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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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That screenshot is like a month old but a lot of champs couldn't have went basically full tank and still killed the Mid, top and adc in 1 maybe 2 Q's.

You are kinda making Nasus sound like he is the most OP champ in the game. If you know how to handle him then he aint to bad.

If he was as good as you say he would see a lot of competitive play.


You are kinda making Nasus sound like he is the most OP champ in the game. If you know how to handle him then he aint to bad.

If he was as good as you say he would see a lot of competitive play.

I'm genuinely curious about how you deal with a Nasus. Top and jungle are my worst roles so I never go against him in lane, but when laning phase is over, he always seems to be unstoppable. You almost always have to send multiple people to deal with him when he split pushes, however when you do that it gives the other team a chance to get objectives cause you are at a disadvantage.
Your top lane's job is to make Nasus' laning a living hell. Delay his stacking as much as possible. Eventually he'll get in a decent spot, but then he'll be far more manageable because he hasn't been farming freely and since he's mediocre in teamfights.

Force fights before he can one shot your turrets and just steamroll your way through his base. Otherwise pick him off and do the same while he's down. Not that hard to deal with.


That's what happens when you first pick Lucian and go even with like a low damage build.

Ok then what the hell was I supposed to build? The screenshot was taken before PD became meta again, if I had went BT instead of LW I would have dealt less damage because of the amount of armor they had.



Ghostblade is for when the enemy doesn't have much armor though? When their team is that tanky, it's a pretty useless item. I was watching Doublelift last night and even he said that Ghostblade is for when the enemy isn't stacking that much armor and that it's a pretty mediocre item now. Plus I've never really liked the item anyway.


Either way, it doesn't look like Nasus was the main issue. Every lane lost, and it's pretty obvious you guys grouped really late. Nasus is pretty BS, but any champion would have won in this scenario.
Ghostblade is for when the enemy doesn't have much armor though? When their team is that tanky, it's a pretty useless item. I was watching Doublelift last night and even he said that Ghostblade is for when the enemy isn't stacking that much armor and that it's a pretty mediocre item now. Plus I've never really liked the item anyway.
By the time you finished Shiv none of them had finished armor items, just some components and mid tier stuff. It's a mediocre item because the top tier ADCs don't use it, but it hasn't been changed ever since it got buffed into the role to begin with.


Yeah, I think the opportunity cost is too big as well, when it comes down to ardent censer vs frozen heart or locket.

The thing with Locket though is that you're saving up 2000 Gold just to make its base form, and upgrading Aegis to Locket will only give you a 200 HP boosts, while the Mag. resist field is the same (20 MGR).
It is stll a good item though and has helped me out in the past thanks to its activate.

Froze Heart...nah I sorta don't like it on Sona personally, would much rather get randuin lol.

Ardent on the one hand is 3 chunks of 800ish Gold to create. Movement speed is nice on Sona, for example, so she can poke with her Q. Now if memory serves me right, both passives from Lich Bane and Ardent stack since it doesn't stack if both items are the same name.
The thing with Locket though is that you're saving up 2000 Gold just to make its base form, and upgrading Aegis to Locket will only give you a 200 HP boosts, while the Mag. resist field is the same (20 MGR).
It is stll a good item though and has helped me out in the past thanks to its activate.

Soan's still got the lowest base HP right? She needs all the HP she can get. 10% CDR is pretty boss too. The 20MR may seem insignificant but when you consider that MR is something that usually comes towards the end of your team's builds it's nice to
help them out
carry their shit early on.

I guess it depends on your build, but if I've got 10CDR from my masteries, 10% from Mikaels and another 10% from locket it means I can grab that extra 10% from a myriad of items which allows a really situational build if you grab Locket in addition to core items and setup such as the mastery point and Mikael's.
Froze Heart...nah I sorta don't like it on Sona personally, would much rather get randuin lol.
Randuin counters her HP weakness but the likelyhood of you being attacked before anyone else at the point you've built RO is unlikely, I would think. FH on the otherahnds gives you 20CDR and a fuckload of mana to abuse as Sona and you don't need to be attacked for the debuff to work.
Ardent on the one hand is 3 chunks of 800ish Gold to create. Movement speed is nice on Sona, for example, so she can poke with her Q. Now if memory serves me right, both passives from Lich Bane and Ardent stack since it doesn't stack if both items are the same name.
They don't share any passives??

Edit: I see, the MS buff. Yeah they stack if they don't share a name.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
The thing with Locket though is that you're saving up 2000 Gold just to make its base form, and upgrading Aegis to Locket will only give you a 200 HP boosts, while the Mag. resist field is the same (20 MGR).
It is stll a good item though and has helped me out in the past thanks to its activate.

Froze Heart...nah I sorta don't like it on Sona personally, would much rather get randuin lol.

