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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
stop buying t3 boots so early. stop buying ga. buy a gosh darn pd instead of shiv when you have IE. your homeguard mobo boots on sejuani make me wanna hurl.

stop caring about your rank and expecting to progress up the ladder just because you are playing. if you get your w/l ratio normal your lp gains will go back up anyways.


GAF, I'm in a dilemma. Here are my recent matches: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/39072198#history
As you can see my scores are generally really good, if not regular (First time Tristana, and blind Sona not withstanding), however, I just cannot advance. Whether it be feeders, or afkers, no matter my score, I lose half the games I play. This wouldn't normally be bad, but when I first started ranked at level 30 I was pretty bad. The first 10 or so matches I did badly and lost most of them. I took a break, and I came back a lot better, but now I only earn like 6 to 12 points per win and lose around 15 to 25 per loss. Idk what to do GAF ):
Can't access lolking right now but the only real solution is to play more. Eventually there will be more ragers/afkers/leavers on average on the enemy team. And more specifically, win more than you lose so that your LP postion become positive. I doesn't sound like you're trying your hardest though. I get that your scores may have been decent, but sometimes you have to be the one that does really good. Going first time Tristana and sona and going decent just means you're an alright player for your ranked position but imagine if you played something you were actually good at.

Ps. Don't listen to soda cop on the shiv vs. Pd point. Shiv is pretty decent on long ranged carries like Tristana as it assists with wave clearing for siegeing or defending towers. Pd is a better team fight item of course, but not by a huge amount


stop buying t3 boots so early. stop buying ga. buy a gosh darn pd instead of shiv when you have IE. your homeguard mobo boots on sejuani make me wanna hurl.

stop caring about your rank and expecting to progress up the ladder just because you are playing. if you get your w/l ratio normal your lp gains will go back up anyways.

Yeah I've been wondering when exactly I should buy the T3 boots. Figured I was buying them to early. Why shouldn't I buy a GA? I honestly much prefer Shiv to PD. I got home guard because we were losing. I don't see the problem with boots of mobility. All I do is gank as Sej, and they let me get around faster. My Sej build is still iffy though. Still trying to figure it out.

Edit: I am trying. The first time Tristana match, eh, bad choice. But I usually stick with Ashe/Sejuani since they're my best. The Sona was a premade blind queue. Didn't go very well.

Edit 2: Why is PD better in team fights? I'd figure Shiv would be due to the passive.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ps. Don't listen to soda cop on the shiv vs. Pd point. Shiv is pretty decent on long ranged carries like Tristana as it assists with wave clearing for siegeing or defending towers. Pd is a better team fight item of course, but not by a huge amount
we r talkin about ashe. go away.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why shouldn't I buy a GA?
Bad stats. Expensive. Easy to exploit the passive so it isn't reliable.
I don't see the problem with boots of mobility. All I do is gank as Sej, and they let me get around faster.
i don't want to explain everything. there's too much and it's boring. sejuani has no inherent sustain and poor tanking base stats. you will have fewer opportunities to gank and spend more time going back.

ninja tabi are so stupidly good right now.
Shiv is actually a pretty decent rush item. I've fought an MF who used it to great effect by proccing it on Double Up's bounce, which lets her harass from absurd ranges.

Edit 2: Why is PD better in team fights? I'd figure Shiv would be due to the passive.
Come late game, Shiv won't be doing that much damage because it doesn't scale and it doesn't benefit from armor penetration. If you bought Shiv and don't have any more gold to spend on (including boots->Zephyr), sell the Shiv for a PD.
Why buy shiv on Tristana who already has natural pushing power and wave clear? If you have that much trouble wave clearing or pushing just max explosive shot.

PD is a much better item on her.
I go through this phase with every champ i buy; but Syndra is impossible to play.

OTOH, i said the same thing about Zyra and Zed and i now willingly play Zed top against Garen/Renekton etc.


lost 6 outta 7 matches I played today but I don't give a fuck because I WAHNN AS LAHXX


feels good mannn

happy lol is best lol

also found out I have a new hobby in hoarding zooey gifs

Yeah I've been wondering when exactly I should buy the T3 boots. Figured I was buying them to early. Why shouldn't I buy a GA? I honestly much prefer Shiv to PD. I got home guard because we were losing. I don't see the problem with boots of mobility. All I do is gank as Sej, and they let me get around faster. My Sej build is still iffy though. Still trying to figure it out.

