Peanut Butter
Junglers be like:
"No, I don't have Smite. I only play League."
"No, I don't have Smite. I only play League."
There have been a handful of times I've seen bronze Nunu junglers go smiteless because "consume makes up for it".
It didn't go so well!
Definitely something I think a ton of F2P games mess up. Planetside, Tribes, Nosgoth, even DOTA all fail way too often when it comes to making visual purchases immediately distinct enough to warrant a purchase. League, like you said, has its own fair share of fuck ups. Hence, the only skin I own is Brolaf.I don't play Renekton, but I want to point out that my idea of a good skin is something like that. A lot of skins -- even more expensive ones -- end up being relatively subtle, such that you sort of have to look at them directly to say "oh neat."
I think good skins essentially need to slam you in the face with their difference, because I don't have a lot of time in game to sit back and check out skins in game, especially if they're on the opposing team.
Something like championship Thresh looks cool and all, but you sort of need to actually be paying attention to it to notice the difference, and I never do that.
i will not stand for abuse
Juke or E her skillshots, poke with W, all-in her at 6.
Against Ahri I'd either start flask or boots + pots depending on how in her face I wanted to be.
I'd also stick with brutalizer as first item so you can kill her easy. If you start to fall behind though hexdrinker could help.
Once they remove his silence though you're completely fucked. Just don't pick Talon.
Nidalee is a cancer champion. If you don't agree with my very, very, very strong opinion about this, you should probably leave this thread, because it is very opinionated.
Riot- These are the flaws in your champions design.
When I play against Nidalee, I feel no shame or pity when losing to her. I literally can't allow myself to. Because the play-style of this champion in the top lane is just so cancerous that I can't attribute it to the skill of the player at all. She is such a cancerous champion, that when I lose to her- it's 100% the champion and 0% the person playing her(But of course if you try to explain this to a Nidalee player ever it's just "haw daw no im good and ur just a baddy"). That is already an instant flaw in design, I should feel like I'm being outplayed when I die, but all I think when I die to a Nidalee, is that it doesn't matter who killed me. It could've been an LCS pro or it could've been a chimpanzee hitting the keyboard. Because the kit of this champion is just so inherently broken that you can play her at an EXTREMELY low level and still be successful. For the love of god, her cougar Q is a GAREN ULT (arguably better) on a 5 second cooldown that she can get at LEVEL 1- THAT APPLIES SHEEN PROC???!!!!
There is zero counterplay in the way you can itemize against her, she does stupid amounts of both physical and magic damage.
Riot- Her kit is just disgusting. This is one champion that you can look up "most hated champion" on google and guess who shows up? Teemo and Nidalee. Teemo because that's just what Teemo is. Nidalee because people actually hate playing against this champion.
Honestly? I commend you guys for making an attempt to rework her. You understood that people hated her. But unfortunately, it wasn't executed properly.
You simply shifted the cancer from one part of the body(mid lane) onto another part (top lane).
There was something said by Morello about Poppy that I think applies to this champion.
"Current Poppy being strong damages the game more than Poppy players get to derive joy from playing Poppy in competitive settings."
My Thoughts
"Current Nidalee being strong damages the game more than Nidalee players get to derive joy from playing Nidalee in competitive settings."
Trust me- If you derive more joy from playing Nidalee than I get angry at having to play against her, you must be on a roller coaster ride through paradise eating ice cream out of a coconut- because I get so damn mad having to play against her that I'll get reported for the things I say. And I can't control it, I just ignore all rational thought and attack the Nidalee player. I call her out in a mean way and insult them as a person for playing Nidalee. I could care less about what possible punishments I get at the time, because the champion is so broken and frustrating to play against that it blinds my judgement. Looking back at it now, I wish I just turned off my all chat and afk'd.
And that's the problem Riot- I can't avoid punishment playing against Nidalee. I either get mad enough to ragequit, and get reported for that, or I have to keep dying to her enough that I rage at the Nidalee player and get reported for that. There's no winning situation for me.
Her kit is oppressive, antifun, cancer, toxic, evil, and beyond deservant of deletion from the game.
And did I mention rage-enducing?
And others are too.
My honest advice? Just suck up all the temporary hate you'd get, and delete Nidalee from the game outright.
Just obliterate her- I never want to see her again.
I mean you've done it before- when you reworked Karma, you changed her kit like 60% from what it was before. The old Karma was my favorite champion in the game- and she barely retains vague traces of her old self. But guess what? A couple years later and I'm over it. And the Nidalee players will get over it too (not that NIDALEE PLAYER'S feelings should ever be taken into consideration). You tried to rework her once before- and I commend it- but it didn't work. So I feel this is the best option. REMOVE. CANCER. NIDALEE
There have been a handful of times I've seen bronze Nunu junglers go smiteless because "consume makes up for it".
It didn't go so well!
I highly doubt they will fully rework Nidalee again, but maybe they will do some itemization changes or slight changes in her abilities. I have to agree that she sucks but that's why you ban her, no?
