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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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He is a pretty good top laner in the right hands.


Skip to the 4min mark.

Wow, maybe I should try Rengar more in SR. I've only tried him out once in SR and the rest of my matches have been in Dominion. He isn't that great there to be honest. Even so, I still pick him most of the time.

I build him tanky since it's really hard to kill anyone 1v1 even with mostly damage items.
nah not paying to go back. I'd only pay to transfer again if I was going to NA. And yeah, going from 66 to 190 or 200+ is too much. Have people I play with on EUNE though.

Ah yeah, only messing about EUW. You've made your decision ;-;
Having people to play with is at least 80% of why I'm still playing LoL.


curse to be shut down because of NDA breaches

saint blames bot lane for sucking and voy for throwing

elementz makes sad video

jacky says YAY


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
He was rather bad.
But I just went up on him and beat him for 3 stacks, even when the shield was on.
Honestly GP would be so easy to shut out as Morde. Nobody cares about your stacks when they can shield it. Your Parrrley would never do enough to even phase Morde, especially with a build like that. Morde should have no problem pushing GP to tower, keeping the shield up to avoid serious harass damage, and completely zoning you out from waves. If you fought him up close there is no excuse for him losing.

That guy should be embarrassed.
I guess since we're doing writeups of the inhouses: I played ADC both games so will report as such.

Game 1) Varus/Lulu vs Caitlyn/Janna: lost in lane because I wasn't coordinating well enough with my support. Varus outtrades Caitlyn at lvl 2 on but I didnt flash in for the FB and Caitlyn picked up a kill in lane. More of a moot point tbh because Jarvan started cagefighting us botlane and with mummy still catching up I lost the and did all I could to keep my CS up. Game was a stomp.

Game 2) MF/Lulu vs Cait/Nami: xbroser and my MF had a pretty iron grip on the lane. Nami was using her bubble very aggressively and her missing means I can go balls deep and force Caitlyn back. Asserted CS dominance and double killed them bot lane. (I've started taking the time to land my E before I ult and it paid off.)

Team fights were simple enough for me, I had good positioning and landed ults well(abused map terrain when I could so that I couldn't be interrupted.) Shen was my main concern in team fights but there's nothing I can do when my cleanse is down and my team didn't have alot of peel left for Shen. Shen didn't join last fight until late though and that let me pretty much do all my dmg. I left the last fight at near full HP.


Wow, maybe I should try Rengar more in SR. I've only tried him out once in SR and the rest of my matches have been in Dominion. He isn't that great there to be honest. Even so, I still pick him most of the time.

I build him tanky since it's really hard to kill anyone 1v1 even with mostly damage items.

You get all them brush shenanigans playing him top in SR!


I get that you guys think the morde is bad, but why do you have to do it at the cost of discounting porcelain thrill? He was good enough to beat bronzer people with ad chalice mid gp.

I find it funny that even though the pro meta has moved on, solo queue meta hasn't changed in ages.

Lissy is a bad support because she would push? Kayle support and lulu support are pro picks because they can push...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I get that you guys think the morde is bad, but why do you have to do it at the cost of discounting porcelain thrill? He was good enough to beat bronzer people with ad chalice mid gp.
Nobody said he was bad.
I get that you guys think the morde is bad, but why do you have to do it at the cost of discounting porcelain thrill? He was good enough to beat bronzer people with ad chalice mid gp.

I find it funny that even though the pro meta has moved on, solo queue meta hasn't changed in ages.

Lissy is a bad support because she would push? Kayle support and lulu support are pro picks because they can push...

It was the first time I was playing against a Morde mid as GP, so I have no comparison, but he really seemed rather bad (although I am in silver now and he was probably too), but at the same time his harass attempts really didnt do anything to me.
He pushed the lane a lot, but as long as he can't zone me I am still farming all the creeps (with extra gold).

edit: am playing mid GP against cassio now, this gonna be bad
edit: min 10 83 cs against 41 the trench
It was the first time I was playing against a Morde mid as GP, so I have no comparison, but he really seemed rather bad (although I am in silver now and he was probably too), but at the same time his harass attempts really didnt do anything to me.
He pushed the lane a lot, but as long as he can't zone me I am still farming all the creeps (with extra gold).

edit: am playing mid GP against cassio now, this gonna be bad
edit: min 10 83 cs against 41 the trench

Wanna see how this goes. Oranges too good.


