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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Give me yo build.

sword plus 2 healing pots -> fast possible manamume plus a vampiric scepter and boots -> statikk -> bloodthirster -> edge.
You have endless mana and just spam your w and you can keep q on all the time while chasing, and you dont have to go back to base to get mana for ur ult, u just have it.
When you have transformed the mune you get +55 extra damage and the toggle gives another 100 physical damage on the first few hits, which is ideal (together with stattik, to burst people down in midgame in 2-3 hits).

I got flamed every game, but it worked really nicely.


sword plus 2 healing pots -> fast possible manamume plus a vampiric scepter and boots -> statikk -> bloodthirster -> edge.
You have endless mana and just spam your w and you can keep q on all the time while chasing, and you dont have to go back to base to get mana for ur ult, u just have it.
When you have transformed the mune you get +55 extra damage and the toggle gives another 100 physical damage on the first few hits, which is ideal (together with stattik, to burst people down in midgame in 2-3 hits).

I got flamed every game, but it worked really nicely.

Hm. Seems like you're trading early-mid game attack damage for sustain. Not sure if I like that too much, but I'll give it a shot :) Although, not having enough mana to cast your ult is easily negated by the fact that you can recall and shoot it from base if needed.


Never again.

Add me ! Username is warcack. I'm silver 4, was around 1350 last season. I'm very average, i play pretty much almost only adc well, would love to practice and play with neogaffers. It's the only game i play cuz of skool :(
say hello to the people in the neogaf chat

that should be 1/8.

seriously I'm fucking tired of this game and can't be more depressed about it

i think your depression is making you lose and making you more depressed and making you lose more and making you more depressed and making you more lose more and making you more depressed and making you more lose more and making you more depressed and making you more lose more and making you more depressed and making you more lose more


i think your depression is making you lose and making you more depressed and making you lose more and making you more depressed and making you more lose more and making you more depressed and making you more lose more and making you more depressed and making you more lose more and making you more depressed and making you more lose more
fuck if that ain't the truth

not even blaming it on teammates, just feels like shit not being able to have fun with your favorite champion anymore because nothing seems to go your way.
Hm. Seems like you're trading early-mid game attack damage for sustain. Not sure if I like that too much, but I'll give it a shot :) Although, not having enough mana to cast your ult is easily negated by the fact that you can recall and shoot it from base if needed.

If you get it really early it will already be transformed in midgame and transformed it is just a sick burst item (55 damage from itself and 100 damage extra for a couple of attacks) on top of giving you all the mana you ever need.



that should be 1/8.

seriously I'm fucking tired of this game and can't be more depressed about it

I've lost my last 5 akali games. The ones I did win, I had to buy complete tank items after gunblade to just peel for my adc because I was so behind.

From a average score of 13/4/10 to something like 7/5/5. So sad.

And I'm supporting with lux a lot more than i get to actually play her at mid. Have 18 games with her in total for ranked and 13 of those were me supporting.

My lux average is 4/3/12 so I guess it's okay.
fuck if that ain't the truth

not even blaming it on teammates, just feels like shit not being able to have fun with your favorite champion anymore because nothing seems to go your way.

Welcome to my Quinn games. Went 10/4 in one game yesterday, where their jungle Amumu and their support Taric camped my lane because I was beating their Katarina so hard. Even with no jungle presence for our top laner to be careful of, and bot was effectively 2 v 1 because their support was mid, our bot lane still couldn't beat their Caitlyn. She was 9/0 when she finally came to my lane and I had 4 against me.

Somebody really wants to make my Quinn games shitty.

I feel your pain.


fuck if that ain't the truth

not even blaming it on teammates, just feels like shit not being able to have fun with your favorite champion anymore because nothing seems to go your way.

take a break

play on pbe

return renewed and own with lux


If you get it really early it will already be transformed in midgame and transformed it is just a sick burst item (55 damage from itself and 100 damage extra for a couple of attacks) on top of giving you all the mana you ever need.

I endorse this as I endorse all Tear items.

Grail isn't even an alternative (in b4 "spam less u nub").



that should be 1/8.

seriously I'm fucking tired of this game and can't be more depressed about it

I know that feel..


I've decided I'm just going to take a break from ranked, play some normal drafts and use champs I haven't gotten a chance to because I'm too tryhard in ranked. Zed, Khazix, Eve, Udyr (want to learn him) and more Zac will be fun. Ranked all I ever want to play is Vi, Xin or Nocturne.

