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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
even if you are going tiger you don't build hydra.

you go phoenix because you can dump damage out even with a super tank build. you are not going to outdamage kat and vayne. you want to outtank them.
Are swiftness boots the new hotness? I seem to remember everyone used to mock Ashe for buying them as recommended items.

Like, if you get swiftness boots on Udyr, are you just asking someone to use frozen rylais gauntlet to kite you? Or is the idea that Udyr himself will have red buff or a slow item, and thus slow down the kiter as long as he can get in range?
Slows aren't Udyr's weakpoint. Other CC is. Swifties are still dumb.
I like going Swiftys with Alacrity, move speed quints and Ghost. The bear dash stun means you're way stickier, especially with red buff, and the move speed you get is great. You can eventually run through their frontline to the backline and just destroy their carries. Also tenacity on Ancient Golem means you don't really need Merc treads.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Swiftness boots got a buff. They reduce the effect of slows by 25% now. Not shorter duration, but you actually don't get slowed as much. 40% slow becomes 30% slow, etc.

and with masteries it goes even lower.


Well, I guess is time to introduce myself to my fellow LoL Gaffers.

As a small introduction, a friend showed me this not long ago:
The music and the character design were enough to convince to try the game.

As you may expect Diana is my favorite champion, followed by Vi, Leona and Vayne.

I have been avoiding ranked games because the toxic levels of drama, boy I don't know how people can handle that stuff, even normal games are frequently ruined by that crap.

In any case, I'll be around mostly asking question and for tips to improve my game.


I have been avoiding ranked games because the toxic levels of drama, boy I don't know how people can handle that stuff, even normal games are frequently ruined by that crap.

You learn to just ignore people over time. "Elo Hell" people are generally the worst of it.

In any case, I'll be around mostly asking question and for tips to improve my game.

Despite our recent "drama" in here, the majority of us aren't that bad about this. Just have to learn to take a lot of the advice with a bit of apprehension. Playstyles, variety in levels of play, etc. skews things.

The best advice is to learn what everything does: The items, skills, champions, etc. Then you can start to learn why certain things work on paper but don't in practice.


Well, I guess is time to introduce myself to my fellow LoL Gaffers.

As a small introduction, a friend showed me this not long ago:
The music and the character design were enough to convince to try the game.

As you may expect Diana is my favorite champion, followed by Vi, Leona and Vayne.

I have been avoiding ranked games because the toxic levels of drama, boy I don't know how people can handle that stuff, even normal games are frequently ruined by that crap.

In any case, I'll be around mostly asking question and for tips to improve my game.

Welcome :)

Ask away. You'll get some diverse answers. It's a wildly diverse game though. Not always a "right" answer. More of a "best for the situation".


Swiftness boots got a buff. They reduce the effect of slows by 25% now. Not shorter duration, but you actually don't get slowed as much. 40% slow becomes 30% slow, etc.
WHAT, I completely missed this change. Time to start building these on everything instead of mobility shoes!

I feel like I hardly ever build mercviper treads anymore though. Maybe I should...


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
What's the best site for builds right now? I want to feel out my own pace and style before trying to adopt some pro-esque stuff.


well you know
solomid.net is pretty good if you are starting out and trying to get guides
but on the other hand
probuilds.net is good for item builds if you have a better idea of what you are doing


OT Hard Carry
Welp, I'm in a game and it's only playable at intervals of 5 seconds, each followed by 5 minutes of not working (980 ping).

You know, they used to give free RP for these fuck ups. Now I'll be surprised if we even get a 3 win IP boost lol.


Welp, I'm in a game and it's only playable at intervals of 5 seconds, each followed by 5 minutes of not working (980 ping).

You know, they used to give free RP for these fuck ups. Now I'll be surprised if we even get a 3 win IP boost lol.

Yeah. LCS is fucking up too.

They're getting so big. Probably some growing pains.


Thanks guys, actually I have been looking for some good guides about general jungling stuff.

Good ganking "ideas", at what point do what, "best practices", etc.

And a small question for the Diana players, what's your opinion about the Rod of Ages?


WHAT, I completely missed this change. Time to start building these on everything instead of mobility shoes!

I feel like I hardly ever build mercviper treads anymore though. Maybe I should...

