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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I think I'm in love with quinn, her damage is insane and even if I play her wrong and I get crushed in lane (for doing stupid stuff like using E near tower and getting tower shots or diving with ult like an complete moron) I love how easy you can farm back up with her and how strong her dueling is. still not near close to vayne's but she's just a lot of fun from level 2 onwards.

she's probably a shit late-game adc, though, since no decent steroids on human form + terrible range and all that.

but I just love going crazy on some squishy mid in bird form and bursting them down like I'm playing diana or something.

it's you guys that push me to my naughty ways


why must we hate each other

may the waifus flourish in prosperity and harmony as we all share our love with each other

sure would've, I'm famous for my zhonyaing

in aram nidalee is crazy op but so is lux and xerath and ziggs and many more harassy champs.

in sr not so much, riot already nerfed poor nidalee enough, and the spears are basically all she's got now, so you just gotta learn to dodge them. it's good practice for everything else, really, dodging skills is a good thing to master.

Did you make an acct just for ARAM


I miss my 9 health pots start lol. Now I just start with 5 health pots, rejuv beads, and a ward or I get a flask, 1 health pot, and a ward. Nowhere near the same sustain but oh well.


I miss my 9 health pots start lol. Now I just start with 5 health pots, rejuv beads, and a ward or I get a flask, 1 health pot, and a ward. Nowhere near the same sustain but oh well.

Yeah, I don't even know what I'd go with Kassadin now. The pots were the only way I was able to CS in the first 6 levels against most matchups.

Guess Flask start.
She's better now but I'm having trouble picturing her being better than the other adcs in most team comps.

Her ult is just such an odd design choice.

Don't play her as an ADC then.

Play her mid, then when you hit six just roam everywhere. Try that. It's what I do and it works really well. Go BT, Statikk Shiv, Frozen Mallet, Blade of the Ruined King, IE and Bezerker's. Split push and roam. Nobody will beat you 1 v 1.
Don't play her as an ADC then.

Play her mid, then when you hit six just roam everywhere. Try that. It's what I do and it works really well. Go BT, Statikk Shiv, Frozen Mallet, Blade of the Ruined King, IE and Bezerker's. Split push and roam. Nobody will beat you 1 v 1.

I am sincerely hesitant to roam with any ADC, let alone play them mid.

I welcome you to post replays, though.


So should you build CDR on Lissandra? The potential 48 second Zhonya's sounds tempting.

I don't see many people building liandry's on her. Which confuses me. I would probably build one CDR item like Morellonomicon, haunting guise into liandry's later, Zhyona's and maybe abyssal.

She needs some survivability with her all-in nature. She's got the jukes with some cooldown though. You can E in, Q, W, ult yourself, then zhonya's, then E out again.
Did they add that thing that shows you how long your CC lasts under the affected oppponent's healthbar?

I've seen it in some of the newer Riot videos but I don't see it in-game.
The Howling Abyss music is neat. Map is a bit too busy and bright though; as Janna my Typhoons are almost hidden. Don't mind though; scored so many clutch knockups during team fights.

One thing I don't like is that it's blind so dupe heroes are possible. Two Nunu's ulting is like a Venn Diagram.


The Howling Abyss music is neat. Map is a bit too busy and bright though; as Janna my Typhoons are almost hidden. Don't mind though; scored so many clutch knockups during team fights.

One thing I don't like is that it's blind so dupe heroes are possible. Two Nunu's ulting is like a Venn Diagram.
I think ARAM queue isn't blind; it's only available on custom ARAM games.


I was getting poor framerate ARAM but I thought it might be because of Steam updating a game in the background. I wouldn't be surprised if the effects hurt performance for some systems though.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I was getting poor framerate ARAM but I thought it might be because of Steam updating a game in the background. I wouldn't be surprised if the effects hurt performance for some systems though.

Saw a bunch of people on the official forums talking about this. They said they could easily get 100fps in SR, but they had like an all over the place framerate in the new ARAM map with like 35fps medium.


Junior Member
I was getting poor framerate ARAM but I thought it might be because of Steam updating a game in the background. I wouldn't be surprised if the effects hurt performance for some systems though.

I get 30-35 fps on the new ARAM map but on rift I get a solid 60 fps.

I will try to get more playing time with Quinn she is pretty interesting adc.


