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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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rofl you edited this post so many fucking times I had to rewrite my response like 3 times.

in laning phase I'm mostly alright, I start a 8 reds, 3 blues, 1 ward, so for the most part I do fine in lane. I usually try to last hit and harass with the same spell like with most mids, so that's not so bad.

I mostly get messed up since I'm used to stay a long time without doing base and basically one or two ganks/skirmishes + a bit of farming can easily get me depleted. obviously if I get blue buff I'm good, but I notice not many junglers like to hand their blues to dianas :/

I'm thinking of making taking a couple points off the offensive masteries to get the 3 of expanded mind. I'm doing 21 5 4 right now, but I think diana could probably do well with a weird 13 8 9 (gotta get dat spellsword mastery :p) thing or something.

but yeah, my mana issues appear are mostly mid to late game. I wonder if even a single fairie charm or something would be enough.

Try type that in your smartphone at work while avoiding supervisor walking around. I WAS RISKING MY CAREER JUST TO GIVE YOU TIPSSSSS !!!!

Just rush Nashor's Tooth first, and farm with your auto attack. If you have enough AP you can just clear lane with 1 Q and a few autos. I mean if the jungler never give you blue, just get morellonomicon, it has everything you need.

I still wouldn't build mana regen even if I never get blue though, as Diana you should focus on killing carry in one rotation, hourglass then get out. If you find yourself poking a lot, just play nidalee or the waifu you abandon. Or may be you should go back to base more often, the distant you walk from bot lane gang back to mid lane is same as going from base to mid.
Dear god today.

Six depressing losses in a row. Two with Dobkeratops/kSt, one with a friend from my team, then three with my full team. Gah. And I failed miserably in most of them.

It really bugs me when I recognise I'm on tilt, and say I'm gonna stop, and my team beg me to play another. Then I do, and more than half the time I screw up even worse because I'm on tilt. And it's such a depressing waste of time. The one time things did go semi-well (GP top), they ignored my warnings (and deaths) against Irelia, and she ended up dominating SO HARD late game. :/ It wasn't their fault as such, fed jungle Fiddle was a more immediate threat midgame, but damn, Irelia just ate us for breakfast late. Predicting that was a lot worse than being surprised by it. >.<

This game.
not really, it's not terrible but I feel like there are better options:

fairie charm, 3 blues, 3 reds and 1 ward: my favorite and I started it before it became popular so that must mean I'm cool. you can get more wards and less pots or more reds and less blues depending on the matchup and enemy jungler.

two fairie charms and 3 reds: the "I don't give a shit about ganks" version of above. not really worth it since it already sends you in the path to get a chalice. at least with the other option you can choose between chalice and tear

cloth armor and 5 reds (or 1 ward and 2 reds): if you're against zed or jayce, maybe

tons of wards and pots: if you're melee like with diana I like this

you might want to get boots against a lux or a ziggs or someone with tons of skillshots but it's only 25 ms and the early ward will probably do you more good. nowadays I barely even bother with level 1 boots in general...

Thanks a lot for the explaining it and the different scenarios. I can see the double fairie working for karthus.
I'm glad the bots+3 pots meta is gone because i hate seeing the same things match after match. Is there any specific reason this happened?


Thanks a lot for the explaining it and the different scenarios. I can see the double fairie working for karthus.
I'm glad the bots+3 pots meta is gone because i hate seeing the same things match after match. Is there any specific reason this happened?
I believe they made everyone faster and the boot speedup slower by comparison. So, everyone's speed remains the same, but boots aren't AS necessary.


Try type that in your smartphone at work while avoiding supervisor walking around. I WAS RISKING MY CAREER JUST TO GIVE YOU TIPSSSSS !!!!

Just rush Nashor's Tooth first, and farm with your auto attack. If you have enough AP you can just clear lane with 1 Q and a few autos. I mean if the jungler never give you blue, just get morellonomicon, it has everything you need.

