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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Even if you try new builds you'd stomp new players.

You guys should feel bad etc.

Too tired of losing to randoms so you guys beat up newbies


Neo Member
Shieet, Arcade Sona on sale. I don't even own Sona but I'm close to 3k IP. Really tempted to buy her, I read that she'll go up to million RP after this sale or something. The effects are awesome on that skin. Dunno if I even play Sona ever :d


Even if you try new builds you'd stomp new players.
yeah, though it's often such a mess of other smurfs that you never know.

I treat it as bots intermediate, just a bunch of random shit to try out new champions (new builds was just a saying, I may have done like AP MF once and that about it). the problem with trying stuff against bots is that people who play bots are like super expert at playing against them and will get a billion kills and just wreck everything up while you wait in the sidelines.

the fun turns into baiting bots to kill your teammates or playing against karthus bot

You guys should feel bad etc.
I played lux once.

I still fell guilty

Too tired of losing to random so you guys bear up newbies

*if you survive long enough to build beefy

we also had me as kayle so we had enough waveclear for everyone else to be melee

Shieet, Arcade Sona on sale. I don't even own Sona but I'm close to 3k IP. Really tempted to buy her, I read that she'll go up to million RP after this sale or something. The effects are awesome on that skin. Dunno if I even play Sona ever :d
she's great, you'll be able to own your adc's ass by stealing securing all his kills with the nice "oops I was just spamming q!" and you can make the whole enemy team dance

also baiting people into her e's passive so they're slowed and people destroy them is awesome. or baiting silly adcs into your q passive and you kill them.

sona makes everyone her bitch



I'm starting to get cold feet about the ARAM queue. So much rage on the pbe. Then again, it's the pbe - everyone is raging.


I'm at Silver 2, and this league is just filled with so many toxic trash talkers, keyboard warriors, afkers...

Some days I just have win streaks with so many helpful teammates and some days its just depressing...
I'm sorry.

It was cool, firstblooded the Singed I was top against didn't do much else in the game though, I was that guy who always died in teamfights.
Still won, I usually lose my first game with heros though, hope this isn't a bad sign.
Well, I won't complain about the 26 extra LP.


I'm at Silver 2, and this league is just filled with so many toxic trash talkers, keyboard warriors, afkers...

Some days I just have win streaks with so many helpful teammates and some days its just depressing...

That's nothing. Get to Gold 5 lad.


The EU LCS SUPER WEEK starts in just under 3 hours from this post.


Discuss in the [LCS THREAD]


This is the last week before the end of season playoffs, which will determine who gets to go on next season.

This is a SUPER WEEK - there will be 20 games played with everything on the line.

All the matches for this week and their times can be viewed at: [Esports Calendar] (set to professional for less clutter)

The top 2 teams get guaranteed positions to next season, the top 2-6 playoff for two spots in next season, and everybody left afterwards has to compete in the End of Season Regulation tournament to determine the new group of pro teams.

Current Standings
Gambit BenQ (18-5)
Fnatic (18-5)
SK Gaming (14-9)
EG Raidcall (12-11)
Copenhagen Wolves (9-14)
Ozone GIANTS (8-15)
Against All Authority (8-15)
Dragonborns (5-18)

Unlike NA, the top 2 have very strong positions in the EU, the hot points of contention will be the 5th and 6th positions.

As for who can still make it, and what it takes:

The Top Three
Gambit BenQ (18-5)
Fnatic (18-5)
SK Gaming (14-9)
There is only one remaining match this season between two of the top three teams, SK vs Fnatic. Regardless of the result, Fnatic has already won 3 games over SK this season and holds the head-to-head tiebreaker in their favor. Gambit has also won their head-to-head against SK 3-1, as well as against Fnatic by a score of 3-1. At 4 games behind 1st and 2nd place with only five games left in the season, literally everything needs to go right for a top 2 SK finish.

Gambit can clinch top 2 with any 1/5 wins.
Fnatic can clinch top 2 with any 1/5 wins.
Sk can only finish top 2 with 5/5 wins and if either Gambit orFnatic go 0/5.