It was the first time I was playing against a Morde mid as GP, so I have no comparison, but he really seemed rather bad (although I am in silver now and he was probably too), but at the same time his harass attempts really didnt do anything to me.
He pushed the lane a lot, but as long as he can't zone me I am still farming all the creeps (with extra gold).

edit: am playing mid GP against cassio now, this gonna be bad
edit: min 10 83 cs against 41 the trench
did you ever try AP GP? it's like trynda AP's mid equivalent. you can't kill him because he shrugs off your cc and he heals like 400 health with them oranges, plus his ult hits ridiculously hard.

anyone have a reliable tier list in this game?
this is a somewhat adequate tier list, but take it with a grain of salt: http://www.reignofgaming.net/tier-lists/competitive-tier-list/23610-competitive-tier-list

it's a competitive tier list so champions like shaco that are great in my opinion are way down, but other than that it's overall decent if you ask me.

you shouldn't care too much about that if you're just starting out, anyways (or ever, really, tier lists are pretty shitty in general). play with the 450, the free week and the free champions you get from facebook/youtube and just learn the ropes of the game.


Nobody said he was bad.
yea but it was more like "that morde was shit, its not like u were good"

we r finally good enough for merc
he will finally stop looking down on us
anyone have a reliable tier list in this game?
if you've just started, tier lists arent that important
plus, you only get access to the free champs right now anyway.
play some coop vs ai

did you ever try AP GP? it's like trynda AP's mid equivalent. you can't kill him because he shrugs off your cc and he heals like 400 health with them oranges, plus his ult hits ridiculously hard.

dont give him bad ideas
I just tried out top Rengar and he seems pretty strong. The opposing Udyr couldn't really touch me except for when I committed to a man contest when my tower was low and he somehow killed me.

Other than that I stalked around helping with ganks and using my ult to engage or escape/re-engage.

Leveled Bola > Savagery > Battle Roar.

For items I went Cloth Armor + 5 hp pots > Ninja Tabi > Kindlegem > Brutalizer > Blood Thirster > Spirit Visage > Frozen Mallet > Black Cleaver > didn't have enough time for the last slot.

With Spirit Visage you heal for around 500 hp per use. I think for the last item I would probably use Runic Bulwark just to get both +100 resistances closer to 200.
Wanna see how this goes. Oranges too good.

Yeah I had a Warmogs minute 15 plus Chalice plus Boots, while Cassio went for double Dorans and generally had far worse farm than me (she wasted all her ressources on trying to harass me).
The other lanes did also really well - so game was won.
Still I died 2 times over the match ( one time because I used my ult to remote farm creeps on some lane, just before a teamfight and one greedy dive, oh and for the final push I sacrificed myself heroically 6/3/14 in the end)

AP Plank sounds cool but people were already fainting when I went Dorans Ring first item
"You are not going AP Plank - are you???!!?" and then I had to calm them down.
Now that I go Chalice first item (and for far better sustain) no one seems to care, probably because there is no AP on Chalice.
Still I am certain I will try it some time. I can mute flamers.


dont give him bad ideas
wait you mean because it's a shitty ass annoying build like old AP trynda or because it's a bad build?

in general I don't care much for GP and don't have much experience playing againt AP GP but the one time I played against him it was pretty ridiculous lol.


