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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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That feel when your support Sona rushes Lichbane before boots, then Rabadons before Aegis (or any support item really).

There's a reason I always build sight stone when playing jungle. For the first 30 minutes I think the only wards we had up were from me.


also i dunno why blitz is considered strong against nami

feels to me like she should shit on him

also i dunno why but minions look really different to me now


yea i wasn't trying to imply that'd be the be-all fix, there needs to be some buffs and/or reworks for some of the junglers (like i said before, amumu needs a better w/e, etc.). i just think it's an elegant way to buff general tank clear speed.

which junglers would you like to see buffed/changed and how?

It's not a bad way to buff jungle clear speed (offensive tree being hands down better for junging right now, even on tanks, notwithstanding). I'm just a bit apprehensive that that's something you actually want to do.

Principally I'd love to see Nautilus buffed. Love playing Naut. Love his look, his feel. Changes in bold.

Titan's Wrath said:
Active: Nautilus gains a shield for up to 10 seconds that absorbs a base amount of damage plus a percentage of his maximum health.

Shield Strength: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 (+ 7 / 9.5 / 12 / 14.5 / 17% of max health)

While the shield persists, Nautilus's basic attacks apply a debuff to all enemies within 175 range of his target, dealing bonus magic damage over 2 seconds.

Nautilus's next (1) basic attack(s) after the shield has expired will also apply the bonus magic damage.

Depth Charge said:
Passive: Nautilus's auto-attacks which deal bonus damage after the shield from Titan's Wrath has expired is increased to 2/3/4

Active: Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases a target enemy champion, dealing magic damage and Airborne icon knocking up enemies it passes through for 0.5 seconds. The shockwave explodes upon reaching its target, dealing magic damage to the target, as well as Airborne icon knocking them up for 1 second and Stun icon stunning them.

I'd do this along with cleaning up the odd "paired AA" animation he has when W is up.


It's not a bad way to buff jungle clear speed (offensive tree being hands down better for junging right now, even on tanks, notwithstanding). I'm just a bit apprehensive that that's something you actually want to do.

Principally I'd love to see Nautilus buffed. Love playing Naut. Love his look, his feel. Changes in bold.

I'd do this along with cleaning up the odd "paired AA" animation he has when W is up.

Naut's slow ass attack speed is giving me the twitchy eye.


Why so heavy?



Then you won't like hearing I'd love to give him 0% attack speed growth in exchange for more based AD and AD growth.

Oh that's fine long as attack speed increase per level is the same.
...but seriously his slow ass attack speed almost gave me crazy ideas CRAZY IDEAS.


don't play ranked while upset

you're not helping yourself

It's not a bad way to buff jungle clear speed (offensive tree being hands down better for junging right now, even on tanks, notwithstanding). I'm just a bit apprehensive that that's something you actually want to do.

Principally I'd love to see Nautilus buffed. Love playing Naut. Love his look, his feel. Changes in bold.

I'd do this along with cleaning up the odd "paired AA" animation he has when W is up.
what would those changes exactly accomplish?

if ur blinded by hate and a desire to rip the spinal cords of your team and opponents out u have a 20% chance of suddenly becoming god and winning.


If I don't have fun from winning a ranked game at least I can have fun for making the person that's responsible for the loss feel like shit.

Usually the rest of the team joins in too! So productive.


don't play ranked while upset

you're not helping yourself

what would those changes exactly accomplish?
The first one would help his early jungling where his shield gets popped in two hits by jungle mobs. Don't think Naut need the ult buff though. He is pretty fine during the later parts of the game.


I just had a top laner who took my entire top jungle and my blue buff constantly because he picked jax into pantheon and couldn't farm. He even took the effort to tp to my red and take it at one point then recall to go back top.

I was so fucking ahead and he just denied me a lead by being a selfish jack ass. I ended up going 3 levels behind and my brilliant top laner just split pushes to suicide all game.
the problem for me with Nautilus has always been the damage on his W being tied entirely to the shield. If his shield gets popped he does absolutely nothing except some cc, but if you're in a 2v2 gank with someone has decent cc like Jarvan but does a lot more damage and it's not conditional you'll always be in trouble.

I dunno, the shield lasts for what, 10 seconds? If the shield pops before the 10 second duration give him half the damage for the remaining duration, don't get rid of it all.
Really? I've only really played her in ARAM recently. She can't sit on the frontline without dying and her E is pathetic as a poke. Even if I build all damage it feels like I'm hurting less than a full tank Jarvan.

I'll give her a shot in a normal then.
Well it's ARAM, she's like one of the worst ARAM champions in the game.


Everytime i try to play Shyvana top i'm getting outpicked by those ranged top assholes and i cannot do anything.
When i play her in the jungle the ganking is so bad because of those mobile mid laners and it's so frustrating.

Shy's good in the late game with full build, but till then it's a hassle.


What's the best jungle item to give to Warwick? I personally don't like Devourer, and the AP item would primarily buff his Q, but the Armor pen item doesn't benefit his Ulti since it deals magic damage.

So that being the case, Juggernaut would prob. be the better item to give him?

Or alternatively, get Lvl. 2 jungle item, then go for BoRK+Wit's End?
What's the best jungle item to give to Warwick? I personally don't like Devourer, and the AP item would primarily buff his Q, but the Armor pen item doesn't benefit his Ulti since it deals magic damage.

So that being the case, Juggernaut would prob. be the better item to give him?

Or alternatively, get Lvl. 2 jungle item, then go for BoRK+Wit's End?
Juggernaut is good on him, but Devourer is probably the best since while your ult is down you'll be farming anyways.


Devourer's is good on someone that is largely dependent on autos for their damage and needs attack speed. Both of which fits Fizz perfectly. Yi is another I'd build it.

Skirmishers seems good because it'll add true damage to that.

I pref. Armor pen jungle item on Yi personally. Then again Yi is likely to stack kills on Devourer more often than just about any other champ.


Everytime i try to play Shyvana top i'm getting outpicked by those ranged top assholes and i cannot do anything.
When i play her in the jungle the ganking is so bad because of those mobile mid laners and it's so frustrating.

Shy's good in the late game with full build, but till then it's a hassle.
It's just that the top lane meta is absolute shit right now.


To me toplane is good when everyone is melee. I liked Mundo,Shyv, Riven, Jax. Champions like Rumble, Liss and Maokai aren't fun to play against.

How is playing against Riven fun lol. I hate going against Riven's they have like 2 freakin' stuns.
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