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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Problem with Blitz over Thresh, is that one hook can win the game. Thresh has that, but not to the extent of Blitz'. Also, his AOE silence is a secure kill.

In gold elo, I'd rather lane Thresh over Blitz. Thresh lantern ganks are cool, true, but they are also easy to predict.
yeah, the two things I really like about blitz over thresh is level 1 buff steals and fights and super late game random grabs that win you the game.

thresh can kinda do those things but to a way lesser degree. I forgot who said it, but thresh is basically a better leona.

I'd say it's basically an op broken leona but nobody listens to me

People control minions now?

the very basic counterplay to thresh's lantern is to stand on it so the enemy can't click it. that's not a collision issue, that's just how it works

if you're throwing the lantern in the path of minions then it's your fault for making very slim your friends' chances of clicking it.

also syndra
win streak continues. varus y u so good?


Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Why not set up two different in-houses: one for fun, one for strats and serious play. That way people don't get their streams crossed and no one gets annoyed.
Fun page, my two favorite champions right now are Thresh and Varus. I just hit 30 so I'm still pretty noob. I picked up Thresh to learn support and he's so much fun! Thinking of picking up Blitz because he is on sale and so I can have a backup support for when I start playing Draft.

With Varus I've been grabbing Runaans Hurricane instead of Phantom Dancer for the on hit effects. How dumb or smart is this?


Fun page, my two favorite champions right now are Thresh and Varus. I just hit 30 so I'm still pretty noob. I picked up Thresh to learn support and he's so much fun! Thinking of picking up Blitz because he is on sale and so I can have a backup support for when I start playing Draft.

With Varus I've been grabbing Runaans Hurricane instead of Phantom Dancer for the on hit effects. How dumb or smart is this?
I don't have the math to back it but from my experience watching bad adcs, hurricane is a wasted item.

PD simply gives you crit which is a much more useful and straightforward stat.

also blitz is banned in like 70% of the matches so he's not that safe a backup. you're better off going sona or janna or something.


had some fun on pbe before it went down.

veredict on yellow syndra: not feeling it, black balls > yellow balls, even if yellow outfit > stupid black outfit

veredict on lissandra: really fun but her damage feels low and her range is really bad. free skill every 18 seconds is nice but I'd rather a more fun passive. might be super fun as support, but she's weird, you can't get your w if you're not in the mess of it and people will just wreck her if she doesn't rush zhonyas (which is impossible as support). ehh

I dunno if imma buy her, I don't like her design at all. no eyes, no feet, no fun skins, ehhh
Woah guys, Gangplank is totally my hero, just bought him and had a lot of fun in ranked.
Is there a good skin for him?
Can't really judge by just the pictures.
Commando seems nice.


I've found it's the easiest way to get games going. Just hop on mumble and the 5-9 people that usually haunt Channel 1 and the 5-7 in channel 4 are usually up for anything


yeah I mean as long as people are transparent about their intentions and winning isn't the end all of these games I think it's pretty doable

it's pretty unlikely that we can get two consistent teams of 5 who play roles that they are comfortable with at similar skill levels, but I mean it's not like we are exactly trying to enact a perfect scenario here, like probably there would need to be work put in to make these games fun
Woah guys, Gangplank is totally my hero, just bought him and had a lot of fun in ranked.
Is there a good skin for him?
Can't really judge by just the pictures.
Commando seems nice.


Special Forces Gangplank, no regrets. The ult is a particular favourite, but it also means you can scream 'Get Glocked! GET GLOCKED!' in your Skype chat. That's maybe not for everyone?


Neo Member
So, as it turns out it really helps to have a Dobkeratops on your team when you haven't a clue what you are doing. Go into normal games, and actual gets some wins. Assorted highlights include:

- Being told by a Garen I am a terrible jungler. This is, of course, completely true. I'm level 10 and have no idea what I am doing. On the other hand, the double kill I got around 15 seconds later in his lane was pretty sweet.

- Being the world's worst Blitzcrank support, firing arms off wildly and having no idea how or who to target. Face roll the buttons, still manage to get some assists.