Ardent on the one hand is 3 chunks of 800ish Gold to create. Movement speed is nice on Sona, for example, so she can poke with her Q. Now if memory serves me right, both passives from Lich Bane and Ardent stack since it doesn't stack if both items are the same name.

Randuins gives:

+500 Health
+70 Armor

UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel: When hit by basic attacks, reduces the attacker's Attack Speed by 15%.
UNIQUE Active: Slows the Movement Speed of nearby enemy units by 35% for 2 seconds (+1 second per 200 Armor and +1 second per 200 Magic Resist) (60 second cooldown).

Where as Frozen Heart gives:

+100 Armor
+20% Cooldown Reduction
+400 Mana

UNIQUE Aura: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by 15%.

+500 health is very nice but your main job as Sona in teamfights is not to tank. It's to ulti as many people as possible and then fall back to where your ADC is so you can peel/heal/exhaust for them. 20% CDR and 400 mana help you get more ults off and stay topped off on mana. The AS reduction aura is also godsend against most top laners, junglers, and some AD mids that want to murder your carry.

The MS slow active on Randuins is nice but so many champs have dashes, jumps, and high mobility that it doesn't really matter unless you're in a clumped up group of enemies or chasing.

Aegis gives:

+200 Health
+20 Magic Resistance

UNIQUE Aura - Legion: Grants nearby allies +20 Magic Resist and +75% Base Health Regen.

(Unique Auras with the same name don't stack.)

Against any aoe magic champ (IE: Kat, Liss, Rumble, Kennan, Xerath, Zyra etc etc) decreasing the effectiveness of enemy poke and giving 20 MR to your carries can be the difference between a won teamfight and complete disaster.

Do you know what 20 MR can do for your team?! Kat's ult can only hit 1 person a maximum of 10 times. Let's say she jumps on your carry and gets 5 daggers off. Assuming 200AP on her and rank 2 ultimate (55+25%AP) so 105 damage per dagger. Without aegis she just dealt 525 damage on your carry, with aegis she dealt 425 damage. That's just one spell on one champion. Imagine a prolonged teamfight with your tanks and carries taking magic damage. The difference becomes huge.

Now Ardent Censor

+40 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+100% Base Mana Regen (+round(1*stats[BaseManaRegenRate]*5) Mana per 5 seconds)

UNIQUE Passive: +8% Movement Speed
UNIQUE Passive: Your heals and shields on another unit grant them 25% Attack Speed for 6 seconds.

(This does not include regeneration effects or effects on yourself.)

So this costs 200g more than an aegis and only gives you stats. Not only that but if you're a half decent ranged support you should have built mikaels first so that 100% base mana regen is overkill. 10% CDR is nice but FH would give you more. 40 ability power is what, a blasting wand's worth of AP okay. So you heal for a bit more and do a small amount of damage with your Q, neat. But chances are that once you are out of lane and into the mid game, if you're in poking distance of the enemy you're also within engage distance of the enemy. Which is a big no no for a squishy support who built and Ardent Censor.

TL;DR Ardent Censor is bad, get Mikael's first then FH or Aegis depending on situation imo.


Except for that our Jinx didn't.

I just hate Nasus because he has ZERO late game weaknesses. He's fast, he has the best slow in the game, his damage is off the charts, and he's ridiculously tanky. Maybe they can give him wings at the 40 minute mark and he can just fly over terrain, because they might as well.

Have you played a lot of Nasus? Maybe I'm just a terrible Nasus, but if you're playing against players who have slows or (especially) root/snare/stun abilities, they can keep kiting Nasus or potentially running away. Nasus' W only works on one person at a time, so unless the team is helping Nasus the other team can peel for that person and focus down Nasus.

*edit* I"ve been super beaten by examples and further discussion, sorry about the late reply.


You guys, I know how to deal with Nasus...the problem is, it takes an entire team to do so and you almost never find that sort of teamwork available in silver. That's what makes him so frustrating. You know exactly what needs to be done, but you can't get anybody to do it. It's even more annoying because at certain moments everything that need to happen actually does, and the team still follows up incorrectly on the situation.

Yes, kill him early. I think we did that ok, but even with a mid-game lead, it's hard to get people to transition from playing team deathmatch to take objectives. When the death timer was at 50 seconds, we got a 4 for 1 trade and didn't take a single objective afterwards because people wanted to buy. I was pinging the mid inhib tower and nobody went. The other three all backed.

So even if you know exactly how to handle Nasus, you're still at the mercy of your team actually doing those things. And if you can't have that, he's eventually going to wreck your base or chase you all down. It's really dumb.


You guys, I know how to deal with Nasus...the problem is, it takes an entire team to do so and you almost never find that sort of teamwork available in silver. That's what makes him so frustrating. You know exactly what needs to be done, but you can't get anybody to do it. It's even more annoying because at certain moments everything that happens needs to, and the team still follows up incorrectly on the situation.

