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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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No matter how badly Irelia loses lane in theory, if you can pull off a well timed Q resets to juke skill shots and avoid autos and get a stun off, you can win trades even when you have to vs Ignite

Weren't you saying that she wasn't toxic or unbalanced because she had VERY CLEAR weaknesses?

Ha. The only place that piece of trash isn't an unbalanced, highly toxic champion is in current competitive play, because she's not played. There's no way you can win trades, and even if you do, she'll outsustain basically everyone with just a few pots, she will push/depush lane at will and will be getting 1/4 of your HP every stun she lands on you. If you have anything to stop her after the stun, of course, if you don't, she'll get half your hp or a kill, even if you're 70 armor Malphite because of fucking true damage.

And EVEN if you win the lane and deny her some farm (which is close to impossible even for ranged top champions), she will end being a unstoppable, unkillable assasin later in the game. And if she gets one or two kills then she'll snowball and be able to ignore a whole team while she threeshots the ADC.


Yeah she has clear weaknesses. It's just no one knows how to trade at her weakest levels and when her cds are down. (1,2,7,8)

If she Ws, run. Stop trading.

When Ws down, kill her.

That is literally it. She is trash without hiten style up. Bait W and kill her when it goes down.

I've vsed people who knew the match up and I got completely denied in lane.

With your reasoning, everything is toxic because they'll get strong with items and have a cc. Jax and adcs are the most toxic champs in the game.


I've won majority of my games as Kayle having built R. Hurricane 2nd :V
Nashor>Hurricance>Void Staff or Rabadon>Raba or Void>Armor
Building Runaan's second is a clear indication a Kayle has no idea how the champion works.


With your reasoning, everything is toxic because they'll get strong with items and have a cc. Jax and adcs are the most toxic champs in the game.

Of course Jax is one of the most toxic champs in the game. ADCs would be if they weren't easy to kill. Except Tristana, that one is the most toxic champ in the game.

Having spells in CD isn't a "clear weakness", it's a common thing for every other champion.


Of course Jax is one of the most toxic champs in the game. ADCs would be if they weren't easy to kill. Except Tristana, that one is the most toxic champ in the game.

Having spells in CD isn't a "clear weakness", it's a common thing for every other champion.
I like you Nev.


This was a nice match, though I think our Cait was being toxic on chat a little >_>;

Dunno why I built M. Treads, but it was prob. because of the CC from the champs, should've built movement speed instead, non the less, at one point Lucian got a Triple at our bot turret but we managed to come back from that, we gang up on their upper bot turret and I was next to the wraith with Lucian in the fog of war near their turret. I Q, grab the poor sap then we all waste him.

They surrendered afterwards.
Our Nasus wanted to go top, but decided to jungle since he would've gone against Pantheon.


why spellthief on blitz :/

blitz should be all over new coin

Helped us get a few kills thanks to Frost Queen, but yeah I do use Coin mainly on him.
In the case of Spellthief:
Blitz can land a Q+E combo which will do extra damage due to Spellthief's passive.
Furthermore Blitz gets 100% AP bonus for using his Q and Ulti, tack in Frost Queen's bonus damage and the resultant damage from Blitz's attacks will deal a decent chunk of damage.

On Blitz I'd just keep coin but never make its final form, and just tank him up.
So lately I've been fed up with going my favorite role (top) because I can't carry (you know when you go 4-0 in lane then you hit tab and your bot lane combined 0-8). Spamming ADC games.. and seriously the only ones I've lost as ADC were all DC 4v5 games.

Probably rate myself just an average ADC but man... if it's working I might have found my way out of Gold 5 (for good... cause I got out like 3 times... already and end up back here).

Biggest difference I find between bot and top is that it's almost hard not to get objectives if your winning bot. You have two champions, one dedicated to warding/counter-warding, one at least ranged, so their tower should fall within minutes, then you push way out, pressure drag, siege mid, or invade their blue/red. In top lane I usually just try to zone the other guy on a champion that scales well with farm because pushing to tower makes ganks easy (2v1 is much easier than 3v2 and heavy warding) and roaming can throw your advantage by letting the other guy farm back up.

That said, the last two times I've played Maokai top I've managed to turn the game with relentless roaming and TPs. Playing ridiculously OP champions never hurt. Helps that with a RoA he can shove out very quickly.

Edit: Do not underestimate the importance of objectives in determining the gold lead in games. I've noticed that in high Gold/low Platinum there are a lot of close games where one team has a substantial kill lead but isn't too far ahead at all because the other team is taking the towers and dragons. It's really interesting to go through your games afterward with the new match history and see if the gold graphs line up with your perception of the game. Consider this game I played yesterday: http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/1607710257/36028440


no there is never any reason to build spellthief

if you're picking blitz for any kind of damage you're in trouble


build team around yasuo

he ults one time in the entire game



Kog maw is so ridiculously easy to play and position with.

