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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Now we need a scapegoat to get Olaf'd so the cycle of nerfs is completed

RIP in pieces Vayne
I was playing against this one Vayne and she kept saying in all chat how Draven was op and his Q was gonna get huge nerfs. Her team kinda raged at her after saying that, and she later dced. Silly Vayne.
Ooh trinkets get their own slot.
I was playing against this one Vayne and she kept saying in all chat how Draven was op and his Q was gonna get huge nerfs. Her team kinda raged at her after saying that, and she later dced. Silly Vayne.
I wonder how it must've been for that guy when Draven had his old passive.


Everything is moe to me
i think itd be interesting if oracles and wards were both relegated to the trinket slot and had to compete with each other for that space.

le bip

Neo Member
Can't wait for the changes to come. Call me naif, but I tend to trust Riot 100%, I'm expecting some huge improvements over season 3. I'm particularly excited about the snowballing fixes and their effect on competitive play, since I LOVE it and I think that snowballing is the only issue that prevents professional play to be perfect under every aspect.


Can't wait for the changes to come. Call me naif, but I tend to trust Riot 100%, I'm expecting some huge improvements over season 3. I'm particularly excited about the snowballing fixes and their effect on competitive play, since I LOVE it and I think that snowballing is the only issue that prevents professional play to be perfect under every aspect.
I think it sounds good as well. It will hopefully have the intended effect.


OT Hard Carry

6 more minutes and we can surrender I guess


So let's say a team is ahead at 15 minutes by a significant but not overwhelming amount. What percentage of the time "should" a team in that situation win, according to you? I'd suggest 75-80% is the sweet spot.

I'd also suggest that such changes may help western teams. China/Korea's primary strength, at least at the moment, is that they're able to stop teams from ever reaching end game status in the first place. If you can stop snowballing, this may marginally curb the power of early game teams.


So let's say a team is ahead at 15 minutes by a significant but not overwhelming amount. What percentage of the time "should" a team in that situation win, according to you? I'd suggest 75-80% is the sweet spot.

I'd also suggest that such changes may help western teams. China/Korea's primary strength, at least at the moment, is that they're able to stop teams from ever reaching end game status in the first place. If you can stop snowballing, this may marginally curb the power of early game teams.

My guess is that they just want to tone down how much early victories give to that snowball. That a "significant lead" by 15 minutes requires more than, say, a Dragon and a tower. I dunno. I guess they just want it to be "60%" off of early leads and 75-80% to occur with, say, inners.

Honestly, I don't think too much will really change when all is said and done.


So let's say a team is ahead at 15 minutes by a significant but not overwhelming amount. What percentage of the time "should" a team in that situation win, according to you? I'd suggest 75-80% is the sweet spot.

So in laymans terms a come from behind after laning phase is over every 4 to 5 matches? Sounds about right.

Scy said:
Honestly, I don't think too much will really change when all is said and done

Well, objective rewards will be presumably lower going by what was said in the announcement and xspecial confirmed that global gold has been increased again...for what it's worth out of all my LoL games I've experience way more comebacks in Dom than any other mode and it has the most even distribution of XP and gold. I think it will change, hopefully.


My guess is that they just want to tone down how much early victories give to that snowball. That a "significant lead" by 15 minutes requires more than, say, a Dragon and a tower. I dunno. I guess they just want it to be "60%" off of early leads and 75-80% to occur with, say, inners.

Honestly, I don't think too much will really change when all is said and done.

Pretty much this. What exactly can the do if you get a strong early lead? Say a dragon kill, 2 towers, first blood and a couple kills. That's pretty much a full BF sword or big rod over your laning opponent. At best you lose some xp and cs, at worst you die over and over. Either way it snowballs. And then the jungler can ignore the winning lane and make other lanes win or really hammer the winning lane and that lane starts roaming.

The best I can see is they tone down the early rewards. i.e. towers taken before X minutes are worth less, multiple kills worth less, etc.

Personally I would like to see the early snowball minimized. There has to be some playback from an early lead besides waiting for mistakes. In top competitive play that just won't happen.


