Well, I've had a really, really bad run of teammates. I dropped from Silver III down to Silver V in a few days, and I legit only believe that maybe 2-3 of those losses were just "fair fight" losses. Stuff like morons picking Warwick in the mid lane to AFK or intentional feeding has just had me tearing my hair out. Went 8-2 in placement and then I've just lost a crap load of matches with very rare wins sprinkled in.
Last night I was supporting for an Ashe. We were pushing the lane well, got first blood, and things looked good. Then Ashe build Black Cleaver first. The tide turned on us and we lost. Not to mention that our top was Heimerdinger. :|
I guess it all evens out over time, but lately I've had it stacked up against me more than I've ever seen. I'm waiting for it to swing back for me, but it's frustrating losing 40 LP on a loss and only getting back 17 LP on a win.