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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Noot let's make eune smurfs


QTPie going Jungle Singed


I'm still miffed about this so I have to vent. I queued up last night as Skarner jungle in a Team Builder game with a Wukong and a Cass on my team. I joined their lobby and they had been waiting down to the 47:00 mark to get a jungler, so a decent amount of time. We start the game and Cass puts in all chat that she wants to see if the players on the opposing team can see her Noxius Cloud because evidently it was bugged when her and Wukong played their last match. Odd request, I guess, but whatever, dat TB life. She goes mid, enemy Brand says he can see it...

and then Wukong leaves the game. Cass says thanks, that`s all she needed and leaves the game too. 1:45 in the match and already down 3v5. I don`t get to play that much so I`m pretty pissed that I`ll now be forced to wait until we can surrender. Ok, I get that you`re going to get that sort of bullshit every now and then but here`s what I don`t get, and it`s a complete affront to my engineering sensibilities...

They could have queued for Normal Blind and gotten their trolling fix in about 5 minutes instead of wasting 12 minutes. So eat shit assholes, you used your time inefficiently and you`re never getting those 7 minutes back.

Also, done with my Skarner marathon. Onto Nautilus jungle and a smattering of support games here and there. I don`t think I have it in me to play another 12 or so straight games in the jungle.


I'm still miffed about this so I have to vent. I queued up last night as Skarner jungle in a Team Builder game with a Wukong and a Cass on my team. I joined their lobby and they had been waiting down to the 47:00 mark to get a jungler, so a decent amount of time. We start the game and Cass puts in all chat that she wants to see if the players on the opposing team can see her Noxius Cloud because evidently it was bugged when her and Wukong played their last match. Odd request, I guess, but whatever, dat TB life. She goes mid, enemy Brand says he can see it...

and then Wukong leaves the game. Cass says thanks, that`s all she needed and leaves the game too. 1:45 in the match and already down 3v5. I don`t get to play that much so I`m pretty pissed that I`ll now be forced to wait until we can surrender. Ok, I get that you`re going to get that sort of bullshit every now and then but here`s what I don`t get, and it`s a complete affront to my engineering sensibilities...

They could have queued for Normal Blind and gotten their trolling fix in about 5 minutes instead of wasting 12 minutes. So eat shit assholes, you used your time inefficiently and you`re never getting those 7 minutes back.

Also, done with my Skarner marathon. Onto Nautilus jungle and a smattering of support games here and there. I don`t think I have it in me to play another 12 or so straight games in the jungle.

That sucks. I've had people bail out to go smoke and then not come back, giving us a 4v5 from the get go.

So, thoughts on Skarner? I used to play him and really liked him, but haven't in the new meta.
I'm still miffed about this so I have to vent. I queued up last night as Skarner jungle in a Team Builder game with a Wukong and a Cass on my team. I joined their lobby and they had been waiting down to the 47:00 mark to get a jungler, so a decent amount of time. We start the game and Cass puts in all chat that she wants to see if the players on the opposing team can see her Noxius Cloud because evidently it was bugged when her and Wukong played their last match. Odd request, I guess, but whatever, dat TB life. She goes mid, enemy Brand says he can see it...

and then Wukong leaves the game. Cass says thanks, that`s all she needed and leaves the game too. 1:45 in the match and already down 3v5. I don`t get to play that much so I`m pretty pissed that I`ll now be forced to wait until we can surrender. Ok, I get that you`re going to get that sort of bullshit every now and then but here`s what I don`t get, and it`s a complete affront to my engineering sensibilities...

They could have queued for Normal Blind and gotten their trolling fix in about 5 minutes instead of wasting 12 minutes. So eat shit assholes, you used your time inefficiently and you`re never getting those 7 minutes back.

Also, done with my Skarner marathon. Onto Nautilus jungle and a smattering of support games here and there. I don`t think I have it in me to play another 12 or so straight games in the jungle.

Wait until shit like this happens in rank.... at least you're not losing LP to people being dumb asses.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm still miffed about this so I have to vent.
If you don't have that much time to play the game why did you type all this up? Just tab out or something, who cares about team builder games?

don't respond to this, just move on with your life.


So, thoughts on Skarner? I used to play him and really liked him, but haven't in the new meta.