Basically any win for either Gambit or Fnatic will clinch their own top 2 finish while any loss from SK will clinch top 2 for them regardless, both at the same time.

The Bottom Five
EG Raidcall (12-11)
Copenhagen Wolves (9-14)
Ozone GIANTS (8-15)
Against All Authority (8-15)
Dragonborns (5-18)
Similar to the NA standings, we have one team with a comfortable lead ahead of the other four, one team barely hanging on and relying on their opponents to lose, and the other three teams very close somewhere in the middle. There remains six games between 2 of the these bottom 5 teams, but only two of them are between the middle pack teams. AAA takes on Giants looking to extend their head-to-head record to 3-1, while the Giants then face off against the Wolves, a 2-1 series so far in the Wolves favor.

EG only needs any 1/5 wins to clinch top 6.
Wolves need any 4/5 wins to clinch top 6, 3/5 wins if they beat Giants.
Giants need to win all 5/5 to clinch top 6.
AAA needs to beat Giants and go 4/5 to clinch.

Dragonborns need to start praying for any shot at the playoffs this season. I don't think a haircut would hurt either.
The two matches between Giants vs AAA and Giants vs Wolves should prove to be season changing for all three teams. Considering how much of a must-win each remaining game is for theses teams, these are the games that you should try to catch.

Games this week:


Discuss in the [LCS THREAD]
Fiora is super cool.
Just did terrible damage on some clusterfucks with hydra plus black cleaver plus ult.
Game was won.

Edit: is there any chance at all the headmistress skin will be available some day?
Edit: is there any chance at all the headmistress skin will be available some day?

Probably not, unless they bring some Halloween ones back next Halloween like they did at Christmas.

Both of her other skins are good though, and they're both going down in price on the 25th. Royal Guard is going to 520 and Nightraven to 790.

Also fuck the haters.

"NEXT MATCH: FRI 19/04 - 14:00 CEST"

lied to me

14:00 CEST was 17 minutes ago. What time converter were you using? :p


fuck AAA v EG (no disrespect)

OGN has



uh maths is hard?


Ah, I was wondering why I couldn't watch replays of last night's matches. Guess they aren't available while other matches are playing live.
well nocturne abused her weak level 1 jungle

but anyway, its not about the score, its about the team comp.

dat aoe vacuum effect comp

I was more talking about his terrible attempt at getting the double kill bottom. Still got the turret but could have had two kills. Terrible crescent strike.

And her early jungle isn't very weak tbh.

edit: at least he's not playing as bad as Snoopeh on Nautilus... :/

I don't see why he'd go Sunfire over Frozen Heart. Meh.


I was more talking about his terrible attempt at getting the double kill bottom. Still got the turret but could have had two kills. Terrible crescent strike.

And her early jungle isn't very weak tbh.

edit: at least he's not playing as bad as Snoopeh on Nautilus... :/

yeah they showed him shaking his head after that

edit: guys pls im so lonely in lcs thread

and he got sunfire for dat damage and just more EHP
yeah they showed him shaking his head after that

edit: guys pls im so lonely in lcs thread

and he got sunfire for dat damage and just more EHP

but Frozen Heart am better on her. Atk speed reduction, double the armour and CDR. They wouldn't have been doing any damage to her with only a Varus with IE as their damage.


Even if you try new builds you'd stomp new players.

You guys should feel bad etc.

Too tired of losing to randoms so you guys beat up newbies

dat guilt trip.

You also sound like the last guy we played against. He was SO mad.

We played 4? games total. The first 2 was with a new player in GAF Sinistar//Diadem and the last 2 was just us goofing around because we were already logged in as smurfs. In hindsight, we probably shouldn't have played those last 2 games because it was a full crew of 30s, so I'll keep that in mind next time.

