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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Lissandra spotlight
omg omg omg omg omg omg

Lissandra Champion Spotlight


am i doing it right zkylon

ps i spent all my ip on sejjgy and trungle

Dat utility. She will be annoying to face against.
Dat Lux.

Even though I love Ahri more (since she's better. :p)

I had some nice games with my friends playing with her.

Dat headshot with my ultimate, I just aimed to where I thought the enemy Tristana would be and suddenly our tristana (yes, I'm playing blind since I don't have enough champs for draft) used her ult and then the enemy tristana panicked and jumped just where I aimed my ult and bam headshot.

Almost as funny as my friend getting away of an Akali, Vi and Sion. From inner turret in top, to mid, retreating using top lane, then river and then mid. He was a Pantheon. Never laughed so hard from someone yelling help over skype saying "I'm death, i'm death, i'm death... wait... I can survive, I can survive, just a little more , omfg".




Zooey doucheanal

Zoophilia 201 - Anal Douching

And I've become a full time jungler again. Whoop whoop. Makes me feel so much better.

Less stress since I have the power to ignore a laner and make them lose harder if they are total jackasses. I still have the ability to win the game with a better snowballing team mate.


Quinn change:

For the other two changes, we gave Blinding Assault an ability power ratio so that players can gain some additional power when building items like Trinity Force or when receiving the Baron Nashor buff
I was really confused when reading this since I thought they meant they were changing it to AP scaling instead of AD. If they're just adding an additional scaling factor that makes way more sense to me.


My 5's team got up to gold III today. All i do is jangle Vi.

Was pretty fun, we only lose to the enemy Nasus'. too stronk.


Quinn change:

I was really confused when reading this since I thought they meant they were changing it to AP scaling instead of AD. If they're just adding an additional scaling factor that makes way more sense to me.
if they took her ad scaling like half her burst would be gone, right?


On a 6 game win streak in ranked. Almost Gold 1. Just one more, measly win.

Last game was ridiculous. Windows update restarted my computer automatically so I was out for the first 10 minutes of the game. I came back and the score was 1-7. And we lost all 3 outer turrets and our second middle turret was on like 100. I was level 1 and the enemy jungler was level 5.

Bot lane was getting crushed by a snowballed ezreal and twisted fate ganks and top was behind by 30cs.

Told my team not to worry. Dog Man will save the day. I bought my boots, a tonne of wards and oracles and warded the crap out of our jungle. We sat in our jungle for a good minute then the enemy team showed up at our red. We got Veigar's event horizon and dark matter on all 5 enemies plus a fiddle ult.

We just aced them without losing any health at all. Got dragon. Then we ran into the enemy blue bush and waited there again. 2 people showed up. Instagibbed again. While this was happening, our minions managed to grab 2 turrets and we managed to pushed down 2 towers as a team. We went for a uncontested baron after this and won the game.


Told my team not to worry. Dog Man will save the day.

Waiting on that 450 drop.

EDIT: On a totally different note, I rewatched that one DoubleLift interview last week, and talked my buddies into trying out Duo Bruiser bot. Our results have been generally pretty good, especially when everything goes according to plan and we can stomp the ADC repeatedly in laning. Still not sure that it's entirely going to displace ADC/Support, especially with the CS sharing issues, but I'm hoping it catches on a little so there's more diversity in the meta.
...who dodges a promo to begin w/? extra salt in the wound doesn't help anything riot

I think before it was ending your series even if it was your first game or whatever. As in, it wasn't couning *only* for one loss before, but more than one.

After seeing the Piltover/Demacia Steel Legion and the Zaun/Noxus Bioforged "team up" skins, I am eagerly awaiting the Bilgewater/Ionia ninja-pirates.

Special Forces everyone. Might actually play MF if they bring out the skin teased in the background of Special Forces Gangplank.

That Shaco. THAT SHACO.

On a 6 game win streak in ranked. Almost Gold 1. Just one more, measly win.

Last game was ridiculous. Windows update restarted my computer automatically so I was out for the first 10 minutes of the game. I came back and the score was 1-7. And we lost all 3 outer turrets and our second middle turret was on like 100. I was level 1 and the enemy jungler was level 5.

Bot lane was getting crushed by a snowballed ezreal and twisted fate ganks and top was behind by 30cs.

Told my team not to worry. Dog Man will save the day. I bought my boots, a tonne of wards and oracles and warded the crap out of our jungle. We sat in our jungle for a good minute then the enemy team showed up at our red. We got Veigar's event horizon and dark matter on all 5 enemies plus a fiddle ult.

We just aced them without losing any health at all. Got dragon. Then we ran into the enemy blue bush and waited there again. 2 people showed up. Instagibbed again. While this was happening, our minions managed to grab 2 turrets and we managed to pushed down 2 towers as a team. We went for a uncontested baron after this and won the game.

:O Impressive dude.

Holy crap we had a crazy turnaround the other night. They were pushing to win, with Baron, when we landed GP, Morgana, Varus, Fizz, and Nasus ults (think that was the team) at once, on their entire team. It was...nothing short of amazing. Ace with no deaths, push to destroy their midlane and win. What a finish.