He's damn strong with Cinderhulk. I really like how he can opt into either a damage or peel role with ease because of how strong sheen (and by extension Trinity Force and IBG) is on him. Good aura carrier, good counter jungler, good duelist, great counter ganker/counter initiation.

I never bought into the typical knock on Skarner that he's bad because he can't initiate a fight or get to the opposing team's carries. He's a top flight carry protector/shit disturber, and I think that's worth its weight in gold with the right comp.

I feel a bit like Righteous Glory is somewhat of a trap on him if you're down to 5v5 fights constantly and the pick opportunities just aren't there. If you don't need the active to allow your team to close the gap the speed burst doesn't make him that much better at initiating unless the opposing team is really lacking CC. Still a solid item on him because of the raw stats, but I don't think it's core. Outside of a few fight winning picks on a Karthus and a Vi my best uses of Righteous Glory's active have been in chases and clean-up after the fight was won.

dimb said:
don't respond to this, just move on with your life.

Too bad.

I'm at work right now and need a mind break while thinking of an engineering problem, so I posted my rant. I'm not sitting in front of my home PC. It was last night and yeah, I tabbed out here and there but mostly shot the shit with the Jinx and Zyra on my team who turned out to be quite funny. As far as not having time, the other fathers on here can back me up on this. Noticing you have ~45 mins with nothing to do and decide fuck it, I'm playing LoL just doesn't exist because of everything else going on in your life. I have to organize my life and plan ahead in order to get a chunk of a few hours free time to game once or twice a week. So when I work on Sunday night from home to get ahead and bike on Monday night after lifting weights instead of biking the following day like I normally would just to clear a few hours and a third of that time is ruined...it's very frustrating, TB or not.
He's damn strong with Cinderhulk. I really like how he can opt into either a damage or peel role with ease because of how strong sheen (and by extension Trinity Force and IBG) is on him. Good aura carrier, good counter jungler, good duelist, great counter ganker/counter initiation.

I never bought into the typical knock on Skarner that he's bad because he can't initiate a fight or get to the opposing team's carries. He's a top flight carry protector/shit disturber, and I think that's worth its weight in gold

Totally agree. Just people don't play him right. I can't tell you the amount of people who get the warrior enchantment on him.


I'm still miffed about this so I have to vent. I queued up last night as Skarner jungle in a Team Builder game with a Wukong and a Cass on my team. I joined their lobby and they had been waiting down to the 47:00 mark to get a jungler, so a decent amount of time. We start the game and Cass puts in all chat that she wants to see if the players on the opposing team can see her Noxius Cloud because evidently it was bugged when her and Wukong played their last match. Odd request, I guess, but whatever, dat TB life. She goes mid, enemy Brand says he can see it...

and then Wukong leaves the game. Cass says thanks, that`s all she needed and leaves the game too. 1:45 in the match and already down 3v5. I don`t get to play that much so I`m pretty pissed that I`ll now be forced to wait until we can surrender. Ok, I get that you`re going to get that sort of bullshit every now and then but here`s what I don`t get, and it`s a complete affront to my engineering sensibilities...

They could have queued for Normal Blind and gotten their trolling fix in about 5 minutes instead of wasting 12 minutes. So eat shit assholes, you used your time inefficiently and you`re never getting those 7 minutes back.

Also, done with my Skarner marathon. Onto Nautilus jungle and a smattering of support games here and there. I don`t think I have it in me to play another 12 or so straight games in the jungle.
i mean i guess trolls don't care about their own time either since they're spending it trolling which i would say is not a very productive thing either :p


How's Nunu jungle? Been watching QTPie's streams and there's a jungle nunu in like 1 out of 2 games he plays lol.
How's Nunu jungle? Been watching QTPie's streams and there's a jungle nunu in like 1 out of 2 games he plays lol.