Press W and E and kite back to kill all the tanks trying to get through the sludge to cc you

Currently 6-0 with the guy

care to elaborate?

You should always get brut with wukong

Wukong does so little damage without the brut


Kog maw is so ridiculously easy to play and position with.

Press W and E and kite back to kill all the tanks trying to get through the sludge to cc you

Currently 6-0 with the guy

You should always get brut with wukong

Wukong does so little damage without the brut

i wanted to and probably should have, but our top got crushed so badly that I thought I would need the resistance to even survive getting in with my ult


How can you make Tristana balanced while not being underpowered or frustrating to play/play against? I feel like she should never be strong with a kit as toxic as hers.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
care to elaborate?
I don't remember everything, but your team had really poor vision control, didn't manage objectives properly, and failed to stall out the game when it needed to. I don't really know how much a Wukong with that build is going to do either. Between the last two games I watched I think you try to brute force initiations on the front line, blowing vital cooldowns or summoners for something that often creates no openings for the rest of your team.


Was Blitz built AD at any time in the past?
I ask cuz I was looking up Pentakill vids and I saw one for Blitz and apparently one player had him AD built and scored a Penta.


Was Blitz built AD at any time in the past?
I ask cuz I was looking up Pentakill vids and I saw one for Blitz and apparently one player had him AD built and scored a Penta.

Not really, it's just a troll buld like building full AD malph.
RiotVesh said:
Diana is definitely on the board for changes, and it seems from the many threads like this that have been made in the past that people are fairly opposed to a bruiser direction. The key will be pushing her more towards the light fighter/assassin pattern in healthy ways which means not just going Q->R->R and mudering a guy.
Yesssssssssssss no more bruiser Diana bullshit


Heh thought so, which reminds me of when AP Gangplank was mentioned on here.

EDIT: What're good counters for Riven? Darius, Panth, Garen, Tanks, etc?

Darius is good against her, he's probably the best counter. Tanks in general is a bit of a mixed bag, Riven can steamroll them if she gets going. Quinn might have a good matchup, but I haven't played the matchup enough to be sure. Irelia and Jarvan can beat her in lane if you are decent with them.


Darius is good against her, he's probably the best counter. Tanks in general is a bit of a mixed bag, Riven can steamroll them if she gets going. Quinn might have a good matchup, but I haven't played the matchup enough to be sure. Irelia and Jarvan can beat her in lane if you are decent with them.

One thing I seem to have a problem doing as Darius is landing his full passive on a champ, but that's mostly cuz I focus on scaring them away and pushing my lane.
Aside from Hexdrinker, his main weapon is the Hydra correct? In most games I mainly tank and haven't build a weapon on him outside of V. Sceptre and/or Hexdrinker. Best case scenario is that my team does well enough the opposition surrenders.


One thing I seem to have a problem doing as Darius is landing his full passive on a champ, but that's mostly cuz I focus on scaring them away and pushing my lane.
Aside from Hexdrinker, his main weapon is the Hydra correct? In most games I mainly tank and haven't build a weapon on him outside of V. Sceptre and/or Hexdrinker. Best case scenario is that my team does well enough the opposition surrenders.

You don't always need the full passive. If you win trades you win trades.

Don't buy hexdrinker early against Riven. It is reasonable to buy it later if their team has some magic damage though.


Anyone else have an OCD to either push their lane or clear it up if there are dozens of minions at it? Worse is if
1- You're on your lane and there's a team fight in the mid lane
2- It's 3 of your minions at low health vs. a 6-7 enemy wave and you need to go to the team fight so your team doesn't end up feeding

You don't always need the full passive. If you win trades you win trades.

Don't buy hexdrinker early against Riven. It is reasonable to buy it later if their team has some magic damage though.

I was asking in general actually, like, if I'm against an all AD-team or primary AD team, then a lifesteal item could help his laning phase a little, then by end game I could build it into a Hydra for example.
Anyone else have an OCD to either push their lane or clear it up if there are dozens of minions at it? Worse is if
1- You're on your lane and there's a team fight in the mid lane
2- It's 3 of your minions at low health vs. a 6-7 enemy wave and you need to go to the team fight so your team doesn't end up feeding
You gotta learn some wave control. Usually when you're going to a teamfight you don't want to clear a wave completely so you create an auto pushing wave.
Picking cohesive teams is something that all regions are doing, not just the Koreans. The whole 'Korea > All' circlejerk really needs to stop.
That only became true recently. NA in particular got cemented in a stale meta for months before the most recent patches. Lee every game, Elise every game, if either gets banned pick any other jungler but make the same comp that you'd make for Lee/Elise and fail vigorously at it because NA junglers couldn't play other shit anymore. NA teams are so afraid of losing that they play out draft like it's fucking solo Q, ban the OP shit, ban what the enemy might want to play, pick the OP shit.


idk. You really want to participate in team fights throughout the game. If your jungler is having a hard time ganking help him out by roaming mid/bot with him, then maybe drag.


