out.
Just completely dominated as Renekton top in ranked playing him for the absolutely very first time.

I guess I just spent my entire karma. That or this champ is retarded.
Everyone should start posting about good games they have on solo queue as well to balance things out.
I just went 13/0/2 Trist with a wardless Lulu. Their Fizz and Blitz just couldn't catch me.

How is Trist not considered OP? A better Lee Sin ult at 60 seconds, plus a super long dash, plus a strong steroid, plus eventually the longest range just a teensy behind Kog. My midgame didn't suck since I rushed IE and went RQEW.


Starting to get really fucking sick of ranked solo queue. Every single game, without fail, my ADC and support feeds the enemy ADC at -least- 5 kills. There's nothing I can do about it either, as a top laner. 90% of the time I hold my lane but can't do anything to help bot because it's so far away. Haven't won a game in forever because of this. From Bronze 2 (90LP) about to be demoted to Bronze 4.


I just went 13/0/2 Trist with a wardless Lulu. Their Fizz and Blitz just couldn't catch me.

How is Trist not considered OP? A better Lee Sin ult at 60 seconds, plus a super long dash, plus a strong steroid, plus eventually the longest range just a teensy behind Kog. My midgame didn't suck since I rushed IE and went RQEW.
Because while she's in her "super long dash" I can knock her out the air, impaling her with axes on her way down.

In all seriousness though, all the AP ratios she has kinda gives her a weakish mid-game, and mid-game is almost everything for solo-q.
I just went 13/0/2 Trist with a wardless Lulu. Their Fizz and Blitz just couldn't catch me.

How is Trist not considered OP? A better Lee Sin ult at 60 seconds, plus a super long dash, plus a strong steroid, plus eventually the longest range just a teensy behind Kog. My midgame didn't suck since I rushed IE and went RQEW.

A lot of ADCs don't like the jank on her jump compared to Ezreal's Arcane Shift, her archaic mana costs can actually become a problem, and even with the BotRK build (which did a lot to smooth out her bumpy power curve) she's got a mid-game lull that coincides with a period of the game that's extremely important in Korean/Chinese professional play due to establishing objective control and forcing early team fights.

That said, she's definitely underrated in solo queue. It's pretty rare for an opposing team to have their shit together well enough to take advantage of the window before her itemization and range get her over the hump to hyper-carry territory. I would be pretty worried about taking her into lane against the (no-doubt prolific) Corkis out in force right now, though, as Corki's power spike on the TriForce build is dangerously close to Tristana's fall-off.

I think a lot of it is that people were just scared to play her when Draven was king of the mountain because he had a tendency to just run straight at her and own her face repeatedly in lane. You ended up having to jump away or play overly safe, and usually left the lane at a pretty significant CS deficit as a result. I want to say it was Doublelift who (at the time) would say that if you let a Tristana leave lane with less than a 30 CS deficit, you failed the lane.


Starting to get really fucking sick of ranked solo queue. Every single game, without fail, my ADC and support feeds the enemy ADC at -least- 5 kills. There's nothing I can do about it either, as a top laner. 90% of the time I hold my lane but can't do anything to help bot because it's so far away. Haven't won a game in forever because of this. From Bronze 2 (90LP) about to be demoted to Bronze 4.
Maybe you should try going mid so you can have more impact? I'm not sure, since I've never had this problem. Also this chart is pretty interesting.

I just went 13/0/2 Trist with a wardless Lulu. Their Fizz and Blitz just couldn't catch me.

How is Trist not considered OP? A better Lee Sin ult at 60 seconds, plus a super long dash, plus a strong steroid, plus eventually the longest range just a teensy behind Kog. My midgame didn't suck since I rushed IE and went RQEW.

Rough laning phase if you don't get ahead, abilities scale off AP, steroid isn't that effective until late game.


Maybe you should try going mid so you can have more impact? I'm not sure, since I've never had this problem. Also this chart is pretty interesting.


I'm a decent mid, too, but that lane is always a lot more contested then top. That's why I usually default to top, it's the easiest to get with the least amount of arguments.


