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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Yusss another Midplank victory. Got first blood but screwed up a bit early, so I built a lot of MR against Kassadin and did not feed. Once I had my Shiv all was well and we started winning teamfights somehow. Unfortunately Kass AFKed before the last teamfight (we found out later), but the win was still pretty sweet. :D

Now I'm 7/2 in placements!

So I ended up finally playing my 10th ranked game and went 10-0 as Cait in my placement game. I was put into Silver 4. My question is, is Silver 1 better than Silver 5? I don't know why I waited so long until now to play my last ranked game. I'm gonna shoot for Gold by the end of the week. Pretty sure I can get gold fairly easily. I get matched against plat/gold players all the time in normals.


Neo Member
Dayuumn straight to Silver IV after my 10 ranked games. Latest match as Elise went to hell against Ryze mid, but still managed to dodge Bronze division. Now to actually manage to stay in Silver and continue from there...
I'm happy about this, and hopefully dodging has the 5-minute penalty. However, it's unfortunate that aram will have even more rage now (both for people who mess up and for people who refuse to trade and for people who get a melee champion and don't dodge).
Solution:aram-only profile with only poke champs and iniatiors.

I've started this already in preperation.


I can't believe how much fun Cho'Gath it. Considering that it was my 4th game or so with him and my 15th LOL match ever, having a statistic of 18/5/7 is pretty awesome considering the second place in my team had 5 kills imo. Nom, nom, nom. I might end up really enjoying the game after all.
I went 7/3 in my placement and got Bronze 1. I was disappointed.

Unlucky, dude. :( I just came here to say that I lost the last one (now 7/3) and still got Silver IV. The lesson is, I have totally forgotten how to play Thresh. Also, people who play Yorick may not be as good as they appear. >.<
Yusss another Midplank victory. Got first blood but screwed up a bit early, so I built a lot of MR against Kassadin and did not feed. Once I had my Shiv all was well and we started winning teamfights somehow. Unfortunately Kass AFKed before the last teamfight (we found out later), but the win was still pretty sweet. :D

Now I'm 7/2 in placements!

Midplank is just too strong, seriously I have a lot more problems with him against a lot of the usual toplaners (Panth, Jax etc) than against typical midlaners (especially Lux is an easy matchup).



Usually start with flask, ward, red pot. If i'm vsing ap assasins, i'll pick up boots+1-2doran rings to survive burst. AD assasins can't reach tf if you pick your cards corectly.

Then i'll go sheen,rabadons then lichbane.

Either go void staff or zhonyas next. Then get the other item.

If i'm not vsing assasins, just skip the dorans step.

Very important to run movement quints on TF. You never ult into someone. You ult beside them (preferably at max auto attack range) and have your cards going through the rotation and chase them down.

Bad TFs will pick a card before they actually port in and have it run out before hitting anything with it. Start your rotation, ult in and pick the rotation when you are in range to attack.

I guess the most important advice I can give about twisted fate is calm down. You can't panic when you're picking them cards.

If you're vsing leblanc, you have my permission to cry in the corner. I just buy two doran rings, buy merc treads and stack negatrons at this point. Shit is too hard to win.
ok. something similar to what I was doing. I feel he kinda has mana issues, I dunno if buying a chalice or something like that might be worth it.

I'm not a big fan of flask, 180 mana isn't enough, I'd rather just buy blue pots for the beginning of the game.

So I ended up finally playing my 10th ranked game and went 10-0 as Cait in my placement game. I was put into Silver 4. My question is, is Silver 1 better than Silver 5? I don't know why I waited so long until now to play my last ranked game. I'm gonna shoot for Gold by the end of the week. Pretty sure I can get gold fairly easily. I get matched against plat/gold players all the time in normals.
you got screwed, dude, I went 8/2 I think and ended up silver 4 myself.

I went 7/3 in my placement and got Bronze 1. I was disappointed.
that sucks :/


Neo Member
Unlucky, dude. :( I just came here to say that I lost the last one (now 7/3) and still got Silver IV. The lesson is, I have totally forgotten how to play Thresh. Also, people who play Yorick may not be as good as they appear. >.<

Some of the matches were really easy. I think i got wins against really low MMR team. I blame my 8th match as WW for the placement. The mid Lux couldn't hit a light binding on an elephant in a corridor. I knew i should have jungled Maokai.

Back to do normals for a few weeks.
ok. something similar to what I was doing. I feel he kinda has mana issues, I dunno if buying a chalice or something like that might be worth it.

I'm not a big fan of flask, 180 mana isn't enough, I'd rather just buy blue pots for the beginning of the game.

you got screwed, dude, I went 8/2 I think and ended up silver 4 myself.

that sucks :/

Yeah, I had a quadra like 18 minutes into the game that pretty much sealed the deal.


