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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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How can you make Tristana balanced while not being underpowered or frustrating to play/play against? I feel like she should never be strong with a kit as toxic as hers.

Set Lv1 range to really low (450-500), which would affect E as well. Adjust passive growth so that she still ends up with the same ranfe at Lv18.


Could also give her the Yi treatment. Only give her partial resets on kills and assists.

Or remove the reset on assist and make it kills only.

That reset is such bull right now.

Tristana is problematic because she's way too safe for the amount of damage she can do. Think about her kit for a minute. She can gap close while slowing and chunking off like 30% of a champion's health. Then if she gets in trouble she can blast away the enemy and self peel while also doing tons of damage. If her jump/peel combo creates a kill or assist, she can do it all over again. It's garbage.

In the late game she can deal out so much damage immediately that you can't react, and if my some miracle you do, she can safely disengage anyway. It's so stupid.

Take away her slow entirely from her jump and kill the reset from assists. That would help and she would still be very strong. Maybe her jump should displace enemies rather than slow them, so she's not on top of you like a rabid wolverine right away. I don't know, exactly, but it's way too strong right now how she's put together.

Tristana is a 100% ban for me. I won't ever let her get through anymore.
Trist needs a good amount of tuning IMO. Her kit is so binary it's hard to balance her without making her shit.

Less attack range at level 1, lowering her base attack speed and attack speed per level so she's nowhere near as fast when her Q is down, get rid of the W reset completely, either lower or get rid of Grievous Wounds on E, lower damage on ult, ult doing physical damage, lower range on ult... Pretty much every way to actually nerf Trist would either do nothing or ruin her.


I'd imagine League would be one of the worst games to play with a newborn. Stuff like portables and single-player console games would fit in your schedule better.

Yeah. I've been playing Titanfall and Marvel Heroes (like I have all this time lol) when I get to sit down at the computer. League is only when I have to prevent decay. I ask my wife and she lets me sneak away for an hour to lose my game.

Already one month, dawwwww. I remember with my boy last year it took about ~4 months before I could squirrel away some play time [somewhat] consistently.

Yeah :( Looks to be another couple months at least before I'll get some consistent time.

Could also give her the Yi treatment. Only give her partial resets on kills and assists.

Or remove the reset on assist and make it kills only.

I would take away the reset entirely. She's not an assassin. Lower the cooldown to something like 10/9/8/7/6 and take away the reset. It'd put her a little more in line with the other ADCs (excepting mini Kassadin - Lucian). She gets one, maybe two repositions during a teamfight. With the advantage of her range and steroid, she'd still be strong but not able to play quite so recklessly.


Get rid of the full reset on her W from kills/assists, make it lower the CD by X amount.

Perhaps make her depend on her Q a bit more for attack speed. So lower her base and per level a bit. She can typically get at least a 2.00 attack speed when her Q is active so that's a bit ridiculous.
Get rid of the full reset on her W from kills/assists, make it lower the CD by X amount.

Perhaps make her depend on her Q a bit more for attack speed. So lower her base and per level a bit. She can typically get at least a 2.00 attack speed when her Q is active so that's a bit ridiculous.
With attack speed runes Trist gets 2+ AS without Q easily.


I went for Iceborn for the armour. they had a lot of physical damage with a full damage jungle Jarvan, Zed mid and what was a fed Quinn bot. I don't like Trinity Force as a second item because it's really expensive for Hecarim to get and you're pretty squishy. I didn't need more damage

And as for Ghostblade, I was so absurdly fed I bought it for fun.

When I started playing LoL, you guys advised against building such an item heh, I notice various AP Ez's are building Iceborn for that matter.



Cry more.


I like to think I was 3/4 of a year ahead of the curve when I went through a bit of a Mao top spree last Fall. Yeah...

Tizoc said:
When I started playing LoL, you guys advised against building such an item heh

Champ dependent item? Sheen items aren't good unless you can exploit the proc, which means either an ability with very low CD or an ability that applies on-hit effects.


That reset is such bull right now.

