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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Either I laned with horrible players or you're the wrong one.


not to diss your skill or whatever, but you probably laned with horrible players, dude, sona has:
* terrible ratios on her E. the ratios on her Q and R are nice but it's still only two spells.
* squishiest champion in the game: less base HP and HP per level in the entire game
* low range on her Q


Either I laned with horrible players or you're the wrong one.

Yeah, sorry, but you probably laned against terrible people. Sona mid is basically a gimmick.

Fizz can't kill Sona even while landing the shark at level 6

Fizz's damage output will outright kill you. His full combo at that point is a 100-0 with Ignite. Beyond that, you should be killed before that's even relevant as he should be able to 100-0 you at Level 2 or 3.

...and Sona just cancels out Katarina's ult entirely.

Why would Katarina ult before you ult? She doesn't even need it for the kill with her W cooldown as low as it is. You're forced to use your ult before she would need hers.

Neither of them can farm pre-6 and you should get the first kill on them as soon as you get to 6 while they're still 5, or even before if you poke them low enough.

Kat is more than well equipped to farm pre-6. Her 1-3 is a little awkward perhaps (ranged vs melee) but she'll be fine once she has all three skills.

Sona mid, I feel is all about establishing lane dominance and killing your opponent before they begin getting dangerous to snowball from there. It works well against non-ranged opponents like Fizz, Katarina, and maybe Diana, not sure needs more testing. It doesn't work well against hyper pushers like Zyra or Heimerdinger.

It just doesn't work at all. She's basically a ranged attacker. That's the extent of her advantage. By the sound of things, you could have played basically anything here vs this Kat or Fizz and beat them.


I did AD Sona in dominion once. That was fun.

So I am 1-9 since I bought Syndra. It's not like I'm having horrible games or anything, but I just can't win with her. She's so fun though. I love throwing those balls. Kinda reminds me of Orianna, but I suck with Ori. Always miss the ults and get my self killed too much with her shorter range ball.


So I am 1-9 since I bought Syndra. It's not like I'm having horrible games or anything, but I just can't win with her. She's so fun though. I love throwing those balls. Kinda reminds me of Orianna, but I suck with Ori. Always miss the ults and get my self killed too much with her shorter range ball.
yeah you can't be missing ults as ori or you'll lose your games easily. like, seriously a teamfight is so decided by her ult, it's insane.

and I've been there, at 1-7 with lux or something, even she's my favorite champion. sometimes it's like that, if you're not doing horribly, just power through it and the wins will return.


I wish ARAM queue would come today. No IP reward is just a bummer after having played a great game.
So I am 1-9 since I bought Syndra. It's not like I'm having horrible games or anything, but I just can't win with her. She's so fun though. I love throwing those balls. Kinda reminds me of Orianna, but I suck with Ori. Always miss the ults and get my self killed too much with her shorter range ball.

What are you building on Syndra?


I did AD Sona in dominion once. That was fun.

So I am 1-9 since I bought Syndra. It's not like I'm having horrible games or anything, but I just can't win with her. She's so fun though. I love throwing those balls. Kinda reminds me of Orianna, but I suck with Ori. Always miss the ults and get my self killed too much with her shorter range ball.

Syndra is hard-mode so you already won in heart even if you didn't win.


OT Hard Carry


honors pls

I used google image search's "similar images" function and it sent me to lolhentai.net....

Dont ever go to that site.

I agree, there's better places to get your fix at.



I used google image search's "similar images" function and it sent me to lolhentai.net....

Dont ever go to that site.
hey dude, you can't post me the full link and expect me not to open it, that's entrapment

had a chuckle with anivia and orianna, a bit grossed out about annie

where do you think I got that ahri pic from


sorry but client crashed


in fact, here's a quick primer on how to beat jayce in general

1. jayce is squishy. play someone with a strong early level burst and he's toast

2. stand away from the minions, make him pick between farming and hitting you

3. actually dodge his poke, it's not that hard to do (dodge spears)

4. build ninja tabi, completely nulls his ranged form harass

5. he's extremely easy to snowball against, if you get an early kill that's very nearly an outright lost lane for him

6. with sustain champs play safely and focus on farming, come back w/ ninja tabi, defense, and lifesteal scepter and if you didn't feed him you can literally lifesteal out all his harass

7. the champs that "counter" jayce are ones that turn it into a farm lane and/or can gapclose/burst/murder him early lane


He counter everything right now, Used to pick Irelia and Jarvan in s2 but those two much weaker now in solo lane.
irelia and j4 are fine picks against jayce

alligator, malphite, riven, xin etc etc

in fact, only champs jayce "counters" are ones that either can't put up with the harass, or don't have the early burst to deal with him. so I don't even know, the majority of top lane has these two gameplay features so I don't see what your problem is outside of just general inexperience fighting Jayce.


