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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Chalice GP is fun.
I just dominated a Morde mid, by just spamming Q on him and healing myself with W and I didn't even lack the gold, as I skilled pickpocket and got 5 on every Q on Morde.


Lissandra could work pretty well as a real lane bully support. Mainly because her Q has such a low cool down, and it hits enemies behind the one it hits first. So you can throw her Q every three seconds at the minions in front of the ADC, watch them run away in pain, and when they're chunked enough just all in them.

Her range is pretty damn short though.

That's the point. You either burst one person down or you can

teleport in, Root everyone around you, ult yourself then spam Q while timing a good zhonyas in there.



I stopped playing ranked because I dropped to 20ish points in Silver I and don't want to keep plummeting. I'm starting to feel the same way about normals, people don't want to take free objectives, or play the map, and are more likely to troll since it's just a normal. I understand that normals aren't supposed to be serious at all but it's a jarring experience going from a coordinated team that works together to a couple of chuckleheads chasing kills instead of killing a free baron.

That's why I jungle. I get to control the objectives. Bad part is I still make some poor calls and some games I'm just not doing my job as well as I should. I'm learning though. Gotta watch the minimap like a hawk. Jungler and opponent toplane top and have a kill bot lane? Free dragon. Don't see jungler and mid lane pushed to your side, don't do it lol. It's so much harder exerting that control as support since you can't just start it. But on the flip side you can keep the vision up and a semi decent jungler will take advantage of that. If I see dragon pinked and I'm Vi, I'm going to solo it if I have to.
So if an enemy tower can be taken down by one AA, just I just go over there and knock it down? I learning to check my minimap along with smart casting. Now all I need to do is figure out how to deal with the lag.


Just reached 7000 IP phew, playing basically one match a day sure took a long time x_x Im saving for Lissandra, new champs are 7800 right? When will she launch?


So if an enemy tower can be taken down by one AA, just I just go over there and knock it down? I learning to check my minimap along with smart casting. Now all I need to do is figure out how to deal with the lag.

You could. Think of it as the tower acting as one huge vision ward. Might as well knock it down if you can do it safely.


Just reached 7000 IP phew, playing basically one match a day sure took a long time x_x Im saving for Lissandra, new champs are 7800 right? When will she launch?

7800 IP, yes. They keep adding stuff on the PBE so it could be a few weeks from now. They just added the different quests between the 3 sisters and a new tutorial for Proving Grounds. I suspect it will be the part of the next patch, so all there is to do is testing and balancing. Next content patch is going to be massive.

I don't know this for sure, but they have said that they want to release a new champion every 3-4 weeks and zac came out 3 weeks ago - which is why he entered the champion rotation today.


7800 IP, yes. They keep adding stuff on the PBE so it could be a few weeks from now. They just added the different quests between the 3 sisters and a new tutorial for Proving Grounds. I suspect it will be the part of the next patch, so all there is to do is testing and balancing. Next content patch is going to be massive.

I don't know this for sure, but they have said that they want to release a new champion every 3-4 weeks and zac came out 3 weeks ago - which is why he entered the champion rotation today.

Cool thanks, I think there will be time for me to reach the 7800 then. :)

Also, is there a way to know if the registrations (?) for the PBE servers are up? I really wanted to jump in. :/


Just reached 7000 IP phew, playing basically one match a day sure took a long time x_x Im saving for Lissandra, new champs are 7800 right? When will she launch?

If you wait a week after launch, she'll drop to the normal 6300 IP. Probably a better investment of your IP if you don't play a ton.


Didn't notice those posts from yesterday so my (delayed) thoughts on the two in-house games. I won't speak on the other lanes because I didn't watch them during the game much.

Match 1 - Team comp setup was setup to poke while having the sudden isolation in J4 + Cho. Janna just sort of got picked but, in hindsight, it gives us an emergency disengage so it was probably one of the best options.

Mid lane vs Ryze was just a basic vs Ryze match of push and bleed him dry early on and force the decision of farm lane or chase mid. His scaling is pretty bad early game so he can't reliably push until 6 (and "wastes" his ult to do it) and it takes until Level 9/10 | 2500 Gold for him to establish much in lane. My goal here is to get my Tear early and just deny as much farm as possible. Only word of advice I can give is I was probably really gankable with my awkward ward timings but closer was spread thin + mega behind due to the counter jungle.

Game was a stomp, though. Every lane went big and we controlled the flow of the game fairly well. Objectives were kept warded and we had better vision in general as far as I could tell.

Edit: Oh, right, I'm pretty sure I ran 9/0/21 with MS% Quints + Nimble so I had a better chance of getting free auto-attack harass while avoiding Rune Prison. Also, EXP Masteries so I can hit my levels before you to establish the lane position better. Not sure if it made a massive difference but hey!

