There's more to me than hate.
The Miss Fortune rework will be glorious.
Damn I might have to play again for that skin. First ashe with that heartseek and now this.
There's more to me than hate.
The Miss Fortune rework will be glorious.
That reminds me of a Lee Sin recently, I think versus Darius. We were like yo dawg, can you please help buy some health since you keep dying to Darius true damage ult. Instead he kept buying damage and armor...and said he had bad ping a couple of time as his explanation.So, I have been messing around on EUNE. Decided to level and get IP until I can try out Caitlin. Want to have a good go at ADC. So the first step is getting a good cheap champion.
One Sivir pickup later, and I am ready to roll. First game get a support Janna. She buys a ward. I think to myself this will be a good game, even at level 5 this person is getting vision.
Oh how wrong I was.
I did not play well at all, so I am being a bit harsh. About ten minutes in, having both died twice, I see what Janna has bought. Now has three wards, and two amp tomes. Not actually put a ward down yet. I am currently equal on CS with her as I am awful and she is stealing some CS. Another five minutes and many deaths later, she has bought a sight stone. No wards in inventory.
Still has not actually placed a ward yet.
I get a bit salty. Partly at her, partly as I am awful in this game. I mention about putting wards down. I ask about why they sold three wards unused.
"Well I have a sight stone now."
No further wards were harmed (or placed) for the remainder of the match.
It's all your fault for demoralizing me at champion select by saying I was Pebble Ocean at best, I was too self-conscious to dodge blitz grabs
Just lost a 4v5 ranked game placement with a score of lopsided by over 25 kills.
There are times when you play this game and you just can't believe how fucking terrible some players are. Like...even after giving simple instructions, like group mid, don't engage, kill towers....Zed just HAS to ult Ezreal under turret...who then blinks away, and gets blown up by cc.
And then he just HAS to do it three more times in a row and call everyone else dumbfucks.
And then your botlane just HAS to go 0-16.
And then when you say to turtle when they get up 20 kills, your team just HAS to engage off turret because hey, it's a 4v5 and there's no way they can win despite being 20 kills up, right?
This game...
I'll be home in an hour. I'll start invites then.
Conversely, next game as support my Ezreal went legendary in 6 minutes.
I'll be home in an hour. I'll start invites then.
"Yallah"Aww mate, we gotta get da Bazza brah. Get all dat free stats for dat win. Yallah boiz.
Aww mate, we gotta get da Bazza brah. Get all dat free stats for dat win. Yallah boiz.
as if Tryndamere isnt the handsomest motherfucker ever
That's what you say now.that hair is amazing
also played and won a ranked game for the first time in like months. the duo in my team (j4 jungle-veigar mid) were initially kind of annoying since j4 was camping mid a bit too hard for my taste (while their ori kept roaming bot), but in the end j4 stole baron, veigar got a quadra and we ran through their base.
gotta get to plat, gotta get to plat
well it's more of a honor thingThat's what you say now.
You won't like it when you get there. Worst division ever.
what did you say about lux's sanwiches :IThe irony of mlgsandwichmaker playing Lux is not lost on me.
Lux makes terrible sandwiches, which is why only Ezreal will picnic with her, and he's only there to gab about boys.
Hands are too fucking cold, can't handle playing with cold hands.
yea i can picture lux' cooking being all bad and ezreal and garen suffering in silence as she innocently serves themThey're awful. Lux is a career woman, she has very little in the way of domestic skills, but she's highly paid so she can probably afford one of those nannies that does it all around the house and the kids end up secretly identifying with more than their mother.
I'm thinking French Maid Nidalee.
So which champion can cook then?
I think amumu can be secretly a good cooker.
Chefshen is a chef as we learned.So which champion can cook then?
I think amumu can be secretly a good cooker.
It's so hard though.Don't you die on me, Mothman! Don't you fucking die on me!
So which champion can cook then?
I think amumu can be secretly a good cooker.
Had a jungler today go afk before level 6 and come back 25 minutes in for a couple minutes then disconnect.Spectate some of Newt's games and see the amazing Plat AFK plays.
This cooking conversation just highlights how little content Riot has put out
they made this hilarious video: cooking conversation just highlights how little content Riot has put out