Team Dignitas League of Legends Captain William 'Scarra' Li went to the Riot Games office this week and was allowed to try out the changes which Riot is looking to deploy in Season 4. Upon his return, Scarra revealed several changes which we are now able to share with you.

Scarra started by explaining the changes to the top lane, which are simple yet introduce a big impact on the game: "Top lane gets changed due to new brush placement top lane ", Scarra said. This however was not the only change Riot introduces to Summoner's Rift as Scarra continues "Jungle gets a new camp that's ranged and hits like a truck but allows for more diversity in jungle routes and side lane gold."

As announced by Riot, the Support role will get a lot more support from the development team: "Supports get gold and experience boosted by a lot and are a huge impactful role in the game now."

For all the bot laners and mid laners, we hope you are happy with the way things are, as Scarra told us that not much will change here and everything stays the same as on the current live version.

We will keep you up to date when we're allowed to share more information or whenever new updates arise!


Increasing kill rewards for kills on the currently winning team, proportional to their lead. Even a very modest effect like this could produce notable results. For example, killing a player on the team behind by 5k is worth 350; killing the same player on the team ahead would be 420. This effect would be independent of other variables like kill streaks and shut downs.

You could subtly improve late game champions in some way so that late game-centric characters like Poppy, Jax and Tristana were more viable (not that they are all completely unviable now, just that they could be made more viable).

Increases to the viability of GP/5 items might also resolve this problem to a degree. If GP/5 were more effective, it could produce early game weakness but late game dominance from gold accrual.

Just a few possible options. This isn't an exhaustive list of possibilities; I just pulled these off the top of my head in 5 minutes.


I just want teammates that won't throw at the last minute, that too much to ask

I generally throw before I hit level 6, so I'm your guy. I'll add you tonight.

Opiate said:
Increasing kill rewards for kills on the currently winning team, proportional to their lead. Even a very modest effect like this could produce notable results. For example, killing a player on the team behind by 5k is worth 350; killing the same player on the team ahead would be 420. This effect would be independent of other variables like kill streaks and shut downs.

I don't see how that's substantially different than how kill/deathstreak gold work right now, outside of it being based on team rather than an individual's performance. The bigger issue is that getting 500g from a killing a fed whoever doesn't do squat because you earned an additional 200g from a champion that 1k gold or more over you.

garath said:
Wow cool. I guess the new camp is going to be the opposite side of the jungle from the golems giving BOTH side lanes ability to leach from the jungle. So now basically mid laners can get wraiths, side lanes can get golems/new camp respectively.

Supports are going to be OP this season initially. I'm calling it.

I don't see how the new jungle camp also being leeched by laners is "cool", said the grumbling jungler.

I'm a bit confused by the top ward brush statement because later it mentions that mid and bot should be happy with the way things are, so is the brush placement only in top lane, or is it symmetrical, cause I can see brush dependant supports like Leona being very affected by such a change.


I wonder what kind of buff that new camp gives Nunu Consume. Hopefully nobody forgot about that :x

Well, objective rewards will be presumably lower going by what was said in the announcement and xspecial confirmed that global gold has been increased again...for what it's worth out of all my LoL games I've experience way more comebacks in Dom than any other mode and it has the most even distribution of XP and gold. I think it will change, hopefully.

Well, what I mean is that I don't really think the percentages of "when teams are ahead, they win" will greatly change. Like, I don't think it's really that much about how much gold you get from it but what it means across the map. Early towers opens up the map for more possibilities of making plays and making it easier to control the timed objectives. It's that when you get to competitive play, those possibilities just have a higher and higher chance of actually being capitalized on.

Realistically speaking, I'd think that even if the tangible rewards were halved, the position advantage would still lend itself for similar rates of success in the end.

le bip

Neo Member
Increasing kill rewards for kills on the currently winning team, proportional to their lead. Even a very modest effect like this could produce notable results. For example, killing a player on the team behind by 5k is worth 350; killing the same player on the team ahead would be 420. This effect would be independent of other variables like kill streaks and shut downs.

You could subtly improve late game champions in some way so that late game-centric characters like Poppy, Jax and Tristana were more viable (not that they are all completely unviable now, just that they could be made more viable).

