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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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In my second placement match (I was 1-0 at that point) I was matched with Silver V and Bronze I's. I was Silver III last season.

If I end up in Bronze after placements I'll start playing DOTA 2.


After finishing gold 4, I'll be extremely bugged if I'm not silver 3 or better. Placements haven't gone well, but I've had a couple of DCs and a couple of elo boosters cost me some losses. It's a bit frustrating.


In my second placement match (I was 1-0 at that point) I was matched with Silver V and Bronze I's. I was Silver III last season.

If I end up in Bronze after placements I'll start playing DOTA 2.
I ended up placing gold v after being gold 1 last season so I'm slightly upset. Having that easy climb is going to mess with my perception of people's skill.
Fair enough.

All* bot lanes are skill match ups though, so personally I think it's more interesting to see how the lanes play out for reasonable, equal skill levels. If someone misplays enough then of course s/he is going to lose.

*reasonable, somewhat viable

edit: that said, there might be some interest in the most common, most serious misplays in the matchups.
Well, there are things like playing taric or blitz into morg that should suck if the morg isn't braindead.
If anyone wants a write up for common misplays in champion match ups just ask for it.
Leona vs thresh from both sides. Morg vs Annie tricks and tips. Etc.

I also highly recommend playing taric into kalista as a side note. Garanteed cc, burst dmg and tankieness go a long way towards taking her down. I always sing praises of alistar but nobody believes me. You just have to accept that leaning phase will be passive until they mess up or your jungler shows. Hit 6 and go where you please.

Series won.

Our Wukong ragequitted after dying to Kayle at the beginning of the match, we ended up focusing all objectives and had a comeback.

Wukong also came back in the last ten minutes. adcing in Bronze is way too easy lol


Series won.

Our Wukong ragequitted after dying to Kayle at the beginning of the match, we ended up focusing all objectives and had a comeback.

Wukong also came back in the last ten minutes. adcing in Bronze is way too easy lol

the only tank champion on the enemy team didnt even build tanky until it was too late


Hmm.. was just Jinx vs Tristana. Trist is pretty strong laner now. Moreso than before. Fortunately she built botrk first. My IE > her botrk. Killed her in a duel every time.

Too bad my support was really poor otherwise that would have been total domination.

I just wanted to play trist :(
I feel conflicted about Heimerdinger.

When I play against him, I get irritated. I get hurt a lot trying to kill his turrets, they feel difficult to kill and it's like he has an endless supply of them.

When I play as him, my turrets feel like they get one shot and they just tickle. Even my RQ feels like it dies too fast.

First skill is either Q or W. Your call.


Hmm.. was just Jinx vs Tristana. Trist is pretty strong laner now. Moreso than before. Fortunately she built botrk first. My IE > her botrk. Killed her in a duel every time.

Too bad my support was really poor otherwise that would have been total domination.

I just wanted to play trist :(
I don't think botrk was the problem. Botrk and BT are both better items to rush for dueling.


I don't think botrk was the problem. Botrk and BT are both better items to rush for dueling.

True true. Still felt like she was hitting like a wet noodle initially. She doesn't have anything like vaynes silver bolts to supplement the plain attack speed. Unless the E does something stack wise? Maybe I need to read up on her changes more lol


I feel like playing against Riven requires the most thought of any other top laner. Like you have to be aware of her cooldowns and her burst patterns. You also gotta know what your champ can do and when. Fighting a good Riven is always exciting (and frustrating).


True true. Still felt like she was hitting like a wet noodle initially. She doesn't have anything like vaynes silver bolts to supplement the plain attack speed. Unless the E does something stack wise? Maybe I need to read up on her changes more lol
If Tristana hits someone with 4 stacks, the E should immediately explode I think.

I'm grinding my way through the patch notes. Someone else already commented on this, and I'm not any sort of strategy or balance expert, but I like the little MR item -> negatron, little armor item -> chainmail, and little HP item -> giant belt recipes that now exist. It makes it easier to do stuff without waiting on a ton of gold, or spending a bunch at once.

I guess Riot COULD make the big AP rod build out of a blasting rod and a tome, and B.F. sword build out of a pickaxe and a sword, but I am guessing Riot wants it to be difficult to build those items without saving a lot of gold.
True true. Still felt like she was hitting like a wet noodle initially. She doesn't have anything like vaynes silver bolts to supplement the plain attack speed. Unless the E does something stack wise? Maybe I need to read up on her changes more lol
Her E does more damage for each auto, up to 100%


Hmm. I guess a bortk rush could work then. I don't think I'd do that though. Dunno

her E has a 1:1 AD ratio. any 80dmg BF item (BT or IE) would be good on her with a fully stacked E + W (pretty sure using W on a full stack E gives even more bonus damage)

old BT would be broken on her considering how fast she can stack it
I just played Tristana, and I absolutely love her re-work. Her animations and everything. Also, it's 'bout time my beautiful Vel'Koz got some skin love. I haven't had a chance to give it a test drive, but I whipped the ole' wallet out real quick and bought it.


