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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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It goes down by mere 6 seconds with ranks and the charge time is affected by CDR which you are already getting in the first place. Also if you have an extra charge you're getting 2 W procs not one, so that's 12% bonus damage and that's not counting the extra DPS from the attack speed which means more W procs and more damage. Looking at probuilds I can't see a single pro going QE instead of QW.

Sure it's not unviable but there's not a single tangible advantage. You are doing nothing but handicapping yourself with less damage so you can kill small chickens in one E.

EDIT - Actually, Nightblue goes QE. In which case I rest my case.

Holy shit this smackdown

To add to this you could've just checked Probuilds, garath

Everybody except sirT maxes W second

This is like when panda is telling everyone that maxing Q on kog maw is the most optimal

Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down with the pitchforks. First off, I never said e is the only way to go, only explained why I could see it being a thing. Which it was not too long ago. The only jungler I watch on twitch these days is nightblue who still goes q->e. To see if that's what everyone does I looked at probuilds and scrolled down to the "most successful via players" section. Meteos, kez, etc. All those builds show q->e. I didn't see that the reference games when you click on it were from Dec and Nov. Obviously its changed and most pros go W now. I was wrong and looked up the wrong section of probuilds apparently. Not trying to deceive anyone here, just keep a healthy discussion going. You know, something we do on gaming forums. I guess we could just post about the latest waifu or spam inane shit though. That's a thing in this thread too.

Rather than attempt to crucify me, just point to a source and say I think you might be mistaken. Jeez. Y'all are acting like I killed your kitten.

Edit: actually stone ocean, your post is good and not pitchforky. Appreciated.

Dimb, yours is just dickish. Here's hoping you enjoyed looking up YouTube videos to prove me wrong when a single link to probuilds would have sufficed.


Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down with the pitchforks. First off, I never said e is the only way to go, only explained why I could see it being a thing. Which it was not too long ago. The only jungler I watch on twitch these days is nightblue who still goes q->e. To see if that's what everyone does I looked at probuilds and scrolled down to the "most successful via players" section. Meteos, kez, etc. All those builds show q->e. I didn't see that the reference games when you click on it were from Dec and Nov. Obviously its changed and most pros go W now. I was wrong and looked up the wrong section of probuilds apparently. Not trying to deceive anyone here, just keep a healthy discussion going. You know, something we do on gaming forums. I guess we could just post about the latest waifu or spam inane shit though. That's a thing in this thread too.

Rather than attempt to crucify me, just point to a source and say I think you might be mistaken. Jeez. Y'all are acting like I killed your kitten.

Edit: actually stone ocean, your post is good and not pitchforky. Appreciated.

Dimb, yours is just dickish. Here's hoping you enjoyed looking up YouTube videos to prove me wrong when a single link to probuilds would have sufficed.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I'm reporting everyone in here to Rito.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
i bought dj sona on both my accounts.

take that pankaks

Rock on you nerd-baller



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Man, Aphro has such an interesting build path on Sona. spellthief->sightstone->mobis->forbidden idol->sell spellthief+talisman of ascension. The game was over before he could build next item.

Very interesting...


and tbh, i would say top is good too, at least on competitive there's a lot of diversity (lol): lulu, kass (rip), lizzy, gnar, mundo, sion, fizz, irelia, morgana, renek, rumble...

right now only adc and jungle are super bad


I'm just glad that we are past that era where it literally was:


Every single game.

Pd. oh shit, got approved for PBE! Thank you based rito


what have you done you fool

now the only champs that will exist in both lanes will be ahri zed and maokai

forgot about maokai!

so let's see (most played/contested on the left, bolded are the ones that i think are picked almost every game):

top: kass (rip), lizzy, gnar, rumble, maokai, lulu, sion, irelia, renek, mundo, morg, fizz, hecarim (lol)
jungle: j4, reksai, vi, nidalee, rengar, lee sin, nunu
mid: kass, ahri, leblanc, lizzy, xerath, ezreal, lulu, azir (rip), zed, cassi, morg, ori
adc: kaly, corki, graves, sivir, jinx, trist, lucy, kog
supp: janna, annie, thresh, morg, leona, braum, nami

probably forgetting some and most on the right are rarely picked but yea, not as dire as presented imo, tho jungle and adc could use some shakeups

I'm just glad that we are past that era where it literally was:


Every single game.