I still wouldn't build mana regen even if I never get blue though, as Diana you should focus on killing carry in one rotation, hourglass then get out. If you find yourself poking a lot, just play nidalee or the waifu you abandon. Or may be you should go back to base more often, the distant you walk from bot lane gang back to mid lane is same as going from base to mid.
Dear everybody, nashors is actually a situational item on Diana, for when you are allowed to auto attack minions a lot in lane for some reason (vs tanky top laner,or 100% skillshot mid or a weak one) or you want to split push.

The standard Diana build is abyssal into zhonyas.


Dear everybody, nashors is actually a situational item on Diana, for when you are allowed to auto attack minions a lot in lane for some reason (vs tanky top laner,or 100% skillshot mid or a weak one) or you want to split push.

The standard Diana build is abyssal into zhonyas.

No abyssal is not standard first item at all, may be when against someone like leblanc, annie or syndra. Otherwise there are hardly any other champion that can outburst her.

Nashor let you push, gang, and burst someone 100-0 with ignite, I don't see the point of wasting 700 gold on defensive item when you can win a fight faster.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Try type that in your smartphone at work while avoiding supervisor walking around. I WAS RISKING MY CAREER JUST TO GIVE YOU TIPSSSSS !!!!

Ahh the joys of working in telecom. We HAVE to be on our cellphones for work all day lol.


So, I'm doing fine with Cho, but feeling kinda pointless after using both CCs and eating a ham outta a carry... I feel very attracted to Jax and Pantheon. Jax's uses an awesome weapon, I kinda hitting people with big blunt things and folding chairs. That's why I bought Mordekaiser on a whim, just because I like how he looks lol, but didn't feel him all that much after playing him today. I can't coupe with using health as my mana yet. I might return alter to him, but for now I want to dabble into a true melee character. I get the feeling Jax is kinda OP tho, and that Pantheon, while being one of the best early game characters, sucks later down the lane. His ulti also looks kinda meh. Tho, I love Spears... (I could also get Jarvan)

So Jax or Pantheon? And which guide would you suggest to look at? I have 0 clue about AD items, save for a few iconic. A link to a mobafire guide would be appropriated, I don't really only trust the upvotes, since long / funny guide get votes no matter if they suck or not.
I kinda lean towards Pantheon tho.

Or Darius... he looks awesome as well. D:


Try type that in your smartphone at work while avoiding supervisor walking around. I WAS RISKING MY CAREER JUST TO GIVE YOU TIPSSSSS !!!!

Just rush Nashor's Tooth first, and farm with your auto attack. If you have enough AP you can just clear lane with 1 Q and a few autos. I mean if the jungler never give you blue, just get morellonomicon, it has everything you need.

I still wouldn't build mana regen even if I never get blue though, as Diana you should focus on killing carry in one rotation, hourglass then get out. If you find yourself poking a lot, just play nidalee or the waifu you abandon. Or may be you should go back to base more often, the distant you walk from bot lane gang back to mid lane is same as going from base to mid.
yup, morellos was what I was thinking

really the truth is I should learn not to spam my q like I was playing lux or syn

Thanks a lot for the explaining it and the different scenarios. I can see the double fairie working for karthus.
I'm glad the bots+3 pots meta is gone because i hate seeing the same things match after match. Is there any specific reason this happened?
np. basically they gave everyone I think 20 extra base ms, so instead of giving you 45 ms, boots now only give you 20. that opened up room for a lot of other options.

btw one starting thing I forgot to mention is to start with a red elixir, 3 red pots and a ward. this is a good start for the level two bursty types (specially AD but I've seen gragases do it) or if you wanna bait people. I don't really like this because I'm not that aggressive in lane but there's that too.


First game: Leaver on each team.
Second game: AFK late game in spawn, my team.
Third game: (delayed for like 5 minutes starting due to dodgers and afks) AFK late game in spawn, my team.

It's the weekend for sure.

Took me 30 minutes to GET a normal game tonight. So many dodgers. For no reason at all. Then our mid lane was afk for the first 8 minutes and I mid laned against galio as shen jungle.

We still won. Late game shen and Vlad (the afk one) too strong.

Its the weekend allright


No abyssal is not standard first item at all, may be when against someone like leblanc, annie or syndra. Otherwise there are hardly any other champion that can outburst her.