Tristana is problematic because she's way too safe for the amount of damage she can do. Think about her kit for a minute. She can gap close while slowing and chunking off like 30% of a champion's health.
Is this referring to AP Tristana? Otherwise, W will hardly be doing much damage to an enemy champion, correct?

Then if she gets in trouble she can blast away the enemy and self peel while also doing tons of damage.
This is assuming you are attacking one lone person, correct? Otherwise, they could combo you for CC, and/or you could only knock one of them away, unless they are nice enough to stand in a line / close enough to BOTH get knockbacked. If they are standing alone, that means the team is probably positioning poorly to begin with, correct?

If her jump/peel combo creates a kill or assist, she can do it all over again. It's garbage.
How is this the case? Tristana's R, which you were just talking about ("if she gets in trouble") does not reset.

Sounds like Tristana is freelo right now, why don't you guys play her?
Good question. I've tried but I think I'm awful with her.
why dont people just get rid of the ap ratios on trist.
Because le leddit special snowflake AP Trist players

M-muh gimmick!
Give her AD ratios. There, everything solved. People complaining about Trist need a reality check on where Kog is at this patch.
Neither of them are ok. Kog is easier to solve because he already has weaknesses and his kit is more manageable number-wise. Plus he's already getting nerfed on the next patch.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What is Kog's weakness? Stronger laning phase/mid-game than Trist. Arguably better late game. Impossible to shut out on farm.
What is Kog's weakness? Stronger laning phase/mid-game than Trist. Arguably better late game. Impossible to shut out on farm.

He's immobile, his his pre-6 laning is worse and his range is conditional.

I don't think either of them are better than the other. Just pointing out where he falls short in certain aspects compared to Trist. Likewise he's better at stuff than her.

Feel Kog has a healthier kit overall though.


Is this referring to AP Tristana? Otherwise, W will hardly be doing much damage to an enemy champion, correct?

This is assuming you are attacking one lone person, correct? Otherwise, they could combo you for CC, and/or you could only knock one of them away, unless they are nice enough to stand in a line / close enough to BOTH get knockbacked. If they are standing alone, that means the team is probably positioning poorly to begin with, correct?

How is this the case? Tristana's R, which you were just talking about ("if she gets in trouble") does not reset.

Good question. I've tried but I think I'm awful with her.

My ramble was messy, let me clarify a bit.

By doing it all over again I mean the jump reset. She can either escape or re-enage right away. If she engages, it's another big splash of damage. If she escapes, well, she's safe.

And yeah, I was talking about AP Tristana in this example. She's really annoying coming out of the mid lane, though admittedly a little less broken than she is as an ADC.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Being immobile doesn't matter when you can zone hard and pick up kills from safe zones, all while being able to pick up vision on areas whenever you need it. Triforce builds are stronger pre-six, and Kog actually beats Trist in lane early. There's not even a way to build mitigation against his damage. Very healthy kit.


Being immobile doesn't matter when you can zone hard and pick up kills from safe zones, all while being able to pick up vision on areas whenever you need it. Triforce builds are stronger pre-six, and Kog actually beats Trist in lane early. There's not even a way to build mitigation against his damage. Very healthy kit.

The only way I can see to deal with Kog is to get super aggro with him, get your jungler to gank often, and try to keep him out of the lane as much as possible.




Champ dependent item? Sheen items aren't good unless you can exploit the proc, which means either an ability with very low CD or an ability that applies on-hit effects.

In ARAM I like to build Sheen first on Blitz since it'll make his E deal more damage.


The only way I can see to deal with Kog is to get super aggro with him, get your jungler to gank often, and try to keep him out of the lane as much as possible.
Yeah, out poking him pre-6 then going all in as soon as you can, hopefully by hitting 6 before him, works fine. Varus works, Sivir sometimes too. Surprised we haven't seen either of them coming back with Leona, whose ult just shits on Kog's lack of mobility. Following it up with a Varus ult to chain CC him to death or a Sivir ult to get over there ASAP seems to work pretty well.
darius: how do i build darius?

me: hydra then tank.

darius: oh ok. (builds triforce.)

me: wtf are you building?

darius: triforce is a tanky item



fuck dude teambuilder is worse than silver.
Teambuilder MMR is different from ranked MMR, so you'll presumably have to play 10+ games to get somewhere near the same type of teammates.