Nunu is the highest win rate solo queue champion right now (Plat+, link above), and has been for a good while. He's extremely good against tanks since he can invade, ward and steal their stuff, and has great synergy with Cinderhulk (highest base HP growth in the game). He also has extreme objective control - most solo queue jungle Nunus will put at least 2-3 points in Consume and start doing dragons really early after taking the Scuttle Crab. If the other jungler doesn't stop him his team gets an immediate advantage, but if he does stop him he has to run around in the river and fall behind. He can also pop in to lanes with the AD carry and quickly siege down towers with Blood Boil. He's a good disengage/nuisance with his ult and Ice Blast, and can be a gank threat (especially in top lane), but he does little damage on his own. His build paths are versatile - you can go Righteous Glory for engage, or Mobis/Sightstone for a "pure" support playstyle, or Locket for kiting/defense, or even Zeke's Herald if appropriate (or, yes, AP, if significantly ahead).

TheOddOne likes to say that Nunu is useless, but he also makes the enemy jungler useless, then gives his AD carry an item (Blood Boil, Atk Spd buff) and takes an item away from the enemy AD carry (Ice Blast/Absolute Zero, Atk Spd slow), so he wins the late game anyway.

Nunu is only really a bad pick if your team desperately needs damage or hard engage coming out of the jungle, but solo queue being what it is, this is rare - people overwhelmingly pick champions that do damage, and it's rare that you're up against teams that don't engage you (does happen though - something like Maokai/Gragas/Anivia/Jinx/Janna) and have to wade through Absolute Zero. His playstyle is unique and the furthest thing from "hard carry" there is, so it takes time to learn and a certain mindset to apply.
Nunu in a nutshell is a champion that infuriate the opposing team.

He counter jungles, slows you down, boost his adc, control buffs and objectives... and is just pure annoying.


the counter jungling aspect to nunu is overrated. it's not really as important as it was when you could counter jungle and literally be level 6 while the enemy jungler was still level 2


Somebody freaked at me for hovering Nunu a couple days ago saying he'd never seen a good Nunu and he was garbage tier. I was speechless. Silver is so weird but I guess I'm bad enough to be stuck there lol


Wow, Hai's gone.

We all knew it was coming, but I didn't think it would be right away. Figured he'd stick around a bit with the new guy.


Wow, Hai's gone.

We all knew it was coming, but I didn't think it would be right away. Figured he'd stick around a bit with the new guy.

Yeah I thought he'd still stay with the team just in a different role, maybe helping Charlie coach or something.


hai might be thinking about moving on with his life

really sucks because hai's a cool guy but c9 will be much better if they can get a better mid while lemon or meteos do the shotcalling

it's gonna be incarnation, then?
So what, he'd just be running around and spitting fools all day?

Dis Fiddle Splash XoX

I never posted here before, mostly cause I never came over to community stuff before. Anyway, I've got a problem so I figure I'll just explain here and if anyone can offer tips or advice or whatever that would be dope.

So this season started probably around where last left off, I went from silver five to silver one almost into gold and then tilted back to silver four. Start of this season I end up in bronze 2, start off with a great attitude thinking I'll carry and it'll be no problem. I get to promos into silver twice in one day and lose both. I've started tilting and raging. Now, I know I've been playing pretty well, not amazing or outstanding some games, but it gets to a point where I see someone fuck up a few times doing something dumb and I just don't wanna play. I'm just kind of venting a bit I guess, cause I genuinely think I should at least be silver despite honestly thinking I'm better than that but because I rage and tilt because of AFKer's, Feeders, other people raging....I just don't feel like I'll ever get there. I can play pretty much anywhere and don't mind it, but seeing someone take ADC or something and just play poorly makes me regret not taking it.

Here's my more recent matches

Again sorry to complain, this game has just kind of become unfun and I used to absolutely love it. I'm not always toxic, I can be polite and kind but that tends to fade as a day goes on and I get more and more games like the one where my bot lane ended up going 0/7 before I was able to gank. (Well, I had gotten invaded and no leash so clearing was slow with Malphite and they were all ahead.)


finally a new tales of valoran

he kind of phoned this one in but cute drawings are cute

also this is pretty hot lol don't judge me

I never posted here before, mostly cause I never came over to community stuff before. Anyway, I've got a problem so I figure I'll just explain here and if anyone can offer tips or advice or whatever that would be dope.