Nashor let you push, gang, and burst someone 100-0 with ignite, I don't see the point of wasting 700 gold on defensive item when you can win a fight faster.

no no no i dont even know where this "everybody wants to build nashors on diana" trend even came from. even the pros that built it have explained that its a splitpush/facepush item, and not a team fight item. the last diana games on lcs have been all abyssal/ zhonyas affairs - now go back and watch the nashors tooths games, scarra just splitpush all day.

1. abyssal gives you Mpen - mpen works incredibly well with diana's high base damage
2. tooth gives you cdr, which is lowered in worth slightly since diana gets resets
3. tooth only gains effectiveness if you can stand and AA for two procs (6seconds) - the increased speed to obtain the first proc is worthless since you can Q-W-R-AA-E-AA-R-AA to get a proc off
4. abyssal synergises with more AP better than tooth because Mpen is % based on all of Diana's damage, rather than AS% synergising just with the passive
5. you want to live longer in team fights, being that youre melee and all. theres always magic damage, and shields work off resistances

im not saying get abyssal first if you're vsing ad mid - but if its an ap mid-bruisertop standard affair, abyssal is just so gud


look at all those abyssals
dont you trust alex ich


Does anyone have a problem with lanning? My friends and I will get spikes of lag that hit 3000 ping. Everything moves as normal, but we have serious delay in response. We are wired, not wireless and the router we have is "wrt120n". Is there a way to set the router to allow us to play, or do I need to put down for a new router? Thanks for the help!


Took me 30 minutes to GET a normal game tonight. So many dodgers. For no reason at all. Then our mid lane was afk for the first 8 minutes and I mid laned against galio as shen jungle.

We still won. Late game shen and Vlad (the afk one) too strong.

Its the weekend allright
To follow on with that trend, I think I ended up with 5 out 7 games in a row having an afk or leaver today, plus one game had nasty lag in the middle. Some people may have only left for a few minutes near the end of the game, or been called away by something or other, but still. :/

Silly theory question: Gangplank's Q applies the lizard king item true damage proc on enemies, right? Is that because Q doesn't do damage over time itself, but merely procs Gangplank's passive? Or is it because Q acts like a normal on-hit melee attack, or both. I almost thought it wouldn't work since it warns that spells which do damage over time don't proc the lizard king item.


To follow on with that trend, I think I ended up with 5 out 7 games in a row having an afk or leaver today, plus one game had nasty lag in the middle. Some people may have only left for a few minutes near the end of the game, or been called away by something or other, but still. :/

Silly theory question: Gangplank's Q applies the lizard king item true damage proc on enemies, right? Is that because Q doesn't do damage over time itself, but merely procs Gangplank's passive? Or is it because Q acts like a normal on-hit melee attack, or both. I almost thought it wouldn't work since it warns that spells which do damage over time don't proc the lizard king item.

according to lolwiki it does proc on-hit effects

Does anyone have a problem with lanning? My friends and I will get spikes of lag that hit 3000 ping. Everything moves as normal, but we have serious delay in response. We are wired, not wireless and the router we have is "wrt120n". Is there a way to set the router to allow us to play, or do I need to put down for a new router? Thanks for the help!
Does the lag happen when you play in separate matches, or is it only when you're in the same match? Does it happen in any other game?


no no no i dont even know where this "everybody wants to build nashors on diana" trend even came from. even the pros that built it have explained that its a splitpush/facepush item, and not a team fight item. the last diana games on lcs have been all abyssal/ zhonyas affairs - now go back and watch the nashors tooths games, scarra just splitpush all day.

1. abyssal gives you Mpen - mpen works incredibly well with diana's high base damage
2. tooth gives you cdr, which is lowered in worth slightly since diana gets resets
3. tooth only gains effectiveness if you can stand and AA for two procs (6seconds) - the increased speed to obtain the first proc is worthless since you can Q-W-R-AA-E-AA-R-AA to get a proc off
4. abyssal synergises with more AP better than tooth because Mpen is % based on all of Diana's damage, rather than AS% synergising just with the passive
5. you want to live longer in team fights, being that youre melee and all. theres always magic damage, and shields work off resistances

im not saying get abyssal first if you're vsing ad mid - but if its an ap mid-bruisertop standard affair, abyssal is just so gud


look at all those abyssals
dont you trust alex ich


5 daggers 1 flask only build


no no no i dont even know where this "everybody wants to build nashors on diana" trend even came from. even the pros that built it have explained that its a splitpush/facepush item, and not a team fight item. the last diana games on lcs have been all abyssal/ zhonyas affairs - now go back and watch the nashors tooths games, scarra just splitpush all day.