If you're unlucky and playing multiple roles and Riot is actually doing the thing where they take into account your experience with a particular champion, who KNOWS how long it will take. :p


Feel like trying Shyvana again, but I'm still bewildered by building Sunfire on her as her first tank items...on all Tanks I go straight for Randuin.

250 hp saves lives man

On the one hand the passives from Trinity can be a little effective for Darius to stick on his opponent and and the Sheen passive benefits his W IIRC, but even then it's not really an effective item on him even as a final item.


Feel like trying Shyvana again, but I'm still bewildered by building Sunfire on her as her first tank items...on all Tanks I go straight for Randuin.

On the one hand the passives from Trinity can be a little effective, but on Darius? Not that much.

I used to play a lot of Shyv, but got bored and moved on. Generally, I'd go cutlass/botrk and then randuins or sv/banshees if I really need some mr. You get one and then the other after. Well, it depends on the team you're facing, but it's like that with any champ.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Normally I never get honor, but if I pick Taric it always seems to come in.


I don't remember everything, but your team had really poor vision control, didn't manage objectives properly, and failed to stall out the game when it needed to. I don't really know how much a Wukong with that build is going to do either. Between the last two games I watched I think you try to brute force initiations on the front line, blowing vital cooldowns or summoners for something that often creates no openings for the rest of your team.

I delcared that the game was going to be a protect the trist comp after Yasuo literally refused to ult off of his, mine, or Zyra's knockups several times in a row. That's the main reason I went defensive and didn't initiate much after a few times. I was doing fine with our Galio keeping Trynd down for a while.


Set Lv1 range to really low (450-500), which would affect E as well. Adjust passive growth so that she still ends up with the same ranfe at Lv18.

This would take her completely out of the game. AD Trist doesn't do anything until she has a lot of gold. If she had the range of Lucian without Lucian's bursty kit, and with only the rocket jump for mobility, she'd get trashed every time.

Trist already caught a couple of really meaningful nerfs to early laning phase -- the reduced duration on her W slow and the reduction in damage on her E makes it much harder to steal early kills by going all in. She is extremely zonable since her jump has an 18 second cooldown, and she has one of the most obvious weak phases in the game (from around 5 to around 10).

Here's how you beat Tristana:
* Play carefully from 1 to 5. Don't get picked, don't hang around at half hp in the middle of the lane.
* When you get to 5-6, start pushing for trades when Trist comes in to harass you. Once she hits you with E and an auto, she has nothing else to do except more autos. Go ahead and drop your abilities on her and make her jump out. Whenever her Rocket Jump is used you have literally 20 seconds to do whatever you want while she can't safely come back to the line of scrimmage.
* If Trist ever engages on you with the rocket jump during laning, unless you were dumb and are already low, you should be able to kill her.
* Hit her early in teamfights so that she has to jump away, then kite away from her. Don't let her join a teamfight already in progress as her W reset makes her super powerful in cleanup.
* After laning phase, any time you ever see her jump, focus her immediately.


it's not necessarily bad that she can three shoot you uber lategame but that she can do it from a million units away with a reset long jump and crazy self peel

if you're safer than caitlyn then something is broken about you :p

and yeah they should remove her ap ratios
Another Lulu nerf on PBE feels weird:

Whimsy ( W ) polymorph duration reduced to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 from 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5

Also Gnar nerfs

Attack Speed per level reduced to .5% from 1%
Wallop ( Mega Gnar W ) base damage lowered to 25/45/65/85/105 from 25/50/75/100/125
GNAR! ( R ) AD ratio reduced to .2 from .3

I'll need to try him again but I have a suspicion he may come out underpowered. idk. we'll see.
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