So this season started probably around where last left off, I went from silver five to silver one almost into gold and then tilted back to silver four. Start of this season I end up in bronze 2, start off with a great attitude thinking I'll carry and it'll be no problem. I get to promos into silver twice in one day and lose both. I've started tilting and raging. Now, I know I've been playing pretty well, not amazing or outstanding some games, but it gets to a point where I see someone fuck up a few times doing something dumb and I just don't wanna play. I'm just kind of venting a bit I guess, cause I genuinely think I should at least be silver despite honestly thinking I'm better than that but because I rage and tilt because of AFKer's, Feeders, other people raging....I just don't feel like I'll ever get there. I can play pretty much anywhere and don't mind it, but seeing someone take ADC or something and just play poorly makes me regret not taking it.

Here's my more recent matches

Again sorry to complain, this game has just kind of become unfun and I used to absolutely love it. I'm not always toxic, I can be polite and kind but that tends to fade as a day goes on and I get more and more games like the one where my bot lane ended up going 0/7 before I was able to gank. (Well, I had gotten invaded and no leash so clearing was slow with Malphite and they were all ahead.)
i feel like you may be playing too many different champions, i'd suggest try to play your most successful champions (you can check that on op.gg) and drop all the rest

also stop playing if you're losing, if you're prone to tilt/rage that's just gonna make you play worse and lose more
I never posted here before, mostly cause I never came over to community stuff before. Anyway, I've got a problem so I figure I'll just explain here and if anyone can offer tips or advice or whatever that would be dope.

So this season started probably around where last left off, I went from silver five to silver one almost into gold and then tilted back to silver four. Start of this season I end up in bronze 2, start off with a great attitude thinking I'll carry and it'll be no problem. I get to promos into silver twice in one day and lose both. I've started tilting and raging. Now, I know I've been playing pretty well, not amazing or outstanding some games, but it gets to a point where I see someone fuck up a few times doing something dumb and I just don't wanna play. I'm just kind of venting a bit I guess, cause I genuinely think I should at least be silver despite honestly thinking I'm better than that but because I rage and tilt because of AFKer's, Feeders, other people raging....I just don't feel like I'll ever get there. I can play pretty much anywhere and don't mind it, but seeing someone take ADC or something and just play poorly makes me regret not taking it.

Here's my more recent matches

Again sorry to complain, this game has just kind of become unfun and I used to absolutely love it. I'm not always toxic, I can be polite and kind but that tends to fade as a day goes on and I get more and more games like the one where my bot lane ended up going 0/7 before I was able to gank. (Well, I had gotten invaded and no leash so clearing was slow with Malphite and they were all ahead.)

If you want to climb it's on you not your teammates. Just lead by your play for example let say you're mid lane. Instead of worrying about how top/bot is doing first win your lane get a kill or two then roam to the other lane and help them out.

If you're let say top lane then do the same get an advantage and make plays with TP. If you're ADC it's even easier. Focus on your csing and killing shit. Basically stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and do your job to the best it can be done. Everything else falls in line. You want jungler as dragon? Set up vision of dragon, get a good gank off bot lane then ping dragon.

Your mid lane/top refuse to ward and you're jungler? Ward for them...
If you want to climb it's on you not your teammates. Just lead by your play for example let say you're mid lane. Instead of worrying about how top/bot is doing first win your lane get a kill or two then roam to the other lane and help them out.

If you're let say top lane then do the same get an advantage and make plays with TP. If you're ADC it's even easier. Focus on your csing and killing shit. Basically stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and do your job to the best it can be done. Everything else falls in line. You want jungler as dragon? Set up vision of dragon, get a good gank off bot lane then ping dragon.

Your mid lane/top refuse to ward and you're jungler? Ward for them...

You're right, I mean I know I can play better/well enough but I get hung up on people doing something wrong and get annoyed or upset after having played with people better. But I think doing what you said, just doing me and helping where I can to better the team, will help. Thanks friend!

i feel like you may be playing too many different champions, i'd suggest try to play your most successful champions (you can check that on op.gg) and drop all the rest

also stop playing if you're losing, if you're prone to tilt/rage that's just gonna make you play worse and lose more

I just kind of fill as best I can hoping people play their best roles which...tends to not work out in certain cases. I mained(I think that's a word?) adc last season and I know I can support but tend to get bored playing more than a few support games at a time. I've tried broadening who I play so I can fill better, and I don't think it's been terrible in most cases though my more recent games haven't been spectacular. Thanks!