Sad the new skins aren't out yet though :( would have totally rocked firecracker jinx.

Edit: yep. Seeing nidalee jungles now. Another on in voyboys game currently. This is going to be a thing.
Can someone explain to my why playing ranked is supposed to be the best way to get better at the game? After going 6-4 in placements, I'm now 8-20 because all but maybe two of my ranked matches have been complete wastes of time. Every match has the usual AFKer, feeder, person who doesn't group, etc, but at least in normal games I'm not losing anything. I just don't get how playing ranked at a lower elo is beneficial when all it does make you frustrated.


Can someone explain to my why playing ranked is supposed to be the best way to get better at the game? After going 6-4 in placements, I'm now 8-20 because all but maybe two of my ranked matches have been complete wastes of time. Every match has the usual AFKer, feeder, person who doesn't group, etc, but at least in normal games I'm not losing anything. I just don't get how playing ranked at a lower elo is beneficial when all it does make you frustrated.
You still have a ranking in normal games, it's just hidden. It psychologically feels better since you don't see numbers going up or down to play normal games.

In theory, LeaverBuster and/or report systems will eventually get AFK players banned, if it's working properly.

Also, the frustrations you describe still exist in normal games, and are probably a characteristic of MOBAs as a whole -- any given game will depend on your teammates as well as you, and there's mental bias that problems tend to be the fault of teammates.


Can someone explain to my why playing ranked is supposed to be the best way to get better at the game? After going 6-4 in placements, I'm now 8-20 because all but maybe two of my ranked matches have been complete wastes of time. Every match has the usual AFKer, feeder, person who doesn't group, etc, but at least in normal games I'm not losing anything. I just don't get how playing ranked at a lower elo is beneficial when all it does make you frustrated.
Ranked balances teams based on division and mmr, so you'll be up against similarly skilled players.

Normals only balances on mmr, so games are usually either stomps or beyond your control.
Yeah. Ranked doesn't let you play with people who are more than 1 division higher than you. In normal you can end up with a Challenger - legit Level 1 duo.


Just played the worst game. Their bot lane was absolutely legendary. I don't think I saw that Thresh miss a single hook.

The hitbox is pretty BS though.


Yeah. Ranked doesn't let you play with people who are more than 1 division higher than you. In normal you can end up with a Challenger - legit Level 1 duo.
Good point, I forgot about this for normal games.

I seem to recall some player(s) being against that change because it made it harder for very high ranked players to duo with low ones, but it seems to have worked out okay.


Can someone explain to my why playing ranked is supposed to be the best way to get better at the game? After going 6-4 in placements, I'm now 8-20 because all but maybe two of my ranked matches have been complete wastes of time. Every match has the usual AFKer, feeder, person who doesn't group, etc, but at least in normal games I'm not losing anything. I just don't get how playing ranked at a lower elo is beneficial when all it does make you frustrated.

in my experience ppl tryhard more in ranked so it's harder to win lane against them and forces you to get better at the game if you want to improve

personally i've seen my ability increase when i played ranked and then decay when i did not, so i think there's truth to that saying
Wooo, Ahri still pretty good. I do miss DFG sometimes, but Q ms boost is cool. I can do free harass with it.

It has been a really productive day.

Finally won my promos and I'm in Gold 2, winning 27-30 per win. Let's get to Plat!
Bronze IV wants me to stop playing League forever.

Seriously, people cannot play. I have ADCs who can't farm and supports who leave me high and dry.


syndra now has worse winrate than everyone but zilean

i get the slight impression that maybe rito massively missed the mark

i tried to warn ricklessabandon but he didn't listen


I actually wanted to play ranked but I feel kinda indiferent to it now. Been having lots of fun trying stuff in normals with some friends and that's been kinda enough.

Maybe in some weeks! I do want to reach Gold this season but I don't want to obsess too much, and knowing myself and how competitive I can get, I want to hold back and be rational about it (as in, I need to improve on jungling and increase my mid pool again). I think my ADCing is enough for Silver but then again I am used to being with a friend as support most of the time, so yeah.. idk.
Shouldn't this have been a pentakill?
(Quadrakill = 26:52; 5° kill = 27:19)

So sad. It was going to be my first pentakill in ranked ever, and with Ahri.


I don't know why but I feel like my Q does more damage, but Q was unchanged. Wasn't it? (Except the ms thing)
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