Guys guys calm down

ap gp isnt a thing
bola maxing rengar should lose to phoenix udyr

but relax

I dont know why the ground is burning though. guess j4 is casting cataclysm
adc teemo isnt a thing either

wait you mean because it's a shitty ass annoying build like old AP trynda or because it's a bad build?

in general I don't care much for GP and don't have much experience playing againt AP GP but the one time I played against him it was pretty ridiculous lol.
a little of both
its annoying like AP trynd but less effective since trynd spins every 2 seconds and heal more often and can invul for 5
and its kinda bad since youre really weak in a fight until you get lichbane, while trynd got damage from his E naturally
Yeah I had a Warmogs minute 15 plus Chalice plus Boots, while Cassio went for double Dorans and generally had far worse farm than me (she wasted all her ressources on trying to harass me).
The other lanes did also really well - so game was won.
Still I died 2 times over the match ( one time because I used my ult to remote farm creeps on some lane, just before a teamfight and one greedy dive, oh and for the final push I sacrificed myself heroically 6/3/14 in the end)

Well done. Sounds like you played well despite the focus.

AP Plank sounds cool but people were already fainting when I went Dorans Ring first item
"You are not going AP Plank - are you???!!?" and then I had to calm them down.
Now that I go Chalice first item (and for far better sustain) no one seems to care, probably because there is no AP on Chalice.

And you didn't miss the earning power of Avarice/Philo at all? Must try Chalice against AP early. I used to rush Philo, but that sounds pretty sweet with Pickpocket.

What am I doing in this thread I have a report to write! >.<


but relax
teemo looks like he has his proportions all over the place but still pretty cool. got the real size pic?

also found this in that site

edit: I regret posting this already

I don't even want to add her laugh sounds from my mind to it

a little of both
its annoying like AP trynd but less effective since trynd spins every 2 seconds and heal more often and can invul for 5
and its kinda bad since youre really weak in a fight until you get lichbane, while trynd got damage from his E naturally
I dunno, I didn't know what to do against him so I probably played the match wrong (was playing lux), but I just couldn't either kill him or drive him out of lane (even if I really did make his life miserable pre-6) because he kept healing and would just orange out of my snares so I just couldn't combo-kill him. then, he just ulted me and took like half my health lol.

I do agree it's way worse than old AP trynda, but he's got the tools to make it to the lich bane at mid. I imagine AP GP gets wrecked top, though.

oh and BTW

Skins going to 1350 and havent been on sale before will go on sale at 487: Arcade Sona, Astronautilus, Pool Party Ziggs
(fuck I bought arcade sona 2 months ago)
fuck man, that's like the worst thing ever.

I should've bought guqin :/



Two things!

I met a guy named Taric today, truly outrageous.

And they finally will be doing server transfers, and in the last couple months the lag is unbearable, from 18h - 00h my ping is at all times more than 400. So my play time that is already limited is even worse. I might do the transfer for the BR server.
I´ll let you guys know when i decide.
I dunno, I didn't know what to do against him so I probably played the match wrong (was playing lux), but I just couldn't either kill him or drive him out of lane (even if I really did make his life miserable pre-6) because he kept healing and would just orange out of my snares so I just couldn't combo-kill him. then, he just ulted me and took like half my health lol.

I do agree it's way worse than old AP trynda, but he's got the tools to make it to the lich bane at mid. I imagine AP GP gets wrecked top, though.

I'd say unless you get fed, it's a case of out-sustaining the opponent until at least Sheen is rolling.


teemo looks like he has his proportions all over the place but still pretty cool. got the real size pic?

also found this in that site


I don't even want to add her laugh sounds from my mind to it

I dunno, I didn't know what to do against him so I probably played the match wrong (was playing lux), but I just couldn't either kill him or drive him out of lane (even if I really did make his life miserable pre-6) because he kept healing and would just orange out of my snares so I just couldn't combo-kill him. then, he just ulted me and took like half my health lol.

I do agree it's way worse than old AP trynda, but he's got the tools to make it to the lich bane at mid. I imagine AP GP gets wrecked top, though.[/QUOTE]
holy shit quote that huge monsterous picture
and nah, i couldnt find the full size
just push and go gank. while gp is pretty good at last hitting under tower, he has worser wave clear than ryze even. next patch without 5+ pots, itll be easier to control him in lane.

