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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I've never had a penta kill ):

Just went 17-7 with Lux on my first try. Team threw it big time and fed enemy Quinn a whopping 26 kills.


I've had a couple of pentakills, though only one in ranked. I was playing Mordekaiser and managed to ulti+kill a full build Tristana which simply slaughtered the enemy team.


I had one pentakill with xerath on his release day. And never again.

Press W and R three times and cleaned up real nice.
I got

Master Yi

14 Heros and 2700 IP. Any suggestions which 2 heros I should buy from the 1350 pool?


I just vsed a Sion mid as lux. Holy crap I got destroyed in laning hah. Guy had like 50ap+ at level 2 with blue elixir. Completely instagibed me at level 2.

I just sat there with my jaw on the floor.

Still won though. Them superior binding angles.
14 Heros and 2700 IP. Any suggestions which 2 heros I should buy from the 1350 pool?
If you want to play support, Taric. Morgana is a good AP carry. Cho'Gath, Malphite, Singed, good tanks. All fairly easy to play. By the way, you can get Tristana and Alistar for free by liking Riot Facebook page or something like that.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Maybe because its a game and people shouldn't have to be forced to play it how everyone else wants it to be played?

If they want to change up the style within the rules of the game.. then so be it. Makes it interesting.
Really it's not usually very interesting when people think they can mix things up and divert from the meta. Even when its the enemy team most of the time I just have to shrug my shoulders and play out a game with an inevitable outcome. Waste of everyone's time.


I got

Master Yi

14 Heros and 2700 IP. Any suggestions which 2 heros I should buy from the 1350 pool?

I suggest Taric or Janna, with added emphasis on the former. Outside of Soraka you don't have many champs who can support well. Other than that, Cho'Gath and Malphite. As mentioned you can get Alistar and Tristana for free.


Really it's not usually very interesting when people think they can mix things up and divert from the meta. Even when its the enemy team most of the time I just have to shrug my shoulders and play out a game with an inevitable outcome. Waste of everyone's time.
In my opinion, having this attitude can lead to a self-fulfilling prophesy. Especially with lower level games, there can be all sorts of crazy wins, if people don't fight, and don't give up, thinking the outcome is inevitable.

Pentas will forever be elusive to me. Bah!
Same for me. I probably had 3-4 quadras last season with katarina but I never got the penta. :( I've also probably had at least two cases where I thought THIS IS MAH CHANCE and then I got too stressed about it and screwed it up.


just had a thresh+blitz as our bot lane and they crushed. enemy team had no adc either (wtf is happening to my matches lately? I feel like I can't get one normal match) so they didn't even lose lategame lol.

enemy team ran had voli+singed bot, so basically landing a skillshot was pure chance with all them flips and hooks into pinball mode.


I have had a penta with brand season 1, sivir and kass season 2, and then kayle and AP kog in S3. people underestimate the ap kog.

I'm fucking addicted to this game.
No more League for me :(

Keeps lagging after one game and there's nothing I can really do about it. University router started randomly blocking udp and now I'm dropping like crazy.
My heartrate... I'm so glad we won oh my god. We were always ahead in score but kept getting pushed back. They debatably had 4 hypercarries who could melt any building. For the last 25 mins we didn't have Nexus towers and they tried REAL hard to end it. We won roughly 80% of the teamfights but cannot push back because we were getting swarmed by super minions. We couldn't leave base without having 1-2 people behind because we'll get backdoored, and they tried many times. They even tried having Ali carve a path then the rest just going kamikaze on the nexus. Everyone had so much gold that whoever gets GA swaps it for something else whenever it's off cooldown.

As for my build it was YOLO because we had mostly squishies and I was trying tanky AP Eve that kinda sorta bent towards usual Eve with my ultra late game DFG.




On 3/28/13, starting at 00:30 PDT, ranked queues will be disabled in preparation for patch 3.50. At 2:00 PDT, the servers will be shut down and all games currently in progress will end in a draw and stats will not be recorded. We estimate the battlegrounds will be unavailable for 6 hours.
Zac coming tomorrow. Not that I'm excited, but it means I can start saving for Lissandra.


Itll be karma rework after zac patch.

doesnt make sense to release her with all the frejlord content
Not to mention that they have yet to unveil the sejuani rework


Karma could easily be part of tomorrow's patch and unlocked at a later time (one week from now) when they've made the final adjustments on her W and her chest.
In the following PBE Patch:
•Fixed an issue that caused Karma's chest to be misaligned


got all my double pen marks, now to get a new champion.

options are zyra, rumble, kha, I dunno...

zyra is fun and I need a new support to breathe new life into me playing that role, rumble sounds fun at top and the upcoming nerfs will un-OP him but he seems like he'll remain stronger, kha seems fun at mid but I'm bad at assassins...
Didn't he change his name to Edward to signal that he put all his rage and flame behind him? lol

Well everyone's been saying that he's completely changed his attitude. Phreak and I think Qu1ckshot were saying he's like a completely different person now.