Edit: I am trying. The first time Tristana match, eh, bad choice. But I usually stick with Ashe/Sejuani since they're my best. The Sona was a premade blind queue. Didn't go very well.

Edit 2: Why is PD better in team fights? I'd figure Shiv would be due to the passive.
shiv is not bad but 90% of the cases I prefer PD. more attack speed + more crits is more damage than the passive, specially on champs like ashe that are all about the autos and don't have any on-hit skills. on ez or mf it's a better choice, but I still just prefer going straight PD to kill the guy in front of me faster. it's not like adcs care about aoe anyways.

also GA is kinda weird, I kinda like when you get both carries to buy GA or something like that buy it, but it shouldn't be an instabuy as your defensive item. sometimes a warmogs better, sometimes randuins, sometimes frozen mallet, etc. I'm not a big fan, it's too expensive and 80% of the times you get your passive off you get killed right back.

I go through this phase with every champ i buy; but Syndra is impossible to play.

OTOH, i said the same thing about Zyra and Zed and i now willingly play Zed top against Garen/Renekton etc.
syndra is not that hard, just takes a while until you get the grip of the stun mechanics. you'll get the hang of it eventually.

she's also really strong, specially if your team knows how to teamfight.

the thing with syndra is thighs
this guy knows what's he's talking about
syndra is not that hard, just takes a while until you get the grip of the stun mechanics. you'll get the hang of it eventually.

she's also really strong, specially if your team knows how to teamfight.

I just can't seem to finish a kill of at all, then out of nowhere, i get a triple in team fights.

My AP runes are all attack focussed yet i couldn't finish this Lux off in mid at all. She kept escaping with like 40HP. So infuriating.


Nah they're too pretty and resplendent to miss.
well I come from poor third world country so imma try yellow syn on pbe first :D

it's the only skin I really like, and maybe mad max mf. and the new anivia skin if it didn't cost me a sushi night.

really riot should implement a wishlist thing already.

I just can't seem to finish a kill of at all, then out of nowhere, i get a triple in team fights.

My AP runes are all attack focussed yet i couldn't finish this Lux off in mid at all. She kept escaping with like 40HP. So infuriating.
syn is deceptively strong from q spams in teamfights. with some ap and blue buff it's like 400-500 aoe magic damage every 2.5 seconds, it's nuts.

for 1 on 1s, I dunno, I usually just get one or two qs tops on her ult and it's enough for squishies. maybe she just got her w off or bought some resistances or something?
syn is deceptively strong from q spams in teamfights. with some ap and blue buff it's like 400-500 aoe magic damage every 2.5 seconds, it's nuts.

for 1 on 1s, I dunno, I usually just get one or two qs tops on her ult and it's enough for squishies. maybe she just got her w off or bought some resistances or something?

Nah, this was early game and she went for Codex before Chalice.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not competent with her at all and have only played three games so i still need to get to grips with her. I don't mind waiting for the team fighting phase either, but i'd rather go in with some kills (and thus better items) than not for obvious purposes.

She definitely feels like a mid-late game champion from what i've played, but i'm just use to that reliable level 6 burst such as Zyra (imo) and Zed.


Nah, this was early game and she went for Codex before Chalice.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not competent with her at all and have only played three games so i still need to get to grips with her. I don't mind waiting for the team fighting phase either, but i'd rather go in with some kills (and thus better items) than not for obvious purposes.

She definitely feels like a mid-late game champion from what i've played, but i'm just use to that reliable level 6 burst such as Zyra (imo) and Zed.
maybe you missed something?

I mean, she's not that straightforward but let's say lux has like 800 hp at level 6, a q+ult with no items basically deals 500 damage. that requires like ZERO skill to do lol. with ignite it's like 700 damage total, and you barely even bothered. add w, e and probably a second q it's just ridiculous. so I wouldn't say unreliable, just less simple, maybe?

maybe you were just unlucky

it happens

edit: the point that maybe I didn't made clearly enough is that syndra is a bit like annie, once you get to level 6 just get a stun on someone and blow her up. she has like the highest magic burst damage in the game, even with the basic 3 balls ult.

I'm from Ireland, it's basically the same these days.

Austerity OP.

was joking though, it's just that exchange rate kinda kills everything I buy on the internet since I gotta do (975rp * 5) * 1.2 = so many pesos T_T

also ireland is like the one place I'd like to go to in western europe. oh and france. and maybe czech republic if that counts.