So I was going to jump into Dota 2 and played a few matches, but decided I wanted to try out LoL... I think I'm enjoying it a lot more, just something about it is more making me enjoy it more, but I can't put my finger on it.

I've only played 2 matches so far, first one went really great and we won... 2nd one we got smurf'd horribly lol.
So I was going to jump into Dota 2 and played a few matches, but decided I wanted to try out LoL... I think I'm enjoying it a lot more, just something about it is more making me enjoy it more, but I can't put my finger on it.

I've only played 2 matches so far, first one went really great and we won... 2nd one we got smurf'd horribly lol.

DotA is far more unwelcoming to new players.
The best way to learn DotA is to play it with a couple of friends (in voicechat) who have played it for years, who explain you everything and carry you the game.


Yeesh, Sejauni's ult is so BRUTAL. It's so gratifying when I think I am a fail jungler (still) and some of my team complains I am not ganking their lane 24/7 despite them pushing to tower pre-6, but I still did my best and went 6/2/21. By the end of the game when the enemy team saw me coming they ran the other way, even if I was outnumbered and going to back off. I *really* suck/don't know what to do for counterjungling and in the few instances where I've faced a good one (usually a Lee Sin for some reason) I get so outplayed it's embarrasing.

*hipster glasses* I think part of the reason I may like playing less used but still good junglers like Sej and Trundle is that many people in my elo simply have no experience vs them, and it shows. I think my main problem right now is I am clearly terrible if I am the team's only initiator, but on the other hand I follow up a good initiator immediately.


ok. something similar to what I was doing. I feel he kinda has mana issues, I dunno if buying a chalice or something like that might be worth it.

I'm not a big fan of flask, 180 mana isn't enough, I'd rather just buy blue pots for the beginning of the game.

TF doesn't have mana issues >.>

Blue card yo. I always have my cards rotating in lane. Always. Gets me ready to get golds in case people come to gank and it keeps the people guessing so they stay back.

Just be sure to stay way behind your minion wave if you are going to pull a blue card or if you just used a card. Any decent player will go balls deep if they see a blue card since you're practically useless now.


ok, really liking nashor's on diana. and rediscovering diana in general. I kinda suck at landing her Qs and for some reason always end up outfarming whoever I'm up against, even when I lose. also stinger alone basically means that if you're dead I'll take 75% health off your tower, it's pretty crazy.

also I really wish LoL didn't crash so much, I really hate it when I want to report someone, but it's twice as bad when I want to honor or tell them "thanks for the carry" or whatever :/

Yeah, I had a quadra like 18 minutes into the game that pretty much sealed the deal.
getting to gold by the end of the week sounds a bit tough to do btw :p

TF doesn't have mana issues >.>

Blue card yo. I always have my cards rotating in lane. Always. Gets me ready to get golds in case people come to gank and it keeps the people guessing so they stay back.

Just be sure to stay way behind your minion wave if you are going to pull a blue card or if you just used a card. Any decent player will go balls deep if they see a blue card since you're practically useless now.
yeah probably that's it, but if you're not blue carding every 5 seconds then he's very punishing that way.


So I was going to jump into Dota 2 and played a few matches, but decided I wanted to try out LoL... I think I'm enjoying it a lot more, just something about it is more making me enjoy it more, but I can't put my finger on it.

I've only played 2 matches so far, first one went really great and we won... 2nd one we got smurf'd horribly lol.

You probably prefer the "speed" of League, if I had to guess


You probably prefer the "speed" of League, if I had to guess

After my 4th match, yep I think that's it. I've won 3 out of 4 so far, had some real good games with good teammates, hope that keeps up (ya right lol). I am really like ryze.
Fiora's ult is such a great way to turn a fight around. You can use it to finish people off in teamfights while avoiding AA's, avoid skills that you wouldn't be able to dodge normally. Sew some confusion/panic in the enemy team. Also since it scales off of lifesteal you can get some health back that could win you a fight.

I know people say that CC is an issue for her but I find quite a bit of that is mitigated with a good sense of when to engage/escape.

When I first started using her I would run in and get kited pretty easily but now that I have some experience I'm learning when's a good/bad time to fight or not.
So I ended up finally playing my 10th ranked game and went 10-0 as Cait in my placement game. I was put into Silver 4. My question is, is Silver 1 better than Silver 5? I don't know why I waited so long until now to play my last ranked game. I'm gonna shoot for Gold by the end of the week. Pretty sure I can get gold fairly easily. I get matched against plat/gold players all the time in normals.

