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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Prioritize using your Q to harass instead of farming every single time it's off CD, if you're not against something that will destroy you if you get too close, you can sit on your minions and mash Q. His autos are kinda bad so get used to last hitting with them.

For all that it's holy don't build stuff like Warmogs.

Nice, thanks. I see lots of Vlad players sit back and used the Q to farm, but I think your harass suggestion makes more sense.


Warrior->Phage or, my preferred item path when I can swing it, Youmuu's->Juggernaut. Just be aware that the knock-up on Q is bugged.

Didn't they say it was fixed in the latest patch notes?

fake edit: they did.

Fixed a bug where Xin Zhao's Q - Three Talon Strike's third strike would occasionally not knock opponents up
Nice, thanks. I see lots of Vlad players sit back and used the Q to farm, but I think your harass suggestion makes more sense.
Vlad gets to be super aggressive against melee, no reason not to abuse that unless getting close is dangerous - Riven.

Also know when to pool, that thing costs a fuckton of HP early on so getting baited into using it might make you have to back by itself.


Prioritize using your Q to harass instead of farming every single time it's off CD, if you're not against something that will destroy you if you get too close, you can sit on your minions and mash Q. His autos are kinda bad so get used to last hitting with them.

For all that it's holy don't build stuff like Warmogs.

Yeah the whole AP from HP thing is more of a noob trap. Just build heavy AP and Penta the poor scrubs.


Sometimes Xin's Q doesn't knock up on the third hit because fuck you and your gank

It was entirely visual. The target would be "knocked up" CC'ed in place and all, he just wouldn't appear to have been physically knocked up. It wasn't a game breaking bug, but for people who play lots of Xin is was kinda disorienting, in a way (for lack of a better word).

Didn't they say it was fixed in the latest patch notes?

fake edit: they did.

Oh, good. I completely forgot to even check the patch notes for this one.


Warrior->Phage or, my preferred item path when I can swing it, Youmuu's->Juggernaut. Just be aware that the knock-up on Q is bugged.

There used to be legitimate cases to pick heavy CC junglers like Nautilus, Sejuani, or Rammus as opposed Lee Sin, etc. when your own laners picked high damage but low gank potential laners like Nid, Kat, etc. There's no reason to do that now. And on the flip side, skirmisher's isn't helping those junglers put out that much more damage...

Jesus, S5 jungle is making me bitch more than I'm comfortable with. Seems like it's all I do. Yes I'm aware that I'm bitching about how much I'm bitching.

You finish the phage into trinity or just let it ride while you build tanky?

Ghostblade would be awesome on him.

Going to have to try him again. Always had mana problems before spirit stone though. Clears too slow without mana, uses too much with it. Spirit stone mostly solved that.


I had the most fun with Xin when feral flare was at it's most broken point. He became such a monster with that thing.


[OT10] Nobody Thanks the Tank.

Doesn't matter if I hit the hook that catches the ADC and wins the game. In the end I'm just playing a big dumb guy in a diving suit. Or suit of armor in my case, best skin eu.

How does Syn-chan feel after the patch btw? Read some positive things about her scatter the weak change.
Holy shit Nightblue is cracking on stream. He's mass banning anyone that mentions QT, no matter what they say.

Dude is just upset that QT quit LCS and in two months has overtaken him as the number one streamer.

holy shit there has to be vod of this, i need to see it

I was watching QT this morning and he was about to play urgot but decided not to because he didn't want Nightblue to moan


You finish the phage into trinity or just let it ride while you build tanky?

Ghostblade would be awesome on him.

Going to have to try him again. Always had mana problems before spirit stone though. Clears too slow without mana, uses too much with it. Spirit stone mostly solved that.

Trinity or other tank items after completing Phage is just something you choose once you get there. Entirely situation dependent.

