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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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see you at MLG poptartGG

I... I want to believe o:...


Ranked game :D!

EDIT: Why are people so stingy with the honor? C'mon guys.

EDIT 2: This thread just became my "Good game screenshots" thread.
Hmmm, I guess the Quinn changes is them finally making their mind up that they want her to be a roaming mid.

AP scaling on her Q so the AP from trinity force isn't redundant, lower cooldown on her ult, although it's still too high at rank one. It drops by a whole minute at rank three though (140/110/80 down from 140/120/100). I'd like to see it more like 120/100/80 though.

We'll see how it works out when/if it hits live.

Edit: thank God they're reverting the Draven axe change, or at least the one that was fucking things up. Good guy Volty with the humbling post.


Tear or chalice? Lich Bane?
he went philo->lich bane, then deathcap and morellos.

I made the mistake of forgetting about his e and picking lux against him, should've gone syndra, at least with syndra he can't dodge my ult.

really wasn't too bad, I just couldn't kill him or push him out of lane (he e'd my snares and dodged my ults and healed my harass, and I was making him feel it :p) and started a bit behind after a failed late invade attempt, then counterinvade, etc., and he just farmed all the while. bot lane just derped a bit later and gave him a double kill and it was just sad from then on.


Suppose I'll have to give it a try in a normal game. I imagine Hourglass would be a great item for him. Throw the ultimate around him and activate the static shield. Basically making him Lissandra's precursor.

I like the unstoppable passive farm lane, so it might just be for me.


Sorry for posting so many images, but I just had to share this.

I think this has been my best game ever in ranked. It was Panth+Taric bot against me and Nunu. I gave first blood to Panth, but we eventually turned things around through constant ganks. Darius top was going 1/3 around mid game while Ryze mid was going 0/4. I had been 4/2 by then and my entire team wanted to just give up. I told them no, that we could turn this around, and we did. The enemy team got baron twice, and there were a few bad plays that could have cost us the match, but my damage was simply too much. Amazing, amazing game. Oh and how many League points do I get for it? 6. 6 points. :(


Panth bottom is super dangerous level 3 onward. End game it will be bad but you wreck squishy lanes with him and another damage dealer. You should try a panth + vii/lee/khaz/rengar and be super agressive.


Sigh Silver 1 is a massive roadblock, going 1 for 1 in most of my games yet I'm stilling getting 33 LP and losing 12 LP per loss so the promotion series should be soon.

I'm genuinely wishing you luck. I hope you bridge that gap and get to gold. I got to 96lp in Silver I then went on a 7 game losing streak. Then went 2 for 5 and now I'm at 0 lp. My last gain was ~15 lp.

My last 24 games are 8 wins, 16 losses. It's heartbreaking. I sit at 20 wins 20 losses today. Terrible.

I'm not calling it elo hell or anything. In at least a third of those games, the opponents played far better than I. The other 2/3 was normal solo queue stuff. It's a challenge though. Silver players in general seem to have moments of brilliance and moments of complete idiocy (myself included). Makes games real hard.
apparently people still expect supports to buy all the wards

This grates me so much.

Mid-game: "we need a pink at baron". Here's an idea, team: go fuck yourself.

I just don't get it at all. If anyone can spare a ward its more than likely the ADC. "the ADC doesn't buy wards". Let's ignore the fact that you can clear a creep wave in a bout 5 seconds so 75/125G is nothing.

OTOH, when i'm playing my support role my item slots will tend to be full of 2-bit items ready to make a better item. I don't have the luxury (unless its a really flush early game) to have a Blasting Wand, BF Sword or Glacial Shroud. My items are multiple Faerie Charms and Rejuvenation Beads and a slot for greens.

If people spent more time buying the ward they want/need than bitching about it they'd win more games.



Would you rather have two beads and two charms, or a stone?

Come on man, think.

A Philo Stone and a ward or two on first back if things go well. Sightstone after and then utility items. I never buy multiples of Charms or Beads except that one time where I maybe bought two Philo Stones.

Maybe not Faerie Charms, but PhiloStone + 2 Beads work wonders for my early game Thresh tanking (to later be built into Aegis and Locket).



