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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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11 LP? Damn dude don't get demoted!

I was called useless... on EZ. I told him look bro I have two words for you. POWER SPIKE. And fair enough I ended like 15-5-14. Don't doubt the power spike!
My LP gains tend to fluctuate a lot. All depends on winning/losing streaks.


I carry more games with Ashe than with Jinx.
Enchanted Arrow is the best ult in the game IMO if you are good enough predicting enemy's position. You can save lives and give easy kills.


I carry more games with Ashe than with Jinx.
Enchanted Arrow is the best ult in the game if you are good enough predicting enemy's position. You can save lives and give easy kills.

Let's do this.

GNAR! is the best ult in the game


hmm satisfying ults in the game huh, let's see....

lux is an obvious one because of the combination of damage and passive proc payoff for doing your combo right and just the visuals of it are so damn cool. deleting people and getting a double or triple kill with it is like the best thing ever

i'm also a fan of malphite's (love the bowling sound it makes and it's just such a fun combination of mega unstoppable dash+dmg+cc) and obviously ori's (watching all the team get clumped up and then RED BARS EVERYWHERE)

also i really like the gameplay in xerath's and caitlyn's ults, i love how they create tiny mini-games of like mindgaming the other guy to land your pew pews or just those clutch flash block saves for cait's.

I've played more lulu recently as well, with good results. She fits better into the meta now than before I think.
yeah, i'm guessing her spammable utility is a bit more useful now that teamfights are longer with all the tanks running around, so i feel like she kind of edges out nami there. not janna because janna's kind of broken heh but she feels pretty good

i don't play support all that much lately but i always felt lulu was one of the most fun supports and unfortunately i don't think it translates all that great to midlane, it's just less fun for some reason.
My favorite ults would be Lux, Zed, Malphite, Luican, MF, J4, Darius, Pantheon, and probably Vel Koz.

For looks that is. Just looks nice when you kill them with it. Haha.

Pony Express is still going great for me... and that Irelia game. Ugh. I don't know I was winning lane... I TP for drag fight, and then their Kat went off and it was gg from there.


That last game too... Teemo Jungle and mid EZ. Man they were cancer but god blessed me with a very solid graves/sona bot lane that made plays to keep us in the mid game.. while I did my thing splitting/tping etc.

Edit: Oh lord I got 1st pick 3 games in a row... of course I go Hecarim! 9-0-7! The honeymoon continues!


My games have been pretty rough lately. I think I need a win streak more than ever. I'm still picking Morg almost every game.

I acutally went Lulu support the other day. I was planning on going top, but we had a Malphite lock in last and not say anything til the game loaded and thought he was going top. Instead of arguing, I just went bot with my ap runes/masteries and TP lol. I felt like I had no gold all game. Would it be recommended to still get a support item at that point? I already went dorans and pots.

Also, with Morg. I buy a Spellthief's Edge, but I never find myself upgrading it in about 90% of my games. My build is pretty much always. Spellthief's, Sightstone, Mobis, and Zhonyas. After that, it's either Frozen Heart or Locket. Occasionally, if the game goes long enough I'll sell the spellthief's and buy a Talisman, but I normally don't have the fun money to spend unless the game drags on for a while. Any issues with this mindset for my build?


Thank you IP weekend. Went from 6k to 13k IP in two days. We need Party IP weekend more often.

Wish I got to take advantage of it :(

Between kid with his tonsils out and Bravely Default, I've barely even turned on my computer. And when I did, it's GTAV lol.
My games have been pretty rough lately. I think I need a win streak more than ever. I'm still picking Morg almost every game.

I acutally went Lulu support the other day. I was planning on going top, but we had a Malphite lock in last and not say anything til the game loaded and thought he was going top.

I know I am ignoring your request here, but I just have to comment that players like Malphite are the ones that ruin this game for me. Toxic communication doesn't bother me, as much as players who don't communicate. I can not tell you amount of times I have been left fuming by rolling an unconventional top, telling people I am going top and then having someone just jump in top lane, because they didn't "realise" I was top.

This sort of thing infuriates me, because if I am playing a non-meta champ or a champ in a non-meta position, I always ask in advance if everyone is ok with this. Then something like this happens and suddenly I'm the asshole.

Next time just mute your team mates and go to top. I can guarantee that 9/10 times players like malphite did read you call top and just use the excuse they weren't paying attention and clicked before realising.

Rant over.

Your build looks fine to me. If I could make any suggestions, go boots of speed and then spectral/rightuos. We are in a very tanky meta and unless you are playing a lane, you are never really going to get enough dmg to burst a champ down. It would be better to just got ap tank/full tank, max you cd and just have your ult or polymorth up all the time.
As long as I keep myself from using it how i used to I should be okay. It's going to be a desperation thing probably.

I think the change was smart. Now you gotta be super careful about using that W. Run in and miss your hook, you dead. Don't spot danger till too late, you dead. For the most part should separate more of the good Bltiz Players from the bad.


This game would have ended earlier, if not for Kalista mistiming her E so Vlad could steal baron from us. Luckily we were far enough ahead so that it didn't matter.

Sona truly is the easy mode against Janna lanes.


She used it too early so baron survived with 100 hp or so, cue teleport + homeguard vlad using Q on it.

Even at that, shouldn't smite be preferable to secure the Baron over Kalista's rend? It's always 100% clear how much damage the smite will do, the rend is an estimate/guess at best.


