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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I agree. Scy needs to start mass inviting for SR, not just damn ARAMs

I don't really like the idea of mass inviting for SR. I don't know how people play and all that.

I respect your guys opinion and all, but I trust this a bit more


There has to be a reason she's considered strong against Cait. Cait can bully anybody with her range. I don't see how MF is any better. You're not going to be spamming MFs Q over and over

MF's Q has better range. Championselect.net is a publically done thing anyway so I wouldn't put absolute faith into it. Sivir works on paper (Spell Shield her Q, W, and R) and has good pushing to counter Cait's pushing. But, in practice, it's not quite that good at a decent level of play: Caitlyn can just auto-attack harass, abilities be damned.

also I don't really like mumble, I feel like such a stranger :/

You get used to it after some time!


Two bad ranked Ashe games today. Probably my worst ever. One 1/5/19 and another 1/7/10. I hardly remember the first one. The second one was close. My Taric was terribad and had no presence in lane compared to their Sona. We did pretty bad, until I said enough was enough. We go into late game, and I take the wheel and make myself the self-proclaimed captain and start spouting out orders. "All mid" "Udyr don't separate or we lose" "Back off don't fight without me". My team was surprisingly submissive. What I lacked in in-game power I gained in my excellent leader skills. Through some excellent positioning and good plays we managed to take all the turrets and inhibs. My team never peeled for me though. Singed would chase me to hell and back while my team fought without me. Anyway, idk what happened afterwards. My brain just kind of froze. We were set to win. The enemy team said GG. However, before we could take the Nexus, fed GP came back and that was the end of that push. For some reason, however, I couldn't give orders. I just couldn't think. I was afraid of losing. One bad team fight, we lost mid turret and inhibs. Second bad team fight and all was lost. They pushed to our nexus and won. Very sad game. ):

EDIT: Yep.

EDIT2: Back up.
So I need some insight here about someone reporting me.

So I was playing a League match an hour ago and I was playing regularly. So their was one guy on our team who was Ryze that was really bad (he was lvl 6 when everyone else was lvl 12, and he never stayed in a single lane because he kept switching). Throughout the whole game I was dead silent except for the usually tys, nice jobs, and sorrys. During the game every player on our team kept saying he sucked, he's making us lose, etc. So the game was about to end (we surrendered because we were so far behind in lvls) and Ryze at lvl 6 wanted to fight Baron and tried to cal the whole team over. Everyone started calling him stupid and laughing at him, and I specifically said "we're not strong enough to fight him yet," and he said he's going to report me for that. He told the whole team to report me for that because I was calling him a bad player and bashing him the whole game (let's remember I never said anything to him).

So can I get a legit report from something like this? I personally don't think I did anything bad but will Riot know even if they don't see proof from the guy? Just asking because he was furious at me for that one comment beyond the whole team's cursing at him comments when I never opened my mouth to him.
Nothing will really happen until you get like 10-15 reports

I'm guessing I'll be informed if I get reported which would suck if I did for not even doing anything wrong. I'm sorry if I sound like a brat right now but I hate that I'm probably getting reported for being the nice guy of the team and not bashing him, and he's taking his anger out on the person with the last comment.

Thanks, at least I know nothing will happen unless I get reported a lot.
Death Sentence[ Q ] - No longer has the passive
Flay[ E ] - Now has the passive that Death Sentence had

weird nerf, but I'll take it

also more quinn buffs lol

Not sure if nerf? After one point in each I maxed W first anyways, for greater shield, and then E. During laning I'd only ever use E after Q'ing in, to push the wave, or desperately trying to escape, never when just harassing. Basically this means that the passive and Q, my biggest harassinig tools, are not mutually exclusive. The nerf is mostly at level 1 as you won't have the passive and Q at the same time.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
So I need some insight here about someone reporting me.

So I was playing a League match an hour ago and I was playing regularly. So their was one guy on our team who was Ryze that was really bad (he was lvl 6 when everyone else was lvl 12, and he never stayed in a single lane because he kept switching). Throughout the whole game I was dead silent except for the usually tys, nice jobs, and sorrys. During the game every player on our team kept saying he sucked, he's making us lose, etc. So the game was about to end (we surrendered because we were so far behind in lvls) and Ryze at lvl 6 wanted to fight Baron and tried to cal the whole team over. Everyone started calling him stupid and laughing at him, and I specifically said "we're not strong enough to fight him yet," and he said he's going to report me for that. He told the whole team to report me for that because I was calling him a bad player and bashing him the whole game (let's remember I never said anything to him).