At the stage now where I am thinking who to spend my hard earned/scammed IP on. Kinda want to save it all for Diana, as I liked what I played of her last week. On the other hand I am quite happy to play support and not ruin our teams chances. I mean I can put wards down and everything. Do think a ranged support would be much more useful than Blitz, if only so I could do some terrible harass.

Had a terrible game vs beginner bots. Was trying out the fish lady (I have no idea what her name is) and enjoying the healing and the buffing and oh god I've run out of mana...ing. Only one guy quit, and the Katarina was probably only playing game for first time or so as they were not good. Either that or I'm a terrible support. Likely both. Anyway it left a monkey dude, a blue magic guy and me to try and win the game. After what felt like many hours we finally prevailed in a hard fought spam fest in the enemy base.

I'm kind of guessing the recommended champions are good for idiots like myself, but I can't help hovering the mouse after Singed. I mean he's a chemist. All the cool people are chemists, right?


Plus we still have that problem in ARAM, because even less people take it seriously, while some people are trying.

That's me. My "for fun" setting is to still try seriously.

Roles are frustrating too.

Roles are always frustrating. We're always limited in junglers and supports. So basically a perfect representation of solo queue.

yeah I appreciate the invites to aram but I'm tired of getting stomped by the A team all going to one side

I try more and more to keep the teams even on GAF numbers. A lot of people don't know the (newer) GAF members though. It'd be easier/better if everyone was in Mumble for them though. A lot more fun that way.

Edit: And it's especially frustrating when its like, say, 5 or 6 people. Inevitably get the 4v1/5v1 GAF setups rather than 3v2 | 3v3. ;__; That's no fun for anyone (except the stacked side, since we're probably all in Mumble).

Moral of the story, get in Mumble, listen to us be dumb.

fucking scy can play like 800 different champions

To be honest, I'd only say I'm pretty familiar with like 20-ish champs for SR. Maybe half of that when we start talking about every matchup and scenario.
So, as it turns out it really helps to have a Dobkeratops on your team when you haven't a clue what you are doing. Go into normal games, and actual gets some wins. Assorted highlights include:

- Being told by a Garen I am a terrible jungler. This is, of course, completely true. I'm level 10 and have no idea what I am doing. On the other hand, the double kill I got around 15 seconds later in his lane was pretty sweet.

- Being the world's worst Blitzcrank support, firing arms off wildly and having no idea how or who to target. Face roll the buttons, still manage to get some assists.

At the stage now where I am thinking who to spend my hard earned/scammed IP on. Kinda want to save it all for Diana, as I liked what I played of her last week. On the other hand I am quite happy to play support and not ruin our teams chances. I mean I can put wards down and everything. Do think a ranged support would be much more useful than Blitz, if only so I could do some terrible harass.

Had a terrible game vs beginner bots. Was trying out the fish lady (I have no idea what her name is) and enjoying the healing and the buffing and oh god I've run out of mana...ing. Only one guy quit, and the Katarina was probably only playing game for first time or so as they were not good. Either that or I'm a terrible support. Likely both. Anyway it left a monkey dude, a blue magic guy and me to try and win the game. After what felt like many hours we finally prevailed in a hard fought spam fest in the enemy base.

I'm kind of guessing the recommended champions are good for idiots like myself, but I can't help hovering the mouse after Singed. I mean he's a chemist. All the cool people are chemists, right?

Sounds like you had a good experience overall. That's pretty sweet at level 10. :D

The recommended thing is...eh. It's not really that good of an indicator, I don't think. Play champions and see what you think of them.

(Although really, Dobkeratops? That guy just calls me a feeder... :<)

I'm pretty sure he's joking. I hope he's joking.


Fun page, my two favorite champions right now are Thresh and Varus. I just hit 30 so I'm still pretty noob. I picked up Thresh to learn support and he's so much fun! Thinking of picking up Blitz because he is on sale and so I can have a backup support for when I start playing Draft.

Problem with Blitz is that he is banned most of the time. He slips out of bans now and then, though.


my problem with that is that ranked actually is not serious at all. people just do whatever, often fuck each other over, throw for no reason, etc.

I really wish I could get the fifth player for my team, then I'd play ranked, but I'm tired of randoms and their quests for wasting my time and patience and faith in humanity.

Maybe I'm an optimist but I don't think people throw for no reason. They just have a bad game or suck. Although I guess some people do, I don't think I've ever ranked with any of them.