Could just be the Tribunal catching up to him? It's a 3 day ban.


Wow, people voted to punish? There's nothing in there I would punish at all. That's pretty shitty for him.

His first game was pretty bad. Enemy report says he bought 2 boots.

Second, he just did badly and probably facechecked a lot by the looks of it. Not reportable though.

Third, he has 77cs at 20mins. I don't know but even if you get camped, you can't cs that badly as an adc. He might have afked for a surrender.

Fourth, he raged at jungler all game. He played the blame game. Ain't fun when you got people bashing you all game long because you have a bad game.

Fifth nothing wrong.
His first game was pretty bad. Enemy report says he bought 2 boots.

Second, he just did badly and probably facechecked a lot by the looks of it. Not reportable though.

Third, he has 77cs at 20mins. I don't know but even if you get camped, you can't cs that badly as an adc. He might have afked for a surrender.

Fourth, he raged at jungler all game. He played the blame game. Ain't fun when you got people bashing you all game long because you have a bad game.

Fifth nothing wrong.

Yeah the boots thing was dumb, but I wouldn't say he flaming all game at all tbh. It really wasn't bad. Not punishable IMO. Just seemed like normal frustration.

As for the third game, their Singed wasn't much better off, and he was Singed. Also he was 2/9, so either he just got rolled in lane or got camped hard so it's totally possible he got terrible cs like that. Nobody reported him for AFK or said anything, so I don't think it was that.

In the 5th game, he only got one ally report, presumably from the jungler. They were all giving the jungler stick, so maybe he was just bad. I wouldn't say he raged or anything. Again, not deserving of a a punish imo. Just seems like people realised it was a pro so hit punish.


Yeah the boots thing was dumb, but I wouldn't say he flaming all game at all tbh. It really wasn't bad. Not punishable IMO. Just seemed like normal frustration.

As for the third game, their Singed wasn't much better off, and he was Singed. Also he was 2/9, so either he just got rolled in lane or got camped hard so it's totally possible he got terrible cs like that. Nobody reported him for AFK or said anything, so I don't think it was that.

In the 5th game, he only got one ally report, presumably from the jungler. They were all giving the jungler stick, so maybe he was just bad. I wouldn't say he raged or anything. Again, not deserving of a a punish imo. Just seems like people realised it was a pro so hit punish.

I would report him and that fizz if I was that jungle shen. It doesn't matter if you do badly, you don't harass people.


GAF LoL truths I have verified today:

1) Tear is great on AP solo laners like Soraka.

2) Tristana is too good/easy/awesome/free.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Wow, people voted to punish? There's nothing in there I would punish at all. That's pretty shitty for him.
A lot of the stuff I see needs to be banned. I am actually kind of uncomfortable with some of the things people I play with say sometimes.
Like just look at this stuff:
Leona [00:15:32] katarina trolling
Leona [00:15:33] gg
Leona [00:15:59] kat is going in mute list for this
Leona [00:20:56] vote yes
Garen [00:08:54] i lose a lot when i come mid and janna take a kill
All of these games are an attitude I see super frequently that can just make games going poorly all that much worse. The mentality of blaming your team or yelling at them in chat is always bad, but obviously worse when your KDR is awful.


A lot of the stuff I see needs to be banned. I am actually kind of uncomfortable with some of the things people I play with say sometimes.
Like just look at this stuff:

All of these games are an attitude I see super frequently that can just make games going poorly all that much worse. The mentality of blaming your team or yelling at them in chat is always bad, but obviously worse when your KDR is awful.

I agree 100%. It's just silly. There's no reason for comments like that. None. Is that going to make the Katarina play better? No. Janna? Nope. These people act like they don't make any mistakes. Those comments will NOT make their teammates play better. They serve no purpose whatsoever other than abuse. I have no problems with the Edward ban. Especially being a pro, he should have a higher standard.

Plenty of that in my games. I usually ignore them and keep playing or if it's directed at someone else I ask them to lay off and keep playing.


Woah I suck at this, failing my way through bronce. (the way down)
I tolds you man

Playing the ranked fresh into the game is a bad idea. Not because being bronze is shameful or anything, but people down there often feel like they don't deserve it, hence terrible attitudes

Or there are people down there because they have terrible attitudes

Shits scary, man. Just go play normal draft
I tolds you man

Playing the ranked fresh into the game is a bad idea. Not because being bronze is shameful or anything, but people down there often feel like they don't deserve it, hence terrible attitudes

Or there are people down there because they have terrible attitudes

Shits scary, man. Just go play normal draft

It is fun (in a weird way).
I think the main problem is that I like to play Ashe.


I almost had a penta kill last night on Swain but our jerkbag J4 killed someone that was at 200 hp while I clearly could have made it in time to get him as well before they had any chance of escaping.

I was sad.

Got my second Quadra as Ziggs in ranked with his ult a few days ago too.

Nothing like casting one spell and seeing and hearing "QUADRA KILL!".
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