I never posted here before, mostly cause I never came over to community stuff before. Anyway, I've got a problem so I figure I'll just explain here and if anyone can offer tips or advice or whatever that would be dope.

So this season started probably around where last left off, I went from silver five to silver one almost into gold and then tilted back to silver four. Start of this season I end up in bronze 2, start off with a great attitude thinking I'll carry and it'll be no problem. I get to promos into silver twice in one day and lose both. I've started tilting and raging. Now, I know I've been playing pretty well, not amazing or outstanding some games, but it gets to a point where I see someone fuck up a few times doing something dumb and I just don't wanna play. I'm just kind of venting a bit I guess, cause I genuinely think I should at least be silver despite honestly thinking I'm better than that but because I rage and tilt because of AFKer's, Feeders, other people raging....I just don't feel like I'll ever get there. I can play pretty much anywhere and don't mind it, but seeing someone take ADC or something and just play poorly makes me regret not taking it.

Here's my more recent matches

Again sorry to complain, this game has just kind of become unfun and I used to absolutely love it. I'm not always toxic, I can be polite and kind but that tends to fade as a day goes on and I get more and more games like the one where my bot lane ended up going 0/7 before I was able to gank. (Well, I had gotten invaded and no leash so clearing was slow with Malphite and they were all ahead.)
Yeah, this season definitely feels tougher, but I'm not sure why. Last season I was in d2, this season I'm stuck in d5-d4.

Here's how I approach solo q.

-Before playing a match use op.gg to check out someone's stats. If they're good at a role and don't play other roles give that role to them.

-Go into a match completely neutral towards teammates. If they mess up don't rage at them. Save that for the postgame lobby. If you feel like you have no chance and the team won't surrender, just leave the game without saying anything. It gets rid of the tilt. If you leave with 5 minutes of the surrender it does not count as leaving.

-After every game, try to the think why the reason you lost was, and how you could have played better.

-Don't let support mains play other roles.

-If two teammates are getting into an argument, support the one that's playing better whether they're right or wrong. Saying stuff like "just play the game" usually makes things worse.

-Go with comfort picks, it makes no difference if you're playing meta champions or not.

If you need help climbing just add me ign: Lord Newt

Edit: I see that you play a decent amount of Sivir, this should be useful www.lolking.net/guides/311037.


When is it appropriate to build sightstone on junglers? I always want to grab one but I never want to delay power spikes. Is it mostly in games that are even/losing or is it always ok?


C9 should become really good once they get some synergy going with their new mid laner.
i feel like balls needs to get his form back too tbh, specially since the team will probably cut back the amount of money both him and meteos get if they want to have a stronger midlaner

I don't quite understand why Renekton works in a bookstore, but I didn't expect the end result. I was sufficiently amused.
i dunno, i think it was like a grocery store a couple pages back

it's weird, i don't ask questions, just look at the cute pictures

You're right, I mean I know I can play better/well enough but I get hung up on people doing something wrong and get annoyed or upset after having played with people better. But I think doing what you said, just doing me and helping where I can to better the team, will help. Thanks friend!
yeah thinking too much about other people's play is not so good

other people will make tons of mistakes that will annoy you and that's kind of the way the game goes. even people in lcs make mistakes and build shit wrong etc

during the game you should always think about yourself and what you can do to win, no point in getting upset or getting other people upset unless you're noot and you're just frustrated that you reached your skillcap <3

I just kind of fill as best I can hoping people play their best roles which...tends to not work out in certain cases. I mained(I think that's a word?) adc last season and I know I can support but tend to get bored playing more than a few support games at a time. I've tried broadening who I play so I can fill better, and I don't think it's been terrible in most cases though my more recent games haven't been spectacular. Thanks!
in my opinion having a small champion pool and trying to main a lane is best

if you can play someone like morgana that can be played as mid/top/supp that's the best

also try to stay away from complicated champions like zed/riven/etc.

if you want to climb just keep it simple, play safe champions you consistently succeed on


i feel like balls needs to get his form back too tbh, specially since the team will probably cut back the amount of money both him and meteos get if they want to have a stronger midlaner

Yeah, Balls has been performing worse the last split. It's probably salvageable though.
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