I'm down to join a team though. What tier are you?

Haha I don't know if I'll ever get there. I play LoL to relax, and having a persistent score that keeps track of how well I'm doing would probably sap any inkling of fun I'm having in a game. I'd much rather just play with a bunch of people I know and play any random character that I enjoy.

Speaking of which, we should have some GAF in-house games. I think those would be great for blowing off some steam.

I agree. Scy needs to start mass inviting for SR, not just damn ARAMs

I honestly wouldn't consider Sivir a counter to Caitlyn unless it's versus one that just feeds you Mana with Traps and such. She still has the superior range so she can, and should, bully you around with auto-attacks alone.

The problem with GAF in-house games is not everyone is on the same page for them. Half the people wanting to try to win and the other half just not giving a fuck. Just ends up not working well in the end.

Which is a shame. We were talking about it last night that it'd be nice to have in-house games to play against each other as real practice sort of games. We just ARAM a lot instead and that's not as helpful.

Sivir is an aweful matchup against Cait. She will get bullied so bad. Kog and MF are good picks, and Draven depending on the support.

I respect your guys opinion and all, but I trust this a bit more


There has to be a reason she's considered strong against Cait. Cait can bully anybody with her range. I don't see how MF is any better. You're not going to be spamming MFs Q over and over


How do you guys build Udyr? and what skills to max first?
lane or jungle?

if lane, tiger and turtle

if jungle, phoenix and turtle

go full tank in jungle. rush locket and then finish w/ ancient golem. go into whatever tanky shit you like.

laning? usual tanky dps crap. brutalizer + giants belt or whatever


First time Pantheon. He's a ton of fun, but his ult is difficult to use. He falls off incredibly hard late game though, which I was not expecting. Didn't know what to build on him either. Early/mid I was going 10/1, but come late game, my cockiness brought me down to a 12/7. Ah, well.

EDIT: Caitlyn is pretty easy. She telegraphs are long yellow shooting thing so you have no excuse to get hit by it. She'll mainly rely on poking with her auto, so just get an ADC with long range so you can poke back. Her ulti is entirely useless, and her only other good move is her trap. She also falls off late game. I'm honestly puzzled as to why she's so popular :/

EDIT2: I wouldn't trust that website. According to it, Ashe's biggest counter is Ezreal, which isn't true at all.


formerly sane

Both are solid choice for ban as a vayne player I'd rather see thresh than blitz these days. Thresh is only good when those use all his skills well. I see a lot not harass with aa, make obvious pulls, and can't use his shield or ult for shit.

A blitz just needs a pull or a knock up to make you regret every being near him.

Either character come down to how well one is using them since they far more skill based then hit a button for an easy win.


i mean i can think of 4 ppl straight up that play those roles


but like it shouldnt even be full of people getting their favorite roles or whatever


I like jungling, I just usually get blamed when a lane loses.

Sorry I can't be everywhere at once. Sometimes I just don't time these things right, but sometimes people just have no patience.
My lifelong habit of pre-emptively apologising before someone has a chance to get mad stands to me well in LoL, especially as a (not very good) jungler.


I respect your guys opinion and all, but I trust this a bit more


There has to be a reason she's considered strong against Cait. Cait can bully anybody with her range. I don't see how MF is any better. You're not going to be spamming MFs Q over and over

Yes. There's two reasons: her shield, and her Q. Her shield can prevent Cait's ult and can be used to replantish mana, if Caitlyn is foolish enough to put down traps. Her Q has a nice range and can be good at poking Caitlyn, but it is easy to miss. Also, Sivir is very mana hungry, even with Soraka on an equal skill bot lane, Cait will come victor with her superior free poke (if she's good, anyway). Basically, Sivir being a counter works in paper, but in practice it's a little bit different. Don't blindly trust champion select.

I would consider choosing some other type of ad/support combo (like an overly aggressive taric/graves-mf combo) than Sivir.

Cait's #1 counter is a good jungler, though.


Also counters in bot lane are different than those in other lanes. A Vayne can beat a Caitlyn if the supports are right.
Both are solid choice for ban as a vayne player I'd rather see thresh than blitz these days. Thresh is only good when those use all his skills well. I see a lot not harass with aa, make obvious pulls, and can't use his shield or ult for shit.