Btw, Diadem, I'm sorry I couldn't really give advice about AD Yi, or Yi in general, but if you read this here's a guide to AP Yi: http://www.lolpro.com/guides/master-yi/473-build-guide-master-yi-ap-mid-lane-by-refspi

The biggest reason I'd advocate AP Yi is because of Yi's Wuju Style and Highlander skills he already does a ton of damage when he can get in your face, so focusing on AP helps you stay alive longer and makes your semi ranged harass actually do something.

For general advice to all new players, I mentioned it last night but you want to focus on the following:

1) Map Awareness - Try to keep an eye on the minimap at all times so you can see when people go missing. This is greatly bolstered by ward placement but you can worry about that later as in lower levels you probably won't see ganks until wayyyyy deep into their territory.
2) Last Hitting - 2 Minion waves give as much gold as a champion so you really want to be able to get the last hit on them. At the same time, just beating on the minions will eventually push your lane to the enemy tower, which is a fairly disadvantageous position for you. To farm up and stay safe, focus on not hitting the minions at all except to land the killing blow.
Just had my first promotion game (from silver 4 to 3)
3 afklers and one was even annoying about it.

edit: oh nice loss prevented, guess because of the connection issues on EU West.
The afks in this game had nothing to do with that though, the one guy who genuinely disconnected came back at min 6 and apologized.
The other 2 did it voluntarily while flaming in chat.


edit: guys pls im so lonely in lcs thread

From now on you should make all your replies in LCS thread, and just post a link of your reply in this thread.

Boken is like a big fish in a small pond, your destiny isn't to be stuck here in Gaming Community with little old us, go forth to Gaming Discussion, the place where you belong.

I think there are sands in my eyes.


Good bye forever boken.


Won 4 straight ranked games last night, I've been almost exclusively jungling the past week in my ranked games and its been going super well. I also bought voli the other day and have been spamming some normals with him. Probably going to start playing him alot in ranked because well, he's a fucking bear.

But the 4 wins still only put me at 35lp since my MMR is still a piece of shit, sad days.

I hope NA can somehow do good in the all-stars tournament. Would be really cool.


Won 4 straight ranked games last night, I've been almost exclusively jungling the past week in my ranked games and its been going super well. I also bought voli the other day and have been spamming some normals with him. Probably going to start playing him alot in ranked because well, he's a fucking bear.

But the 4 wins still only put me at 35lp since my MMR is still a piece of shit, sad days.

I hope NA can somehow do good in the all-stars tournament. Would be really cool.

Support Volibear isn't even fun. I use him when the enemy support is someone like Sona, or Raka, and it's always a stomp. He's so easy, with big rewards. But he's a bear and I love him :D

EDIT: I've seen Nunu top before it's pretty legit.


Incoming Nunu top FOTM.

I've seen it a couple times. Good sustain, great ratios, lane bully, the only problem I see is late game.

I had one in a ranked game and he went AD bruiser, he did ok but in teamfights he did poorly, he would be a great teamfight peeler for the carries but he insisted on going deep in fights.


hmm to buy or not to buy kha6 for mid.

I want to learn new mids, I can only play lux, anivia, orianna and syndra, and they mostly overlap in function anyways.

I should probably force myself to learn proper TF and proper diana...

TF is just weird for me, I should play a couple bot matches to learn to use his ult properly, maybe then I'd get him. I also hate lich bane with a passion :/

diana I just don't know what to build her. I used to do abyss - zhonya's but I dunno anymore. also I suck as her


hmm to buy or not to buy kha6 for mid.

I want to learn new mids, I can only play lux, anivia, orianna and syndra, and they mostly overlap in function anyways.

I should probably force myself to learn proper TF and proper diana...

TF is just weird for me, I should play a couple bot matches to learn to use his ult properly, maybe then I'd get him. I also hate lich bane with a passion :/

diana I just don't know what to build her. I used to do abyss - zhonya's but I dunno anymore.

Rush Nashor tooth into abyssal or zhonya. Then you can either stack more ap for better shield, or get tankier so you can survive doing more auto attack.

Zed is a good champion to learn, counter everyone except for champions like cass and kayle.
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