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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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About 7 xp away from 30, probably not a big deal but I am excited to get my third/last quint.
First steps into the big boy pool!


About 7 xp away from 30, probably not a big deal but I am excited to get my third/last quint.
First steps into the big boy pool!

Very cool!!

If you haven't already, start playing normal drafts. It's much more satisfying and engaging than blind pick.


Rush Nashor tooth into abyssal or zhonya. Then you can either stack more ap for better shield, or get tankier so you can survive doing more auto attack.
I'm not sure I like nashor so much on her. do you really get that many more passive procs thanks to the AS boost? or is it just a cost efficiency thing?

I was thinking of maybe doing iceborn gauntlet, I dunno.

Zed is a good champion to learn, counter everyone except for champions like cass and kayle.
yeah zed was another option but I just hate how he looks.

cass I was looking into as well, though she's more in line with my mids.

About 7 xp away from 30, probably not a big deal but I am excited to get my third/last quint.
First steps into the big boy pool!

now jump in to ranked and instalock teemo every single match!


I'm not sure I like nashor so much on her. do you really get that many more passive procs thanks to the AS boost? or is it just a cost efficiency thing?

I was thinking of maybe doing iceborn gauntlet, I dunno.

yeah zed was another option but I just hate how he looks.

cass I was looking into as well, though she's more in line with my mids.


now jump in to ranked and instalock teemo every single match!
I would never pick teemo.


OT Hard Carry



On Merc's stream, it looked like the team was losing, and also someone was using harsh language and someone else was talking about the chat filter. And someone else looked through all the menus I think but didn't find the chat filter. I don't even know where it is!

Congrats! I didn't get a screenshot of that part, but I got my own first ever pentakill, also with Draven, a couple of days ago.

Supportplanked a Cait against a bad Pulsefire Ez. 1/9/25, most assists in the game. :D And several of those deaths were saving other team members.
Keep fighting the good fight.
Ezreal is easy cannonfodder.

I didn't even max Q, went E because I could see early on that Cait was gonna carry. Man it was fun. Making plays with Shurelya's PLUS Raise Morale is so hilarious lategame. Do both at the same time from the other side of terrain, teammate doubles speed and gets away, other team is like wat.
What's so great about nunu top aside from him having amazing sustain due to his consume and free ability passive? He doesn't seem like he could take out he enemy top without help from a gank.

P.S. I didn't watch that tourney match


What's so great about nunu top aside from him having amazing sustain due to his consume and free ability passive? He doesn't seem like he could take out he enemy top without help from a gank.

P.S. I didn't watch that tourney match
he's unkillable and outsustains almost everyone, one of the most annoying champions in the game, scales like a mofo (even though he can't really do anything with it), really helps with barons/dragons, etc.

you basically put him top to shut down a snowbally champion, like you would do with morgana mid or something.


Lissandra skin = Not attractive

That's why I like it. The less sex appeal, the better. So sick of designers basing everything around sex appeal.

I don't mind a drooling hunchback woman in league actually.

I ...want to see this

also... crack...why


I'm not sure I like nashor so much on her. do you really get that many more passive procs thanks to the AS boost? or is it just a cost efficiency thing?

I was thinking of maybe doing iceborn gauntlet, I dunno.

Nashor tooth works on her because not only it works with her passive and gives a fair amount of ap for a low cost. It also give her CDR which mean she get tankier by casting shield more often, and more reset on her ult since you can cast her q faster.

The passive also proc on tower, so you can spilt push like there are no tomorrow. The passive scale with ap so it will be a huge part of your damage. It helps you take blue and dragon a lot faster than with just ap.


Nashor tooth works on her because not only it works with her passive and gives a fair amount of ap for a low cost. It also give her CDR which mean she get tankier by casting shield more often, and more reset on her ult since you can cast her q faster.

The passive also proc on tower, so you can spilt push like there are no tomorrow. The passive scale with ap so it will be a huge part of your damage. It helps you take blue and dragon a lot faster than with just ap.
hmm, I'll try it some more.

I think I'm gonna go on a "all new champions" regimen or something
I didn't even max Q, went E because I could see early on that Cait was gonna carry. Man it was fun. Making plays with Shurelya's PLUS Raise Morale is so hilarious lategame. Do both at the same time from the other side of terrain, teammate doubles speed and gets away, other team is like wat.

Yeah I also max E wenn I Supportplank, it is a really great versatile skill.


I max E'd supportplank earlier today. Joining that winning team!*

*winning team because mid lane and jungle snowballed like 20 kills
Yeah I also max E wenn I Supportplank, it is a really great versatile skill.

Yep, had a lot of fun with it I have to say. Only played Supportplank two or three times in S3 so far, but really enjoyed it.

I max E'd supportplank earlier today. Joining that winning team!*

*winning team because mid lane and jungle snowballed like 20 kills

Yeah, but think of all the assists you got with it!

Slightly related: beasted as Midplank in my 7th ranked placement, 7/3/5. Orianna did zero net damage for the first fifteen minutes because of oranges, and also because I think she was new to Orianna. Ults were not bad at all though in fairness to her.
That was the friendliest game I've had in AGES, too. So all was good.