A blitz just needs a pull or a knock up to make you regret every being near him.

Either character come down to how well one is using them since they far more skill based then hit a button for an easy win.

I think the problem with Thresh is that he pretty much has the full skill set blitz does aside from silence and he is ranged, albeit, short. He can actually harass you.


I try more and more to keep the teams even on GAF numbers. A lot of people don't know the (newer) GAF members though. It'd be easier/better if everyone was in Mumble for them though. A lot more fun that way.

Edit: And it's especially frustrating when its like, say, 5 or 6 people. Inevitably get the 4v1/5v1 GAF setups rather than 3v2 | 3v3. ;__; That's no fun for anyone (except the stacked side, since we're probably all in Mumble).

Moral of the story, get in Mumble, listen to us be dumb.

To be honest, I'd only say I'm pretty familiar with like 20-ish champs for SR. Maybe half of that when we start talking about every matchup and scenario.
I didn't really mean it as a jab at you, but really my experience playing aram with gaf was a lot of one-sided matches in which I was more often than not in the team with the guys that don't even post here and that actually raged.

also I don't really like mumble, I feel like such a stranger :/

Maybe I'm an optimist but I don't think people throw for no reason. They just have a bad game or suck. Although I guess some people do, I don't think I've ever ranked with any of them.
well sure, it's just really annoying when you ask nicely for people to ward or not to face check and they just go do it anyways. or they pick support blitz without saying a word and start a dorans ring and basically lose the game for everyone from the get go. I don't mind if you lose your lane, it happens to all of us, it's alright, I just hate when they start blaming everyone, say gg at minute 2 because support "stole" one creep or just never ward, etc.

it's not always like that and I had a few great matches but really no more than in normals.

it just feels random, being at best two outta five, you're really at fate's mercy.

I mean, like I said, if you put in the effort the odds are in your favor since you'll win 20 lp and lose 18 but still, it's more dedication than it's worth, I think

I'm down to join a team though. What tier are you?
a solid silver 4 on solo q lol.

my team's nothing too crazy but we do a lot of warding and don't feed, and at least in normals we're usually against/with gold people so I guess our MMR is a bit above that.

tbh we'd love any good player but one of our guys isn't so good at english, so we're trying to find a fifth guy for skyping.

edit: if you wanna try it out we'd be happy to

I respect your guys opinion and all, but I trust this a bit more


There has to be a reason she's considered strong against Cait. Cait can bully anybody with her range. I don't see how MF is any better. You're not going to be spamming MFs Q over and over
that site's pretty bad tho. I like checking on it for some rough idea but I've seen some pretty ridiculous stuff.

I still don't get why ori is supposed to be a hard counter to annie, for instance

First time Pantheon. He's a ton of fun, but his ult is difficult to use. He falls off incredibly hard late game though, which I was not expecting. Didn't know what to build on him either. Early/mid I was going 10/1, but come late game, my cockiness brought me down to a 12/7. Ah, well.
I usually go brutalizer, BT, then brutalizer into BC. I might get a hexdrinker if laning against an AP guy, and I usually stick a couple dorans blades depending of how I'm feeling it. I also love to get a giants belt early on if I'm ahead because it basically makes them unable of clawing back up. later on LW is also good, you basically just want to stack enough AD to be able to blow up people, you're an assassin after all.

also yeah, I'm terrible at ulting as him, though don't understimate it. it deals a shitton of magic damage so if your team has hard cc and can allow you to enter teamfights late just ult and aim for the bulk of enemies.

I actually got a triple kill from a single ult once :D
I respect your guys opinion and all, but I trust this a bit more


There has to be a reason she's considered strong against Cait. Cait can bully anybody with her range. I don't see how MF is any better. You're not going to be spamming MFs Q over and over

The site is user-voted, and I assume they only factor in Sivir nullifying Cait's traps and ult. The thing is that you're looking at nearly 150 difference in AA range. Cait doesn't need to rely on any of her skills to harass someone with only 500 range. Sivir is pretty darn mana hungry if she tries to harass with Q, and Cait can easily deny Sivir any free mana she can get from her.

MF can harass very hard with E.
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