Fun fact: the slow reduction also applies to self slows. Try them on Vi and you hardly feel slow at all while charging up Q. I used to buy them for jungle Vi if the other team had a lot of slows and few stuns.

And a small question for the Diana players, what's your opinion about the Rod of Ages?
It's good on jungle Diana if you can afford it before about the 20 minute mark. I think RoA and Nashor's Tooth are a good core for her.


Fun fact: the slow reduction also applies to self slows. Try them on Vi and you hardly feel slow at all while charging up Q. I used to buy them for jungle Vi if the other team had a lot of slows and few stuns.

Yeah. She's pretty much the only champ I would buy swifties on. They're still pretty terrible for everyone else imo. I maybe would put them up for consideration if the enemy team was all AP, only had soft CC with heavy slows, AND I was the tank. Oh, and not jungling.
I don't like RoA on Diana tbh. If you're jungling Diana you should aim for Spectral Wraith, Sorcerer's Boots, Abyssal first if they have more AP, Zhonya's if they have a lot of AD, then Deathcap and if you want to do more damage get Nashor's, if you want more tankiness a Frozen Heart.

Nashor's is better on lane Diana. If you're jungling you need a combination of burst and tankiness and Nashor's doesn't give you that, and Diana scales better with resistances so RoA isn't ideal.


RoA is awful out of the jungle. It doesn't time out well nor is it that great at what you need coming out of the jungle.

Edit: And, honestly, I probably wouldn't really suggest it even from a lane Diana. There's just other priority things in the end. It's nice on paper (cost efficient item, grants good Health/Mana/AP) but there's just too many other things you'd really want to be getting instead.


Yeah. She's pretty much the only champ I would buy swifties on. They're still pretty terrible for everyone else imo. I maybe would put them up for consideration if the enemy team was all AP, only had soft CC with heavy slows, AND I was the tank. Oh, and not jungling.
How about -maybe- Varus because of his arrow charge?

I'm crazy though, since I like getting mobility shoes for jungle or mid lane if I'm doing well, because, gotta go fast.


How about -maybe- Varus because of his arrow charge?

I'm crazy though, since I like getting mobility shoes for jungle or mid lane if I'm doing well, because, gotta go fast.

I almost always buy mobo boots for Talon mid since he doesn't need the magic pen and a big part of his power is ganking the side lanes.

I will sometimes get mobo boots on Vi or Xin in the jungle if I'm snowballing and want to keep up the gank pressure. Else I'm buying tanky boots. They're really only good for laning phase though so it's pretty rare I do it.


Thanks guys, actually I have been looking for some good guides about general jungling stuff.

Good ganking "ideas", at what point do what, "best practices", etc.

And a small question for the Diana players, what's your opinion about the Rod of Ages?
not a big fan. if you're looking for defenses I like abyss/zhonya's a lot better and I always buy both :p

get nashor's on diana, it's great since with stinger alone you can basically get a kill and take down their tower if their jungler isn't paying attention >:D

really I've never been a big fan of RoA, I do often build it on anivia and once a while on orianna, depending on the matchup, otherwise you spend way too much on a catalyst that adds no damage.


How about -maybe- Varus because of his arrow charge?

I'm crazy though, since I like getting mobility shoes for jungle or mid lane if I'm doing well, because, gotta go fast.

Varus is just an immobile turret so you'd want zerker for the damage output. Let your team slow down the enemy to prevent escape and worry less about chasing.

Mobility is what I prefer for jungle though. Gotta go fast indeed.


Interesting opinions about RoA, however, I can't find a solution that fixes the mana AND the tankyness issues that comes when I get rid of it on my builds.

It's so annoying, or I get the mana or I get the tankyness. Naturally, ignoring it improves my damage early game, but later it starts to hurt. (Specially the mana)


Interesting opinions about RoA, however, I can't find a solution that fixes the mana AND the tankyness issues that comes when I get rid of it on my builds.

It's so annoying, or I get the mana or I get the tankyness. Naturally, ignoring it improves my damage early game, but later it starts to hurt. (Specially the mana)
tbh I have the same problem with diana, if I don't get blue buff I run into huge mana problems with just nashors+abyss+zhonyas.

I guess you can do tear/chalice but I dunno. both items are a lot cheaper than getting a full RoA, or even a catalyst, so the least offensive thing would be to get a tear for 700g, I guess.