As long as you spend money you'll be welcomed with open arms. We're so desperate we might even accept dem pesos if say "ah go on" enough.
well vacations for me are basically walking a lot, being drunk 24/7 and eating out all the time. also climbing on stuff and taking pictures from up there

my mental image of ireland is basically a shitton of grasslands as in the wind that shakes the barley lol


Well you're in good luck. Those three are like the only things you can do in Ireland.
I also really enjoy hooking up with worldly women only to find out afterwards they're married. happened me twice already, can't stop now can I? like for reals, it must be some latino thing but whenever I'm with foreign chicks I'm like señor charming. only to find out afterwards they're married.

also philip costigan is like the irishest name ever


They'll probably nerf Nasus soon right? I don't really like picking up the FOTM champs but it's better to tip the scale in your favor for some ranked wins. Wither is just so strong.

I refuse to pick up Volibear. Looks so boring.


They'll probably nerf Nasus soon right? I don't really like picking up the FOTM champs but it's better to tip the scale in your favor for some ranked wins. Wither is just so strong.

I refuse to pick up Volibear. Looks so boring.
wither is already nerfed in pbe I think.
Stalemated lane as Riven against Garen. I think I did well enough. I wish I got even one gank though.

either you were really good, or he was really bad.

I love when that happens.

Like when I stomp a Jax as Fiora. Something which should never, ever happen. I should be crying in the corner instead.
I just stun him when he runs in then wait for his Q to go out, then maybe harass with the end of my Q then dash away. I missed some stuns though, specially the first one. He had 85 ish AD at Lv2 without AD items. His E hurt.

Thing is his CSing was bad. He just spun around. It became a stalemate since no one got hurt very bad and we had even CS. He'd technically win the lane if he CSd better.

But lol I cant imagine Fiora beating Jax. At least Riven can use her mobility to do tiny pokes and get out of range. Jax just... counters Fiora's entire kit. Must be one hell of an outplay.
I just stun him when he runs in then wait for his Q to go out, then maybe harass with the end of my Q then dash away. I missed some stuns though, specially the first one. He had 85 ish AD at Lv2 without AD items. His E hurt.

Thing is his CSing was bad. He just spun around. It became a stalemate since no one got hurt very bad and we had even CS. He'd technically win the lane if he CSd better.

But lol I cant imagine Fiora beating Jax. At least Riven can use her mobility to do tiny pokes and get out of range. Jax just... counters Fiora's entire kit. Must be one hell of an outplay.

Jax to Fiora is probably one of the hardest counters in the game. It basically comes down to three things though.

I'm a pretty decent Fiora. Nobody knows how to play against Fiora at my level because everyone just plays what the pros play and generally don't know how to play against niche champs. We're talking mid silver here in terms of MMR. And also I've never played against a good Jax top lane in my elo.
I'm from Ireland, it's basically the same these days.

Austerity OP.


Wait, wha'? Haven't you mentioned playing on EUNE before? Why would you do that from here?

Well you're in good luck. Those three are like the only things you can do in Ireland.

The thing you try to climb might be slick with rain though.

I also really enjoy hooking up with worldly women only to find out afterwards they're married. happened me twice already, can't stop now can I? like for reals, it must be some latino thing but whenever I'm with foreign chicks I'm like señor charming. only to find out afterwards they're married.

Careful there, you might end up the star of some chronically awful Irish chick lit. There's too much already dude.

Wait, wha'? Haven't you mentioned playing on EUNE before? Why would you do that from here?

Someone else from Ireland on LoLGAF? I never knew.

I was on West, but the mates I play with had been playing since before the server split and had free transfers. they got pissed off with West and switched. I got bored playing on my lonesome.

And it's the same server farm, same ping, so the connection is no different. Just the people. My God, the people... :/


Also Irish women are generally hideous. Just warning you zkylon. We don't have any of that South American flavour over here.


Why buy shiv on Tristana who already has natural pushing power and wave clear? If you have that much trouble wave clearing or pushing just max explosive shot.

PD is a much better item on her.

I don't know how anyone can have trouble wave clearing as Trist...her clear is godlike.

With that said, I've started to pick up Sivir since she is supposed to be a counter to Cait who keeps getting picked in ranked, and she's really fun to use :D Do you guys max shield or the ricochet first? (After ult and boomerang obviously)
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