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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Everything is moe to me
nothing like winning after being behind 7-20.

cool heads can prevail! we could have just raged out at our 0-5 jax, but instead we sent him bot to farm and refused to be moved from our towers when they pushed down mid.


and just like that jax comes back into the game and ends liss or graves at the start of every teamfight.


That was a questionable Malz build in OGN just now.


ManCloud said the new Madreds would only be decent on a select number of junglers because it required you to get ahead and stay there throughout the match.

Also said something about Baron being changed to avoid snowballing.


Karthus win rate, all regions, this month:


My Karthus win rate this month:

omg this champ too heavy can't lift. Wait, I think I see the problem:

Flash ignite? Are you kidding me? C'mon son, get the f out of here with that shit. You're not Ahri; this is not how you Karthus. Let's talk about acceptable summoner spells for Karthus:

Revive teleport: hell yes, revive teleport. This is the stuff right here. Phantoml0rd does it so that means you should, too. Also Pastrami Reuben does it. All of your favorite Karthuses (Karthi?) that have two word summoner names that begin with P are doing it! Plus, revive just got fancy new graphics! You love it! Put some homeguard boots on my man and cackle as you fly back into the fight and drop Qs on 'em to clean up.

Flash teleport: OK, fine, you want some flash. Everyone loves flash. Teleport gets you back in the lane so you don't miss any farm and flash let's you engage Reggie style. Still cool!

Flash exhaust: I take this if my support is doing some Annie support flash ignite garbage and we need an exhaust or if someone forgot to ban all of the assassins (you had one job, first picker). It's the most boring Karthus, but it's acceptable. Exhaust Zed when he jumps on you in a team fight with his ult then flash into the rest of his team, wall and pop Zhonya's. Drop some Qs on 'em for as long as you can and ult for the win.

I think my favorite part of Karthus is you kind of stop worrying about matchups. Like with other mids you're all "well if he picks Fizz I'm kinda screwed" or something like that. But with Karthus, you're just always screwed. There's no good matchups. I never once saw an enemy pick a mid and thought "Oh yeah I can counter that with Karthus." Ha! Typing that actually made me laugh out loud. Oh, me.

Hey, for fun let's go to champion select and see who the good matchups are for Karthus. omg, this is awesome. Here's the list: Kha'zix (lolwut), Teemo, Nautilus (Nautilus mid is the new meta in S4 aka the Season of Karthus (Part 4)), Renekton, Jinx, J4, Zac, Sejuani, Brand, Mundo. Hilarious. OK, let's look at the list of bad matchups...no nevermind, it's just a list of every champ you've ever seen playing mid. So the good news is, once you learn one matchup they're all equally horrible so you now know all the matchups.

OK, everybody Karthus time!
Died to save Twitch in lane. Twitch in low health was pushed to our tower. Sona and Jinx medium health. I saw Lv6 Malph on our river ward. Pinged like mad. Typed in chat. Still didn't retreat. Platinum Twitch. .-.


He should be on sale soon, I hope. I want a new jungler!

btw ive been meaning to play some games with you but we never seem to catch eachother on.

Going strictly by past precedence, he should have been on sale near the start of the month. Up until Aatrox, the previous 4-5 champs have been on sale exactly four months after release.
So I've only played Yi a few times so I thought I'd give him a run in 3v3's last night. Results were interesting. I thought I'd share this one, though:


I was 6-slotted at like 23 minutes and just got bored and started experimenting with item builds. I was surprised to find that when I sold my boots for Zephyr, my movespeed was still higher than most everyone else at 408 move speed thanks to the Zephyr + PD movespeed bumps.

Game was a loss but it was a win for me because I knew I could end them at any time...I simply became disinterested and preferred to practice the champ in fights and mess around with builds.

I think I'm going to play a few matches with him today with only getting basic boots, then selling them after I finish PD and replacing them with Zephyr. When you hit the ult and Ghostblade, nothing is getting away. Felt kinda silly.


notice how all of his examples are about swain players.
Not gonna lie, my friend is Swain player and he's toxic as hell in chat. In real life he's a calm quiet guy, but as soon as he logs on league and plays Swain...

Me: You played pretty well Ori.

Ori: Thanks :p

My friend: Nah, look at her damage, she sucks. I destroyed her in lane.
Occasionally I have a moment where I make a play and feel it necessary to relay my (real-life) exultation in chat. The hype I feel in these moments is pretty intense. Embarrassing, even.

Memorable examples include
ProgramTheNinth (Leona) killed Graves for a double kill!
ProgramTheNinth (Leona): YOU DON'T MESS
ProgramTheNinth (Leona): WITH THE IRON SOLARI

ProgramTheNinth (Gangplank) killed LeBlanc for a triple kill!
ProgramTheNinth (Gangplank): GET PLANKED

I'm toxic help


I really don't understand why people don't follow their roaming laner into clear ward coverage. I popped zacs passive in the jungle as lee near baron pit and both their top and mid laner pincered me in while my teammates stood in lane. I even looked to see if minions were pushed to tower and they weren't.

I have to keep slapping myself on the wrist for taking any risks in solo q. If i had done that play with a ward or my flash up I could then justify the action knowing I have a good chance to escape.
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