Match 2 - I honestly don't think we put any thought into the team comp. Lulu/MF works well so that made sense but then we didn't really have any real synergy with the rest of the comp. I just wanted to play Nidalee so I picked that into a Shen and that was pretty stupid and then Voli + Ahri against those picks is iffy at best. On top of that, I went glass cannon Midalee in the top lane and my Nid mechanics are bad (spears how do they land). Realistically, I should have picked Elise here instead of wanting to try Nidalee / use the skin I bought. #fuckmyteamskins2win

I gave up an early death because wards are too complicated to place (dying with ward in inventory gg) and then I fell behind in cs even without the ganks/camp due to mistiming my cs since I'm used to AD Nidalee. All-in-all, it was a failed top lane and we decided to sacrifice the lane so mid/bot can get Jungle support instead. I couldn't even teleport support anywhere since I did literally nothing :/

We didn't treat the split push properly since we didn't feel confident in forcing a 5v4 and we had an awkward initiate anyway (Volibear vs Wither, Rune Prison, Aqua Prison; Ahri too squishy/important to risk initiating with). Honestly, the split push could have been pressured better. 4v5 we probably would have lost and you have the perfect Shen ult targets of Nasus and Ryze anyway. Instead, it seemed to be a lot of "he's split pushing, just defend while Shen takes thing" that then became, "he's split pushing, help the Shen."

I got caught at the end and we turned it into a 5v4 last stand that worked out due to bad positioning (ADC up front and caught by Charm, Ryze forced away from fight, MF ult across errbody) and we just pushed it out to win from there.


I tried playing Irelia a couple of times last year and it just didn't click for me. Decided to try her out again after seeing Wickd play her on stream. I went Zephyr > Tabi > Phage > Triforce > GA > Cleaver and just ran around like a maniac murdering everything. Super fun times. I don't know why I don't play her anymore, uh, aside from the fact that I never play top.

Can she work in mid? She's pretty fast so after 6 she should be able to roam OK. I mean I only play normals so whatever, I do what I want :p


I might buy Galio with RP. I was a bit interested in him for a while, but never got the chance to give him a try when he was free. I asked a friend about buying him, but he said that I shouldn't bother. That his abilities are too mana hungry and his ult is easily stopped by enemies.

I assume this is mostly true. Any other opinions on Galio?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I might buy Galio with RP. I was a bit interested in him for a while, but never got the chance to give him a try when he was free. I asked a friend about buying him, but he said that I shouldn't bother. That his abilities are too mana hungry and his ult is easily stopped by enemies.

I assume this is mostly true. Any other opinions on Galio?
There is not really a reason to play him. Less than ever now with so few AP champs on the map.
Brand is going to be next I hear.

"Some say he's hot headed, but really he's just an ice guy!"

Incoming Cryocore Brand new default skin, 'Classic' Brand skin available free to existing owners.

Woo, went up from bronze to silver, abusing Gangplank so hard.
Keilhol the lot of them.

This gives me hope. :D

Chalice GP is fun.
I just dominated a Morde mid, by just spamming Q on him and healing myself with W and I didn't even lack the gold, as I skilled pickpocket and got 5 on every Q on Morde.

That sounds fun. What else did you build?


Still in Silver I. Playing normals to regain confidence. I have a few good game nights coming up. I don't know if I can muster up the energy to do it lol. Normals are so relaxing.


So I am currently in Plat I and I am still getting around +30/-10 when I win/lose. After 4 games of which 3 were victories I have 78 LP. I hope I won't start getting miniscule amounts of LP the last few games before promotion.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I went a pretty tanky build, maxing W first, I think it was Chalice -> Ninja Tabi -> Brutalizer -> Spirit Visage -> Warmogs ->Black Cleaver -> Atmas and then I would have replaced the Chalice for something but game was won.
This Morde must have been terrible. He should have stomped you in lane. All he has to do is keep shield up and you can't harass.
Youtube casters are generally fucking terrible. I've seen Blackinola around here and he honestly wasn't bad, but the main guy is terrible. I've yet to see one good person commentate on these compilation videos.

Guess that's why they're all stuck on YouTube.


So, at higher ranks, do people not troll? I'm in a game with two people who wanted top besides me. I'm first pick and call. They go top anyway.


Lissandra could work pretty well as a real lane bully support. Mainly because her Q has such a low cool down, and it hits enemies behind the one it hits first. So you can throw her Q every three seconds at the minions in front of the ADC, watch them run away in pain, and when they're chunked enough just all in them.

Her range is pretty damn short though.
yeah, and push the lane and cost your adc minions? good luck with that :p

my problem with liz support is that zhonyas is such a core part of her build that you'll be gimping yourself playing her support.

bah, I dunno, maybe it works.
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