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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Ain't no wards on his side/quarter of the map.

Having said that if he wants more wards he should buy wards.

(P.S. Diana skin in the works. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Two sightstones. Wriggles. Four vision wards. One regular ward. You guys should probably put those on the map.


How do I monkey? This is the week I finally want to overcome the hump.
Like you would with most top laners these days. Red pot start and then stack some hp items on him. Only get Blackcleaver if you're on an AD heavy team. Remember that you can get a total of 40 armor and magic resist from his passive alone.

Don't get Tiamat.


Two sightstones. Wriggles. Four vision wards. One regular ward. You guys should probably put those on the map.

Why would I put them bot when we were preparing to defend Baron? There was nothing bot side of the map but Talon being greedy for creeps.

Also the four vision wards were bought like 10 seconds before Chalon died.


The LCS SUPER WEEK starts in just 8.5 hours from this post.



This is the last week before the end of season playoffs, which will determine who gets to go on next season.

This is a SUPER WEEK - there will be 20 games played with everything on the line.

All the matches for this week and their time can be viewed at: [Esports Calendar] (set to professional for less clutter)

The top 2 teams get guaranteed positions to next season, the top 2-6 playoff for two spots in next season, and everybody left afterwards has to compete in the End of Season Regulation tournament to determine the new group of pro teams.

Current Standings
1. Curse (18-5)
2. Team Dignitas (16-7)
3. Team Solo Mid (16-7)
4. Counter Logic Gaming (11-12)
5. Good Game University (9-14)
6. Vulcun (8-15)
7. Team MRN (8-15)
8. compLexity (6-17)

As you can see, 2nd place and 6th place are extremely competitive and will be major points of contention.

As for who can still make it, and what it takes:

The Top Three
Curse (18-5)
Team Dignitas (16-7)
Team Solo Mid (16-7)
The top three are the only teams to mathematically clinch at least 6th, as well as the only possible teams able to finish 2nd or better. There remains two games between these three teams, CRS vs DIG and DIG vs TSM. So far this season CRS leads the head-to-head against DIG 2-1, DIG leads TSM 2-1 and TSM broke even with CRS 2-2. The result of the final game between DIG and TSM will have the biggest effect in the possible final standings, so here are the requirements for each team to clinch top 2 in both scenarios:

DIG beats TSM (Series 3-1)
CRS can clinch top 2 with 3/5 wins.
DIG can clinch top 2 with 4/5 wins.
TSM can't clinch top 2 without CRS or DIG losing to bottom five teams.
TSM beats DIG(Series 2-2)
CRS can clinch top 2 with any 3/5 wins or 2/5 if they beat DIG.
TSM can clinch top 2 with only with 5/5 wins.
DIG can't clinch top 2 without CRS or TSM losing to bottom five teams.
In either case CRS is in control of their own fate, being able to clinch solely on the results of their own games, and a top 2 finish is essentially theirs to lose. DIG and TSM will be looking to share this same self control of fate, but only the winner of their final game will get the opportunity. The only thing we can say for sure is that one of these top three teams will have to defend their spot in the LCS in the spring playoffs.

The Bottom Five
Counter Logic Gaming (11-12)
Good Game University (9-14)
Vulcun (8-15)
Team MRN (8-15)
compLexity (6-17)
While none of the bottom five have been able to clinch 6th or better yet, none of them are completely out of the running either. CLG leads the bottom 5 with a three game advantage on the current 7th place team while at the bottom coL struggles as the only team unable to control their own destiny. GGU, VUL and MRN round out the middle, all fighting against a 7th or 8th place finish. There remains 7 games between these 5 teams, but the ones to watch will be between the close 5th, 6th and 7th place teams. VUL vs MRN and GGU vs VUL will have a huge impact on the final results between these 3 teams similar to DIG vs CRS.

Here's what is needed by each team to clinch a top 6 finish:
CLG can clinch top 6 with 2/5 wins.
GGU can clinch top 6 with 4/5 wins.
MRN can clinch top 6 with 5/5 wins.
VUL can clinch top 6 with 5/5 wins.
VUL plays both GGU and MRN. While GGU can win 4/5 if VUL wins 5/5, MRN can not win 5/5 if VUL wins 5/5 since one team will lose in their match.
coL needs to win 5/5 and have any combination of 2 to happen: MRN lose 3/5, VUL lose 3/5, or GGU lose 4/5.
The bottom 5 is a similar race to the top 3, with the addition of a complete underdog in coL and three teams competing neck and neck instead of two. The best game to catch of these bottom 5 teams will probably be VUL vs MRN, as these two teams are tied in wins but the series advantage lies in VUL's favor 2-1.