I was asking in general actually, like, if I'm against an all AD-team or primary AD team, then a lifesteal item could help his laning phase a little, then by end game I could build it into a Hydra for example.

Oh, I am not well versed enough in Darius for general builds, but life steal items can indeed be nice.
NA teams are so afraid of losing that they play out draft like it's fucking solo Q, ban the OP shit, ban what the enemy might want to play, pick the OP shit.
This is just silly to me. I know Riot wants less focus on the pick/ban phase but that's no excuse for teams to be lazy during it.
Been watching Nightblue3 on and off all day. There's been a Katarina carrying in almost every single game he's been in.

I'm going to agree with dimb. Kat god tier in solo queue right now.
Now it's Mid'gath's time to shine.

Just had a really fun Dominion match. Got a few assists early then just snowballed from there.
You playing Garen reminds me of this game I had yesterday, where we won by a single point after conquering a 300+ points disadvantage. We had no right to win.

The way our Garen built was upsetting. Boots of Swiftness + Dumbfire Cape rush, purchasing Locket immediatedly afterwards despite never sticking around with any of us - and repeatedly baiting me to push to a tower, only to leave me behind vs Zilean + Jarvan - followed by the Thornmail purchase even though he was completely ignored by just about anyone on the enemy team. The rest were hardly any better too: Lich Bane + Nashor's Tooth rush on Twisted Fate (usually the first to die for obvious reasons) and I Am Oak went for the potent Chalice + Catalyst + Thornmail rush build. I couldn't do much either since the enemy team beelined straight towards me knowing that my allies were useless bags of rocks. It wasn't until our fed Yasuo got involved elsewhere on the map (after having done well for himself in bot lane) at just the right time that we managed to neutralize a crucial tower with only half a second to spare from losing. He actually posed large enough a threat for me to actually whittle everyone else in front of him down, so either he killed his opposition outright or reduced their health to such a degree I could pick them off shortly after his all-in, with little in the way of resistance to cap their towers. The other three just ran around being a distraction.

Yo LeagueGAF, how do I git gud as Zed in ARAM?

His abilities just feel really weird to me: I'll go in for what look like easy kills, then get blown up in like a second.
I've never had this problem with Jinx or Ashe or any other high AD attacker I use, but if I get Zed as ARAM I just end up feeding or hanging back doing almost nothing.

How much of a hopeless case am I?
It's ARAM, don't bother. If you want to improve your understanding of a champion under teamfight pressure, practice on Dominion instead. Then move on over to Summoner's Rift to work on your laning phase.

No please, please don't change my Viktor. Leave him be.
Viktor's been long overdue for some cleaning up. They're not going for a wholesale rework as far as I know, and are primarily aiming on improving the flexibility of his Hex Core passive (+ providing them with some late game flavor) in conjunction with making his skills less flakey. I don't see what's so objectionable about that unless their plans have changed by now.

ww is a strong jungler.

but blade > frozen mallet.
With all the flaws Warwick has in that role, I'd call him anything but a strong jungler... but at least he's not Nunu tier.


The only melee mid I've ever had success with =(

How's your youngest doing?

Doing well thanks :) One month old tomorrow. I've gotten a total of 2 hours of gaming since he was born but that's ok. It'll be a few more months I imagine. I'd play like crap anyways. Living on 2-4 hour chunks of sleep :p


Doing well thanks :) One month old tomorrow. I've gotten a total of 2 hours of gaming since he was born but that's ok. It'll be a few more months I imagine. I'd play like crap anyways. Living on 2-4 hour chunks of sleep :p

I'd imagine League would be one of the worst games to play with a newborn. Stuff like portables and single-player console games would fit in your schedule better.


Doing well thanks :) One month old tomorrow. I've gotten a total of 2 hours of gaming since he was born but that's ok. It'll be a few more months I imagine. I'd play like crap anyways. Living on 2-4 hour chunks of sleep :p

Already one month, dawwwww. I remember with my boy last year it took about ~4 months before I could squirrel away some play time [somewhat] consistently.


My last 3 games of League (over about a week I guess, don't play a lot cos of work)

I'm noticing a trend:


I'd recommend Trinity Force over Ice Knuckles due to the Sheen passive in Trinity being stronger. What'd you build Youmuu for if you don't mind me asking?
I'd recommend Trinity Force over Ice Knuckles due to the Sheen passive in Trinity being stronger. What'd you build Youmuu for if you don't mind me asking?

I went for Iceborn for the armour. they had a lot of physical damage with a full damage jungle Jarvan, Zed mid and what was a fed Quinn bot. I don't like Trinity Force as a second item because it's really expensive for Hecarim to get and you're pretty squishy. I didn't need more damage

And as for Ghostblade, I was so absurdly fed I bought it for fun.
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