I would like to commend everyone who participated in my first game today. It went well and it was fun even though it was soon followed be a defeat in the next game to which I contributed greatly. Sorry. The traps were still fun though. Thanks for the laughs.

Caitlyn traps op, time for AP Caitlyn.

As for the second game, it was a lot of dumb bits. We set our own jungler behind, Gamma was playing something he's not used to and in a 2v1 lane (with someone who's mediocre at 2v1), and then I gave up my massive kill lead because of dumb reasons like "Oh hey, she has DFG."

It was a pretty sad stretch of 3 minutes where we went from massively ahead to down in kills and towers.

Well, I assume people watched the videos but no one commented which sort of made me feel sad. Then again, the thread is really live sometimes and really really dead somtimes.

I post like 95% of the time from work. I don't watch anything linked here.

AP scaling on her Q so the AP from trinity force isn't redundant, lower cooldown on her ult, although it's still too high at rank one. It drops by a whole minute at rank three though (140/110/80 down from 140/120/100). I'd like to see it more like 120/100/80 though.

It's a neat change, I guess, as it makes TF's AP not a wasted stat for her but ... I dunno if it's that big of a deal. I still don't like the timing of BTTF and I have good farm generally. Still, the Sheen proc helps her burst so that's always a plus.

Mid-game: "we need a pink at baron". Here's an idea, team: go fuck yourself.

Big wards like this are kind of expected of you (or the Jungler). You'll need a pink at Baron so you can clear their vision. Similar thing for early-to-mid game with Dragon.

That said, I do agree. People need to be buying wards throughout the game. There's just something about wards that people dumb all over about apparently. Vision/Information is like the biggest thing in the world in League. The fact that people in top/mid lane don't bother with it is just ... I dunno.

I just don't think "we need a pink at baron" is that ludicrous of a thing to ask. "wtf support ward baron" is a different matter. I see the former as a reminder of what needs to be done and not really a "hey fuck you noob support buy ward." Because, really, fuck the people who say that.


Before every game and right after laning phase I copy and paste this line:

"If you have 75 extra gold after buying your items please buy one ward and put it wherever."

If just two people do that, that's so much extra vision.


I'm really drunk right now. I wonder if I should play LoL.

I'm kind of considering playing my first ever ranked game, but that seems like a bad idea.

I do this all the time...with mixed results lol. I usually play more aggressive and have more fun though. I should play drunk all the time...

apparently people still expect supports to buy all the wards

Yeah this is annoying as hell. I get Sightstone, team is like "need more wards!". I get upgrade, team is like "that's not enough, need more wards!". -_-
Always leave a slot open for a ward no matter what your role is until very late into the game. Hell, it helps getting one as the carry mid game because by then tier 1 towers are down and you can use that ward to solo lane while having your support roam around.

Maybe not Faerie Charms, but PhiloStone + 2 Beads work wonders for my early game Thresh tanking (to later be built into Aegis and Locket).
One bead and a few potions and wards is usually all I need to bully a lane with Tresh. If you're needing a philostone and 2 beads just to stay in lane, something is wrong with your zoning. I'll always try to rush Sighstone before Philostone if my lane is owning. It's just more cost and utility efficient. 2 beads after philo severely delays that.


Before every game and right after laning phase I copy and paste this line:

"If you have 75 extra gold after buying your items please buy one ward and put it wherever."

If just two people do that, that's so much extra vision.

Wards are one of the big differences between silver and plat play.

I watch a lot of streamers and Salce (an excellent diamond mid player) once backed, completed an item, bought an amp tome and realized he didn't have enough for wards. His exact words were "oh fuck that. <sells the amp tome>. Wards far more important." And proceeds to buy 3 wards.

Edward (support player from Gambit gaming, one of the best teams in the world) was interviewed after an LCS game. He had something like 13k gold for the match but only had a ruby sightstone and a locket or something. The interviewer asked "did you really spend 10k gold on wards??". They're that important.
i myself often don't ward enough so i can understand that. but if i'm adc and the supp comes back from base without a ward "sorry couldn't afford one" i'm getting really angry. buy wards first then if you have enough money you can buy your item.