Yes, kill him early. I think we did that ok, but even with a mid-game lead, it's hard to get people to transition from playing team deathmatch to take objectives. When the death timer was at 50 seconds, we got a 4 for 1 trade and didn't take a single objective afterwards because people wanted to buy. I was pinging the mid inhib tower and nobody went. The other three all backed.

So even if you know exactly how to handle Nasus, you're still at the mercy of your team actually doing those things. And if you can't have that, he's eventually going to wreck your base or chase you all down. It's really dumb.
I guess what I'm saying is, if that's really true in silver, try playing Nasus. You seem to keep mentioning that you will not get out of bronze/silver -- well, why not try a champion that you describe as difficult for silver players to counter? Play 20 ranked games with him, record your stats and wins, and see what happens. If you win, great. If you DON'T win, maybe you learn valuable lessons about what counters Nasus. Win-win situation!

According to lolking, Nasus' solo queue silver win rate has been roughly 51-53% in the last month, so you should on average win enough to keep moving up.


you don't need a team to kite nasus

lux alone can make him irrelevant in teamfights, or lissandra, or even ori or azir

you can play with janna and he'll never catch you, or nami, thresh can just box behind him and he'll never catch you, or just get a shurelyas on anyone or play sivir

or whatever, you don't have to shut nasus down because q has a 4 second cooldown and needs to be in melee range to land. if he kills your entire team then your team is weak and you would've lost against irelia or maokai or whatever too.

just kite backwards or collapse on him when he's splitpushing. your jungler or whatever will be dumb and get killed but it's a good trade. it's bronze so you probably won't have pushed the other lanes before doing it, but i'm guessing the enemy team won't be smart enough to get objectives while he distracts you

like imo nasus is pretty shit


interesting stuff: http://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/02/red-post-collection-meddlers-thoughts.html

lyte talking about "fill" option for teambuilder
azir buffs in 5.5 including soldier range buff


just kite backwards or collapse on him when he's splitpushing. your jungler or whatever will be dumb and get killed but it's a good trade. it's bronze so you probably won't have pushed the other lanes before doing it, but i'm guessing the enemy team won't be smart enough to get objectives while he distracts you

like imo nasus is pretty shit

The thing is...you can't stop your jungler, your support, and your top laner from just going in on him. They're going to do what they're going to do, and you can't kite with a Katarina and Jinx alone, especially since there are other members on his team to deal with. At that point he can just walk into your base, and eventually you either watch all your towers fall or you die trying to do something about it. You can't do much unless everybody is on board.


You guys are baddies

I'll try it out in a next match just for you ;3

I went with a Locket+Mikael+Frozen heart combo and yeah it was nice, this way I have like 3 heals haha. Our graves adc wasn't doing too well getting killed by going 2v1 against bot while I helped our jungler whenever lee or kata tried to gank.
Regardless everyone did really well and we got drake 5 times and eventually got them to surrender. I got the last drake as as ez was trying to kill it heh.


The thing is...you can't stop your jungler, your support, and your top laner from just going in on him. They're going to do what they're going to do, and you can't kite with a Katarina and Jinx alone, especially since there are other members on his team to deal with. At that point he can just walk into your base, and eventually you either watch all your towers fall or you die trying to do something about it. You can't do much unless everybody is on board.
Why isn't the win rate higher then? On lolking Nasus isn't even top 10 for bronze or silver solo queue. On average, something isn't adding up. Maybe you had some unfortunate games or team compositions, or played against a player who deserves a higher ranking.


The thing is...you can't stop your jungler, your support, and your top laner from just going in on him. They're going to do what they're going to do, and you can't kite with a Katarina and Jinx alone, especially since there are other members on his team to deal with. At that point he can just walk into your base, and eventually you either watch all your towers fall or you die trying to do something about it. You can't do much unless everybody is on board.
that's not a nasus thing tho

jax or trynda or zed can do the same

if your team's made up of dumbos then it doesn't matter who you're up against, splitpushers will take advantage, and it's 53 minutes against a team with much better lategame (you have darius so basically you've been 4v5ing for like 20 minutes), at that point that superfarmed jungle shyvanna could've done the same.

and like i dunno the pick order, but you either blind picked katarina or you picked into him, both things i'd consider wrong

Why isn't the win rate higher then? On lolking Nasus isn't even top 10 for bronze or silver solo queue. On average, something isn't adding up. Maybe you had some unfortunate games or team compositions, or played against a player who deserves a higher ranking.
nasus is regarded as super broken in low elo for some random reason when he can literally be rendered useless by like a single spell from most midlaners

like that nasus had tabi and ghost, he was 100% useless if you had lissandra
The thing is...you can't stop your jungler, your support, and your top laner from just going in on him. They're going to do what they're going to do, and you can't kite with a Katarina and Jinx alone, especially since there are other members on his team to deal with. At that point he can just walk into your base, and eventually you either watch all your towers fall or you die trying to do something about it. You can't do much unless everybody is on board.

