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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Don't you get it? The tank buffs were here all along

In your heart
Just think about the potential Riot has to make some good changes.



Interesting stat calculations on this site. According to this my teams don't get enough first towers or first dragons and my EXP as support is lower (I tend to roam too much). Everything else is pretty good though.

I'm not good with Sona so I think I'll pass on the skin.

Looking at it more closely...

The "Ideal" values are a calculated average of mid tier players in the division above your current one. For example, if you are in silver division, the ideals will be the average of mid tier players in gold. This means if you can consistently hit these ideal metrics you will eventually be promoted to the next division.

All right, I see what they're trying to say. It appears to be a decent tool for looking at your performance.

Everyone in diamond appears to be compared to mid-tier Masters, which I wouldn't believe just by looking at the stats.

edit: beaten


I can't believe how similar my S5 experience is to S4 (which was my first season). Upon hitting level 30, I went 8-2 in placements and ended up in silver 3. I won a few, and got to promos for silver 2, losing them, and then went into free fall. I lost like crazy and fell all the way down to bronze 3. It was brutal. Then I started winning. I made my way to gold 5 by the end of the season and hit gold 4 in the pre-season. Staying in gold was really easy once I got there.

This season I placed silver 4 and hit promos to go up a tier 3 times, losing them all. Then I started to free fall again, and now I've lost two games in a row at 0 LP in silver 5. I'm probably going to get demoted into bronze again. I guess I have a long climb ahead of me again once I finally bottom out on this fall. Hopefully I'm near the bottom soon.

My hope was to finish higher than I did last season, which didn't seem so hard at one point.


So it's turned off by default?

I just tried the new Veigar. I didn't do well and got crushed, but for a brief moment the enemy LeBlanc didn't know that Veigar's ult scaled with her AP (they mentioned this with surprised in allchat so I imagine they looked it up on the wiki), and I got a few hilarious ult kills.

The laning is definitely easier with the double-skillshot Q, but I feel like actually using Veigar is more difficult now. Unless someone is stacking AP with no HP or MR, it seems very unlikely that you will outright kill someone with the ult (no DFG, nerfed ult). You thus have to land the W, delayed E stun, or actually hit people (like blinking/jumping) assassins with a skillshot.


Sigh. I hate when I do real well but every lane get absolutely smoked. Like the instant I'm not there they are dying horribly and complaining about it. Like they were complaining that SHYVANA was ganking their lane. Uh. Like walk away from her.

I don't care that you struggle in lane but whining about it the entire game is so annoying. Blaming the jungler for your ineptitude is even worse.

sidenote, I really really like morellonomicon on Nidalee jungle. First time I built it and was really pleased. Probably could have skipped the tear, especially with my team way behind so I'll consider that a mistake in my build but morellonomicon after magus is pretty sweet.


Our first test of the updated player tooltips ran into some issues last patch. We're fixing the problem and adding in a few more features in the process!

IT'S HAPPENING In addition to champion and match duration, player tooltips now indicate map and queue type for players in-game - ex. "Summoner's Rift (Ranked)"
IN CASE YOU FORGOT You can now see your own player tooltip by hovering over your name and icon at the top of the friends list.
I'm a little confused by this being in the patch notes (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-54-notes) since it's apparently not turned on yet?


r/LoL is just being its usual dumb as doornails self.

Less than three hours to go for jungle tank buffs. If I'm going to be disappointed, I'm going down hard.

Last season's tank jungle item was kind of underwhelming. While the free ward was nice, by Riot's own admission it didn't address early clear speeds.


dem juicy texture updates but still no lux :I

janna looking great now, warwick and taric too


Just think about the potential Riot has to make some good changes.

Why not? You admit his ult is over-rewarding. As it currently stand reigning in that hidden power of him being able to CC for engage or disengage and then have the ability to blow them or 5 people up allows the rest of his kit to be better balanced. The requirement that currently sits on his ult is completely arbitrary given he has a knockup himself.