Increases to the viability of GP/5 items might also resolve this problem to a degree. If GP/5 were more effective, it could produce early game weakness but late game dominance from gold accrual.

Just a few possible options. This isn't an exhaustive list of possibilities; I just pulled these off the top of my head in 5 minutes.

I just fear a change like the first one you're talking about would cause teams to play like season 2 again, without taking risks until the 20 minutes teamfight which would often seal the game
Mmm, so I just got an email from Riot.

Basically saying that they apologized for the issues they were having with the payment method I used, that they're working in solving the issues and have already accredited the RP to many accounts and working to complete all the pending orders, relaunching and extending the sales of the last two weeks and to compensate our patience they're giving all players that used that payment method this month, 10 free IP boost (they had already said that).


It's like I never contacted support, because support had already given me the RP and the IP boost, and yesterday I got another 10 free IP boost, lol.

The "good" news I guess, are that almost all the people that used that payment method got the RP they had paid accredited, again. Maybe it was intentional? ... right.

Meh, whatever, I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. I'll just wait and see whatever happens.
(And lol to that Rioter name "Chabelo" Reloaded, haha)

Victorious Ward is awesome.


I do believe Morello has just stated that jungler items now provide +X gold on monster kills, presumably meaning that jungler items cost more now but their stats can be improved now that buying these items is inefficient on laners.



From Xpecial:
supports getting a lot more gold
They're going to achieve this by changes to global gold
New masteries that help supports
New GP10 items
limits to the number of wards people can carry to force everyone to buy wards. (he explicitly said "especially ADCs")
They're going to try to have supports scale their utility. Janna's AP would scale her AD buff given on shield ability as an example...
"Huge amount of changes all at once"
Season 3 -> Season 4 changes are even bigger than the season 2 -> season 3 changes
Thinks new teams will rise as a result of these changes, and established teams must adapt or die.

From Snoopeh:
A fourth jungle camp has been added.
Many more options for jungle routes
Jungler will be more unpredictable as a result
Jungler and support will have more XP and gold - staying more in line with the rest of the team
Jungler will have a bigger impact in mid/late game
Vision has changed dramatically. Snoopeh describes it as "daunting".

From the official site:
changes to wards
New trinket system (?)
Additional inventory slot for vision specific items (!)
New items for carry junglers
Better jungle rewards/game flow
New terrain for the jungle
New masteries for more options. They won't be adding a ton except to specifically target supports
New gameflow to reduce game snowballing
Changes to first blood and tower rewards
Assist streaks (!)
Changes to dragon rewards
Changes to how experience points are handed out
Revised brush layout (!)
More "dynamic and balanced" rune options.
Thanks to /u/Spike217 for pointing out in this comment That the trinket system has made an appearance in the item shop on PBE.
Apparently trinkets are descripbed as "Special items that provide or deny vision"
Also /u/wommbocombo has pointed out in this comment that Morello has said:
"These will have to be post-launch due to scope and time, but we generally want to move % pen to a "bonus armor/MR" system. LW and Void should counter stacking, not be fantastic damage items against all targets."
Edit 3:
Holy sh*t, supports can get a LOT more http://i.imgur.com/IAkXcwJ.jpg - boken: holy shit WTF. that leona has as much gold as a 242cs ezreal!?
Also, apparently Madred's Bloodrazor in that photo.

Doesn't effect mid much, but supports get huge
New level up animation and new sound for gold
New jungle camp is a ranged creep that hits hard as a truck
New brush placement on top lane
"Supports get gold and experience boosted by a lot and are a huge impactful role in the game now"


the recent "Grilled" series by Thorin with Scarra is really good if you care about the NA pro scene.

Link: http://www.aceresport.com/uk/content/378.htm

Scarra is asked a lot of questions about key controversies. e.g.
  • dignitas' performance
  • C9's success
  • why chauster and dblift are stagnating
  • thoughts on the CLG team picks (nien, jiji, link)
  • scouting players
  • shiptur vs jintae controversy
  • mancloud and best mid NA?

key parts are transcribed here: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueofleg...ra_thoughts_on_qtpie_best_mid_na_c9s_success/
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