If a champion is instaban, a champion is broken. Bans are good in competitive for taking out your enemy's known strength and in teams for removing stronger champions that can counter your strategy or comp, but in a perfect world's solo queue, bans really shouldn't amount to anything more than players banning direct counters in lane or the current meta's late game beasts that they don't want to deal with. What's the point of even having the champ in the game if your only defense is to pick or ban it?I highly doubt they will fully rework Nidalee again, but maybe they will do some itemization changes or slight changes in her abilities. I have to agree that she sucks but that's why you ban her, no?
Azir feels soooo fun to play. Lots of possible plays to make. He feels like a hilariously strong top lane bully.
But still, his lines are so annoying. SHURIMA SHURIMA SHURIMAAA
Azir feels soooo fun to play. Lots of possible plays to make. He feels like a hilariously strong top lane bully.
But still, his lines are so annoying. SHURIMA SHURIMA SHURIMAAA
lol love people who go but i called jungle first in rank and then auto lock after i've already locked in first pick jungle![]()
I think it's still common etiquette to respect chat picks but I could be wrong, or maybe it's server dependant. Of course being first pick you can just ignore that, but whatever happens afterwards falls on your responsability.
I think it's still common etiquette to respect chat picks but I could be wrong, or maybe it's server dependant. Of course being first pick you can just ignore that, but whatever happens afterwards falls on your responsability.
So aside from Swain and possibly Syndra, what's a good mid champ that at least is good at wave clear?
Ziggs easily.So aside from Swain and possibly Syndra, what's a good mid champ that at least is good at wave clear?
Ehh Ori's too tricky for me properly use, but I'll try to put some time into her @_@
i don't care for this talkYour waifus are sluts.
Ziggs easily.
So aside from Swain and possibly Syndra, what's a good mid champ that at least is good at wave clear?
You've got to re-evaluate your life choices if you find yourself agreeing with alivenames
So, my belated response to that Imagine Dragons music video:
My chief complaint is not that the song is bad (although I don't like it, I never like modern pop music, so that's not important). My problem is that the song and the video both take themselves very seriously in a way that always makes me roll my eyes.
It's akin to how some pop stars like Rhianna or Lady Gaga seem to insist they're making serious art, or how NFL Football has extremely epic music playing in the background of their highlight reels. You know, those things that make you roll your eyes and think, "You know this is just a silly game, right?"
It was inevitable, though; once there is enough money in something, Americans especially have a very difficult time remembering that something is just light entertainment. It's almost as if we can't believe that something which makes so much money isn't actually serious and important.
Karma splash is too good.
But yeah I ban nidalee every game. Mid, trist, morg. I don't even feel like playing top whenever some fuckwit first pick says "jax is a better ban than Nidalee" and she gets through.
She just puts me on tilt :|
Do you not miss a crucial point in this, though?
It is *very* important to the players, the ones competing. It might "just" be a game or a light-hearted fun activity to you, but to them, those aiming to the very top of the LoL (or any esport/sport, for that matter), it is indeed very serious. Serious time and energy spent in praciticing, of course it is important.
The music video reflects that more, imho.
So, my belated response to that Imagine Dragons music video:
My chief complaint is not that the song is bad (although I don't like it, I never like modern pop music, so that's not important). My problem is that the song and the video both take themselves very seriously in a way that always makes me roll my eyes.
It's akin to how some pop stars like Rhianna or Lady Gaga seem to insist they're making serious art, or how NFL Football has extremely epic music playing in the background of their highlight reels. You know, those things that make you roll your eyes and think, "You know this is just a silly game, right?"
It was inevitable, though; once there is enough money in something, Americans especially have a very difficult time remembering that something is just light entertainment. It's almost as if we can't believe that something which makes so much money isn't actually serious and important.
Swain good at wave clear? Lol he's one of the worst mid wave cleaners in the game post 6, pre 6 he's plain trash in that regard.
By this measure, what isn't important? Top porn stars likely work hard to keep their bodies in shape; Soap Opera stars tape for hours and hours every single day. Somewhere out there, someone spends a hugely inordinate amount of time making ornate nipple pasties.
You essentially have to conclude that everything in the world is important using this metric, which doesn't seem very meaningful.
yeah i agree with the sentiment. last worlds we had fun anime versions of pro players mixed with champions duking it out. it was cheesy but it was great and to me it was all the more hypeSo, my belated response to that Imagine Dragons music video:
My chief complaint is not that the song is bad (although I don't like it, I never like modern pop music, so that's not important). My problem is that the song and the video both take themselves very seriously in a way that always makes me roll my eyes.
It's akin to how some pop stars like Rhianna or Lady Gaga seem to insist they're making serious art, or how NFL Football has extremely epic music playing in the background of their highlight reels. You know, those things that make you roll your eyes and think, "You know this is just a silly game, right?"
It was inevitable, though; once there is enough money in something, Americans especially have a very difficult time remembering that something is just light entertainment. It's almost as if we can't believe that something which makes so much money isn't actually serious and important.
What're the best counters to Irelia?
By this measure, what isn't important? Top porn stars likely work hard to keep their bodies in shape; Soap Opera stars tape for hours and hours every single day. Somewhere out there, someone spends a hugely inordinate amount of time making ornate nipple pasties.
You essentially have to conclude that everything in the world is important using this metric, which doesn't seem very meaningful.