I thougt that too but thr game will finally start throwing bad people at you. I went from 2.0 to 1.0 win ratio too quickly.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
So I ended up finally playing my 10th ranked game and went 10-0 as Cait in my placement game. I was put into Silver 4. My question is, is Silver 1 better than Silver 5? I don't know why I waited so long until now to play my last ranked game. I'm gonna shoot for Gold by the end of the week. Pretty sure I can get gold fairly easily. I get matched against plat/gold players all the time in normals.

That's what I thought too. The system will start chucking Gold I, II, III players at you to make sure you belong in gold. Silver 1 is a huge hurdle.


Why do I find no discussion ANYWHERE on the net about "Reinforced Armor"? Is it good/worthwhile? There are a plethora of topics about how Legendary Armor sucks, but none about Reinforced Armor.

I have 2 points to spend left on my tank mage Cho'Gath.
-1/2 Relentless + Defender + Reinforced Armor
-2/2 Relentless + Defender
-2/2 Relentless + Reinforced Armor
-something else

Which would you pick and why?


There. I bound the "Attack Move Click" command to my left mouse button. No more "A then right click" for me.
then proceed to attack random wards when youre trying to move towards a fight =p

Why do I find no discussion ANYWHERE on the net about "Reinforced Armor"? Is it good/worthwhile? There are a plethora of topics about how Legendary Armor sucks, but none about Reinforced Armor.

I have 2 points to spend left on my tank mage Cho'Gath.
-1/2 Relentless + Defender + Reinforced Armor
-2/2 Relentless + Defender
-2/2 Relentless + Reinforced Armor
-something else

Which would you pick and why?

Reinforced armor is a little lackluster to me. It offers no effectiveness in lane, and a lot of carries can do damage other than critical hits. Defender is miles ahead of it. Good hands is actually really good too.


then proceed to attack random wards when youre trying to move towards a fight =p

Reinforced armor is a little lackluster to me. It offers no effectiveness in lane, and a lot of carries can do damage other than critical hits. Defender is miles ahead of it. Good hands is actually really good too.

but aren't all kinda late game? Team fights ain't happen often early in the game, but in late game I feel 10% absorb of a crit from an AD carry feels more than 5 additional armor (of my already beefed up armor). 10% less dead means 4 seconds or so, not too spectacular, since it shouldn't happen too often. Then again, Defender at least always yields at least 1 armor...

This is how it looks atm, I'm all up for changes tho, I dunno if Unyielding/Block is worth it as well.

I'm so torn apart :<
then proceed to attack random wards when youre trying to move towards a fight =p

Reinforced armor is a little lackluster to me. It offers no effectiveness in lane, and a lot of carries can do damage other than critical hits. Defender is miles ahead of it. Good hands is actually really good too.

It can't be that bad, can it?


but aren't all kinda late game? Team fights ain't happen often early in the game, but in late game I feel 10% absorb of a crit from an AD carry feels more than 5 additional armor (of my already beefed up armor). 10% less dead means 4 seconds or so, not too spectacular, since it shouldn't happen too often. Then again, Defender at least always yields at least 1 armor...

This is how it looks atm, I'm all up for changes tho, I dunno if Unyielding/Block is worth it as well.

I'm so torn apart :<
even if its a 1v1 situation, defender is equal to 1armor 1 mr, which is the same effectiveness per point as unyielding/resistance. then when a jungler comes, that 2 for each, and double the effectiveness.... dragon fight, 3 enemies, even better. Defender is way too good.

10% less dead - and you may die around 5-6 times a game, being a melee champion. Thatd save you around 20-25s of death timer, just for one point.

this is way better - for the early game. i assume this is some melee ap champ like singed, chogath

they arent all late game - unyeilding and block are incredible for laning to lessen harass or make you trade better than them. unlike relentless, its still useful at all stages in the game.

It can't be that bad, can it?

its just useless in lane, and only mitigates 10% of one kind of damage from one person on the enemy team.... its not great.

Alright then. I'll just stick back to right clicking to AA then right clicking to move back. All this animation canceling seems really complicated.

EDIT: Thanks for the input.


Alright then. I just stick back to right clicking to AA then right clicking to move back. All this animation canceling seems really complicated.

Oh, thats what you were responding to!

no its alright, some people really like it. I was just refering to a pro game where the ADC wasted his twitch ult because he was using attack move and a ward was suddenly visible, causing him to attack it.

Its a good way to lower the micro requirement of kiting, and even last hitting. just make sure you bind player move to a key because sometimes you'll want to run away from a person, but all you have is attack move on right click.


too many posts without one from me huh

basically playing a ton of diana mid. playing diana is showing me my last hitting must be pretty bad with other champions, last hitting as melee is so much easier since you don't have to time the projectile travel.

I think you need to calm down with that wild card spam lol
lol something like that
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