Pd. oh shit, got approved for PBE! Thank you based rito
i mean, at least for competitive it might as well be. corki is in every game unless he's banned and he's usually against graves or sivir every other time


forgot about maokai!

so let's see (most played/contested on the left, bolded are the ones that i think are picked almost every game):

top: kass (rip), lizzy, gnar, rumble, maokai, lulu, sion, irelia, renek, mundo, morg, fizz, hecarim (lol)
jungle: j4, reksai, vi, nidalee, rengar, lee sin, nunu
mid: kass, ahri, leblanc, lizzy, xerath, ezreal, lulu, azir (rip), zed, cassi, morg, ori
adc: kaly, corki, graves, sivir, jinx, trist, lucy, kog
supp: janna, annie, thresh, morg, leona, braum, nami

probably forgetting some and most on the right are rarely picked but yea, not as dire as presented imo, tho jungle and adc could use some shakeups

i mean, at least for competitive it might as well be. corki is in every game unless he's banned and he's usually against graves or sivir every other time

Yeah I guess you are right! I just have this vague idea when Tristana was at her peak that it literally was a matter of, if she isn't banned, it'd either be first pick or something. Super annoying (as much as I enjoy playing Tristana, I love me some diversity).


i thought this was a decent change for the jungle woes: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2x8j4j/small_jungle_fix_suggestion_from_a_master/

basically to help jungle tanks replace that shield mastery with one that deals a % of your health to monsters, so it's a 9 21 0 mastery that doesn't benefit the 21 9 0s like vi or j4 or reksai or whatever

dunno how balanced that is but i found it was kind of elegant to tie it to 9 21 0 masteries so that if vi or j4 want the faster clear they have to sacrifice their champion damage, which is prolly not worth it for them

some other post suggested to have the shield refresh on smite use instead of on death, which would buff tanks' sustain rather than clear time, and would also help them when fighting other players. i dunno so much about this cos it sounds like it would be abused

Yeah I guess you are right! I just have this vague idea when Tristana was at her peak that it literally was a matter of, if she isn't banned, it'd either be first pick or something. Super annoying (as much as I enjoy playing Tristana, I love me some diversity).
i mean, competitive will always be like that, and adc is a class that's more subtle with the champion differences, which is a nice way to say all adcs look the same to me :p

i'm kinda sad twitch got nerfed, i found he was one of the most fun adcs to watch, tho right now corki, sivir and kaly are entertaining champions at least.


zkylon said:
thought this was a decent change for the jungle woes: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflege...from_a_master/

The problem with the solution is that tank junglers being bad isn't due to difficulty clearing the jungle*. That shit is overblown particularly on fucking r/LoL. You could give them an easier time in the jungle and they'd still be a in bad spot. All you need for proof is S4 where they did have an easy time and were still overshadowed.

There are definitely systems issues at play (e.g. AD being a better jungling stat due to AAs) but the bigger problem is the nitty gritty low level stuff. In other words champion balance. Riot's now had two years worth of cracks at using high level changes to shift jungle picks and it's been hit or miss, mostly miss. Time to get down and dirty.

*Some of the most sustained, safest clears belong to jungle tanks. Nautilus for instance can do a full 6 camp initial clear without a leash and with a pot left in a cake walk, like stupid easy. Starting level 5 (rank 3 Titan's Wrath) he can just sit in the jungle for very long durations. Even supposed "good sustain" junglers like Xin Zhao can't do that.
There are Sona players everywhere. I expected it, but not to this degree.

No, man. People who try new champs for the first time in ranked are bad people.

Just a game....

After my 200th 4v5 game I stopped caring about people who troll. Just take it as god intended me to lose that game.


The problem with the solution is that tank junglers being bad isn't due to difficulty clearing the jungle*. That shit is overblown particularly on fucking r/LoL. You could give them an easier time in the jungle and they'd still be a in bad spot. All you need for proof is S4 where they did have an easy time and were still overshadowed.

There are definitely systems issues at play (e.g. AD being a better jungling stat due to AAs) but the bigger problem is the nitty gritty low level stuff. In other words champion balance. Riot's now had two years worth of cracks at using high level changes to shift jungle picks and it's been hit or miss, mostly miss. Time to get down and dirty.

*Some of the most sustained, safest clears belong to jungle tanks. Nautilus for instance can do a full 6 camp initial clear without a leash and with a pot left in a cake walk, like stupid easy. Starting level 5 (rank 3 Titan's Wrath) he can just sit in the jungle for very long durations. Even supposed "good sustain" junglers like Xin Zhao can't do that.
yea i wasn't trying to imply that'd be the be-all fix, there needs to be some buffs and/or reworks for some of the junglers (like i said before, amumu needs a better w/e, etc.). i just think it's an elegant way to buff general tank clear speed.

which junglers would you like to see buffed/changed and how?

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
yea i wasn't trying to imply that'd be the be-all fix, there needs to be some buffs and/or reworks for some of the junglers (like i said before, amumu needs a better w/e, etc.). i just think it's an elegant way to buff general tank clear speed.

which junglers would you like to see buffed/changed and how?
Give Khazix a slightly higher base armor stat.
The bug needs change.
Shyvana's DPS is waaaaaay higher damage than J4. J4's DPS is on the low side. She can build BoRK and complete tank but still do respectable damage.

The only pure tank who can outdamage her is probably Mundo, or maybe Vlad if for some reason you built him pure tank.


Just dodged a Blitz/Kalista combo. Every Kalista I run into right now goes off like crazy and everybody in champ select was fighting. Yeah, no. I don't want any part of that one.
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