8th placement started dodgily with me as support Leona accidentally diving their troll lane's tower and dying (Annie/Nid). But went on to be a great game and another win. 4/5/16 in that one. :D

I am now a wildly unexpected 6/2 in ranked placements, waiting for the other shoe to drop. XD


Junior Member
So I tried to step into DOTA 2 but found out that more of my friends (even IRL friends) were playing LoL instead. So I might try that. I also hear LoL is a bit less punishing.

Tips? I only tried a few hours of DOTA 2, only making it as far as co-op vs bots with a handful of heroes.


Travis Gafford ‏@SotLTravis 2h
@Lastkai @Drfeelbad9 that lead singer my waifu

(talking about that paramore girl)

felt relevant, somehow


So I tried to step into DOTA 2 but found out that more of my friends (even IRL friends) were playing LoL instead. So I might try that. I also hear LoL is a bit less punishing.

Tips? I only tried a few hours of DOTA 2, only making it as far as co-op vs bots with a handful of heroes.

I did the same. I played the original dota for the longest time. A few months ago I got back into dota 2, but recently switched to league. Mainly because most or my IRL friends play league.

You'll see that league plays a bit differently than dota 2. The biggest thing I can suggest is to learn all of the champions. That was the hardest part for me coming from dota. I knew every hero and knew what each one was capable of. It's still something i'm getting used to in league.


Destroyed a game as TF then realised I was playing draft. sigh....

god damn misclick.

I bet i'll get destroyed this game too


You guys know how I said I was -8 games on ranked and would never recover? Yeah. I'm on a 7 win streak now, and need two games to get a positive MMR. I have 66 points. As Fizz would say, the tide turns...

EDIT: RPing as Ashe against a Sejuani is pretty funny.

EDIT2: That almost happened to me once, Ferga. I started a ranked match, but then during champ select I couldn't remember if it was ranked or draft. I ask the people and they all tell me it's draft. I end up dodging, and as it turns out, it was ranked. -3 LP bastards...


Destroyed a game as TF then realised I was playing draft. sigh....

god damn misclick.

I bet i'll get destroyed this game too
what do you build him?

I just spent half an hour just ulting around with him against bot trying to get the feel of his ult and just trying to pick cards correctly.

I suck at both.

also tried kiunch's diana build. went nashor's, zhonya's (outplayed some people with it so freaking hard :D) and then GA. I went GA since our ashe was fed and I figured I'd do better just making disruption and being annoying rather than killing people (also I was doing decent damage already)

I like it, my team mates were pretty dumb to engage while I was split pushing so I kinda wasted that, but it was alright. I don't auto enough as diana in teamfights, though, I think.


what do you build him?

I just spent half an hour just ulting around with him against bot trying to get the feel of his ult and just trying to pick cards correctly.

I suck at both.

also tried kiunch's diana build. went nashor's, zhonya's (outplayed some people with it so freaking hard :D) and then GA. I went GA since our ashe was fed and I figured I'd do better just making disruption and being annoying rather than killing people (also I was doing decent damage already)

I like it, my team mates were pretty dumb to engage while I was split pushing so I kinda wasted that, but it was alright. I don't auto enough as diana in teamfights, though, I think.


Usually start with flask, ward, red pot. If i'm vsing ap assasins, i'll pick up boots+1-2doran rings to survive burst. AD assasins can't reach tf if you pick your cards corectly.

Then i'll go sheen,rabadons then lichbane.

Either go void staff or zhonyas next. Then get the other item.

If i'm not vsing assasins, just skip the dorans step.

Very important to run movement quints on TF. You never ult into someone. You ult beside them (preferably at max auto attack range) and have your cards going through the rotation and chase them down.

Bad TFs will pick a card before they actually port in and have it run out before hitting anything with it. Start your rotation, ult in and pick the rotation when you are in range to attack.

I guess the most important advice I can give about twisted fate is calm down. You can't panic when you're picking them cards.

If you're vsing leblanc, you have my permission to cry in the corner. I just buy two doran rings, buy merc treads and stack negatrons at this point. Shit is too hard to win.


You guys know how I said I was -8 games on ranked and would never recover? Yeah. I'm on a 7 win streak now, and need two games to get a positive MMR. I have 66 points. As Fizz would say, the tide turns...

EDIT: RPing as Ashe against a Sejuani is pretty funny.

EDIT2: That almost happened to me once, Ferga. I started a ranked match, but then during champ select I couldn't remember if it was ranked or draft. I ask the people and they all tell me it's draft. I end up dodging, and as it turns out, it was ranked. -3 LP bastards...

i definitely did not know how you said that


Howling abyss gets normal ip gains and satisfies FWOTD. Woo.
I'm happy about this, and hopefully dodging has the 5-minute penalty. However, it's unfortunate that aram will have even more rage now (both for people who mess up and for people who refuse to trade and for people who get a melee champion and don't dodge).
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