I just don't see what could possibly need buffing on his kit and if you are going to start shifting stuff around, his Q and its affect on his ult would be the first thing to look at I would think.

The crit is tied too much to his identity now - for better or worse - and if the ArPen is removed then it drains his power significantly.
you can't remove his q knockup, that's insane. he'd only have 3 spells in a ton of comps and removes a really high point of strength in duels.

also i don't wanna be mean but i don't think you really grasp what "hidden power" means. like hidden power is shit that most people literally don't even notice and wouldn't even consider valuable when talking about a champion, and that's usually pretty disconnected from how the champion is supposed to work. for example, the old tf passive that made teams have a small gold advantage and have slightly better vision control and better sustain and such because of that extra source of income. that's absolutely hidden power and holds the rest of his kit back.

yasuo tornado in comparison is key for his ability to duel and allows him to safely get some cs, harass from a distance, ward off ganks, etc. it's not "hidden power" whatsoever dude -___-

what i never liked is the shield on his ult, so i'd make it give a % of the shield according to how many people he ulted, that'd be 50% at 1, 100% at 3 and 150% at 5. buff his base shield a bit to compensate and make some other nice qol tweaks like making the q chain time a bit longer or the distance traveled on e, etc. he could get a movement speed buff after ulting, who knows.

it's an early game buff and a general buff to his reliability as a laner which i think he could use to set himself up better for the midgame. it's a nerf to his dueling but tbh i think he has one too many dueling tools already for that to be necessary.

like the idea of yasuo being a dude with crazy mobility that coordinates with his team the perfect knockup combo and then cleans up is awesome, and he being an amazing duelist is also fine, but i think he shouldn't be rewarded so much in 1v1s for landing one skillshot/pbaoe thingie when he already has such a great kit for dueling

just a couple thoughts on him, not saying those are the perfect changes, but what i find frustrating about him and what i found to be fun against him. i love the 1v1 mindgames with his passive and his dashes and most of all his wall and i love being like FUCK when he deletes my entire syndra ult, cos i know all of those things can be outplayed. the double shield on duels feels like the odds are so heavily stacked against me that i might as well not even try, and it's sad, cos 1v1ing him is actually pretty fun imo

gorgeous <3

how many aoe stuns include your own team and do no damage by themselves

also can you use healing pots on your teammates

cause I wanna see some slahsers way up in here

uhhh what?


Has anyone tried Kalista since the nerf? Someone was saying the kiting is really bad now.

Also is there some interaction where using flask prevents you from using the insta-heal biscuits? I was ignited and died because hitting the biscuit button did nothing after I used flask.


Some people actually do still get caught by Veigar stun because they haven't yet learned the timing and walk back into it. I assume that will get better once they learn though.

I probably saw the giant wards and had no idea what was going on, lol.


My support picked Sona into Leona. There was no reasoning with them before the lock. We actually did ok in lane, but top and mid lost immediately so they just dog piled us on the bottom until things got out of control and the game snowballed.

Sona players, please stop.


So just played new Veigar in a game. Q changes are definitely a lot stronger. Get quite a bit more stacks with the reduced early cooldown and ability to get multiple stacks at once.. E changes makes his stun way more unreliable but still can be quite useful. Mana cost reductions make him way less mana hungry. Overall I think he's a bit better than before.
Jayce goes hard still. Going to save up and buy him. Anybody have tips for playing him?
buy tear. never buy essence reaver.

the standard jayce build is tear > brutalizer > CDR boots > Manamune/Last Whisper > Other item > Defensive > BT/IE

Your melee form is only used either in lane for all ins or for cleaning up a teamfight. your job in teamfights is to be like another adc with better poke with your Q>E Ranged form combo. Your W with Muramana on does insane damage so try to get that item done asap.


Besides the actual completion of liandry, I don't see how it's bad.

