i'm excited guinsoo is back
i'm excited guinsoo is back
i played very few games on this patch but i've seen pretty scary yis and shyvannas and even a jungle draven.
Hey dude, what do you think of top karma? I know you're like, one of the best at her. Can she carry?
watching some people with Feral Flare. Gotta try that shit later/this week with Yi, Aatrox or Nocturne.
Before it gets nerfed. Like, holy shit that ward range.
Yeah, the range really is hot. Being able to drop a ward somewhere vital without having to get close enough to sniff it cuts down on the number of surprise Thresh hooks by a significant margin.
Normally I'd say something about how supports need it, but meh, anyone can ward Baron these days. Sure would have been nice back in the dark days when the back side of purple's red buff was a Sona graveyard, though.
i hope he does something crazy.
chrome neogaf plugin:
here is the thread:
What's the opinion on the new MF?
Out of the 9 ranked games I played yesterday, the two I lost I had to support an MF.
u werent playing with newt n me tho
Out of the 9 ranked games I played yesterday, the two I lost I had to support an MF.
wow that's a lot of solo queue
Well, it's not like people are coming into this well-practiced on MF. (Or like you're well-practiced at supporting an MF, most likely.) Granted, if she was OP you'd see immediate payoff, but if she's just back to good it'll probably take a while for people to get spun up and start getting results.
wow that's a lot of solo queue
Hey dude, what do you think of top karma? I know you're like, one of the best at her. Can she carry?
Also, anyone here going to pax east?
just turned 26! happy birthday me!
i hope he does something crazy.
chrome neogaf plugin:
here is the thread:
RIP your CPU when boken starts spamming that shit.
Hmm.. In that thread a lot of them work, but some just show as black boxes.
That's because it is 4chan links that expire quickly.
Gold 4 is eloheaven, pls.Nah, 80 matches? In my adventures in elohell I've found Gold IV that had 400 matches. Eso sí que es triste. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
and two players never connect. -.- rito pls.first game of promos
RIP your CPU when boken starts spamming that shit.
We need more in-house for funny webm.
Feral flare makes me act like a mini-nasus. "No don't fight, there's more stacks in the jungle!"
Nasus + Feral Flare = ???????????????????
But the moment he leaves it runNever leave the jungle.
Have people just stopped doing them since I stopped playing?yeah you guys have been slacking. need my inhouse entertainment in the evenings.
Qtpie playing Persona 4 during queue is my favourite thing about League streaming right now
gotta play some jungle Fiora with Feral Flare. Aww yeah.
no you jerks. it's jungle irelia time.
fiora is for squares.
Oh, man, oh man. I want to play some jungle Fiora. I love Fiora, but she's just simply not viable in the top lane anymore. If she has some use in the jungle, I'll be super happy. I've jungled with her once before, and it went well, but the other jungler was useless, so it was hard to judge how good she really was. With Feral Flare, seems like a legit pick.
It's isn't weird though is it? Lux, Nid and Zyra support were still quite popular before Annie started wrecking just before Worlds. Adding Vel and whoever else to this doesn't seem strange at all to me.There's this weird shift of putting AP supports down in the bottom lane right now that I'm seeing. Nidalee support, Vel'Koz, Twisted Fate, etc. I don't know how I feel about it, but it is really tough to deal with if you A) don't have a jungler that can help out well, and B) your ADC can't stay in lane and avoid damage.
She still clears like ass pre latern .
Hopefully the rework helps her out some in the jungle.
Guinsoo said he wants to move her out of the top lane altogether and into the mid lane and jungle.
So what's going on with Feral flame? OP? I haven't been playing last couple weeks or even watching streams. I'm more out of it than usual.
I played one wriggles Nocturne game but my team got mega stomped and gave up by 10 min in so I didn't even get to see the flame (sidenote, it pisses me off so much when people give up after 10 min even when the score is like 1/8. The game is so not over)
outch. my climb from elo decayed silver 4 through gold 1 took me like a hundred games and i already have like 25 from placement + throwing with grago and i still haven't made plat so that could very well be me any day now T_TNah, 80 matches? In my adventures in elohell I've found Gold IV that had 400 matches.
Eso sí que es triste. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
gracias :3Happy Birthday!