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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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i'm trying to understand if replacing deathcap with ludens is worth it or not

feels to me like the damage you get is pretty crazy but when i do the numbers the don't make too much sense to me

i was playing against a velkoz today that was just melting people with that thing


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I never posted here before, mostly cause I never came over to community stuff before. Anyway, I've got a problem so I figure I'll just explain here and if anyone can offer tips or advice or whatever that would be dope.
You die too much so your KDA is really bad. This seems like a dumb observation but you're probably doing stuff that's too risky without really taking anything away from it. You builds are also usually not very good. I see you going IE into BT on ADCs like you're afraid of PD. You're buying BotRK too much too after IE on ADCs that don't need it. Or for Kha6 you're maxing Q first in the jungle and buying early BCs. In general your defensive itemization doesn't line up with what the enemy team has, and you've got Thresh builds with Talisman of Ascension while you're also building Righteous Glory.

You're not playing well. First accept that you are bad at this game. Then stop playing to climb and just play to have fun and hone your skills. Obviously you should be playing to win each game, but people get way too wrapped up in ranking up. You can get go from Bronze to Silver but ultimately that doesn't mean anything, and you'll still be bad at the game. Set smaller personal goals of actually learning champions, because creating a set of goals around Riot's meaningless rank system isn't going to make you a better player, or prove anything to anyone.


I think it's a solid alternative. Provides waveclear and is probably better for mages with low ratios.

yeah i guess that's why it looked so strong on velkoz but i feel like people are buying it on other mages like leblanc and syndra and stuff and it actually seems kind of better

i feel like the movespeed might actually be a really big deal


Luden's is a snowball item, you get it as a first item for a huge power spike but it will make your later power spikes weaker /even later. Typically deathcap is always better in a full build.


The amount of AP you build has a direct correlation to the amount of elo you gain.

Don't question it, it's science

get dem luden's



The amount of AP you build has a direct correlation to the amount of elo you gain.

Don't question it, it's science

get dem luden's

Best tasting cough drops.

Did anyone see that if a team gets a pentakill or baron steal during the MSI, mystery skins get double the chance to be a good skin?


Luden's is a snowball item, you get it as a first item for a huge power spike but it will make your later power spikes weaker /even later. Typically deathcap is always better in a full build.
hmm, i usually just bought it as like a last item but i think i may have to replace the early deathcap with it on everyone but ori and lux

if it's effectively more early damage i feel like it's something i need :T


hmm, i usually just bought it as like a last item but i think i may have to replace the early deathcap with it on everyone but ori and lux

if it's effectively more early damage i feel like it's something i need :T
Yeah, It's kind of pointless to build as a last item unless there really is nothing else to build. It's kind of like trinity force in that you want it as early as possible. Yesterday I had a lux in one of my games that rushed luden's into mejais. She got crazy strong but it is a risky build.
i'm trying to understand if replacing deathcap with ludens is worth it or not

feels to me like the damage you get is pretty crazy but when i do the numbers the don't make too much sense to me

i was playing against a velkoz today that was just melting people with that thing

If you manage to proc Luden's and Vel'koz passive in the same spell, the damage is insane. I don't care what anyone says, you don't get that kind of burst with a Deathcap.


Yeah, It's kind of pointless to build as a last item unless there really is nothing else to build. It's kind of like trinity force in that you want it as early as possible. Yesterday I had a lux in one of my games that rushed luden's into mejais. She got crazy strong but it is a risky build.
yeah i mean, i don't think i've bought a ga in months and so as a sixth item i'm usually getting a zhonyas if i got a banshees against lebonk or something or sometimes i'll get liandry's just to have some more dmg if i don't feel like banshee's needed

nowadays i replaced liandry's with luden's which actually gives noticeably more lategame but i feel like i'm gonna want to rush more ludens now

on lux i dunno, previously to this patch i was doing straight deathcap rush so it might work out, maybe, although the athene's buff makes it so that i feel like buying athenes on her again

i generally dislike luden's echo as an item, i wish they had actually created an interesting item instead of just fancy wording for extra early dmg

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
When is it appropriate to build sightstone on junglers? I always want to grab one but I never want to delay power spikes. Is it mostly in games that are even/losing or is it always ok?

I'd only run double sightstone comp in 5's just because I don't think solo q is gonna benefit that much from the extra vision and between trinket upgrades + support sightstone the gold could be spent better elsewhere.

Lee being the exception of course.


Yeah I've seen it a bit on streams and I always always feel like we're lacking in vision, but I guess maybe I just need to buy more wards



Nunu is the highest win rate solo queue champion right now (Plat+, link above), and has been for a good while. He's extremely good against tanks since he can invade, ward and steal their stuff, and has great synergy with Cinderhulk (highest base HP growth in the game). He also has extreme objective control - most solo queue jungle Nunus will put at least 2-3 points in Consume and start doing dragons really early after taking the Scuttle Crab. If the other jungler doesn't stop him his team gets an immediate advantage, but if he does stop him he has to run around in the river and fall behind. He can also pop in to lanes with the AD carry and quickly siege down towers with Blood Boil. He's a good disengage/nuisance with his ult and Ice Blast, and can be a gank threat (especially in top lane), but he does little damage on his own. His build paths are versatile - you can go Righteous Glory for engage, or Mobis/Sightstone for a "pure" support playstyle, or Locket for kiting/defense, or even Zeke's Herald if appropriate (or, yes, AP, if significantly ahead).