Games this week:



Riot is allowing account merges between US and EU now.
I'm very happy, maybe I'll get my King Rammus back, at last!


oh man just played three hours straight of aram with strangers

surprisingly so much fun

then played one sr and had a soraka with mejais and they had lulu adc

i missed all the lasers

won anyway because they throw

good day for league
Just played GP support for the first time.
That was fun.
I was together with a Cait against Ez/Lux (the sexual tension, I know) and we just zoned them out of the game
I got a doublekill out of a Garen tp ganging us on him and Ez, as I already had Chalice I went for Avarice -> Stattik and was the fucking insane poke support.
Ended on 5/4/18, game was won (and really entertaining).


I get lots of comments when I use the white spaceman Renekton skin. Is that thing not available anymore or something? Every game "Oh hell yeah white gator!"
I would be really annoyed as the ADC if someone picked GP as support.

I'm sure you're a good GP player (so I don't want to be deprecating), but a good support on the enemy team should have stomped you. Picking GP as a support just screams of "I'm just gonna pick whatever the fuck I want, so fuck you".

Like it doesn't even sound like you went with any support items like Locket or Aegis. Your items just sound really selfish.

That's not supporting. That's just playing bot lane and buying a few wards here and there.


I would be really annoyed as the ADC if someone picked GP as support.

I'm sure you're a good GP player (so I don't want to be deprecating), but a good support on the enemy team should have stomped you. Picking GP as a support just screams of "I'm just gonna pick whatever the fuck I want, so fuck you".

Like it doesn't even sound like you went with any support items like Locket or Aegis. Your items just sound really selfish.

That's not supporting. That's just playing bot lane and buying a few wards here and there.

I played a game where the enemy team had a GP support. My team was a Vayne and a sona or something. I saw the GP didn't buy any wards so I was going to gank after my first back at around 4 min. My bot lane died before I even got there. Then blamed me for not ganking.. Our Vayne even got first blood in a level 1 fight (which was was I was a little behind).

The enemies ended up winning because GP got fed off kills while the adc got all the farm. Our bot lane got stomped. Really the GP support shouldn't win but sometimes it's hard adjusting to the unusual. Takes some teamwork.
I played a game where the enemy team had a GP support. My team was a Vayne and a sona or something. I saw the GP didn't buy any wards so I was going to gank after my first back at around 4 min. My bot lane died before I even got there. Then blamed me for not ganking.. Our Vayne even got first blood in a level 1 fight (which was was I was a little behind).

The enemies ended up winning because GP got fed off kills while the adc got all the farm. Our bot lane got stomped. Really the GP support shouldn't win but sometimes it's hard adjusting to the unusual. Takes some teamwork.

Oh sure, it can work because the other team doesn't know how to deal with it if they aren't used to it. Same with the Xin and Panth pub stomp lane, or a "support" Rengar.

It works some times because people are put off guard by it, but really it's a terrible pick.
Oh sure, it can work because the other team doesn't know how to deal with it if they aren't used to it. Same with the Xin and Panth pub stomp lane, or a "support" Rengar.

It works some times because people are put off guard by it, but really it's a terrible pick.

One game a while ago I got destroyed by the enemies picking 4 adcs and a Swain and going 4 mid for the first 5 minutes. In solo ranked. In bronce.


Well it works for him now, so let him try it until he realises that other champions support better. At least he lets his adc have farm.

You seriously can't force closed mindedness on newer people, and you definitely shouldn't do so in a hostile manner. It's enough to say that support gp isn't that good and why others are better.

Close mindedness tells you that support elise, kayle and leblanc suck and yet they've been proven to work even at the highest level.

Tbh, support gp is still more supporty than support rengar.
One game a while ago I got destroyed by the enemies picking 4 adcs and a Swain and going 4 mid for the first 5 minutes. In solo ranked. In bronce.

It worked because you didn't know what to do.

If you had recognised that 4 ADCs and a Swain all have awful early games, grouped up and picked a fight, you would have stomped them like nothing you've ever seen before. They had a terrible team comp and your team clearly didn't know how to deal with it. You lost because of that, not because it's good.