Spamming spells less (basically, only throwing Qs that land and matter) will generally fix your Mana issues. Are you talking about mid lane Diana? If so, you should just be having blue buff to handle your Mana concerns a majority of the time. That and the one or two Doran's Rings should handle most problems for you really.


Maybe I should try two doran's rings for my ultimate mid-lane gangplank build start. In theory chalice provides helpful magic resist though!

I also want to try the lizard king item on gangplank, just because. I've seen a couple of different people using it recently and suggesting it is good.
Try Frozen Heart on her if they have quite a bit of AD on the enemy team. Mana, armour, CDR and attack speed reduction. All good stats on her, especially if you're going to be diving on their carries, which you should.


More proof of my love for Anivia:


ILL Virtue

Neo Member
In my experience the lol community is mostly positive. Of course you get the dicks and assholes every once in awhile, but I actually am amazed at the sportsmanship when I play. I get "nj" or "nice kill" alot from opposite team. I have had really nice teammates often, and I pretty much solo q every game. At end every1 gets ggs or ggwp.. think the few bad apples spoil the bunch, but, to me, every game has those kind of ppl. Fps r the worst.


tbh I have the same problem with diana, if I don't get blue buff I run into huge mana problems with just nashors+abyss+zhonyas.

I guess you can do tear/chalice but I dunno. both items are a lot cheaper than getting a full RoA, or even a catalyst, so the least offensive thing would be to get a tear for 700g, I guess.

The only reason I will build chalice on Diana is when I am facing Leblanc, so I can just sit back and farm with my Q.

Unless your opponent is fed or outfarm you by a huge margin, a Diana Q proc at level 6 will mean a force flash or kill. So I don't really get the point of spamming Q or worrying about mana. Even if your enemy dodged all your Q, you can just ult without proc when your enemy spell is on cooldown, and just auto attack them to dead.

In lane, you might want to focus on farming instead of harassing, just start with flask and pots, and spend all your mana farming out of reach minions until you hit 6.

If you felt like giving some pressure to your enemy pre-6, isntead of spray and pray your Q, you can try to harass with your melee attack instead. Keep in mind of their cooldown, and carefully approach them, once they get in your E range you will always out trade them. If they walk away from you, just throw Q behind them.

In team fight if you run out of mana, just spam auto attack.


OT Hard Carry
Matches today:
- Servers borked, unplayable
- Leaver
- Feeding premade bot
- Feeding premade bot
- Leaver

Yup, it's weekend.

Soooo, can we get a time discount on surrenders when there's someone afk or disconnected?

Like, -5 min per moron.

Riot pls



Matches today:
- Servers borked, unplayable
- Leaver
- Feeding premade bot
- Feeding premade bot
- Leaver

Yup, it's weekend.

Soooo, can we get a time discount on surrenders when there's someone afk or disconnected?

Like, -5 min per moron.

Riot pls


What is it with bot premades? I haven't played a match with a good one.


What is it with bot premades? I haven't played a match with a good one.

The thing with bot premades (or premades in general) is that when they duo queue their combined mmr becomes larger than the sum of their respective mmr. Duo queuers will typically face better opponents and have better teammates (mmr wise). Thus, duo bot can easily be out of their league, so to speak.

This became very apparent when I duo queued a bit in plat I. When I played alone, I faced Diamond V and IV, while when I duo queued with another Plat I player (who faced similar players solo) we only had Diamond I players both against us and with us. I found it much easier to carry a game in solo queue than in duo queue because of this.


Thanks for the suggestions guys, the frozen hearth is something I didn't consider, I'll try it and return with impressions.

In my experience the lol community is mostly positive. Of course you get the dicks and assholes every once in awhile, but I actually am amazed at the sportsmanship when I play. I get "nj" or "nice kill" alot from opposite team. I have had really nice teammates often, and I pretty much solo q every game. At end every1 gets ggs or ggwp.. think the few bad apples spoil the bunch, but, to me, every game has those kind of ppl. Fps r the worst.

On my first days I found a lot of people willing to help or just being friendly, sadly, when I started playing against people things got ugly. I don't know If it's bad luck or something, but I can't avoid having a game with a jerk (or two) on my team.


Thanks for the suggestions guys, the frozen hearth is something I didn't consider, I'll try it and return with impressions.