Morello's (/Athene's if scary enough AP in lane) + Zhonya's is Lissandra's base core right now. That's basically the reason the Liandry's is delayed on her.

I am sincerely hesitant to roam with any ADC, let alone play them mid.

I welcome you to post replays, though.

She straight out bursts a lot of traditional APs and isn't really that squishier than, say, an Ahri. She'll bully the melee ones easily as well. It's not really that bad honestly.
She straight out bursts a lot of traditional APs and isn't really that squishier than, say, an Ahri. She'll bully the melee ones easily as well. It's not really that bad honestly.

My issue with putting an ADC mid has more to do with team comp implications, plus the ability to roam.
I dunno I like RoA on her, makes her nice and beefy. The extra mana is nice too, because her spells actually cost quite a bit of mana when her passive isn't up.

My issue with putting an ADC mid has more to do with team comp implications, plus the ability to roam.

Yeah sometimes you might not want an all AD comp, but if you have an AP top or an AP based jungler then it's totally fine.

Also she roams better than pretty much any mid except for Twisted Fate. Move towards the lane you're about to gank, then when you're at the first baron/dragon pit wall pop your ult and fly in. E to the person you want first to stun them and then kill them.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
She straight out bursts a lot of traditional APs and isn't really that squishier than, say, an Ahri.
uh, no?

quinn doesn't have the mobility, range, or cc that ahri does in a fight either.
Yeah sometimes you might not want an all AD comp, but if you have an AP top or an AP based jungler then it's totally fine.
Not really. The real problem with multiple AD carries on a team is that you are often missing out on utility or crowd control.


formerly sane
My issue with putting an ADC mid has more to do with team comp implications, plus the ability to roam.

Teleport if you aren't using it you're missing the point of the setup. Ashe players use to pro at launching an arrow and timing teleport to finish the kill. If you don't have mobility or teleport you shouldn't be mid period.

Bot this season also favors multiple setups so it's not just your typical adc/support anymore. Kill lanes are much stronger this seasons and various aps combos aren't a slouch. Had zilean with certain support and it worse was than adc/support.


uh, no?

quinn doesn't have the mobility, range, or cc that ahri does in a fight either.

Not really. The real problem with multiple AD carries on a team is that you are often missing out on utility or crowd control.

Quinn has two forms of cc and hyper mobility on par with any champion in the game. She has wave clear,an aoe burst execute, gap closing, and targeted burst damage. What utility does she need to have to be an asset? In a team comp with a jungler like Zac, Sej, Eve etc. she can be an awesome mid that brings a lot to the table. Plenty of 'traditional' ap mids have neither cc or utility...much of what works depends on the overall team composition.

Stop being so dismissive out of hand and actually analyze things with an open mind.
uh, no?

quinn doesn't have the mobility, range, or cc that ahri does in a fight either.

Not really. The real problem with multiple AD carries on a team is that you are often missing out on utility or crowd control.

Well Quinn offers a lot of utility. She has an AoE blind, an AoE reveal, a mini-stun/dash and she's one of the quickest champions at crossing the map in the game. You can build her tanky and she does a shit tonne of damage. She can split push well and nobody can 1 v 1 her.

Pretty much what erragal said.


Quinn has two forms of cc and hyper mobility on par with any champion in the game. She has wave clear,an aoe burst execute, gap closing, and targeted burst damage. What utility does she need to have to be an asset? In a team comp with a jungler like Zac, Sej, Eve etc. she can be an awesome mid that brings a lot to the table. Plenty of 'traditional' ap mids have neither cc or utility...much of what works depends on the overall team composition.

Stop being so dismissive out of hand and actually analyze things with an open mind.
soda cop dismisses champions like there's no tomorrow :p

tbh I feel her low range might give her a hard time mid, so I think she'll do better top. at least from what I played her as adc, I got great results dueling garen, trundle and olaf.

I mean, her ult is pretty good to get on the face of someone like lux, and she has great waveclear and roaming potential but quinn's no zed.


uh, no?

quinn doesn't have the mobility, range, or cc that ahri does in a fight either.

Quinn is all about her burst. She can straight chunk many low level mids and can bully auto-attack based ones fairly easily due to her blind and the potential damage she has off of Harrier. The Ahri example was just to note that her squishiness in lane isn't exactly an abnormal thing.