20k. Time for that new thread smell.

I can see Boken's already ahead of us with the posting-of-lewd-pics-in-the-soon-to-be-locked-thread tradition.


Starting to get really fucking sick of ranked solo queue. Every single game, without fail, my ADC and support feeds the enemy ADC at -least- 5 kills. There's nothing I can do about it either, as a top laner. 90% of the time I hold my lane but can't do anything to help bot because it's so far away. Haven't won a game in forever because of this. From Bronze 2 (90LP) about to be demoted to Bronze 4.

I know the feeling. Sitting at 0 LP in bronze 1. Just can't carry at top lane :/
A dedicated support player is actually a huge boon to the team, if only because someone inheriting the role by default generally doesn't take it very seriously and just sort of coasts through the game sprinkling wards here and there rather than trying to have an impact.

I would play support more often if it wasn't for so many players who don't have a decent number of support champions unlocked. I really try to get a high-priority pick if I'm high in the pick order (for team morale if nothing else), but I'm more than happy to trade it away and play support if someone lower down the list wants. I'm just tired of this conversation:

"Okay, I've got your Zed locked. Grab me a support and we'll trade."
"Which one do you want?"
"Zyra would fit the team comp."
"I don't have Zyra."
"Oh. How about Leona? I really need something to peel for Ashe."
"I don't have Leona."
"Um, what do you have?"
"Soraka and Blitzcrank."

Every freaking time.
Never trade champs in solo.

I think it can do a lot for morale. There's a sense of teamwork from it that gets things off on a good footing, and it usually has the player in question feeling good about the match - he probably saw that he was 4th/5th pick and had resigned himself to playing a role and champion he didn't want, and now he's running mid on Zed - but people just do not seem to bother unlocking supports.

The ones that really get me are the ADCs. I understand your first priority is unlocking champions you enjoy playing, and second priority is making sure you have at least two champions you can use in every role. You'd think third priority for an ADC would be making sure you have the support champion you want to support you in lane unlocked, though.


I think it can do a lot for morale. There's a sense of teamwork from it that gets things off on a good footing, and it usually has the player in question feeling good about the match - he probably saw that he was 4th/5th pick and had resigned himself to playing a role and champion he didn't want, and now he's running mid on Zed - but people just do not seem to bother unlocking supports.

The ones that really get me are the ADCs. I understand your first priority is unlocking champions you enjoy playing, and second priority is making sure you have at least two champions you can use in every role. You'd think third priority for an ADC would be making sure you have the support champion you want to support you in lane unlocked, though.
Heh, heh generalizations man. I agree with you though, an ADC should not only own support champions, but be able to play support as easily as ADC.


280 pages actually.

we can just hang tight until then. mods dont visit community anyway.

if you have to ask, opiate would be the one

I'm here to say it's a no go. Sorry guys, sometimes the planets just don't align. Get a new one fired up.


You'd think third priority for an ADC would be making sure you have the support champion you want to support you in lane unlocked, though.

I play adc a decent amount and I would always rather the support pick a champ that they are better with over a champ that I prefer to complement me.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Bot lane synergies and counters are super important and often ignored. In most cases the AD should be picking to compliment the team rather than the other way around.
Heh, heh generalizations man. I agree with you though, an ADC should not only own support champions, but be able to play support as easily as ADC.

You know I could never hate that face. (I actually did love playing support for Draven players back before he got popular and summarily nerfed, because it removed a lot of the communication problems that come with the duo lane. You didn't have to second-guess yourself on what a Draven player wanted to do in lane at any given time. If there were enemies present and he had more than 50% Health, you could pretty much assume he wanted to fight.)


The real accomplishment when maining support is getting your team to not mill about aimlessly during the midgame or respond properly to enemy pressure/keeping lanes clean. Oh and wishing I had a global ward placement so I could keep the mid entrance to bot jungle in vision during the laning phase.
Why the sudden surge in Annie support?

EDIT: Let's see.
Do you think that most standard supports are far weaker than necessary? Or do their inherently strong abilities and mechanics require that they be weak?
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