edit: fiora jungle is lol. even though she's painfully slow to clear with at the start, her sustain is pretty damned perfect for the job and so is her ult. rush lizard > tiamat, then demand tribute to the one true god-queen
Its still a waste of money though. A really big waste. In season 3 when the spirit items didn't print off money, sure. Now? Unless you've got 5 kills off ganks, a tower, AND stole a buff from the enemy jungler you're probably not going to keep pace with them if they're rushing a spirit item. That gives them all of the mid-game to beat up on your pockets after you've pummeled them. Even when I'm not keeping pace with the activity in lanes early on, I'm killing guys and snowballing on simply loading up on items before they do and trouncing everyone later. Once a jungler has a spirit item and one more mid-level item for extra firepower and the other jungler doesn't the dynamics of the map shift hard.
Later today I might go and give jungle Diana a try again. It was the first champ I bought (like last year mah gawd) but I've got a lot better since then. Hopefully results change.
it's not hard to come to first back and be ready to buy a spirit stone or madred's off a doran's. if anything machete start is more of a gold sink if you can avoid it on sustain junglers.
Its still a waste of money though. A really big waste. In season 3 when the spirit items didn't print off money, sure. Now? Unless you've got 5 kills off ganks, a tower, AND stole a buff from the enemy jungler you're probably not going to keep pace with them if they're rushing a spirit item. That gives them all of the mid-game to beat up on your pockets after you've pummeled them. Even when I'm not keeping pace with the activity in lanes early on, I'm killing guys and snowballing on simply loading up on items before they do and trouncing everyone later. Once a jungler has a spirit item and one more mid-level item for extra firepower and the other jungler doesn't the dynamics of the map shift hard.
Depends on the champ. AP/AD can be great if you plan to farm hard early, snowball, or generally trade with anyone early on but the Armor Pen/Mpen is really underrated I feel. Movement speed is pretty big too. I don't dedicate a quint to it, but if I'm feeling good about myself I'll pick up the +5% through masteries.Yup, you need to be a big playmaker if you aren't going a spirit item or else you will be a bit behind in gold.
Also, what are some other runes I can buy? I have the general AP/AD reds/quints. Also have AS reds. Yellow/blues are armor and MR runes. I'm missing movement speed quints which I don't know which jungler or laner can use. Any other runes/quints I can buy?
Later today I might go and give jungle Diana a try again. It was the first champ I bought (like last year mah gawd) but I've got a lot better since then. Hopefully results change.