All kat needs is a zhonyas and any ap item to be effective


So just played new Veigar in a game. Q changes are definitely a lot stronger. Get quite a bit more stacks with the reduced early cooldown and ability to get multiple stacks at once.. E changes makes his stun way more unreliable but still can be quite useful. Mana cost reductions make him way less mana hungry. Overall I think he's a bit better than before.
I think the Q changes are nice, but the E is so unreliable that with the need to hit TWO skillshots instead of 1, no DFG, and a lower-power ult means it's hard to convincingly kill something unless they're completely hard stunned.


My support picked Sona into Leona. There was no reasoning with them before the lock. We actually did ok in lane, but top and mid lost immediately so they just dog piled us on the bottom until things got out of control and the game snowballed.

Sona players, please stop.
So it had nothing to do with sona

Also, new veigar is terrible


I think the Q changes are nice, but the E is so unreliable that with the need to hit TWO skillshots instead of 1, no DFG, and a lower-power ult means it's hard to convincingly kill something unless they're completely hard stunned.

yeah e changes make things way harder... but you get quite a bit more stacks which makes your abilities hit harder, ult stays about the same
more damage, but harder to play...


Holy crap, love Janna's new hair. I have always preferred a platinum-blonde kinda thing instead of that dirty wheat color, plus it's more in tune with the actual splash art!

It's been quite the time since I felt like playing Janna though.

I feel new Veigar is kinda eh, Q is an improvement I guess for farming purposes? Not sure about the ratios/base damage if they have been changed, but E delay feels immensely wrong. Idk, if there's some Veigar guru, I'd like some insight on these changes ;o

Good thing is the delayed E does give assist, even if it doesn't stun anyone which is kinda "huh?".


yeah e changes make things way harder... but you get quite a bit more stacks which makes your abilities hit harder, ult stays about the same
more damage, but harder to play...

Which is ridiculous because veigar was already hard to master. Feel bad for the veigar mains who spent hours learning how to smart cast event horizon perfectly


yeah e changes make things way harder... but you get quite a bit more stacks which makes your abilities hit harder, ult stays about the same
more damage, but harder to play...
I'm not sure about that. At 600 AP, which may be rather low for lategame Veigar, the ult used to do an extra 120 damage. Now you'd need an extra 120 worth of CS farmed with Q to hit that. It's easier to farm them now, but 120 more than you used to get?

At higher ranges it's even more -- the equivalent of an 800 AP ult now requires 960 AP, or an extra 160 CS on Q more than you farmed with old Veigar.

And, that old ult used to be DFG boosted so you're technically losing even more damage in comparison. *edit* More math: Old ult with DFG would have been 1464 damage from 600 AP, 1752 damage from 800 AP. Now it's 1100 damage from 600 AP, 1300 damage from 800 AP. You would need 364-452 more CS stacks on Q to make up that difference.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Played Lucian in team builder for the first time.



reddit went insane today with jungle woes

i can sympathize but it's kind of ridiculous how all of s3/4 a lot of people were asking for season 2-like harder jungle clears and now they want the easy s4 jungle to come back

i think in the end rito should probably do something in between, buff/mini-rework a whole bunch of champions into modern relevancy and maybe make the jungle a bit easier, make camps deal less damage or something so that ppl that take longer to kill em at least runs around with some health

it's conceptually crazy that tanks get destroyed by the jungle while assassins clear it so quick. it sounds like it should be the other way around, right?


reddit went insane today with jungle woes

i can sympathize but it's kind of ridiculous how all of s3/4 a lot of people were asking for season 2-like harder jungle clears and now they want the easy s4 jungle to come back

i think in the end rito should probably do something in between, buff/mini-rework a whole bunch of champions into modern relevancy and maybe make the jungle a bit easier, make camps deal less damage or something so that ppl that take longer to kill em at least runs around with some health

it's conceptually crazy that tanks get destroyed by the jungle while assassins clear it so quick. it sounds like it should be the other way around, right?
The thing is that if you kill camps faster you take less damage. Assassins that deal large amounts of damage can thus have healthy clears.

I think it is a bit ridiculous with all the whining from junglers about how the jungle is nerfed while they still are the most influential role and do not have a lane opponent.

Edit: that said, more jungle diversity would be a good thing.
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