So can I get a legit report from something like this? I personally don't think I did anything bad but will Riot know even if they don't see proof from the guy? Just asking because he was furious at me for that one comment beyond the whole team's cursing at him comments when I never opened my mouth to him.

People report others for all kinds of reasons, but a lot of the times the reports are uncalled for and are ignored. I don't think you really did anything wrong so I wouldn't be worried.


So I need some insight here about someone reporting me.

So I was playing a League match an hour ago and I was playing regularly. So their was one guy on our team who was Ryze that was really bad (he was lvl 6 when everyone else was lvl 12, and he never stayed in a single lane because he kept switching). Throughout the whole game I was dead silent except for the usually tys, nice jobs, and sorrys. During the game every player on our team kept saying he sucked, he's making us lose, etc. So the game was about to end (we surrendered because we were so far behind in lvls) and Ryze at lvl 6 wanted to fight Baron and tried to cal the whole team over. Everyone started calling him stupid and laughing at him, and I specifically said "we're not strong enough to fight him yet," and he said he's going to report me for that. He told the whole team to report me for that because I was calling him a bad player and bashing him the whole game (let's remember I never said anything to him).

So can I get a legit report from something like this? I personally don't think I did anything bad but will Riot know even if they don't see proof from the guy? Just asking because he was furious at me for that one comment beyond the whole team's cursing at him comments when I never opened my mouth to him.

Even if you get reported, all that happens is that your case gets sent to the tribunal where other players read the game chat and vote to punish you or not. Clearly you didn't do anything wrong so don't even worry about it.


Not sure if nerf? After one point in each I maxed W first anyways, for greater shield, and then E. During laning I'd only ever use E after Q'ing in, to push the wave, or desperately trying to escape, never when just harassing. Basically this means that the passive and Q, my biggest harassinig tools, are not mutually exclusive. The nerf is mostly at level 1 as you won't have the passive and Q at the same time.

It's actually quite a bit of a nerf. If you want to be hella aggressive early, which I like to do, maxing Q first gives you hella advantage in the dmg department, and it lets you do it at a ridiculous range. Now you have to max E to get good passive dmg in, but landing the E itself puts you at close range.
People report others for all kinds of reasons, but a lot of the times the reports are uncalled for and are ignored. I don't think you really did anything wrong so I wouldn't be worried.

Even if you get reported, all that happens is that your case gets sent to the tribunal where other players read the game chat and vote to punish you or not. Clearly you didn't do anything wrong so don't even worry about it.

Thanks, so whether I get reported or not I should be fine. Though after hearing about that chat thing where people will review it I think I'm 100% fine :)
It's actually quite a bit of a nerf. If you want to be hella aggressive early, which I like to do, maxing Q first gives you hella advantage in the dmg department, and it lets you do it at a ridiculous range. Now you have to max E to get good passive dmg in, but landing the E itself puts you at close range.

I guess my play style was inefficient before because this change plays right into it. Like I said, after 1 point in each ability I maxed W, E, then Q, so in my play style I come out ahead after level 3.


okie I kinda wanna do little recaps of my experiences in the 5v5 matches, hopefully these become a regular thing

I fped amumu which kinda forced out certain picks from my team plus I don't play him much. I have a habit, and I do this in ranked too but less now, of picking champs that are considered strong but I don't have meaningful experience with (but the nice thing about these games is to try out ideas). I gave first blood pretty stupidly at top thinking I could prevent some cs and that I could flash out if j4 came in, but I reacted slowly and that contributed greatly to top lane being prtty hard for rumble. Bind was on my dick in the jungle and I kind of went in knowingly expecting quick lane responses which were impossible so that was bad too. all the lanes lost so the best we could hope for was to try to farm safely and do team fights which was kind of what our comp revolved around but the other team put good pressure and took advantage of the lead. our vision game wasn't that good either, which is probably improvable. all in all outplayed and snowballed so it wuz stomp.
team 1: mumu, rumble, lulu, mf, ryze
team 2: j4, cho, lux, cait, janna

fped lulu who I'm pretty comfortable with. team got pretty beat down for most of the game, even though the kill count was a lot more even than the last game the other team was consistently stronger. was hard because our team wasn't reacting well against split pushes, shen as a force consistently needed two people to push against him. we won by scraping out a teamfight at the end, and due in part to two people on the other team not having mics, it was pretty awkward play from both sides. I think both sides had an idea about what they wanted to do though which is pretty good, like it'd be nice to see ideas becoming implemented more fluidly and organically as we have these games.

team 1: lulu, mf, voli, nidaree, ahri
team 2: nami, cait, shawn, nasus, ryze

feedback after the games was generally helpful and good-willed


I think post inhouse 5v5 self-reflections are a pretty good idea and help people become more self-aware - which really is the key to becoming better

then we can get together and discuss what was good and bad in terms of teamplay

great idea brian

ps. ilu but amumu isnt even considered strong
who is shawn


yah i mean basically I was thinking about getting good aoe down along with him being banned as reflex, not really smart

sean shan

the games were also nice because I had those images from the news floating around my head all day, then played games for like 4 hours, and now im diving back into the news abyss


Just played a game with Nautilus for old times sake and man he provide so much cc its fucking retarded how good he is in targeting and disabling squishes and letting team finish them off fast.
His weakness seems to be early levels but after 6 he is the best ganker in the game.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I think I need to take a break from LoL for like a week or two. I'm playing like shit lately.