I'm not asking to stop matching my lvl 27 against 30.
I'm asking to stop matching me against fucking silver III and II all the time.


diamond ama, asked about most wackiest jungler he played:

"One day I had a very good mood and... how couldn't I pick jungle draven? I got FB and some kills, enjoyed damage and jungle clearing speed but when the time has come to teamfights I absolutely didn't have enough experience with this champ(it was my third game as draven) and I was frequently dying while picking up the axes. By the way, team fed hard and we despite all efforts we lost the game."

great paragraph


Alright, now they were TOO low. FFS Riot, I can wait a couple of minutes to get more people with closer levels, but no. Let's assemble the most unbalanced teams in under 30 seconds.


Well, I had a fairly embarrassing game just now. Stole the blue buff from our jungler at lvl 1 (as Lulu) and set him back the whole game, plus stole an early kill from my Quinn (both vicious autoattacks). I was super apologetic about it and no one got too upset but I just felt like crap.

Our toplane carried us hard though. Jax just snowballed like crazy even in a 1 vs 2 lane (they had no jungler). I kept all the objectives warded at least.
Big wards like this are kind of expected of you...

Yeah, i'm not arguing against that (but i stll tihnk rather than bitch about it, 125G is nothing sort of 25mins in - do it yourself). Its the fact people could all buy a spare ward and we'd be better off. That way i'm not wasting my time with menial wards on other lanes and if i can't get otu fo my lane, either.
One bead and a few potions and wards is usually all I need to bully a lane with Tresh. If you're needing a philostone and 2 beads just to stay in lane, something is wrong with your zoning. I'll always try to rush Sighstone before Philostone if my lane is owning. It's just more cost and utility efficient. 2 beads after philo severely delays that.

My zoning is fine, i just like knowing i can Q in and come back out with a smirk on my face.
I'm curious as to where you are warding 25 minutes in? What lanes? Lane phase should be over, so the optimal areas to ward are obviously baron and dragon, as well as the two wraith camp areas, the curled brush to the right and left side of mid lane leading into blue buff area, and potentially their blue buff. You can generally cover more than one area too if you're smart with ward placement.

By the way, a pink ward is so, so much more important than your extra rejuv bead. The support should always have space for wards.

If your jungler isn't warding, call him out on it. I have the same problem with the people I play with, where out jungler doesn't ward and I have to tell him to.

Also if your jungler is doing well,he should be buying aegis and locket. The most important thing for a support is to have wards though.

What if they clear your ward and you don't have a pink to clear theirs? You could get ganked and give up 600g, all because you decided an extra rejuv bead was worth more than a ward.

If you want to play support, prepare to deal with that stuff. Your ADC's items are more important than yours. If I'm an ADC and I have enough for a BF sword, or a pickaxe even, or a recipe, then you can be sure I'm buying that over a ward.

As a support you should keep an eye on your allies' inventories, and if they don't have wards and lack vision, go back and get wards.


In other news I love getting an awesome support in solo queue. First Arclight Varus game success!
Queen Ashe has revitalized my Ashe abilities. I feel I do so much better with aggressive supports than with passive/poke supports. My archenemy, Caitlyn is a walk in the park for me now :)! I wanted to make Oktoberfest Ashe my avatar, but I don't want to break the dog cycle.

EDIT: I just feel good. It's like I can feel my abilities improving. Especially when I beat a ranked Caitlyn who used to give me so much trouble.


Conflicted ._.

I like Woad Ashe.


Guys. I have a problem. I just bought another $35 worth of RP. Not even sure why. I think maybe a Xin skin and Eternum Nocturne. But I don't know. :(

I think I'm up to $250 on this game so far lol.


I haven't spent a dime on this game. RP are from gift cards on my bday lol. Gotta admit though, getting some skins with them is testing me to actually buy more skins outta my pocket. D:
I am so weak when it comes to skins. A new one is announced and I'm like "oooooooooh shiny!"

I think I have a skin for everyone I play except for Diana, for obvious reasons. And I play soooooooo many champs.


I can never get a good mid Quinn game. It's like something actively wants me to have bad teams when I play her. Last game had an afk from level 1, and a top and ADC who both rage quit after feeding. Was only me and Leona left in the game. I wasn't even doing badly which makes it feel shittier for me, I was 4/3. Got a kill every time I roamed.
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