TheOddOne likes to say that Nunu is useless, but he also makes the enemy jungler useless, then gives his AD carry an item (Blood Boil, Atk Spd buff) and takes an item away from the enemy AD carry (Ice Blast/Absolute Zero, Atk Spd slow), so he wins the late game anyway.

Nunu is only really a bad pick if your team desperately needs damage or hard engage coming out of the jungle, but solo queue being what it is, this is rare - people overwhelmingly pick champions that do damage, and it's rare that you're up against teams that don't engage you (does happen though - something like Maokai/Gragas/Anivia/Jinx/Janna) and have to wade through Absolute Zero. His playstyle is unique and the furthest thing from "hard carry" there is, so it takes time to learn and a certain mindset to apply.

Thanks for the write up, but is AP Jungle Nunu viable? Or rather mix of AP+Tank, that E can dish out some big damage when AP is put into it.


Upgrade your yellow trinket...

I usually go upgraded red unless the other team has stealth and I feel like I need pinks constantly

Idk it just feels better for me to have sweeper for objectives especially but I guess I could try upgraded yellow
I only go red in like rank 5s, but in solo q where people are always so lazy to ward i usually go yellow unless I'm support or assassin like Zed, or Leblanc.
Since he's free, I decided to finally try out Nautilus (support).

I just played my 4th or 5th game with him and basically 1v4ed a Jax, Nidalee, Twitch, and Panheon at their top inhibitor turret.

Wtf is this.


Since he's free, I decided to finally try out Nautilus (support).

I just played my 4th or 5th game with him and basically 1v4ed a Jax, Nidalee, Twitch, and Panheon at their top inhibitor turret.

Wtf is this.

Yeah I've had 2 Naut supports and both games we won.
I need to counter jungle more as nunu, but so far my 2 matches as him were good.
I usually go upgraded red unless the other team has stealth and I feel like I need pinks constantly

Idk it just feels better for me to have sweeper for objectives especially but I guess I could try upgraded yellow
You have the chicken smite buff to work with, sweeper is hardly mandatory


Not something you want to rely on before taking objectives tho right? Idk maybe I'll just try upgraded yellow and buying pinks for objectives and see how it feels

Prob better anyway to clear wards thrown into the pits after you clear them
Not something you want to rely on before taking objectives tho right? Idk maybe I'll just try upgraded yellow and buying pinks for objectives and see how it feels

Prob better anyway to clear wards thrown into the pits after you clear them
Correct. You want to do Drag, grab a pink and place it so you can destroy multiple wards and deny an exact timer.
Correct. You want to do Drag, grab a pink and place it so you can destroy multiple wards and deny an exact timer.

I find it very situation reliant. Sometimes when I am playing Akali, I will grab sweeper just to buy a few extra seconds of cover, if they throw a pink.

For the most part though chicken smite will get me through. I like to keep it up around drake time so I can smite it and then run down there to clear out wards.


I find it very situation reliant. Sometimes when I am playing Akali, I will grab sweeper just to buy a few extra seconds of cover, if they throw a pink.

For the most part though chicken smite will get me through. I like to keep it up around drake time so I can smite it and then run down there to clear out wards.
Sweeper does nothing on pink wards.


I think Sweeper will still reveal a Purp ward but it won't disable it.
It will not reveal a pink ward.

Also, dropping a pink against akali is fine. Sometimes your oracle sweeper is on cooldown as it is better at clearing wards in a wide area than pink wards.
It will not reveal a pink ward.

Also, dropping a pink against akali is fine. Sometimes your oracle sweeper is on cooldown as it is better at clearing wards in a wide area than pink wards.
I mean, it's fine to use it if it's what you have in hand at the moment, but more often than not I see people getting pinks / vision trinket for the sole purpose of dealing with Akali


Cinderhulk -> Sunfire -> SV & Randuins -> Mercs or Mobi -> Warmog

Have fun with all your elo

I mean I know how to play him the wins just aren't coming like they did last season. also I would go cinder into RG.

Season 4:


Season 5:


I guess I just need to play him more I'm just scared off because i've had no success with him so far.


It will not reveal a pink ward.

Also, dropping a pink against akali is fine. Sometimes your oracle sweeper is on cooldown as it is better at clearing wards in a wide area than pink wards.

I love dropping a pink on Akali stealth pads, and then everyone just gangs up on her XP


My faith in solo queue is restored
I just managed to quell one of the worse champion select fights in recent memory. I talked everyone down, negotiated roles for everyone, and we managed to form something that resembled a team and win!

Nobody said a fucking word the whole game tho. Just stewed in their rage while we stomped


I went from a 79% winrate with voli last season to a 29% winrate with him this season. I don't know what happened.

Law of averages. 78% is an exceptional win rate, it wasn't likely to stay up there. Just change how you look at it - you have a 68% win rate with Volibear in ranked. Also, 7 games is a small sample size. Going 2W/5L doesn't mean you're playing badly no more than 5W/2L means you're playing well.


this was obviously a really stupid game, but I was wondering
I tried some "experimental" item build seeing how this match was going, should I have just stuck to the standard build anyway? I mean, hey, for what it's worth I did more damage than Quinn
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