Riot said:
Players with video cards that use software vertex shaders (primarily integrated cards like those in laptops) should see a 10-40% FPS performance improvement across all maps


Edit also:
EDIT: On a totally different note, I rewatched that one DoubleLift interview last week, and talked my buddies into trying out Duo Bruiser bot. Our results have been generally pretty good, especially when everything goes according to plan and we can stomp the ADC repeatedly in laning. Still not sure that it's entirely going to displace ADC/Support, especially with the CS sharing issues, but I'm hoping it catches on a little so there's more diversity in the meta.

I want this to become a thing. Sick of traditional ADC play. Nobody on our team likes it but me it seems, and I'm just so terribad. Only one I've had success with recently is Jayce, and he is not what you might call typical.


ARAM is so freaking awesome lol. I had never played an ARAM match before and I got twitch which I've never played before either. I had so much fun and the fact that I get IP might pull me away from SR quite a bit.

edit: Is the Icon wins change implemented in this patch? Also the traditional skins for Sej and Trundle say unavailable for me. Not sure if they released them already but I better be gettings mah skinz!!!
Waiting on that 450 drop.

EDIT: On a totally different note, I rewatched that one DoubleLift interview last week, and talked my buddies into trying out Duo Bruiser bot. Our results have been generally pretty good, especially when everything goes according to plan and we can stomp the ADC repeatedly in laning. Still not sure that it's entirely going to displace ADC/Support, especially with the CS sharing issues, but I'm hoping it catches on a little so there's more diversity in the meta.

I've been a fan of double bruiser bot for a long long time, tough to get people to do it though. Hopefully if the "pros" are doing it more people will jump on board.


I bought and played Trundle last night. 4800 IP is steep when I try to save my IP for new champs but oh well. He's fun! His ganks aren't that fantastic but the pillar is a gamechanger. So much utility in just one spell. Plus it's really hard to kill Trundle. I just didn't die. lol

The "rework" just seems to be some tweaking.. Not completely in his favor it appears. Oh well. I have no horse in this race, I'll play him after the changes and see how it falls. The one major thing is pillar now interrupts channeled spells. That's great. It really should. I kept trying to interrupt a Yi's meditate with it last night and it wasn't happening. Glad to know it will now.

Lissandra looks really strong. Like Zyra release strong. So much utility packed into her kit. Reginald is going to absolutely love her. The only reason she won't be is if her damage stinks.

I don't really play mid anymore but I think I'm going to grab her.


Zoey's utility is pretty good, ain't it?

I knew I should've removed that gif when quoting it. ;P

After playing support for so long, it feels good to carry top as Cho again. I max E first now just so I can keep up with the harassing. I've been able to trade with most champs except Darius so far. Nom nom nom.
Just bought the Lissandra bundle and I don't really know why. I guess cause I don't have the IP and I wanted to play her before everyone else knew she was released, but someone in my game got her before me. He managed to own the other Lissandra on the team.


What runes for Trundle now?

I ran my normal xin/nasus page with movespeed, attackspeed and defense but maybe Trundle doesn't need the attackspeed so much.

Looks like most of the pros were running straight armor pen or straight AD. I like the movespeed though.

Movespeed, armorpen maybe? Movespeed AD?


Trundle wants to stack as many resistances as possible, right? Since his passive/ultimate are percentages of enemy HP and thus high HP wouldn't help him as much, much like a shield champion.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Lissandra's kit seems like the best in a while, but I'm really sick of angry female mages.

2011/early 2012 had Orianna, Rumble, Xerath, Ahri, Fizz, Viktor, Ziggs. A robot, a yordle piloting a machine, an energy dude, a fox girl, a fish thing, a mad scientist and a furry bomb yordle. Very little overlap.

Since then: angry spider/human female, angry plant/human female, angry floaty human female, angry moon human female and now angry black ice human female.


Lissandra's kit seems like the best in a while, but I'm really sick of angry female mages.

2011/early 2012 had Orianna, Rumble, Xerath, Ahri, Fizz, Viktor, Ziggs. A robot, a yordle piloting a machine, an energy dude, a fox girl, a fish thing, a mad scientist and a furry bomb yordle. Very little overlap.

Since then: angry spider/human female, angry plant/human female, angry floaty human female, angry moon human female and now angry black ice human female.

LOL why they mad tho?
Just bought the Lissandra bundle and I don't really know why. I guess cause I don't have the IP and I wanted to play her before everyone else knew she was released, but someone in my game got her before me. He managed to own the other Lissandra on the team.

I hope you mean the Lissandra on the other team. D: I don't want multiple Lissandras on teams. That would be horrific.


Trundle wants to stack as many resistances as possible, right? Since his passive/ultimate are percentages of enemy HP and thus high HP wouldn't help him as much, much like a shield champion.

Yeah. Mostly. Normal support jungler build will work fine but he'll also benefit from things like spirit visage to support his ult and passive. He's a fast, healing, disruptive champ.
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