Jayce has a fairly miserable early game. Even with the popular build (Q>E>W>R, skip WR entirely), it takes until around Level 7-ish for him to really take off to outright jump right in and blow up someone. Especially if he can't actually land his Cannon QE; that's the majority of his lane damage right there.

Countering Jayce is basically a skill match up though. He's a pretty safe pick in general. But, that logic applies to basically anyone in top lane with range and a disengage.


Jayce has a fairly miserable early game. Even with the popular build (Q>E>W>R, skip WR entirely), it takes until around Level 7-ish for him to really take off to outright jump right in and blow up someone. Especially if he can't actually land his Cannon QE; that's the majority of his lane damage right there.

Countering Jayce is basically a skill match up though. He's a pretty safe pick in general. But, that logic applies to basically anyone in top lane with range and a disengage.

I think people overestimate his hammer blow. That thing is a buggy piece of shit, and doesn't really do enough damage to mitigate a good early game trade by an opponent. I think people just freeze up because he's ranged and don't look for ways to be aggressive.


Dunno, either im playing different skill Jayce of what you actually usually play or i dont know how to play top lane for shit :/


I think people overestimate his hammer blow. That thing is a buggy piece of shit, and doesn't really do enough damage to mitigate a good early game trade by an opponent. I think people just freeze up because he's ranged and don't look for ways to be aggressive.

Max HP Damage gets slightly overrated. It's good, sure, but the majority of his damage comes from his full combo. The Hammer E is more just a finisher / to force it to be a free all-in harass.

Jayce just steadily gets stronger and stronger with levels and spikes pretty hard when he reaches 10 and has them both maxed out. At that point he can convert any landed QE to either a straight up kill or at least enough damage to force passivity/them to leave.

Dunno, either im playing different skill Jayce of what you actually usually play or i dont know how to play top lane for shit :/

I usually play Jayce and have played against him a lot in general against Plat/Diamond. Jayce is weak early game since he needs a lot of levels to get his skills up. He has low base stats in general so he's rather squishy as well (and has low base AD on top of that anyway).

Essentially, he's a ranged champion. That's his early game advantage. If he can land his Cannon QE a lot then, yes, he'll eat you alive in the lane but the same applies to any of the big damage pokers. If you can avoid taking those for free, you'll find the early game openings to push damage onto him.
Nasus ult damage really does add up. I'm surprised E+R accounted for nearly 2/3 of my damage output.

Crit came from the single Crit Chance rune I put in every page JUST IN CASE.


Weak early laners have problems against jayce aa and balls.

Conversely though, strong early laners give jayce a tough time. (renekton - who also has superior all in - see below)

His only strength is in harass or really short trades so make sure you fight him hard when he wastes gate+ball on minions, or changes stance for some reason. A good point to all in jayce (and any stance champ), is at level 6 since he doesn't gain power spikes at 6. I face jayce a lot on singed, and just accept his 1-5 dominance of the lane. But when I hit 6, I just constantly all in him with my ult.


yeah you can't be missing ults as ori or you'll lose your games easily. like, seriously a teamfight is so decided by her ult, it's insane.

Yeah, I'm pretty bad with her. I kinda wanna play her more to get better, but I rarely get mid, and I've been working on Syndra when I do anyways.

I did shield+ult 4 people into a fiddlesticks ult one time. It was glorious.


yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. okay buddy.
do you people just play jayces with infinite mana who never miss or something

like srsly gimme some of that infinite mana, I mysteriously go OOM whenever I Q people who stand in front of minion waves begging for it


do you people just play jayces with infinite mana who never miss or something

like srsly gimme some of that infinite mana, I mysteriously go OOM whenever I Q people who stand in front of minion waves begging for it

build tears, spam like a motherfucker when they come near u and waste their gap closer E them.


First item Tear. I'm basically never oom in lane.

Also, not sure why I'd be choosing between minions and you. If you stand away from minions, I aim QE for you and auto minions. If you stand with the minions, I just have an easier shot. Standing away isn't about forcing a choice, it's about making the shot harder to connect.


build tears, spam like a motherfucker when they come near u and waste their gap closer E them.

go play jayce

show me how easy it is mang

and what do you mean "waste their gap closer", how does someone like J4 "waste" his gapcloser when he goes in, knocks you up, gets a free hit with bonus dmg from his passive

same thing w/ xin

same thing w/ renek (if he's too slow to stun for some inane reason)


go play jayce

show me how easy it is mang

and what do you mean "waste their gap closer", how does someone like J4 "waste" his gapcloser when he goes in, knocks you up, gets a free hit with bonus dmg from his passive

same thing w/ xin

same thing w/ renek (if he's too slow to stun for some inane reason)

i played a jayce today after not playing him since s2.
renekton rage quit after dying 4 times.


If a top laner came back to lane four times and kept dying (and then raged out), you're probably just in a low MMR environment. Any decent top laner knows when to stop trying to play aggressive when they die in lane.
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