I'm also hoping that maybe someone in the high Silver, low gold range might want to play a little tonight. Just normals, but might be nice to play with someone as opposed to going it alone.
Kept accidentally KSing as jungle Naut. Was going 5/0/0 during lane phase. Passive kept reproccing the right moment. :(

Spirit of Ancient Golem is better on him now. Clear times are still slow and he's a bit mana hungry.

Ive no idea WTF happened with enemy Naut. I had much stronger lane presence and kept clearing camps but he was usually 2 levels above me.
fuck if that ain't the truth

not even blaming it on teammates, just feels like shit not being able to have fun with your favorite champion anymore because nothing seems to go your way.

Try having Heimer as your favorite champ, no one cares about him. Hes never gonna get reworked. (But, I guess I still have fun every time I play him even though he doesn't do anything.)


Fuck the matchmaking in this game is so horribly broken, it's about to make me give the game away. Did anyone else find a huge spike in difficulty when they hit level 30? Pre-level 30 I was being matched against people of similar skill and similar experience, now I'm 30 I feel like I've just been thrown to the wolves. I'm constantly laning against people with 1k+ wins compared to my minuscule 180 odd; I just got stomped by an Silver 3 Orianna for example. I've lost about 40 games and won maybe 15 since hitting level 30.

I thought I remembered reading Riot improved the matchmaking to incorporate games won into the system but I'm not seeing it at all. I'm guessing that change probably meant just ensuring the two teams total wins were somewhat close, but that alone doesn't really fairly match the teams because you see huge imbalances when the inexperienced chose a lane that ends up being against someone infinitely more skilled.

It makes me want to smurf to be honest, but I don't want to put other players through the same thing I'm suffering from by doing that.

Anyways, guess I just have to get better...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So I tried Phoenix Udyr. All of my lanes got crushed and my team wanted to surrender. Then I went 20/2/8. Where does all this damage come from? Cheese and crackers.
There is something to be said for being tanky enough where you can walk in 1v5, kill somebody, and then walk out.

this is why I love jungle Udyr these days. Easiest backdoor ever too. Run ghost, nobody can catch you or kill you quick enough to stop you getting away. Too easy.
go 16/3/11 give up kills so others get fed, ward the whole map by myself, look that all have the buffy they need and still lose. sigh, there are just games you can't win.

Bronze V here i come.
One of those games that makes you cry as a jungler.

Got every lane going, had to babysit every lane, so many good ganks, but our comp was so bad. We had no pushing power. And that Ashe build...

One of the reasons I can't stand LeBlanc. She does nothing for the team at all. She can;t win lane, and even if I get her fed she's useless. Akali was awful too.

And the losing streak continues...



Managed to end my losing streak two days ago. Yeah, the first was a 5v4, but I'll take a win where I can get it. The second I had a silver tier ADC on my team duoing with a new player when everyone else (including me) was still around lv 20. I stopped caring about whether I'd win or lose and the matchmaking gods were kind for once. Looking forward to hitting 30 on EU and have proper rune/mastery pages.


this is why I love jungle Udyr these days. Easiest backdoor ever too. Run ghost, nobody can catch you or kill you quick enough to stop you getting away. Too easy.

Udyr is this unstoppable tank of a beast that rushes towards you at frightening speed. I tried slows and ults and even flashed away as Varus and he still came running and caught up with me. It was terrifying lol.

Been up and down lately but my KDA with Varus has been pretty high. Not sure whether to max Q or E first yet.
Udyr can also build as a semi-carry if he gets fed. I once ended up getting both TF and Bulwark by 25 min ish and it was hilariously awesome.

Man I really need to practice my Lee ward jumps. I do it waaaay too slow that I end up burning Flash instead.

On a side note, I'm absolutely LOVING Darius jungle. Ridiculously fast clear times, good ganks and uses Lizard quite well. His sustain is just ehhh so an early Spirit Stone is a must. I usually rush Spirit Stone and Mobility. Next can be components of Lizard, Belt (Warmog/Randuin/Mallet) or 2x Rejuv Beads(Warmog) depending on the situation.
Udyr is this unstoppable tank of a beast that rushes towards you at frightening speed. I tried slows and ults and even flashed away as Varus and he still came running and caught up with me. It was terrifying lol.