Same with "support" GP.

As someone who pretty much mains ADC at the moment, there is nothing more infuriating than someone who picks a champion purely because they want to and plays selfishly than someone who takes a legitimate support and works with the team.

Maybe you were properly supporting but nothing of what you said sounds like you did.

Well it works for him now, so let him try it until he realises that other champions support better. At least he lets his adc have farm.

You seriously can't force closed mindedness on newer people, and you definitely shouldn't do so in a hostile manner. It's enough to say that support gp isn't that good and why others are better.

Close mindedness tells you that support elise, kayle and leblanc suck when they've been proven to work even at the highest level.

Tbh, support gp is still more supporty than support rengar.

I'm not being hostile, I'm just trying to explain it from a point of view other than his own, i.e. the team's and particularly the ADC he's gonna be laned with.

He's played ranked, he's at least level 30, so I'm pretty sure he knows that other champions support better.

Elise works because she's got great initiation and disengage because of her long range hard cc and she doesn't require a lot of items to do her role because of her base stats.

Kayle offers a slow, a heal and a game changing ult that can save your carry's ass in a fight.

LeBlanc is less supporty than the others, but at least she offers hard cc in the form of a root and silence.

But if you want me to say why support GP is bad, sure. He's got zero hard cc, his heal is only a self-heal, his only way of helping an ally is by giving them a small amount of damage and the slow on his ult. He's mana hungry enough to the point PorcellainThrill feels he needs to rush a chalice on him, instead of something that's useful to the team, i.e. a locket.

I wasn't condoning "support" Rengar, it's awful and totally selfish too, but thinking about it even he offers some sort of useful cc. I just hate the solo queue mentality of I'm going to play what I want whether it serves the team or not. Especially from the point of view of an ADC who would really appreciate a good support who actually makes an effort to do that.


formerly sane
But if you want me to say why support GP is bad, sure. He's got zero hard cc, his heal is only a self-heal, his only way of helping an ally is by giving them a small amount of damage and the slow on his ult. He's mana hungry enough to the point PorcellainThrill feels he needs to rush a chalice on him, instead of something that's useful to the team, i.e. a locket.

You're doing it wrong I've had support gps at times and basically you q and e all the time. One or two crits with any decent adc early game is free kills. Support gp comes down to harass.

Also his ulti is bomb for forcing people in to bad situations especially if they want to run on bottom with half health or very little left. With a jungler they are forced to leave or lose lane while giving deaths.


New ultimate skin within the next month.

Also, Arcade Sona, Pool Party Ziggs and AstroNautilus going on sale at 487 before the price increase on April 25th.

Already bought Sona's at the weekend, so I'll get a refund on that. Will buy the other 2 as well I guess, before they hit 1350.

Ah, just saw this. Excellent. I almost bought Arcade Sona. Will wait for sale and buy then. Happy I bought the Xin skin that's getting bumped. It's a nice skin.

I may play Naut at some point but I'll never play Ziggs. Good enough.


I'm still inclined to say most players even in Plat are bad support that lets adc's gets zoned out and doesn't provide good ward coverage. Think I'll just specialize in support now.
You're doing it wrong I've had support gps at times and basically you q and e all the time. One or two crits with any decent adc early game is free kills. Support gp comes down to harass.

Also his ulti is bomb for forcing people in to bad situations especially if they want to run on bottom with half health or very little left. With a jungler they are forced to leave or lose lane while giving deaths.

That is what happened.
Especially against Ez Lux who are terribly squishy, I went
QEWWQRQQ and they just couldnt outharass me, while Cait was freefarming and also got her Q on them a couple of times when they were slowed from me.
Also the Lux had real trouble hitting her CC as I got 345 base MS plus 3 % from support masteries and 3% from my E and even when she did I just ate them oranges.
However I can see how there would be lanecombos against which this would have been pretty bad.



dragonborns would dominate the NA-LCS.

I'm sounding overly patriotic here but I believe NA is a lot better this season than they were. With LCS they're actually practicing regularly and evolving their strats. I'm optimistic that curse and maybe dig/TSM would have a good showing. coL would do real well once they get their late game together too.


Elise works because she's got great initiation and disengage because of her long range hard cc and she doesn't require a lot of items to do her role because of her base stats.