1. abyssal gives you Mpen - mpen works incredibly well with diana's high base damage
2. tooth gives you cdr, which is lowered in worth slightly since diana gets resets
3. tooth only gains effectiveness if you can stand and AA for two procs (6seconds) - the increased speed to obtain the first proc is worthless since you can Q-W-R-AA-E-AA-R-AA to get a proc off
4. abyssal synergises with more AP better than tooth because Mpen is % based on all of Diana's damage, rather than AS% synergising just with the passive
5. you want to live longer in team fights, being that youre melee and all. theres always magic damage, and shields work off resistances

im not saying get abyssal first if you're vsing ad mid - but if its an ap mid-bruisertop standard affair, abyssal is just so gud


look at all those abyssals
dont you trust alex ich

Abyssal build from magic resist, why would you come back to lane with magic resist instead of more AP if you are not losing the lane? You only get the benefit of Mpen when you finish the item, so your damage is screw until you have enough to combine your negatron. All the magic resist you got are waste stats unless the enemy can outburst you.


kiunch, what do you normally build ahri? been getting her in arams and basically just build her dfg->zhonyas->abyss.

also blind pick just taught me swain is a ridiculous counter to diana


kiunch, what do you normally build ahri? been getting her in arams and basically just build her dfg->zhonyas->abyss.

also blind pick just taught me swain is a ridiculous counter to diana

If it were viable, Kiunch would buy nothing but Rylais


rylais, ugh

Doran; Doran; Deathcap/Hourglass; dfg/void with full ap blue/yellow/quin is the only thing that make sense. I only get abyssal if I really need that negatron, if both top and mid are ap, I will just build twin shadow and chalice.

Deep inside I just want to build 5 warmogs, gotta protect the waifu.

Right now I am trying:
Morellonomicon; Deathcap; lichbane; void.

What I really want to do:
Haunting Guise; Rylias; Liandry; abyssal; void; and some random cdr item?


Abyssal build from magic resist, why would you come back to lane with magic resist instead of more AP if you are not losing the lane? You only get the benefit of Mpen when you finish the item, so your damage is screw until you have enough to combine your negatron. All the magic resist you got are waste stats unless the enemy can outburst you.
You making stats too binary - its more than resistances are for if you are losing, damage is for if your winning.

Why MR is good on diana

Because you are an apc: so your damage scales with level.

Because you can dive at enemy: so you can force them to trade with you and thus MR means you take less damage in trades

Because you have a shield: MR makes your shield better and makes your trading better

Because you can stand and trade with them: your passive is stronger

So ok, you won't deal more damage straight up to them, but they will deal less damage to you. And because you are winning you can just keep diving them and out trading them and they xant do anyrhimf about it

I am not saying MR is strictly better than AP on diana if you are ahead, but MR isn't useless as you imply. It's only ever useless if you never fight them, which is impossible on diana.
2nd failed promotion to Silver IV sigh. I never do bad in my matches anymore.

Lose 1: Picked Morg, then someone goes Akali but I assume solo top. Enemy picks Karthus so I asked Akali if she can own Karthus to which she agreed (and did fine). I ended up laning against Zed and won the lane. I pushed the lane hard to prevent him from roaming, and baited a lot of their jungler ganks. Oh yeah we had SUPPORT SKARNER. It's almost like he just trollpicked since he wasn't clueless at supporting.

Lose 2: Jungle Rengar AFKs in the middle of the match, and was pretty much horrible whenever he played. He died to wraiths and felt like it was his first time playing Rengar since he rushed TF. He either dashes in to 1v3 or just sits in the bush doing nothing while everyone else fought. I annihilated Elise as Kass, top does well, bot does bad, Rengar farts and even had the balls to Smite steal blue. This was such a headache for me since teammates kept relying on me and there were so many times I needed to be in two very far places to help. I tried roaming a lot to help but that just allowed Elise to recover.