Of course there's differences in what they bring to the table. Other mids have better late game utility than she does. She's more about her pushing and roaming potential and her ability to duel.

soda cop dismisses champions like there's no tomorrow :p

It's a terrible gimmick.


The problem with ad carry mid is you will need 2 tanks to hold the back line, I guess you can put ap carry in top or jungle, with tank support. But jungle don't level fast enough to take full advantage of ap carry's amazing base damage. Top need to stay in lane too long, so unless you are dominating the lane, enemy won't buy magic resist till late game.

Oh and the ad carry bot better be some one like MF or ezreal, would suck if frozen heart and the item that build into randiun shut down half of your team. Suddenly thornmail become such great item.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Quinn has two forms of cc and hyper mobility on par with any champion in the game.
Come on. Blind isn't genuine CC. We might as well say Teemo has two forms of CC and hyper mobility so he must be the sickest ganker alive.
What utility does she need to have to be an asset?
Decent team fighting. Hard CC. An ultimate that she can actually use for more than just cleanup.
Plenty of 'traditional' ap mids have neither cc or utility...much of what works depends on the overall team composition.
Not really actually.
Quinn is all about her burst.
She's an auto attack champion so no but alright. Keep thinking that. She can't even focus her damage on the target she wants.

If she offers split pushing how would that even fit mid or bot lane? Quinn is a poorly designed champion revolving around these weird concepts that translate miserably into practical use. Her late game is atrocious and she isn't half the lane bully as other AD carries with longer range.
soda cop dismisses champions like there's no tomorrow :p
I have a more diverse champion roster than most people here. I just played Quinn last night. She is completely ignored by the community and has no real place in the game but I'm just being "dismissive". Okay. Double AD carry comps are full of holes and don't really offer much. It's just annoying when people do it.


OT Hard Carry
Dobkeratops and I just played a game.

It was fun.

Here's a couple snippets from that game-

Me: don't go solo, buy wards, group up
~~GLORIOUS GOLD V DIVISION~~ Trundle gets caught alone and dies
Me: Told ya
Him: r u trying to blame me
Him: for dieing
Him: i was at my own wolves
Him: dont tell me how to play
Him: silver 3

(Later, at the enemy base entrance)

Me: hold the lane while i take their top tower

Guess who initiates and gets them all killed losing us the game



Come on. Blind isn't genuine CC. We might as well say Teemo has two forms of CC and hyper mobility so he must be the sickest ganker alive.

Decent team fighting. Hard CC. An ultimate that she can actually use for more than just cleanup.

Not really actually.

She's an auto attack champion so no but alright. Keep thinking that. She can't even focus her damage on the target she wants.

If she offers split pushing how would that even fit mid or bot lane? Quinn is a poorly designed champion revolving around these weird concepts that translate miserably into practical use. Her late game is atrocious and she isn't half the lane bully as other AD carries with longer range.

I have a more diverse champion roster than most people here. I just played Quinn last night. She is completely ignored by the community and has no real place in the game but I'm just being "dismissive". Okay. Double AD carry comps are full of holes and don't really offer much. It's just annoying when people do it.

Not really, actually.
Quinn's E stuns.

It's short, but it's a stun and it's enough to get a kill in a gank.

As for a list of mids that don't have hard cc: Zed, Kha'Zix, Akali, Eve, Katarina, Kassadin (if you're saying blind isn't cc, then neither is silence), Nidalee, Mordekaiser, Master Yi, Vladimir.

Quinn has more cc than all of them.

Your point continues to be wrong and/or poorly made.

Edit: as for her damage, she can focus it by auto-attacking the champion she wants to hit. Harrier will prioritise the last thing you hit, so if you can't get it to focus you're doing it wrong. Harrier proc -> Q -> E -> Harrier proc is a shit tonne of burst, enough to send any mid laner running away. Her roam is incredible, as are her ganks. You can roam and push, and when it gets to mid game you can split push without any fear of being beaten in a 1 v 1 unless you got shit on in lane phase, which is rare when you're Quinn.

Also you had 17 kills and 9 deaths in your game, you were fully built. She's hardly that bad. Going by what you said many times before, the reason you lost is because you weren't good enough to carry when you were fed.
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