it's not just me that's like, angry at how overloaded this kit seems, right?
i feel like every new champ that comes out is just like "wow every champ that isn't this one is T R A S H"
i dunno, he seems super flashy but seems like he'll be super shit in lane. he only has one damaging spell+conditional cc (tho prolly super short cd) plus his passive which depends on him leaving lane, and then he just aoe zhonyas which isn't specially great in 2v2s (i'm guessing it'll be used more for zoning)
but rest of his kit is like, portals are useless in lane, medipack thing is gonna be great to like leave one for your jungler at tri brush to help his gank and maybe one at double golems so he can heal up but for you it's like pretty whatever
i'm guessing his q is gonna be super strong to compensate all of that
i mostly wonder how his network of medpacks and portals will work. like how long will they last and how many you can have at the same time.