Not sure if nerf? After one point in each I maxed W first anyways, for greater shield, and then E. During laning I'd only ever use E after Q'ing in, to push the wave, or desperately trying to escape, never when just harassing. Basically this means that the passive and Q, my biggest harassinig tools, are not mutually exclusive. The nerf is mostly at level 1 as you won't have the passive and Q at the same time.
I don't really play thresh but I imagine that people level q after w since leveling e doesn't give you cooldowns.
okie I kinda wanna do little recaps of my experiences in the 5v5 matches, hopefully these become a regular thing
Match 1, I'm not really sure what happened. I was really focused on my lane. I'm used to playing against Lux because everyone picks her against Ryze, but I was losing anyway. I was down 20 CS from the start. And of course with Lux, scy was able to affect everywhere, while I was trying to catch up.

Match 2, everyone was talking about communication, but I'm not sure it had that big an impact at the major points (the "save" Gamma fight, and the last fight). Both times, I felt like I instigated poorly, into something that we wouldn't be able to follow up on, communication or not. The first time especially, but even when I blew up scy, that wasn't thought-out. We were out of position and that wasn't a good time to start a fight no matter whom I blew up.

I like Ryze but I picked him first both times, and I'm not sure that's smart when people are coordinated. I like that he's simple to play, that's good for me. At the same time, I feel like it limits what he can do compared to most mid lanes.

Anyway, we should do those more. The first match was a little imbalanced, but the second match was really good. It's fun when you know that both teams are trying to coordinate, like ranked 5s, no free-for-all attitudes.


if youre ever unsure of playing against someone as lux, just push push push push

which is incidentally, the easy way to beat ryze.
yeah that's what I figured out against him a few matches ago but I dunno, every time I play against a ryze they always find up kills just sort of randomly and just become ridiculously stronk. like, he'll tp bot and get a triple or something and I'll be doomed forever :p

I should probably play him someday to learn his strengths and weaknesses, but his style is so unlike mine I'm really not interested in the slightest :/

edit: but like, strategy against ryze should be just "don't face him, go gank", forever? I know his clear is really bad, so pushing him against tower makes him lose a lot of minions and delays his catalyst and tear, but anything else? he's like my crux mid. I feel like every other mid I can beat, depending on their skill, obviously, but ryze is always an uphill battle


yeah that's what I figured out against him a few matches ago but I dunno, every time I play against a ryze they always find up kills just sort of randomly and just become ridiculously stronk. like, he'll tp bot and get a triple or something and I'll be doomed forever :p

I should probably play him someday to learn his strengths and weaknesses, but his style is so unlike mine I'm really not interested in the slightest :/

edit: but like, strategy against ryze should be just "don't face him, go gank", forever? I know his clear is really bad, so pushing him against tower makes him lose a lot of minions and delays his catalyst and tear, but anything else? he's like my crux mid. I feel like every other mid I can beat, depending on their skill, obviously, but ryze is always an uphill battle

The longer the game gets, the less you want to face him. Ideally, you'd abuse him early through by pushing and harassing at the same time with the E aoe to delay the time it takes for him to get strong. Ryze gets pretty strong after level 9 (and tear+cata), so be careful of trading with him then. In essence though, it's a sword vs spear match up so play it like that.

If ryzes are beating you with tp, you need to play more aggressively in the lane (ignite vs tp), either join the tp fight if you have the time or just push and take his tower (after you take his tower though, make sure you put lots of pressure on the other lanes to make up for the ryze tp). and make sure you time his tp for your team (~5min)

in the team fight stage, try to encourage your team to kite backwards constantly, rather than smashing into the other team (the common way to team fight in solo queue) because ryze is more suited to that style of team fighting compared to lux who prefers to kite with range.


After my two bad Ashe games, it's so nice to carry my last game of the day. Went 20-2 w/ Ashe in a draft 5-man premade (we're preparing for ranked). Feels good man :)!

Really looking forward to those quests. Hopefully the buff will be moderate.
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