Kayle offers a slow, a heal and a game changing ult that can save your carry's ass in a fight.

LeBlanc is less supporty than the others, but at least she offers hard cc in the form of a root and silence.

But if you want me to say why support GP is bad, sure. He's got zero hard cc, his heal is only a self-heal, his only way of helping an ally is by giving them a small amount of damage and the slow on his ult. He's mana hungry enough to the point PorcellainThrill feels he needs to rush a chalice on him, instead of something that's useful to the team, i.e. a locket.

my point is that before pro players used them, these unconventional supports wouldve been laughed at. and they are still looked at quizzically in champion select.

your list is nice and all, but I have to respectfully say that they make you focus on the wrong things. I also have to say that, before pros played them, you never wouldve taken them seriously, even though you couldve dissected their kits the exact same way.

supporting isnt JUST about cc. it's about being useful in the lowest gold position. This is usually through cc, but it can also be through free stats or early game dominance.

support isnt all about hard cc - nunu, soraka were all things at a point in time. my darling babe sona is a massive lane bully, and she doesnt have ANY cc until level 6. why is that? because her poke damage is incredible of course.

now pull this to GP - he gives free stats and has a point and click harass that can do reasonable damage. later on, he has a global slow and free stats. in a way hes a nunu type that trades adc stats for laning presence.

tl;dr - people need to be more open minded, or at least be less categorical in their rejection of certain champions in certain roles

and take your dirty lcs talk to the lcs thread


I'm still inclined to say most players even in Plat are bad support that lets adc's gets zoned out and doesn't provide good ward coverage. Think I'll just specialize in support now.

play w/ us more :3

@adc support relationship
as a person who's mainly comfortable with adc, all I really care about is that my partner is cognizant about their role and interacts with me in a meaningful way. I care more about feeling like I am able to perform freely (cs and harass being fought for in a good way, information being fed to me in a good way). Like the gp I laned with in ranked established good presence, fought for brush control, warded well, called out when his ult was up (essentially keeping an eye on other lanes while performing at bot) and could intimidate the other lane by popping his e (are they going for harass/all in? is he speeding up a jungler for a gank? loud sound scary). as an ad that's what I care about. he can level q for poke or if against a more sustainy lane, level e for the all in.

like despite him not being terribly optimal he doesnt really detract from the lane in an important way. he might run into some trouble itemwise, but it actually opens up choices in a nice way. building dmg/crit vs. aura still puts him in a similar support positioning style, floating around the fights and going ham when it's allowable.

I remember before gp's slow was nerfed he was a reaaaly strong jungler. In S2 this meant that he was supposed to perform with low gold

oh but phillip brings up a good point which is this idea of losing at champ select. like the "meta" is decided by pros to a large extent, and while a lot of it is translatable universally to the game (gold distribution, positioning of lanes with objectives in mind and types of champs played in these types of lanes, etc.) a lot of it doesn't really translate to casual play. at the same time, people will get on your dick if they don't feel like this meta is being respected, there are a lot of examples of people who snowball games from bad attitude. like if an ad doesn't recognize the good qualities of whatever support is being picked, ur gonna have a bad time, but that's kinda true of any person who picks op without noticing the particularities of a champ.


Russian servers are now live too

any russian speaking people wanna give details?

Wheres my empty AU servers, Riot?

Let's see.

* First two weeks - open beta test, all champions are unlocked, IP boosts are in effect.
* They have Russian tech support, also implementing payment ways which are popular in Russia.
* Free transfer period - two weeks (17.04 - 30.04)
instant fail
* 2 free skins for everyone who transfer his account within this period - Arctic Caitlyn, Northern Storm Volibear.


So I bought Singed and apparently he gets to use Tear too.

Not that I'm complaining, but is there any kind of use for Athene's like this?


i dont really see people build chalice anymore, but the idea is that if you build chalice for early mr you can turn it into athenes and some ap and cdr that way


So you're not supposed to buy T2 boots on your first back? I usually just try to stay in lane until I have around 1000-1500 gold.

Depend on the situation. For ap I usually dont like getting T2 boot until after my first major item, since T2 boot only give magic penetration, it doesn't help you farm because minions have no magic resist. However if you are playing a bursty mage, and enemy is stacking magic resist, it might be a good idea to go for T2 boot early.

