also when like 80 champions can bug their way out of it
well maybe not useless but really sad
The best is that you can simply tumble out of it with vayne
also when like 80 champions can bug their way out of it
well maybe not useless but really sad
If it were a AoE minion block people wouldn't get away from it that easily.let's be real here
cataclysm is just fancy word for aoe minion block
j4's lb anyway
What wonderful things shall we see this april fools
Absolutely nothing meaningful like last year.What wonderful things shall we see this april fools
it would be lovely if it were something fun like infinite fake pink wards (like grants no vision and is indistinguishable from regular wards) to place in the map and other trolly things like that
like unbalance the whole game for a day with dumb stuff
at least for a day
a new urf skin would also be nice
edit: well two urf skins sales are alright too
Absolutely nothing meaningful like last year.
I'd take this:Riot has become so boring in the last few years. I mean, they're doing some really cool stuff (I'm loving Team Builder, the LCS scene is hopping, etc), but they seem to be losing their fun.
Getting rid of the stupidly enjoyable Journal of Justice, holiday events are just skins or just outright nothing...I guess that's what happens when a company grows.
ok now mystery gift me something![]()
finally caught them all.
I'd take this:
Base HP Regen lowered from 1.8 per second to 1.4 per second
Eclipse ( W ) bonus armor and magic resist reduced to 20/30/40/50/60 from 25/35/45/55/65
...over anything fun.
finally caught them all.
really?Don't buy Malzahar, your champion pool is perfect as is]
Also Phreak teasing the Nidalee rework, who cares about seasonal events, that's Christmas morning right there
man rito's doing a shit ton of reworks lately
Of all the champions to complain about, reddit picks heimerdinger.
i still think nidalee would be mostly ok if they upped her spear cd to like 8 secs and thinned the hitbox
i think the problem with anything mana related is that she's already shit enough in lane for her to take many more hitsI think gating Q mana cost similar to Kog/Kass R is enough. She doesnt run out of mana spamming spears unless she also spams W and E whenever they're off cooldown.
IDK I get some dreaded idea where they make her Q scale off missing health or something.
There's more to me than newt only knows how to hate
okay, sent. :3ok now mystery gift me something
yeah, im going to want more pages too. -.-; my ip is still useful atleast.also dont forget, rune sale starts with next patch ppl save ur IPz
You should've seen my support heimer game.
Soooo much salt.
Newt confirmed for suberb taste in skinsThere's more to me than hate.
The Miss Fortune rework will be glorious.
I finally "get" Nocturne. Totally buying him now. Lost my last game but we got outplayed + some DCs from 3 teammates every now and then. Ended up 10/7/19. Love Randuin and Cutlass on him, then punishing any squishy who get any slightly out of position.
If they beat XDG or Curse (lol).Will LMQ be in the LCS next year then?
Yup, I think they can take XDGs spot or even maybe EGs.Will LMQ be in the LCS next year then?
Not with Zuna back as ADC they won'tXDG will prevail.
Between those 2, BloodfuryBloodfury or Rune Wars Renekton
What say you GAF
.Between those 2, Bloodfury
The real answer is Pool Party, however.
Yup.Pool Party. Spam b.
i dunno why some of you liked the JoJ so much
blame me for the discontinuation of it