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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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For my part, I like the changes to Q and W. Q damage was simply too high at early levels and now Lee Sin pays a cost to disengage from fights at will. Not a fan of the overall direction. Lee Sin is an assassin-bruiser-support and now he's still an assassin-bruiser-support. I think people would be happier if Riot focused either on making him an assassin with utility or an assassin who can go bruiser with the right builds.

My favourite part of changes are the massive amount of QQ from community and pros alike.


Oh didn't know he was a Tank character, so Cooldown+defense.
Yeah for damage I'll go BoRK, wit's end or the mask thing that gives armor penetration.
Early equipment will be depending on team: Spirit Visage or Randuin's Omen.
For boots prob. Ninja Tabi.


da fuk
My team was Annie, WW as me, Vayne, Renekton and Kata.
Kata was mid, me and Annie were top, so Renek and Vayne would be bot.
Renek and Vayna jungled leaving the bot lane defensless, we lost our bot turret at 4 min. mark.
Those 2 even came to the TOP LANE to take down a solo jax.
It went downhill from there and let's just leave it at that.


SUPER WEEK is here!

Super Week's here and we’ve got sixteen games to play over a span of three days starting Friday, March 7. The 2014 spring split is coming down to the wire with only four weeks left in the regular season. This is the time for the North American LCS teams to put their skills to the test and secure or improve their spot in the standings.


C9 vs Curse
Team Coast vs XDG
Team Dignitas vs C9

Brace Yourselves for NA LCS Super Week

Streaming: Why do you do it?


The Recap: EU Week 8

Zuna: Whatever the Team Needs

XDG: Counting on Sheep

Power Rankings Week 8

The Recap: NA Challenger Series 2 Play-In

The Recap: NA LCS Week 7

How to Watch

Remember to check out the LCS Season 4 thread for discussion. Let's try to keep this thread spoiler free.
I want to share my favorite spot for pinks.

My pink ward often lasts very long when placed there, and often the entire match if we're not losing. It gives vision for one side for the midlaner. The enemy jungler doesn't usually pass by there, unlike the brush around the red buffs. People usually only check the tiny bush along the river. As a support, I make it a point to pink the spot after my first back.

Also, one big benefit is that it lets me place green wards on the tribush. As long as I'm keeping an eye on my pink, the enemy jungler's only opening would be either a lane gank or by walljumping through the dragon pit.


Not a single match won today =/
I'm liking warwick but he needs lots of gold if I want to build his defense earlyon, will watch a vid on how to jungle with him.


After some thought, they could probably make the Lee changes less harsh. Some of the proposed changes would be enough, all of them at once might be too much. Hopefully the numbers will change before it goes through though.


At work atm and can't access all websites but for Warwick, which areas should I jungle? ...and which monsters don't give mana boost?


Guys I'm looking for your opinion on who I should get for my next character? J4 or Pantheon? I'd like them for Jungling and Top but mostly jungling.
I feel like the Lee changes are just going to make people not play the champion anymore, and not just because he changed but because he'll just be a great deal worse at what his kit seems to be designed to do and better at something nobody wants.

I mean, they nerfed all of his numbers by a ton across the board and compensated with an attack speed buff on a champion who before really never relied on his autos. SO instead of a slippery, potentially bursty assassin he's now supposed to stick to people and AA them down which I don't think he's going to be able to do.

I don't play Lee but these changes just confuse me. In a metagame filled with unkillable toplanes that just run at people giving no fucks and still doing high damage with minimal damage itemization (Mundo, Shyv, Trundle to an extent) and AP or AD assassins who can delete people at will and get out safely (LeBlanc, Khazix, Zed, Akali) it's just strange to me that they think Lee is the champion they need to hit this hard. Was he really strong early? Yea, but these changes don't really fix that, they just make him worse across the board in every way pretty much.

It won't really matter though. The changes will go through and nobody will touch Lee competitively for months until Riot decides it's time to give him a small buff and he'll stay a niche pick until the end of his days.


I think the biggest problem for lee sin is that playing him might be the best thing ever and you'll feel like insec making plays and whatnot but playing against him you feel like it's completely out of your control

like seriously every is a q from fog of war and if you predicted where you were being ganked you'll be positioned well enough to dodge it, if you didn't you're just dead. the q lands out of nowhere and you just can't do anything, you'll eat a ton of damage and the slow no matter if you flash or use you escape spell or try to cc him. and if you manage to somehow cc him you gotta layer all your cc perfectly and not give him a split second or he'll ward jump away yoloooo.

I really think they should make him super squishy if they want him to be an assassin. remove his self-shield from w so if I catch him I can maybe kill him? he can save others from ignite and whatever but not himself. then if he has to outplay me he has to use mobility. maybe? his base stats are pretty shit already so you can't really nerf those too much I guess

idk, i just use google imgsearch most of the time

sometimes i go on D-A
you're making me look bad dude

if you play lizz on SR usually - its probably because HA has a slightly more zoomed out map, making ranges seem smaller

yea I suspected it might have something to do with that but man it was frustrating lol

like I don't use smart cast and the range looked super tiny T_T
I feel like while they touch Lee sin, they should merge his w and even second actives with their first ones. I mean I can't think of any situation where you don't almost immediately activate them again.

Maybe the new changes will make triforce / botrk more viable on Lee?
tbh kicking people into your team - doesnt matter how much dmg u do

This. Not to mention that in high-level play people have gotten so used to the triangle kick play that it's become a super unreliable initiation method (too easy to reflex Flash or just not open yourself up for to begin with), so teams that have Lee Sin usually have to run a "true" initiator like Coin Annie, anyway.
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