Even at that, shouldn't smite be preferable to secure the Baron over Kalista's rend? It's always 100% clear how much damage the smite will do, the rend is an estimate/guess at best.

Sure, but the smite was down, we did the baron after a won team fight where we got 4 kills, including the vlad, and really, Kalista should have been enough.


Even at that, shouldn't smite be preferable to secure the Baron over Kalista's rend? It's always 100% clear how much damage the smite will do, the rend is an estimate/guess at best.
The rend is pretty much always gonna do over 1k though. You gotta be pretty bad to mess it up.


oh lawd Zeronis' NSFW Tifa drawing on Patreon

oh lawd

PM me the link to the image pls~

I also HATE when junglers mistime their smites. Eff's sake the game TELLS you how much damage it does, and there's a counter over the Baron or Drake, just smite when the value is lower than your Smite's....


PM me the link to the image pls~

I also HATE when junglers mistime their smites. Eff's sake the game TELLS you how much damage it does, and there's a counter over the Baron or Drake, just smite when the value is lower than your Smite's....

That's not a reliable way of gauging it sometimes. Sometimes your teammates are holding onto their burst, sometimes a rotation of cooldowns come up sooner than you expected so burst comes in earlier than you expected.

Smiting isn't just about "it's at this number DO IT", there's a lot to consider when doing it.


I'm trying to think of new builds to make Akali less terrible but I'm struggling. I want to fit a Rylai's and Luden's Echo in there somewhere but I feel like she needs a lot more than 6 items.

I tried Rylai's/Luden's/Gunblade/Deathcap/Void Staff/Sorc Shoes last night and it wasn't too bad, but you're super squishy without Zhonya's or abyssal scepter. I think she needs a lich bane too.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
I'm trying to think of new builds to make Akali less terrible but I'm struggling. I want to fit a Rylai's and Luden's Echo in there somewhere but I feel like she needs a lot more than 6 items.

I tried Rylai's/Luden's/Gunblade/Deathcap/Void Staff/Sorc Shoes last night and it wasn't too bad, but you're super squishy without Zhonya's or abyssal scepter. I think she needs a lich bane too.
I dont think rylais very good for her since most of her spells are single target and have small range


She needs a new E
Yeah the e is downright terrible. Really high energy cost and not much damage.
I dont think rylais very good for her since most of her spells are single target and have small range

I tried it to see if it made it easier to proc the q and it definitely helped, but I feel like I'm sacrificing too much to get that benefit. I also feel like if I'm going that route than I'd need lich bane, but then you're sacrificing something else.


I know I am ignoring your request here, but I just have to comment that players like Malphite are the ones that ruin this game for me. Toxic communication doesn't bother me, as much as players who don't communicate. I can not tell you amount of times I have been left fuming by rolling an unconventional top, telling people I am going top and then having someone just jump in top lane, because they didn't "realise" I was top.

This sort of thing infuriates me, because if I am playing a non-meta champ or a champ in a non-meta position, I always ask in advance if everyone is ok with this. Then something like this happens and suddenly I'm the asshole.

Next time just mute your team mates and go to top. I can guarantee that 9/10 times players like malphite did read you call top and just use the excuse they weren't paying attention and clicked before realising.

Ya I feel you, I just want to win games. It sucks when someone just goes afk and stops playing because a teammate was being mean to them. Just mute the ahole and keep playing. I have thick skin though. I think I've only muted two people in all the time I've played this game, so maybe i'm more forgiving than others. I actually had a game the other day where our Ahri stopped playing for a few minutes twice because our Udyr called her bad.

Ur probably right too. I bet that Malph did see it and just went top anyways. But w/e, we won. My buddy was playing AP Kog and our Jinx wasn't bad, so I knew I'd be able to help them out more than Malph would if he supported.

I try to keep the peace as much as I can.

Rant over.

Your build looks fine to me. If I could make any suggestions, go boots of speed and then spectral/rightuos. We are in a very tanky meta and unless you are playing a lane, you are never really going to get enough dmg to burst a champ down. It would be better to just got ap tank/full tank, max you cd and just have your ult or polymorth up all the time.

Agreed. I went with Mikael's that game for leona's ult. I just didn't want Jinx or Kog to get caught in a stun. I'll pretty much prioritize maxing cdr after any core items (sightstone, mobis, zhonyas on morg, etc).


oh lawd Zeronis' NSFW Tifa drawing on Patreon

oh lawd

see now this is bad if you dont send it to me

Nah, champions like Akali and Kass are good where they are right now.

big ass rework for akali pls

I dont think rylais very good for her since most of her spells are single target and have small range
i mean if you buy rylais you want your spells to be single target since it makes the slow stronger

but yea i don't think akali really cares about slowing people when she can mash all her buttons and instagib them


That's not a reliable way of gauging it sometimes. Sometimes your teammates are holding onto their burst, sometimes a rotation of cooldowns come up sooner than you expected so burst comes in earlier than you expected.

Smiting isn't just about "it's at this number DO IT", there's a lot to consider when doing it.

Eh I dunno when I jungle and my team are able to get the drake, I manage to get it 90% of the time using Smite and my smites land the kill, it just irks me when my jungler would smite early and we end up losing the buff =_=


see now this is bad if you dont send it to me
(Today, 12:27 PM)
Eh I dunno when I jungle and my team are able to get the drake, I manage to get it 90% of the time using Smite and my smites land the kill, it just irks me when my jungler would smite early and we end up losing the buff =_=
Bronze EUNE is probably like an entire different game though.
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