Been up and down lately but my KDA with Varus has been pretty high. Not sure whether to max Q or E first yet.

Yeah, I run MS quints, ghost, and boots of swiftness with alacrity. Nobody escapes.
Been up and down lately but my KDA with Varus has been pretty high. Not sure whether to max Q or E first yet.

With Varus I max E->W->Q. E is much more useful during laning phase, as a skill shot, a slow, and to push the lane during that phase. Q is basically used last either when an enemy is fleeing or to pop stacks during a fight.

I just picked up Xin to finally learn how to Jungle. Any tips on his jungle?


This thread is pretty depressing. I can't play League because I accidentally broke my laptop charger :( Hopefully I'm buying one later today.


Man I just had the worst bot lane I ever had. Tried Cait (first adc ranked) and Morg ate all my traps and I went 1/5 by the 20 min mark against their Vayne. I was so apologetic that no one was really mad at me but it was still demoralizing. My opponents were nice though, didn't make fun of me after and even said I did ok and just got uber countered.

I really want Silver but I might get dropped down to Bronze 2 before I get my promotion test at this rate.


With Varus I max E->W->Q. E is much more useful during laning phase, as a skill shot, a slow, and to push the lane during that phase. Q is basically used last either when an enemy is fleeing or to pop stacks during a fight.

I just picked up Xin to finally learn how to Jungle. Any tips on his jungle?
Cancel his autoattack recovery animation with a spell to get the most outta attacks.

If you are about to finish off the central creep outta a mob, for instance the blue wraith, but E is on cd, bring down the other wraiths a bit with auto attacks. Once cd is complete, hit the blue wraith with E to clear them all in one go.

As far as ganking, if you are coming up from behind an enemy, start with Q first. Try to reserve E until after they flash away. If you are coming head on then go ahead and use E to catch up to them.


Man I just had the worst bot lane I ever had. Tried Cait (first adc ranked) and Morg ate all my traps and I went 1/5 by the 20 min mark against their Vayne. I was so apologetic that no one was really mad at me but it was still demoralizing. My opponents were nice though, didn't make fun of me after and even said I did ok and just got uber countered.

I really want Silver but I might get dropped down to Bronze 2 before I get my promotion test at this rate.

It's okay. Personally, getting to level 30 wasn't the end of the learning curve. If you're anything like I was, the first few games of ranked will be tough. Ranked is scary at first and is the reason I feel people don't play as well at first until they get over that fear/anxiety. Don't be afraid of your opponents and don't try to play differently for ranked. You want to play in ranked like you do in blind. I'm sure after a few games and maybe taking a break from ranked you'll do better. Also, maybe consider trying a role that's not as involved as the ADC? Playing the support is infinitely less stressful than playing the ADC.

Edit: I think I misread your post and I thought you were new to ranked :p


OT Hard Carry
Today's past 6 games: win lane super hard, everyone else has fed even harder. No wards, coordination or brain. Awesome matchmaking system.

I'm just going to fucking buy Yorick. If I can't have fun, nobody else will.
Finally won a game, went 12/1 as Varus.

Also, I don't want to get your hopes up, but this screen comes from the Riot post in the Reign of Gaming PBE patch notes and... well, look at what item MF and Jax have...

edit: nvm, damn you Nome.


Went on a big streak of wins yesterday going top with Jayce. Unfortunately for my last game of the day there was a level 5 Cait on our team that fed their MF pretty hard. I think the entire game was just me and MF running around killing each others team. We were winning team fights, but MF just kept escaping every time. The best part was I got "Attempting to reconnect" as we set up to defend our tier 2 turret. Unfortunately I didnt get back until our inhib was destroyed. You win some, you lose some.

I decided to buy Lifesteal Quints for my first rune page. That way I have AD reds, armor yellows, and magic resist blues. I'll buy a Dorans Blade first so I can stay in lane a while longer because of the extra lifesteal.


Quit while you're ahead! Beware the siren song of the legendary skins!

Haha, too late, I just bought another charger.

Anyway, I just tried the Manamune Ashe build, and it's alright. I think I'll stick with my traditional build since I like stacking damage to infinity.


I am afraid I am going to be demoted to Bronze 2 before I have a chance for my Silver promotion matches. I'd love to get back to a positive win rate. Just gotta keep trying I guess. My last game was pretty good. This is the closest I have ever come to e-crack I think.
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