My W/L is back to 16/16 and I'm worried that I might start losing more LP than I get. When does that start happening? I dropped to 74LP, and I know I went from 75->promotional.


2nd failed promotion to Silver IV sigh. I never do bad in my matches anymore.

Lose 1: Picked Morg, then someone goes Akali but I assume solo top. Enemy picks Karthus so I asked Akali if she can own Karthus to which she agreed (and did fine). I ended up laning against Zed and won the lane. I pushed the lane hard to prevent him from roaming, and baited a lot of their jungler ganks. Oh yeah we had SUPPORT SKARNER. It's almost like he just trollpicked since he wasn't clueless at supporting.

Lose 2: Jungle Rengar AFKs in the middle of the match, and was pretty much horrible whenever he played. He died to wraiths and felt like it was his first time playing Rengar since he rushed TF. He either dashes in to 1v3 or just sits in the bush doing nothing while everyone else fought. I annihilated Elise as Kass, top does well, bot does bad, Rengar farts and even had the balls to Smite steal blue. This was such a headache for me since teammates kept relying on me and there were so many times I needed to be in two very far places to help.

My W/L is back to 16/16 and I'm worried that I might start losing more LP than I get. When does that start happening? I dropped to 74LP, and I know I went from 75->promotional.
I don't think you should be worrying about it already.

the lp you get from wins/losses is based on the matchup itself, so it's not like it's a solid 20 every single match. sometimes it's 22, sometimes 19. maybe you lost on favorable matchups, so you lost a little bit more than the last time, but it's usually like 19 (w) -17 (l) on average.

I wouldn't sweat it just yet
Abyssal gives more AP than Nashor's. So yeah, it's a better item on her. Please stop always building Nashor's on Diana. It is situational. If you're against AP mid, buy Abyssal first. If against AD, Seeker's Armguard. If you're split pushing then buy Nashor's tooth. It would be different if she got the damage proc on every auto, but it's only every third auto. Putting that much into the attack speed is only worth it if you're against a champion where you know you'll get like 4 autos in before they reach their tower (passive AA -> AA -> AA -> passive AA).

Diana scales so well with resistances it's incredible. You get much better damage off Abyssal and Zhonya's, especially if you're ganking. You're more likely going to burst them down before you even get two passive procs on them even if you have Nashor's, and with Abyssal or Zhonya's you have the tankiness to survive jumping in like that. Abyssal only costs 60 gold more too. Not to mention Abyssal actually lowers magic res, it isn't just Mpen. It helps your whole team.


It's basically every squishy zoning AP Mid that you can get Nashor's safely early on. Things you can jump right past their skillshots.

Edit: But, yes, the biggest thing is it's situational. But that applies to all three of them. Abyssal is for the APs you can't toe-to-toe and duel due their burst output, Seeker's is for the ADS you can't toe-to-toe at all, and Nashor's catches most all other scenarios (and/or just pushing situations).


Because Nashor's will let you duel them better than an Abyssal. If the damage you're taking without the Abyssal is nearly inconsequential anyway, you don't need extra resistances on top of it.

If you're taking considerable damage in trades then, yes, Abyssal is still worth it. If it's someone you can flat out beat with negligible damage taken then you don't need the Abyssal MR in that situation. That's all.
But Nashor's is only worth it if you're consistently getting 4 autos in every trade. Abyssal gives you more AP, the MR reduction and therefore more burst.

Like I said before, I wouldn't buy it on mid Diana unless I was really planning on pushing instead of roaming or if the enemy mid had like no hard cc or dashes. Would never buy it on jungle Diana. I do buy it if I play Diana top, because it's a longer lane and melee vs. melee trades are more common.


And against the APs we're talking about (Lux, for instance), you will most likely be getting that many auto attacks off. Nashor's is ideal in those situations where you're completely safe to just sit on top of them. Abyssal is good for basically every other AP situation. Things where you're at a higher risk in your trades.