Youmuu's rush when the circumstances allow it (and honestly things just have to be even between the teams and you need to be doing average to go down that path) is amazing on Xin. In one go you cover all his principal deficiencies; it gives him and escape or additional stickiness. Very good damage boost as well since Xin is so AA heavy. On top of that, Youmuu's rush is more flexible offensively for Xin. Usually, Xin players pair Devourer's with BotRK or Warrior's with Trinity Force because of their respective synergies. However, you can pair Youmuu's with either TF or BotRK, easy peasy.

His clears are safe but not fast, particularly in the gap from level 4 until he completes a big ticket offensive item (Brutalizer, basically). Mana isn't really as much of an issue now on him. S5 jungle camp damage makes Xin back more frequently which actually ends up covering his mana issues.
I know it won't happen due to it being ripe for abuse, but it would be awesome if you could stream Spotify or your own library in lieu of DJ Sona's anthems.

Here comes Vi all day erry day


Edit, this was pretty funny. Thanks Nvidia for making this meme.

: SHOCKING interview with League of Legends developer on patch 5.4

I made that! And posted it a few days ago but no love lol. The Reddit mods took it off their front page. But at 150k views there ain't no stopping this train.

So jungle guys.. what's your favorite junglers lately? I've been on a Nidalee kick lately but when she's banned I sometimes wonder what to pick.

Triforce Vi with W max first, the damage is borderline obscene, no one expects it because they're so used to all your damage being on Q.


^^^noooo always max q-e-w

I get so greedy with Vi. I know I should settle for just a Triforce but before I know it I'm building Cleaver without tanking up.

"don't worry tabis are all you need"


Hmm I'll suggest it to my friend, max W then E right?

I balance Q and E. W helps heaps with jungling as well - I found that using E to clear faster saps your mana really quick, and you don't have that problem with the extra damage from W.

The one weakness everyone mentioned is that Q will have a longer cooldown. Just depends on what you want really.
Did something change or am I dumb? I've always gone r-q-e-w. The CD on e is just too good, I feel
Jungle shifted to being more based on single target damage. You fart and the small monsters die, then you have to auto the last guy to death. Better clears, better Dragon control, more dueling power because most of the E single target damage comes from W and Sheen procs.


There's arguments for maxing all the different skills for Vi. One of the few champs I don't think it's necessarily "wrong" to max one or the other.

However, as Stone Ocean said, the Q cooldown reduction is possibly the biggest reason to max Q first. Q first also provides the biggest burst damage if you can land it consistently. But really Q is a mobility tool as well as a damage tool. For that reason alone I'd max it first always.

I used to max W first in the early days of Season 3 and it is really good, you just miss out on the mobility.

Q->E->W always. Biggest burst damage, most mobility.


Jungle shifted to being more based on single target damage. You fart and the small monsters die, then you have to auto the last guy to death. Better clears, better Dragon control, more dueling power because most of the E single target damage comes from W and Sheen procs.

Ah ok, I'll give it a shot then.

And yeah, regardless of what you max second and last, always max q first.
There's no reason not to hit Q consistently with Blue Smite and using it after you ult to lock someone down.

QWE is far more burst damage though. It's scaling % damage plus a shred against 15 damage per rank, QEW doesn't even compare.

uhhh what?

basically void (who has the chronosphere that is kind of like bards ult) went from being a super hard carry, to being a solo offlaner whos new job wasnt to do damage but more to just create teamfights


this was posted as a joke and then a few months later it was basically first pick/first ban meta of exactly this (aghs refresher) to just let him get his ult off and let a witch doctor or a skywrath mage to do the damage for him


slahser is this dude who does like CRAZY UNCONVENTIONAL STUFF for reddit basically and people were making fun of him and made a copy pasta on twitch that talked about how he would just interrupt a fight in the middle and then just aoe heal and use health pots on people

ive never actually seen it work but im just saying it would be funny

and now that ive explained all this crap and taken all the funny out of everything back to leeg stuff


