Stone Ocean
I heard you the first time, you filthy waifu lover
?i don't think there's actually a jungle lolgaf sweetheart
Alright, perfect. You could probably join team 1 or 2. You're free 7pm est Saturday?
looks like im gonna be banning sivir every game.
The tournament starts right before 7pm EST.
that matchmaking is kinda terribadGuys, I went back to my old, old Katarina build. I think it's still the best in a lower ELO setting. It's the build where you start with boots and 4 pots, get your upgraded boots and Haunting Guise, and then go into Deathfire Grasp. Lately I've been rushing DFG, but I've sort of hated the delay in power spike, so I went back for a couple of matches. This one was gooooooooooood.
that matchmaking is kinda terribad
were u duoing or something
Haunting Guise is an amazing item, but liandry's on kat is no bueno.
sell the guise for an abyssal. 1040g sell value + 1420g liandry's upgrade = 2460 of the 2560 you need to buy an abyssal outright.
woo happy birthday. We're two days topic: it's my birthday!
Did you get your icons?woo happy birthday. We're two days apart.
I hate the Abyssal upgrade cost. Every time I buy the two parts I think I'm close but it's another 980g away.
r u koreanOkay, I can play tomorrow for sure. I can top if we ever need a rumble for our comp and I play a pretty good syndra/said/galio/anivia. Otherwise I'll stick to support where I play everything or jungle. My rengar is pretty good now.
r u korean
Okay so the lineups.
Team 1
Me (ADC)
Ghost (Supp)
Dimb (Jungle/Mid)
Stone (Jungle/Mid)
11 Points Left
Team 2
Type (Jung/Supp)
30 Points left
Sure, you can be unsorted for team 2. It's Panda's choice who he picks though.Happy birthday Achtius!
One big problem is I have no idea what people's names are on the forum compared to ingame. I have no idea if waiting ninja has been posting for instance.
Can you please put me on unsorted or team 2? I'm 14 points, main top, jungle/mid backup.
*edit* I am free Saturday evening EST (past like 5 p.m.).
Thanks. Type2 is also still trying to confirm that he (Type2) can play.Sure, you can be unsorted for team 2. It's Panda's choice who he picks though.
How the fuck do you mid? I was Talon vs. Ahri and the bitch kept feeding off of me
Thanks. Type2 is also still trying to confirm that he (Type2) can play.
Zky pls.for starters you stop calling ahri a bitch and just give in to her love
Zky pls.
How the fuck do you mid? I was Talon vs. Ahri and the bitch kept feeding off of me
How the fuck do you mid? I was Talon vs. Ahri and the bitch kept feeding off of me
does no one here play mid -_-
does no one here play mid -_-
I do. It's like top but not as scary.
i only play soraka mid.does no one here play mid -_-
does no one here play mid -_-
Mid is scarier than top! You can get ganked from either side!
does no one here play mid -_-
Their Nasus was heavy too![]()
fuck this nasus was so heavy.
Hey!does no one here play mid -_-
It's way too contested in solo queue. I'm actually trying to play it more lately.
difference is im not playing vayne.Their Nasus was heavy too