It could help, sure, but I'd look more into solving it in other ways. Especially if it's an early-to-mid game issue. Basically, your mana troubles are something you can work on with play style adjustments and general play improvements. I'd focus more on that (+ Doran's Rings) rather than looking for big ticket Mana/Mana Regen items.

Doing that should bring you into the late game where your mana problems don't really exist (and/or can be solved with blue buffs).

Edit: I should probably add what I mean: Waste fewer Qs, rely more on your auto-attack+passives to clear waves, and try not overusing your W to shrug off minor harassment damage. If all else fails, temporary solutions like an early Flask or Mana Potions will help as well.


With that approach or argument, is there ever a case in which mana regen items (big ticket or otherwise) would be considered valid or important, and not just a matter of not spamming skills as often? I feel like mana regen is nice on some champions.


It's because Diana doesn't need to spam them. Most champions can get around it but there's still many you build regen for so you can spam with them. See Tear builds for Jayce, Kha'zix or Lux.

Edit: Also, some champions are fine with going for, say, Chalice or something. This is more a case of Diana being someone you can play conservatively with your spells since you can do so much damage in a single rotation. Getting items to solve Mana troubles mostly delays her damage rather than greatly increasing it.


Matches today:
- Servers borked, unplayable
- Leaver
- Feeding premade bot
- Feeding premade bot
- Leaver

Yup, it's weekend.

Soooo, can we get a time discount on surrenders when there's someone afk or disconnected?

Like, -5 min per moron.

Riot pls


First game: Leaver on each team.
Second game: AFK late game in spawn, my team.
Third game: (delayed for like 5 minutes starting due to dodgers and afks) AFK late game in spawn, my team.

It's the weekend for sure.


The only reason I will build chalice on Diana is when I am facing Leblanc, so I can just sit back and farm with my Q.

Unless your opponent is fed or outfarm you by a huge margin, a Diana Q proc at level 6 will mean a force flash or kill. So I don't really get the point of spamming Q or worrying about mana. Even if your enemy dodged all your Q, you can just ult without proc when your enemy spell is on cooldown, and just auto attack them to dead.

In lane, you might want to focus on farming instead of harassing, just start with flask and pots, and spend all your mana farming out of reach minions until you hit 6.

If you felt like giving some pressure to your enemy pre-6, isntead of spray and pray your Q, you can try to harass with your melee attack instead. Keep in mind of their cooldown, and carefully approach them, once they get in your E range you will always out trade them. If they walk away from you, just throw Q behind them.

In team fight if you run out of mana, just spam auto attack.
rofl you edited this post so many fucking times I had to rewrite my response like 3 times.

in laning phase I'm mostly alright, I start a 8 reds, 3 blues, 1 ward, so for the most part I do fine in lane. I usually try to last hit and harass with the same spell like with most mids, so that's not so bad.

I mostly get messed up since I'm used to stay a long time without doing base and basically one or two ganks/skirmishes + a bit of farming can easily get me depleted. obviously if I get blue buff I'm good, but I notice not many junglers like to hand their blues to dianas :/

I'm thinking of making taking a couple points off the offensive masteries to get the 3 of expanded mind. I'm doing 21 5 4 right now, but I think diana could probably do well with a weird 13 8 9 (gotta get dat spellsword mastery :p) thing or something.

but yeah, my mana issues appear are mostly mid to late game. I wonder if even a single fairie charm or something would be enough.


Is boots and 3 pots not recommended anymore for mid champs?
not really, it's not terrible but I feel like there are better options:

fairie charm, 3 blues, 3 reds and 1 ward: my favorite and I started it before it became popular so that must mean I'm cool. you can get more wards and less pots or more reds and less blues depending on the matchup and enemy jungler.

two fairie charms and 3 reds: the "I don't give a shit about ganks" version of above. not really worth it since it already sends you in the path to get a chalice. at least with the other option you can choose between chalice and tear

cloth armor and 5 reds (or 1 ward and 2 reds): if you're against zed or jayce, maybe

tons of wards and pots: if you're melee like with diana I like this

you might want to get boots against a lux or a ziggs or someone with tons of skillshots but it's only 25 ms and the early ward will probably do you more good. nowadays I barely even bother with level 1 boots in general...
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