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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Hey dudes, so this patch of PBE has a pretty significant change to Karma's Mantra'd W:

Renewal now heals for 20% of Karma's Missing Health (+1% per 100AP)

We're hoping for this change to clarify the use-case of W vs the other empowered abilities. These number's aren't final (even post-release, we'll be watching and tuning Karma) but thought that this would help to explain when you're supposed to use it.

W2 is already great in trades/duels, especially in the laning phase, and by making it scale naturally with the amount of damage you've taken during an engagement sets the spell up to be a powerful 1v1 reversal mechanism - but also gives you enough life up-front in those ticks to survive long enough to connect with the root and continue kiting, whereas before without enough AP to make the per-tick heal viable you'd often kill yourself attempting to see it through.

Let me know what y'all think!
This change is certainly going to make Karma player(s) feel at home. A very baity remake.



League of Legends: The Card Game.

Riot would make a(nother) fortune selling "balanced" cards based on the latest patch notes. Each month they'd release new and revised cards - in different colors.


w/e bro I said like ten times already that for me chalice is more than enough mana and that I never run out during or after teamfights yet people keep singing the same tune. I get it, my experience is different from yours, I appreciate the effort but it's gotten tiresome now

I was more at the whole "They hate Chalice" angle. If advice is bad, it's bad. If you don't agree with the advice, that's fine too. It's not about hating something for the sake of it, however.



League of Legends: The Card Game.

Riot would make a(nother) fortune selling "balanced" cards based on the latest patch notes. Each month they'd release new and revised cards - in different colors.

As a MtG player, this compels me, except for "patched" cards lol.


Nice, a couple of my employees went to PAX east and they brought me back skin codes for Full Metal Rammus and Riot Graves :)

Maybe I'll start jungling Rammus.
Nice, a couple of my employees went to PAX east and they brought me back skin codes for Full Metal Rammus and Riot Graves :)

Maybe I'll start jungling Rammus.

I've had them since a mate brought some codes back from Gamescom last year but still never played Rammus. I should probably do that some time.
Tried PBE again. Our Zed was so good. He was getting fed hardcore against Karma, timed his invasions and bought a lot of wards. Zed and I tower dived a low health enemy from behind only to suddenly get stuck in place. What happened? Am I lagging? No the chat was going through. Was it some glitch with Udyr's new mini dash? Maybe.

My right click broke


That moment when you and someone else tower dive a low health enemy from behind only to suddenly get stuck in place. What happened? Am I lagging? No the chat was going through. Was it some glitch with Udyr's new mini dash? Maybe.

My right click broke

Back when I was playing WoW, I did arenas as a rogue. In the middle of a match my mouse-wheel broke. It wouldn't have been so bad except I had stealth bound to mouse-wheel click. Somehow still managed to win, but man, having to spellbook my stealth ability was the worst ever. I think I vanished the first time before I realized what was going on, and then after realizing it I used Shadowmeld first to buy me time to stealth for the rest of the match.


I think tsm contributed greatly to chaox's negative attitude. Poor guy. Hope he can find happiness somewhere else.

Props to wild turtle though. Stand up guy deserves a chance. Pity nien bet on MARN, he probably never expected TSM to open a spot.

WildTurtle will be better than Chaox in the long run. TSM's bottom lane was so passive and got walked over by more aggressive laners. They never lost, but they never won either.

WildTurtle is fucking beast mode. He plays so aggressively, he loses lane every once in a while but he also carries hard more often than not. IMO, he's probably the second or third best ADC in NA outside of Doublelift and QTPie. His pentakill against CoL might have been more a function of one team throwing, but people shouldn't downplay his raw mechanical skill. Let's not forget this is an ADC that subbed for Legion as an AP mid and proceeded to wreck World Elite's Misaya.



Gold V at last, all I needed to do was finish the grind to promotion. Anivia and Diana too strong.


Awesome accomplishment. Just out of curiosity, what were your LP gains before and after the promotion? i.e. were you at the normalized 11LP per match before and what are you at now?


I was more at the whole "They hate Chalice" angle. If advice is bad, it's bad. If you don't agree with the advice, that's fine too. It's not about hating something for the sake of it, however.
dude it wasn't meant to be dismissive, it was a joke, I put a cheeky face and everything. that's how you tell it's a joke :p (see?)