Reddit is filled with nothing but hubris right now, it's hilarious


more like depressing to me but yea

Jungle is pretty hard to balance when you think about it. Why would anyone want a Nautilus or Rammus (CC heavy tanks) when they could just have Jarvan or VI (CC heavy tanks and high damage). If you try to buff the tanks you get a Maokai situation where they just move to the top lane. They probably need to add or tweak the jungle items or just give the tanks neutral monster specific damage.
yeah it might come to some really case-by-case thing by rito of saying "this guy is a jungler so i'm giving it monster damage".

kinda like they did with nidalee and randomly gave her a jungling passive

These people crying at Reddit are so pathetic. They cry because Kassadin and Veigar are "unplayable". The only thing Riot did, especially in Veigar's case, was reducing his extreme toxicity by making his poisonous piece of shit spells have some kind of minimal counterplay. Fucking dumbasses are just mad they can't climb the lower ladders with no skill mechanics like an instastun followed by 1500 targeted damage.
And in regards to Kassadin, they didn't nerf him enough. I say either completely rework that kit or remove him from the game altogether.

Good job this time Rito. Now if only they nerfed J4 and Vi to oblivion they would be on a streak after giving Fizz what he deserved.

lol oh nev

Xin, Skarner, Hecarim, Nautilus, Sejuani, Sion. I'd like to play Vi because I enjoy the champion but at the same time I don't like playing OP champions.
i can relate with the op thing

i enjoy ahri better now that she's been nerfed

It's fucking stupid and all it's done so far is warp champion balance. Riot has never been able to balance multiple choice paths.

I'm the closest I've ever been to no longer playing this game.
whelp alright dude

First thing Riot can do IMO is balance out the impact of Warrior's/bonus AD has on clearing the jungle. For three seasons now AD junglers have largely been the top dogs and a big reason for that is that AAs and a massive chunk of the damage. Giving small AA boosts to the other three enchants (e.g. Magus deals 0.15AP bonus magic damage on AAs done monsters) would go a long way.
that sounds like a good idea

[OT10] Nobody Thanks the Tank.

Doesn't matter if I hit the hook that catches the ADC and wins the game. In the end I'm just playing a big dumb guy in a diving suit. Or suit of armor in my case, best skin eu.

How does Syn-chan feel after the patch btw? Read some positive things about her scatter the weak change.
she feels alright, but tbh i didn't feel like playing her much after the nerfs so i can't tell the difference with 5.3.

basically void (who has the chronosphere that is kind of like bards ult) went from being a super hard carry, to being a solo offlaner whos new job wasnt to do damage but more to just create teamfights

this was posted as a joke and then a few months later it was basically first pick/first ban meta of exactly this (aghs refresher) to just let him get his ult off and let a witch doctor or a skywrath mage to do the damage for him


slahser is this dude who does like CRAZY UNCONVENTIONAL STUFF for reddit basically and people were making fun of him and made a copy pasta on twitch that talked about how he would just interrupt a fight in the middle and then just aoe heal and use health pots on people

ive never actually seen it work but im just saying it would be funny

and now that ive explained all this crap and taken all the funny out of everything back to leeg stuff
well i mean i don't play doto so...


yeah but now i explained it to you

i was just saying it would be funny if bard was used as medic and used his ult solely to run in and used health shit on people

i used a dumb reference

haha alright

actually something like that sounds pretty cool but i don't think would probably work on league's pacing

it's pretty rare already that bard's ult can zhonya his own teammates :p


He's going to have so many uses in competitive play. Can make huge towerdives, dragon and baron steals, just all around #bigplays.


I'm kind of disappointed in DJ Sona because I expected her abilities to change the song considerably, instead I find no impact at all. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention?
I'm kind of disappointed in DJ Sona because I expected her abilities to change the song considerably, instead I find no impact at all. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention?
Using abilities puts new bass lines on the song, the ult "breaks it down"
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