If you're not planning on pushing other lanes then, yes, Nashor's is also not ideal and probably shouldn't be grabbed if you're just going to be roaming and team fighting.

Edit: We're basically saying the same thing with different words.
Maybe so, but I would never get it against Lux tbh. I'd rather the Abyssal, because she's useless unless she can burst you and Abyssal will negate her Chalice almost completely.


You can q-w-r-aa-e-aa-r-aa and get a passive off without a tooth. So why do you need as% in a 1v1 trade? So you can stand and auto them? Who would let you?

Tooth is worth it if you get 3 extra autos without e or r support, which isn't even possible if they just cast a spell and walk away from you.
Well ideally you want to have your passive up before you jump and get that fourth auto for a double passive proc, but yeah I agree with Boken. Nashor's just isn't that useful in mid lane. Maybe if you're against another melee but... meh.


How about just pay attention to cooldown? If you wasted both ult before enemy use their cc/flash, it wouldn't even if you start the game with 2.00 attack speed.

If enemy retaliate with spell, you can deal a lot more damage with nashor tooth, if they run away, it is free damage anyway, so magic resist is irrelevant.

Why would Lux outburst Diana, a lot of Lux damage is on her passive. So for Lux to burst someone down she had to throw auto between her spells, which is something she will never do to diana since that put her in Diana Q and ult range.


So wins only netted me 9 points. I just got promoted back to plat 1 so it's going to take a long while before I can qualify for Diamond at this rate lol. :|


Anyone else build Nasus more offensively out of the jungle than the pros? All I ever see from them is boots, aegis, locket, then whatever else tanky. And they always max E first. Nasus is fine as a wither/armor debuff/aura machine, but it's so much more fun building him to crush stuff. It's just disappoointing seeing these guys throw Q's on carries that do hardly any damage at all. Max Q > W > E, build Spirit of the Ancient Golem and boots, then a Brutalizer/Sheen/Aegis in whatever order you want, proceed to smash squishies. You're lacking resists until you get that Aegis, but Ancient Golem and your ultimate are more than enough to make up for it until pretty late in the game.


I really hope riot doesn't cave in to the new Jayce whining.

Like seriously, he's fine, don't touch him. He snowballs pretty good, but don't gut him for it.

...nevermind they are gonna cut him down aren't they?
Just finished playing a game as Vi and something funny happened. Just got done getting a triple kill in mid lane with the whole team by my side, and then I decided to go run to bot since the minions were getting close to the turret. Here's the funny part. Since I was the most leveled and strongest person on the team when I started to leave, the whole team followed me. I was sitting their like "plz don't follow me I'm no leader." The team eventually stopped following me since I was just pushing a lane but I just found it funny because I never had this happen to me. It was just so weird to me lol.


How viable is AP mid Sona? I'm talking Silver 5 low elo here. Are her AP ratios any good?

Her ratios are really quite terrible in the grand scheme of things. Her heal doesn't get all that powerful, and Q doesn't scale as well as traditional mid's abilities do.

She really dominates the lane against Katarina, Fizz, etc... However her late game isn't super good. Any reason as to why?

This is just false information. Fizz can kill her in a single rotation, and Kat just flat wins that lane entirely.


Her ratios are really quite terrible in the grand scheme of things. Her heal doesn't get all that powerful, and Q doesn't scale as well as traditional mid's abilities do.

This is just false information. Fizz can kill her in a single rotation, and Kat just flat wins that lane entirely.

Either I laned with horrible players or you're the wrong one. Fizz can't kill Sona even while landing the shark at level 6 and Sona just cancels out Katarina's ult entirely. Neither of them can farm pre-6 and you should get the first kill on them as soon as you get to 6 while they're still 5, or even before if you poke them low enough.

Sona mid, I feel is all about establishing lane dominance and killing your opponent before they begin getting dangerous to snowball from there. It works well against non-ranged opponents like Fizz, Katarina, and maybe Diana, not sure needs more testing. It doesn't work well against hyper pushers like Zyra or Heimerdinger.

Good knowing about her ratios though.

I also mentioned AP Janna because I heard it was pretty good, but only in S2.
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