I just wish it was PAX sona code. That would have been much cooler :) But still awesome.
fire them, arcade sona or gtfo



Awesome accomplishment. Just out of curiosity, what were your LP gains before and after the promotion? i.e. were you at the normalized 11LP per match before and what are you at now?

11LP is normal? I always get over 20LP except for when I was in Bronze 1 at 90 points. I got 6 there.


11LP is normal? I always get over 20LP except for when I was in Bronze 1 at 90 points. I got 6 there.

The 11 number was being thrown around as "normal" after you've been in a division for awhile. I was curious to see if the LP gain/loss fluctuated after jumping a tier.

So far all my gains have been in the 25+ range but I don't count because I'm only 6 games after my placements. I'm still in that highly fluctuating state.


The 11 number was being thrown around as "normal" after you've been in a division for awhile. I was curious to see if the LP gain/loss fluctuated after jumping a tier.

So far all my gains have been in the 25+ range but I don't count because I'm only 6 games after my placements. I'm still in that highly fluctuating state.

I played a good amount of games in Bronze 3-1 and always got 20+ until my last 2 games in there. Maybe it's because I was in Bronze and constantly playing against Silvers?



Awesome accomplishment. Just out of curiosity, what were your LP gains before and after the promotion? i.e. were you at the normalized 11LP per match before and what are you at now?

Thanks! Was beginning to think I wouldn't get there haha.

I was duoing with a friend in Silver 1, and the gains when like this:

81LP, 90LP, 95LP, 97LP

At which point I got fed up (I think my MMR is higher than where I am, so duoing with someone with a lower MMR was reducing my LP), had a solo game, went down to 78LP, then I duo'd with a friend in Gold V and won that which put me straight into promotion.


Just got my first penta kill. Felt good. My team flipped out and the enemy team just surrendered.

i just had a game were my team was screaming at the enemy team because they didn't play the 'meta'. they had 2 mid and killed it. "lux go top omg you noob". we ended up winning since i got really fed bot as vayne and in the end my team all reported the two mid players who had really good stats.


like wtf.


so with all this talk of Lux and her abundance in mid nowadays, who do you use to counter her? anyone with a gap closer?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i just had a game were my team was screaming at the enemy team because they didn't play the 'meta'. they had 2 mid and killed it. "lux go top omg you noob". we ended up winning since i got really fed bot as vayne and in the end my team all reported the two mid players who had really good stats.


like wtf.
If they had one more person bot instead of mid maybe you wouldn't have gotten fed there.


so with all this talk of Lux and her abundance in mid nowadays, who do you use to counter her? anyone with a gap closer?

Talon is supposed to be a counter right? I have trouble as Talon, her E and to a lesser extent, Q harass keeps me at such low health. I hate melee champs.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
they had 2 bot. it was not smart of them but MY team raged at them.

Well then I'm going to assume they had no jungler, which means there isn't any pressure on other lanes in the map and is probably even worse.

I dunno why you feel the need to defend these shitters.


Soooo I'm downloading this game now and I've never played anything like it...

Anyone wanna give a babby some tips on playing this game?

Also are there tons of microtransactions?


Well then I'm going to assume they had no jungler, which means there isn't any pressure on other lanes in the map and is probably even worse.

I dunno why you feel the need to defend these shitters.

Maybe because its a game and people shouldn't have to be forced to play it how everyone else wants it to be played?

If they want to change up the style within the rules of the game.. then so be it. Makes it interesting.


Maybe because its a game and people shouldn't have to be forced to play it how everyone else wants it to be played?

If they want to change up the style within the rules of the game.. then so be it. Makes it interesting.

Yeah, unless you are playing at a really high level it won't really matter. Especially so if it's a normal.
Soooo I'm downloading this game now and I've never played anything like it...

Anyone wanna give a babby some tips on playing this game?

Also are there tons of microtransactions?

When killing minions, be the last guy to get the final hit on them for cash. Do this 300 times.


Soooo I'm downloading this game now and I've never played anything like it...

Anyone wanna give a babby some tips on playing this game?

Also are there tons of microtransactions?
I recommend playing coop vs ai for the first 6-8 levels

But no more than that

There are really only micro transactions if you want there to be. Btw, like league on fb for Tristana, and follow on you tube for Alistair
Soooo I'm downloading this game now and I've never played anything like it...

