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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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oops guess its real
tsm reginald

fromn reddit:
It seems likely that this map is going to be showcased at the all star game to determine the best "individual player" for various roles.
"All-Star Week will also unveil a very exciting event this year. Many of you speculate about which individual players are at the top of their respective positions. In Shanghai, we’re finally going to answer that question. Your favorite players from top, mid, jungle and bot will square off against one another in an individual tournament. The last players left standing will have the right to claim they’re the best individual competitors in the world."
First GP supp game incoming, I am with MF (2 Pirates!!) against Varus/Blitz.
I should have done this while I was still in Silver 5 I think I will get demoted for these 10 games.

Edit: ARRRR supported this game to victory, or maybe I got it carried by the Orianna (it really was the Orianna).
Laning phase sucked, especially as MF was afk in base for the first 2 minutes (which was kinda a big deal)
we then had a lot of really close encounters we unfortunately lost, but I think if the start was a little better and I generally knew how to play support we might have even won the laning phase.

However later in game with Shurelias, Ninja Tabis, Aegis and Wardstone (plus stattik and chalice) I turned into kind of a bruiser, while the Blitzcrank was just more or less cannonfodder.
I would always protect important people (not me) from hooks and then I could go W E and throw my ult, which really helped a lot in teamfights.
Maxed E first which is a really strong multipurpose skill, together with Shureliyas you could really chase down people or escape. It also shines in teamfights where MS gives some positioning help and the extra AD doesn't hurt either (well the enemies).
I failed to rp as a pirate though, must fix this.
Fuck just realized I lack the vocabulary to rp as a pirate in english.
Gonna look up some 18 century saltwater slang.

Next game GP/Draven against Leona/Graves.


dota is super paintly and has no definition and all dark and blurry and stuff

I guess when compared to League's bright visuals I agree. I just think Dota's graphics go well with thier art direction and are pretty slick. I think its just as easy to see in either game tbh.

Edit: twitch is my least favorite ADC to play by far, I've never been able to get the hang of him. I would rather support AD brand.
are you from EU?


edit: oh that game oh, we completely won our lane (2 kills in the first 3 minutes) however we had a Karthus jungle and a Lee Sin top who lost brutally (the Zed mid was doing rather meh)
the Karthus got killed by the enemy Khazix jungler who then proceeded to gang us all the time together with TF tp gangs and even the Jax who got absolute freefarm and freekills top came around to visit us.
Nothing to get here :(


I think Dota's graphics are great, LoL is super cartoony to me, I've always thought they were way better than Leagues.

But even with that being said I have 2 thousand more games of League played than Dota.

And Vi is definitely now my favorite champ OF ALL TIME!!


Vi's my favorite champ as well. And now she's rarely banned. It's wonderful.


Sivir is one of my favorite ADCs right now. She had to be nerfed from the late-game perma boomerang bounce action.

Edit: why is my League unavailable?


After watching that DOTA2 vid.. i dont know. looks so dark.. but wow the particle effects, and just effects in general looked great!
So how would you build him? Runaan's Hurricane seems like a good idea since the extra shots will apply his poison. I know that it works with his R buy just AS feels iffy.

IE, PD, Bezerker's (later swap with Zephyr), BT or BotRK(if they are health stacking), LW, QSS into scimitar.

You need a melee weapon for stats and in case the enemy gets inside minimum firing range. Clearly a hunter weapon. Duh.

The worst part is we told her it doesn't work on her, she sold it for BT... but bought it again later... :/


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
You know what is the worst and most overrated piece of shit anime of all time?

Sword Art Online

jesus christ


yet my nerd buddies love it

SAO and peoples love for it is when i realised, I don't belong in the anime world

I know that feeling.
I played Vi again for the first time in ages. Used that XJ9 build garath posted not long ago.

Not feeling it tbh. I think I need to build tankier. Ancient Golem giving CDR is probably best for my play style (I'm going in, fuck it).


You know what is the worst and most overrated piece of shit anime of all time?

Sword Art Online

jesus christ


yet my nerd buddies love it

SAO and peoples love for it is when i realised, I don't belong in the anime world

How SAO is appealing:
Come in to laught at the crappy plot, stay for the waifus.
I enjoyed SAO.

For the aforementioned fight scenes and waifus, not for the plot.

New Devil Survivor 2 episode today.


First Ashe game in a loooooong time today. 6/1/5, enemy surrendered at 20. Freljord Ashe skin best skin. White Ashe so pretty.


There are a few good fight scenes if you're into that.

Fight scenes? You mean slideshows right? Granted I only saw a few episodes so maybe the production values got better later on.

