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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Here's how I feel about online guides

Sure, you'll build the "right" thing and what the pros are using which, hey, that's a good thing but for newer players I feel that this hurts them in the long run because they are just blindly following guides instead of understanding why they are getting those items in the first place. Also it depends on who is making the guide and what their play style consists of.

"well I built 3 BTs because voyboy's guide said so"

"are you really arguing with voyboy?"

not actually a guide


When is Lissandra, Im getting impatient. -_- I think after her I will go for the spider girl. She seems cool.

Also, wow at the kayos goodbye in last page. I think I know why he bullied me on the Final Fantasy threads now. It was sort of a form to vent. Never saw that coming.

Joking dude, seeya around


her W shield. W


lux's biggest asset is range, so kite kite kite and when you can't kite no more just zhonya/seraph while screaming at the mic for help. also always throw your shield in the direction you're running so it gets back to you faster.
D'oh you're right, W shield. =( Clever point about throwing in the direction you're running.


Umm I just played ARAM for the first time.. I can't believe what i've been missing.

Do you only random champs you own / free ones? Or is it anyone?


Umm I just played ARAM for the first time.. I can't believe what i've been missing.

Do you only random champs you own / free ones? Or is it anyone?
It's only champions that are free, or that you own. And yes, there should soon be a special map with an ARAM queue that gives you IP and win of the day, and some people like me may start playing it a lot.

I suspect it will mean even more rage in ARAMs though.


It's only champions that are free, or that you own. And yes, there should be a special map with an ARAM queue that gives you IP and win of the day, and some people like me may start playing it a lot.

I suspect it will mean even more rage in ARAMs though.

Oh absolutely, people will always find reasons to rage when there's more on the line.


Hey rex, remember our adventures in very early s2? Found this glorious carry on our parts

Remember this?:

AFK pantheon for first 20minutes. Comes back after 20minutes, apologises since he had to feed and walk his dog or something.

I was solo bot vs sivir and alistar.

Amazing how we won this game. So god damn amazing.

I think I will also write a resignation letter to this thread when I quit Lol. Not going to happen any time soon though. 3 years and still going strong.


\I think I will also write a resignation letter to this thread when I quit Lol. Not going to happen any time soon though. 3 years and still going strong.

I'll play taps at your funeral. Of all the souls I've encountered in this universe, yours is the most...human


man nowadays it's impossible to get the gang back together to play some games. you get stuck with a teemo top heimer mid comp that keeps getting caught and blames it on the poor support leona. I mean seriously how do you even get caught as teemo.

how did I not dodge on that team comp is the better question I guess

anyways, whole day of blamers, throwers and trolls, what's new?

at least I won my aram against this chick from highschool that hates me

1k+ ap is no joke
yea, I dunno about 1k, but the guy had 400 AP with only liandry+amp tomp+yellow staff. we were even on farm at lane, and I even turned a gank into first blood on him, but I'm guessing he might've premade with the amumu because the guy just camped mid and it was "choose your circle of death: veigar stun or mumu ult". fucker also rushed swift boots+alacrity and had ghost, so I was dead as soon as he wished for it.

then he tp'd bot and got like two more kills, and the snowball began.

tbh I barely played against veigar in my life so I don't mind since I basically learned not to ever let him get fed.

D'oh you're right, W shield. =( Clever point about throwing in the direction you're running.
it's not much but when you're desperate an extra half a second can save you.

Umm I just played ARAM for the first time.. I can't believe what i've been missing.

Do you only random champs you own / free ones? Or is it anyone?
yeah aram can be a lot of fun

unless you get alistar

and I always get alistar
Just obliterated a Kha'zix top as Fiora.
He even got firstblood from a really sneaky Vi gang, but that squishy bug just couldnt handle the damage.
Bot were MF and Ashe and owned a Thresh plus Ezreal combo.

We flamed each other pretty hard in champ select, but that was the hardest part of the game. Heh.


LCS EU playoffs today right? Dammit. I'm in meetings all day. Not going to be able to watch anything. sigh.

Hoping EG pulls it out. Don't want to see them leave LCS.


Yeah it would be cool if we could keep LCS talk out of this thread since some of us don't watch the games until after work and uh, there's a whole thread for it on the forum.


Never getting out of Silver. It's just...not gonna happen. It sucks, but what can you do. That Varus died to Leona.

From full health.


Your build isn't exactly helping. Wriggles is wasted, and you're building for Tiamat/Hydra and that is just bad on Udyr considering Phoenix does more aoe damage. You could've just as easily stayed with Madred's Razor, built Locket of the Iron Solari, and Aegis of the Legion / Runic Bulwark and been a tanky force on your team.

Also, it's a 20 minute game and you're at 66 cs. That doesn't bode well even if you are jungling.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Gonna brute force myself through Silver I this summer. Must hit gold this year >_<.


Your build isn't exactly helping. Wriggles is wasted, and you're building for Tiamat/Hydra and that is just bad on Udyr considering Phoenix does more aoe damage. You could've just as easily stayed with Madred's Razor, built Locket of the Iron Solari, and Aegis of the Legion / Runic Bulwark and been a tanky force on your team.

Also, it's a 20 minute game and you're at 66 cs. That doesn't bode well even if you are jungling.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Tiger Udyr with RH. Phoenix Udyr is fine, but that doesn't make Tiger any worse. The DoT from Tiger is so incredibly strong and the attack speed really makes you great for bursting down targets. Not to mention with such a mobile team (Vayne, Lee, Kat), Phoenix won't stick on them for long. I'd rather get an auto attack off for 400+ damage with very little AD than 70+ a second if they stand around me with Phoenix.

But that's my opinion.
Phoenix is way better for jungle Udyr, and when you play Udyr you need to be a sticky, unkillable machine.

You're better off with Spirit Stone in to Ancient Golem, Swiftness boots, and building things like Locket, Bulwark. Randuins, Iceborn Gauntlet etc.


The problem is that it doesn't make the team ultimately better. It makes yourself better. It's a selfish item choice with limited overall impact in the end. If you were top lane then, sure, but your team really needed you as something that can run in there and be a presence.

I think the bigger point is to just focus on what you could have done better in that game. Yes, your Varus may have done whatever and the Vayne rolled through your team but that still doesn't change the fact that your team had no tank so you had nothing for the mid-to-late game and your cs is low so you're overall behind in items despite the kills you have.


Are swiftness boots the new hotness? I seem to remember everyone used to mock Ashe for buying them as recommended items.

Like, if you get swiftness boots on Udyr, are you just asking someone to use frozen rylais gauntlet to kite you? Or is the idea that Udyr himself will have red buff or a slow item, and thus slow down the kiter as long as he can get in range?


Are swiftness boots the new hotness? I seem to remember everyone used to mock Ashe for buying them as recommended items.

Like, if you get swiftness boots on Udyr, are you just asking someone to use frozen rylais gauntlet to kite you? Or is the idea that Udyr himself will have red buff or a slow item, and thus slow down the kiter as long as he can get in range?

Swiftness boots got a buff. They reduce the effect of slows by 25% now. Not shorter duration, but you actually don't get slowed as much. 40% slow becomes 30% slow, etc.
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