Anyone wanna give a babby some tips on playing this game?

Also are there tons of microtransactions?

Shamelessly stolen from OT2. Here

Tips for NEW PEOPLE:
Some tips:

-Look at minimap often, even in middle of team fight or farming, you might see enemy ambushing or flanking your support/carry in the back.

-Buy ward

-Fuck you're build, just buy ward.

-Don't leave base with more than 475 golds if you have empty slots, instead of saving it for expensive item, buy a doran/pot/ward, it will return your investment.

-Achtius will always be in shower, don't bother asking him to play

-Don't auto attack creep during early lane, just last hit

-Balance creep wave so it is close to your tower, but outside of its tower range.

-Last hit at tower range:
Melee creep, last hit after 2 tower hit
Caster creep, 1 auto attack, 1 tower hit, then last hit



-Kiunch's Eve is awesome, if Kiunch failed a tower dive, its the team fault, always.

-SummonInTrouble always ping retreat, even when your winning.


-SweetTooth will rage at you if you do bad

-SoutherDragon will rage at himself if he does bad, ask him to play Yorick if you want to see him rage.

-75% of Gaf afk in chat room, a premade 5 vs 5 is impossible unless we have at least 25 people online.

-Only let Ferrio play Riven

-If you play less than 3 champions, in premade draft mode, GAF will ban all of your champ for easy win. WE SERIOUS

-If you play a theme premade game with GAF (ex. Yordle vs Giant), one side will always cheat and pick their best character.

-Don't talk trash back to your opponent unless your 100% sure you going to win.
-whenever somebody dies, check the scoreboard (default key TAB) to see what/who killed them so you can avoid that in future!

-farm (killing minions for gold) is incredibly important. A champion kill is worth only around 12 minions so think about that when you want to chase kills!

-dragon is worth around 3 champion kills in gold (190g for everybody on your team). Baron is worth 5 champion kills (300g for everybody).

-do NOT buy tier 2 runes
don't facecheck (the brush)

(Don't Chase Singed. This will all become clear soon enough my young padawan)


Just got my first penta kill. Felt good. My team flipped out and the enemy team just surrendered.

nice. I never had a pentakill in 800+ matches. tons of quadras though.

so with all this talk of Lux and her abundance in mid nowadays, who do you use to counter her? anyone with a gap closer?
mobility counters lux because it can "override" her skillshots. like you'll cast your q and they'll go through it or jump to you anyways and get snared just next to you and you won't be able to run away by the time the snare wears off and they get their next gapcloser off. she's also one of the squishiest champions in the game so anyone with moderate burst can destroy her, specially if they can silence her out of using her shield.

so yeah, akali, diana, kassadin, fizz, talon are all great counters. if you steal second blue buff from her you really cripple her mid game and you can force her out of farming with spells (really if I'm against kass I sand like at 1000 distance from him and just farm with q/e/ult).

kat is also another great counter since her gapcloser is a blink rather than a dash (so your q will go right through her as she jumps to you) and because as lux you have no means of stopping her ult.

edit: also as a lux against those champs the strategy is to buy early resistances (chalice/seekers armguard), to shit on them before they get to the point when they can instagib you (usually lvl 6), usually by harassing like crazy (I usually buy one or two dorans to completely bully them out of lane) and asking for ganks. after 6 you just farm with spells from a safe distance and ward both sides so you can countergank.


That's true... I'm having problems with those (Trynda/AP Yi) how do you stop them?

(Also Nocturne, Rengar, Kha6 gives me a lot of problems...)
yi and trynda with tons of cc. just blow it all on them and their ults won't mean shit. also make sure someone takes ignite to weaken yi's heal and in both cases it'd be useful if you have a strong top or mid laner with teleport that can stop their splitpushes (like pantheon or shen or garen). they're also pretty bad teamfighters if they're not fed (ap yi has like literally one attack, though it hits hard), so if you have a decent teamfighting team just go looking for fights against them.

noc, rengar and kha are all good champions that I wouldn't say have such exploiteable weaknesses so it's more a skill thing (like don't stand near brushes against rengar and count on his heal, don't give kha his jump resets, etc.) I think. a top laner/jungler might help you more
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