For ad, early game damage>attack speed, so boot isn't that useful here. More of the trade will be hit & run, so you never take advantage of the attack speed that come with the T2 boot.

In top lane, people love to rush T2 boot, since 2x dorans + Ninja tabi or Mercury tread can help you dominate the lane.
My point is not that no cc means no support, my point is that it's a hell of a lot more useful than what GP offers. Soraka and Nunu don't have cc, but their kit is designed to support. GP's isn't, and the free stats he gives are pretty much useless because of how low they are.

How is GP going to help you if you get dived on by a Leona, or a Thresh? He'll eat his orange and be on his merry way because he can do nothing to help you in that situation.

Nunu's basically a walking phantom dancer with a slow that's not tied to his ultimate, and he has a better ultimate for a support situation. Soraka doesn't have cc (outside of her silence) but she gives a colossal amount of sustain to keep you in lane and potentially save your life. Sona's stun is only available at 6, yes, but she also has a heal, innate auras and a move speed boost which can help disengage.

GP offers none of that. He gives a petty amount of AD, and some poke. In that case, why not pick Janna who gives more AD, a shield, a knock up, a slow and a great disengage ultimate that heals? Even Nami gives you more damage than him, while also bringing a lot of cc for your team and a heal. Karma has a team wide shield and speed boost, as well as a root and even, if not more amounts of poke as GP, even if she is underpowered.

I wouldn't care if someone picks GP in any other role. He's not a fantastic champ at the moment, but hey neither is Fiora. But would I play Fiora as a support? Absolutely not, because it gives an impression that I just don't give a shit and I'm just going to play who I want because fuck it.

That's the impression I got here, and that was reinforced by what he built. Being a poke bot isn't supporting. If someone cared about supporting and was actually going to put effort into a game, they'd pick someone better equipped to support the ADC and the rest of the team.


i dunno i mean everything in gp's kit can be useful for a support, janna or ali are pretty much the only good counters to your ad being out of position and dived on, gp can sit in front, which is what he does a lot of the time anyway for zoning, and body block skillshots and cleanse the cc. this idea that supports are supports to compensate for errors from the ad is prtty bad, even if it's really nice to have those types of supports around sometimes. I mean you go into your lane w/ gp support, or any support, and you adjust accordingly.

but like obviously you want your lane to be related to the enemy lane in some way, I think gp is pretty useless against soraka for example

it's pretty unfortunate though that you can write him off so easily or that you classify him as a poke bot when he brings other things to the table. I think that's a pretty normal attitude to have tho, but the main bad thing here is the idea that if someone cared they would have picked someone else, a lot of this has to do w/ communication at champ select tho, hence losing at champ select

like prolly from complexity kind of brings this conversation to the pro scene, where unexpected characters have the benefit of not being played against constantly, but where he also aims to extract particular strengths from unorthodox characters. ziggs brings a lot of dmg at level 1 for example, and you should aim to take advantage of that as a team, etc. I think it's perfectly valid to look at gp's kit and decide that you don't think he's strong enough, but he's by far not a character that will lose your lane for you if he's played right, and he's definitely a character that contributes and fits a support role, like all his skills fit in that way


Sorry, should have specified that they don't have hard cc. I did actually explain why their cc is useful though so brownie points for me.
Yeah, I mean in general I agree with you. But also to super nitpick Sona does have a slow before 6, it's just that Tempo kinda sucks and requires Power Chord. Also also tell me more about Diana skin plz kthx.


formerly sane
That is what happened.
Especially against Ez Lux who are terribly squishy, I went
QEWWQRQQ and they just couldnt outharass me, while Cait was freefarming and also got her Q on them a couple of times when they were slowed from me.
Also the Lux had real trouble hitting her CC as I got 345 base MS plus 3 % from support masteries and 3% from my E and even when she did I just ate them oranges.
However I can see how there would be lanecombos against which this would have been pretty bad.

Not going to deny that either but in draft vs certain combos gp can take on the lane for himself.

Synergeries and counter always decide if character choices are shitty. Most people with skill can make anything work anywhere.
Maybe we just gotta agree or disagree on it, but I don't think any of you would ever prefer or be happy with GP over a proper support when push came to shove. And I still don't think he was legitimately putting any effort into supporting, but who knows.

As for the Diana skin, IronStylus said on the forums there's one in the works. That's pretty much it.
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