[quote="Roybr, post: 54185292"]Guys,

Two things!

I met a guy named Taric today, truly outrageous.

And they finally will be doing server transfers, and in the last couple months the lag is unbearable, from 18h - 00h my ping is at all times more than 400. So my play time that is already limited is even worse. I might do the transfer for the BR server.
I´ll let you guys know when i decide.[/QUOTE]

theyre also opening latin america servers soon if thats more your thing!


I'd say unless you get fed, it's a case of out-sustaining the opponent until at least Sheen is rolling.
nah, he wasn't fed. I think the whole enemy team was winning and he just rode on that and at some point became unkillable (like he'd heal like 800 hp every 15 seconds).

just push and go gank. while gp is pretty good at last hitting under tower, he has worser wave clear than ryze even. next patch without 5+ pots, itll be easier to control him in lane.
yeah, I suppose. I mostly play mid so whenever someone puts a top laner mid it kinda breaks my brain

btw since you brought it up, I don't know what I'm gonna do with the 5 pot patch.

like, 90% I start faerie charm, 1 ward, 3 reds, 3 blues, leaving me with 10 gold. one less pot is 45 gold left. feels like a waste. I could cut another pot and get a second ward, I guess.


theyre also opening latin america servers soon if thats more your thing!
they're also opening a hiring branch or something so I might see about sneaking my little brother in as a tester if its here in argieland :p
nah, he wasn't fed. I think the whole enemy team was winning and he just rode on that and at some point became unkillable (like he'd heal like 800 hp every 15 seconds).

I was responding to someone who suggested AP GP top would be a losing lane, even more than GP is already a losing lane. Wasn't talking about your game at all, sorry for being unclear.


There's a guy in my game called Oprahs Anus. How does that one even get through Riot's filter?

I saw a guy with a name along the lines of: Your mum's anal (N-word)

It had numbers and abbreviation in it (UrM0msAn4l....) but you could easily see what it meant. Few people reported him. Just weird seeing such a name.

yeah, and push the lane and cost your adc minions? good luck with that :p

my problem with liz support is that zhonyas is such a core part of her build that you'll be gimping yourself playing her support.

bah, I dunno, maybe it works.

I end up building a deathcap or a chalice when I play support lux. Not hard to have the gold to build expensive damage items and have complete ward coverage if your support has a lot of kill potential.

pros mostly like pushing towers because they play 2v1 lanes

When I use to play adc, I pushed to turret 90% of the time because I can deny cs and harass under tower. Easiest way to win lane. All you need to have is good ward coverage and you'll smash the lane.


I end up building a deathcap or a chalice when I play support lux. Not hard to have the gold to build expensive damage items and have complete ward coverage if your support has a lot of kill potential.
yeah I guess you're right, I do the same the few times I play lux support.

we'll see, my bet was that she was gonna have OP damage, so riot would nerf liz so hard she'd end up supporting, but she actually felt reasonable.

When I use to play adc, I pushed to turret 90% of the time because I can deny cs and harass under tower. Easiest way to win lane. All you need to have is good ward coverage and you'll smash the lane.
eh, it depends. you're giving up kill potential on the assumption that the enemy carry can't farm under tower/their support won't know how to prep minions. if your team's any good you might coordinate a tower dive but I always operate under the notion that my team sucks and theirs is godly :p

but yeah, with annoying supports like lulu or sona you'd be happy to push enemies to their tower so you can get free poke and win on cs (though I'm bad and I always cs like shit when pushing).

but if you push the lane your support leona will forever hate you :p


pros mostly like pushing towers because they play 2v1 lanes
its weird that 2v1 hasnt filtered down into solo queue, seeing as its been around for 6 or so months now.

yeah, and push the lane and cost your adc minions? good luck with that :p

my problem with liz support is that zhonyas is such a core part of her build that you'll be gimping yourself playing her support.

bah, I dunno, maybe it works.