Edit: I had bought Freljord Ashe, but refunded it for Sherwood Ashe. I like the splash art, but it looks to shiny and bright in game ):


I played Vi again for the first time in ages. Used that XJ9 build garath posted not long ago.

Not feeling it tbh. I think I need to build tankier. Ancient Golem giving CDR is probably best for my play style (I'm going in, fuck it).

Yeah. It's all about smashing the laning phase. Ideally you aren't going toe to toe with anyone in laning with that build. You burst out, melt their hp and they start running. My last two games with Vi have been 5/0 starts, then I transition into tanky with Randuins and locket for teamfights. If I get a couple early kills I actually like going elder lizard before brutalizer so I can solo the dragon easily.

All of xj9's builds are really carry heavy. No matter how much I watch it, I still can't believe how quickly he gets fed in 90% of his games.


I'm fucking pissed off. Four tanks on the enemy team. Not even with Elise or Vi could we do shit. Jesus Christ. This is broken as fuck. This shouldn't work. Doesn't matter that we stomped bot lane because they have 12 trillion health >.>
Yeah. It's all about smashing the laning phase. Ideally you aren't going toe to toe with anyone in laning with that build. You burst out, melt their hp and they start running. My last two games with Vi have been 5/0 starts, then I transition into tanky with Randuins and locket for teamfights. If I get a couple early kills I actually like going elder lizard before brutalizer so I can solo the dragon easily.

All of xj9's builds are really carry heavy. No matter how much I watch it, I still can't believe how quickly he gets fed in 90% of his games.

Yeah if I'm gonna play a carry jungler, Diana will be my go to. There's too much benefit at the moment, imo, in picking utility junglers over semi-carry junglers.

Did you try Naut in the end? I've found him very enjoyable.

Go full AS marks, armour seals, mr/level glyphs and move speed quints. His ganking is so good, and his clear is actually pretty decent since they buffed the cooldown on his shield. Get spirit stone and mobi boots on first back and just gank everywhere.

I'm fucking pissed off. Four tanks on the enemy team. Not even with Elise or Vi could we do shit. Jesus Christ. This is broken as fuck. This shouldn't work. Doesn't matter that we stomped bot lane because they have 12 trillion health >.>

Blade of the Ruined King is your friend.


I'm fucking pissed off. Four tanks on the enemy team. Not even with Elise or Vi could we do shit. Jesus Christ. This is broken as fuck. This shouldn't work. Doesn't matter that we stomped bot lane because they have 12 trillion health >.>

That's where the ADC comes in. Peel all day for an ADC with Blade of the Ruined King, Last whisper, and IE. They'll be the tank killers.

Yeah if I'm gonna play a carry jungler, Diana will be my go to. There's too much benefit at the moment, imo, in picking utility junglers over semi-carry junglers.

Did you try Naut in the end? I've found him very enjoyable.

Go full AS marks, armour seals, mr/level glyphs and move speed quints. His ganking is so good, and his clear is actually pretty decent since they buffed the cooldown on his shield. Get spirit stone and mobi boots on first back and just gank everywhere.

All a matter of preference. I like Vi's mobility and armor/%health shred for a carry role. Not to mention the ult. Vi works really good as a carry diver. She is pretty similar to Diana in that regard. I like the utility junglers and I play them but it annoys the crap out of me when I initiate at the right time, peel well, and still lose the teamfights. I need some deeps!

Still haven't tried Naut. I will eventually.

That rune page is a good one. I call it "To be a man/bear/ninja". I use it for Xin, Udyr, Shen and Nasus lol.


Oh man, Astro Nautilus is on sale

I saw someone posted that on the forums, but it hasn't been updated on the main site. Is that the actual sale?

Do certain regions get the same sale? Just wondering because I remember last week someone said Turkey(I believe..) was getting one sale but NA got a different one.
Looks like I'll have a good advantage the first few weeks with my ARAM rune pages(yes I wasted IP to build aram specific pages, totally worth it when you see a fiddle dark wind chunk off a fifth of an enemies health bar)
EU and NA is getting AstroNautilus, Arcade Sona and Pool Party Ziggs.

The BR server chose two different skins instead of PP Ziggs and Arcade Sona.


The Korean All-star team is gonna be scary as fuuuuuuuuck. Current votes:

Top: Maknoon 37.5% (NaJin Sword)
Mid: Ambition 40.3% (CJ Entus Blaze)
ADC: Pray 34.3% (NaJin Sword)
Sup: Madlife 81.8% (CJ Entus Frost)
Jungle: Insec 46.2% (KT Rolster B)
Coach: Reach 48.2% (NaJin Sword)

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