Seems like it was more of an itemization/teamfight issue than a balance issue. If they have 3 Randuin's and a Zhonya's and only your ADC builds LW, you're probably not going to win. The same happens in games against one fed champ. He'll delete your whole team because no one focuses him or builds to deal with him.

If you want to queue (I'm Bronze II but was Silver last season) add me: LoneProdigy. I can at least give you a decent support.


I'm thinking a good way for ranked teambuidler to work would be to have players rank their roles in a preference order. Like for example,

1. Mid
2. Top
3. Support
4. ADC
5. Jungle

Then the queue will pop a role for you based on what is available in lobbies, your preferences, and when you queue. You'd be able to accept or requeue if you want what's offered to you or not. Evolve does something like this, but you don't get the choice to accept the role, it just gives you what comes available first.

Or you can choose fill and it'll give you whatever comes available first.
Is gaining +15 LP per win and losing 20 LP per loss a sign that you belong in a lower division?

I recently got demoted from Bronze 3 and I'm still dropping.


would be nice if you could set in team builder which champions you don't want to play with

so no yasuo, no zed, no rengar, no lucian

Is gaining +15 LP per win and losing 20 LP per loss a sign that you belong in a lower division?

I recently got demoted from Bronze 3 and I'm still dropping.
yeah, if u lose more lp than you win it means the game assumes you're a bit overranked


A long pull and 1sec knockup.

I have seen some MIGHTY bullshit when you combine that with Kalista's Ult.

wouldn't say bullshit, it's a cute interaction that has like an 80s cooldown

i don't like blitz cos he's a champion that can single handedly win the game in one hook while doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the game.

he really has a very broken kit what with the attack speed buff and the cs stealing ult passive and weird mana shield


Wasn't Blitzcrank once viewed as a joke, and only low-level players were afraid of him? War has changed.

By lots of people here. "Plat+ players know how to deal with him".

I wonder if we'll be seeing the first jungle tank changes on the PBE. I just hope that Riot doesn't hold back because they're concerned about "Maokai'ing" another supposed tank jungler. Heaven forbid the horror being to able play Nautilus confidently somewhere.


Its not that people don't know how to deal with him, he's easy to deal with. The problem is, is I shouldn't be restricted from pkaying fucking Ashe or MF just because a champion has no counterplay.


Why isn't the win rate higher then? On lolking Nasus isn't even top 10 for bronze or silver solo queue. On average, something isn't adding up. Maybe you had some unfortunate games or team compositions, or played against a player who deserves a higher ranking.

He's not mindless. There is obviously some knowledge with how to play Nasus. His win rate isn't higher because of the dorks that pick him not knowing what they're doing because they got destroyed by one will get wrecked. A bad Nasus is one of the worst things that can happen to your team, just like a Vayne. But a competent Nasus will eventually own the late game. A great Nasus is outright stupid.

I actually feel like there's only a couple of impossible to handle champs. Nasus is just one that I hate playing against at this elo. I was pretty fine with him last season, but I was playing in gold and people at least avoid the death rush.

Its not that people don't know how to deal with him, he's easy to deal with. The problem is, is I shouldn't be restricted from pkaying fucking Ashe or MF just because a champion has no counterplay.

Even if you know how to deal with him, and even if it's a bad Blitzcrank player, he's eventually going to get lucky with one hook that can totally upend the game.


Its not that people don't know how to deal with him, he's easy to deal with. The problem is, is I shouldn't be restricted from pkaying fucking Ashe or MF just because a champion has no counterplay.

why is blitz different than morgana for that?

or even leona and threshie?
The effort it takes to take advantage of a Blitz grab and the effort it takes to take advantage of other types of initiation is way less.

Got caught by others? QSS or Mikaels will do the trick, plus your team will have enough room to try and peel for you before the enemy collapses on you.
Blitz pulls you into the enemy team? Have a nice death

It's not particularly overpowered but it's just very frustrating to play against.


The effort it takes to take advantage of a Blitz grab and the effort it takes to take advantage of other types of initiation is way less.

Got caught by others? QSS or Mikaels will do the trick, plus your team will have enough room to try and peel for you before the enemy collapses on you.
Blitz pulls you into the enemy team? Have a nice death

It's not particularly overpowered but it's just very frustrating to play against.

that's true but i don't see how it's any different when playing mf or ashe than say vayne or draven or whatever (just thinking of noot champions)

I hate how passively I'm forced to play against a Blitzcrank lane. At least if Morgana snares you it's not guaranteed death.
are you sure about that lol?
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