you can damage minions in a controlled way (usually by hitting the ranged ones and letting the adc last hit them)

but yeah, im on the fence about about liz support. shes pretty good vs divers in team fights, has decent all in capabilities post 6, but lacks any adc supportive abilities (shields, damage buff, heal, MS% buff, etc) so unless her poke is amazing, shes too weak early game to be a support

but yeah, with annoying supports like lulu or sona you'd be happy to push enemies to their tower so you can get free poke and win on cs (though I'm bad and I always cs like shit when pushing).

but if you push the lane your support leona will forever hate you :p

yeah theres a reason why you dont see leona much, even though shes still pretty good. she sucks in pushing/2v1 situations. though i wish pro players would play roam support with a safe adc to combat 2v1s


its weird that 2v1 hasnt filtered down into solo queue, seeing as its been around for 6 or so months now.

Cause not many guys can play the 1v2 well. They'll just end up feeding trying to cs. Or they'll bitxh and moan about the lack of cs.

It takes too much teamwork.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Cause not many guys can play the 1v2 well. They'll just end up feeding trying to cs. Or they'll bitxh and moan about the lack of cs.

It takes too much teamwork.
A lot of people can't play the 2v1 well either to be honest.


If they really wanted some goodwill for the price increase, they should put every single skin in that group on a 50% off sale before the transition. Boom. Community Love.

So they sort of met this request in a reasonable way.

Hippalus on lol forums said:
The three that were released in mid 2012 and have not yet been on sale will go on sale for 487 before the increase. And as always, if you bought them in the two weeks prior you will be eligible for a refund through Player Support. Source

Not bad. I may pick up Astronautilus. Too bad I don't have another shot at Glacial Malph for now.


your complaints are lack of skill complaints though

lets say you get good at 2v1/1v2, why wouldnt you do it to increase your chances of winning?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
your complaints are lack of skill complaints though

lets say you get good at 2v1/1v2, why wouldnt you do it to increase your chances of winning?
If things become commonplace why would you expect it to benefit you more than the other team? In a solo queue mentality people would rather fight on even ground that shift things up. There is more stuff that needs to be coordinated with lane swaps and its really hard in League without basic voice chat.


eh, it depends. you're giving up kill potential on the assumption that the enemy carry can't farm under tower/their support won't know how to prep minions. if your team's any good you might coordinate a tower dive but I always operate under the notion that my team sucks and theirs is godly :p

but yeah, with annoying supports like lulu or sona you'd be happy to push enemies to their tower so you can get free poke and win on cs (though I'm bad and I always cs like shit when pushing).

but if you push the lane your support leona will forever hate you :p

If you know the turret attack range, you can get a hit in everytime the adc (other than caitlyn) goes for a caster minion. You whittle them down and ask for a tower dive by your jungler and get drag off it.

What I did:
1. attack them early on to get the enemy minions to hit you. Pot this damage up. By having the enemy minions hitting you, your minions are hurting their minions but your minions aren't getting hurt in return as the damage is going onto you or your support. This will build the minion wave up slowly. (its important you do this slowly and it doesn't get pushed into the enemy turret before you reach level 3)
2. By level 3, you can either go balls deep to harass them out to lane or you have your stacked minion wave push into the enemy turret. This is where you start to whittle them down and cripple them. Non premade bot lanes suck at dealing with this in Silver and Gold elo from my experiences. They have absolutely no idea on what to do. They try to cs and B too often and lose a load of cs and experience. The only thing that can stop you is your support getting caught under the enemy tower or you have bad ward coverage
What you're doing is essentially winning the lane by being an entire level ahead and being up in cs.



Two things!

I met a guy named Taric today, truly outrageous.

And they finally will be doing server transfers, and in the last couple months the lag is unbearable, from 18h - 00h my ping is at all times more than 400. So my play time that is already limited is even worse. I might do the transfer for the BR server.
I´ll let you guys know when i decide.



so i loss one 5v5 match against AI(but two people were afk in the whole match) and just won one... Man this game is fun
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