anyone else having problems connecting to chat server? I can't even talk in champ select
its probably a bad build, but it was sooo much fun!
Looks like a Kiunch build.
Trinity is most important, shiv,last whisper or void, hexatech or Botrk(if you need the %dmg), infinity edge is alright and so is deathfire.what buy on poppy quick?
After playing AD based champs top for a long long time, I forgot how difficult it is to last hit with mages. Absolutely miserable.
You should play Ziggs
No it's fine even if it does feel a bit soft. It's just so easy to last hit with him because of his passive and Q.Are his AA animations bad?
don't pick urgot!
it's this guy I've been teaching
jk im wood 5
urgot is a pretty rad dood
You just can't teach some people.
i kinda laughed when your whole team went on udyr but shen saved his ass and udyr escaped with double digit health.
I'll be on tomorrow. Prepare your lee sin top counters.Yeah, that instalocking Irelia jungle despite me calling it fully put me on tilt to where I just didn't give a shit. Should've dodged.
Are his AA animations bad?
Nasus is so fucking dumb. Oh he went 0/4? NBD, just farm up top and shrug off literally any damage done to you. Can't duel him early because Wither is such a fucking dumb spell, and you're pretty much done whenever he catches you out late game.
yeah man one of my alltime favs psycho pass
i, c9 hai, wonder about that sometimes