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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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No they actually took the gold part of it away but now you get 2 charges of it and they are global

I actually think new ryze is actually a lot harder but mostly bc he's kinda ass

Edit: in looking to confirm that he is indeed ass I found out that two of my best champs are second and fourth in terms of lowest win rate

seriously guys how is everyone doing so bad with olaf he's freelo
i always wanted to max birdshot and afk farm with all that free gold!!! but it wasn't anything substantial and it sucked

I just wanted an alch in leeg


I think there are some difference between a character that is hard to play (difficulty of use like let's say Cass) and being skilled enough to use a character to their full potential and actually contributing to the team (someone like actually playing Garen well or when you see a godlike renekton or Quinn)

Not sure if that makes sense or not.

Like the difference between a Seth (sf4) that is just flow chart rush down and when poongko plays Seth.

An okay player can do decent with them but when someone knows a character inside and out they become so much better and powerful.


You can have gangplank steve

get an avarice blade for good measure

Edit: I just looked up that alchemist dude. Isn't that kinda similar to draven's passive?


Steve who is the most ez mode Dota hero. I want to play but I alwasy just random and get raged at.

I would say any role is fine but I don't think roles exist at my dota mmr
Steve who is the most ez mode Dota hero. I want to play but I alwasy just random and get raged at.

I would say any role is fine but I don't think roles exist at my dota mmr
lich, cm, ogre, dazzle, lion, wraith king, sven, tidehunter

all pretty simple, still fun and room for creativity
That lich guy's ult + that scepter thing sounds funny. Who is the tankiest mfer you guys have?

other tanky dudes would be dragon knight, undying, or centaur

there are a lot of heroes who aren't necessarily tanky but just assholes to kill like abbadon, wraith king, alch, weaver, huskar, brewmaster, slark
I used to play garen top a lot. Recently I've swapped more to junglers, due to better presence across the map. I can safely say that I won more top lane duels than I lost. I just knew how to play Garen better than the enemy knew how to play their own champ. My best example of this is a game where I was still bronze and I ended up vs a diamond 5 teemo. I should have lost that match up, but I knew when to bait his Q, when to force fights and when to back off. I got 6 kills on teemo during that game and didn't die once.

Is Garen that mechanically difficult? No. In fact I find if anything he is one of the easier champions to predict, but I would argue that the fact that he is predictable, makes him more difficult to play.


Is Garen that mechanically difficult? No. In fact I find if anything he is one of the easier champions to predict, but I would argue that the fact that he is predictable, makes him more difficult to play.

I notice that people always forget just how much damage his execute does and they trade for too long.
I notice that people always forget just how much damage his execute does and they trade for too long.

They do. One game I was vs a renekton. Renekton just stuck around far too long. The moment I realised he was under 300 hp I went all in. Flash->Q-Ignite-Ult. Ignite was overkill.

Garen is one of those champs that punishes players who make mistakes. It's not so much about being a good player as knowing how to predict the enemy laner. I knew exactly why that Renek stuck around. He was waiting for me to go all in and for him to stun me under tower, ult and kill me. The problem being he didn't realise the scope of my dmg. The lesson from this trade being, if you know your enemy you know how to beat them.

I've never played Renekton, but I've been against him enough times to know exactly what that player wants to do. That's why I can take advantage of that.

Another example of this is from Season 4 when Taric was still viable in Top. I was losing lane against a Vald, 4 deaths behind, two assists and one kill. Their Zed roams top lane with a 5 kill lead. He is the most fed guy in the match. I have ignite, my ult is up, full mana, health and a ice gauntlet. I 1v1 him and win. He just wasn't expecting the dmg output I had on him and the moment I saw him I went all in.

Also does anyone think about dropping ignites early against AD Champs is actually a good idea some times? I won the above engage because the moment he got out of the stun I dropped the ignite on him and his BotRK and BT meant nothing. By the time it was over he was trying to run away, he'd used all his abilities and my stun was back up.

Taric is one of the least mechanical champs in the game, but knowing what you can do with a champ is a huge advantage.


Yes, ignite early can be a big deal in a trade if you're confident you have the damage to finish the job. Lots of people will burn a pot going into a trade, so the ignite will make a difference there. If you ignite, use a pot, and go all in, you're probably going to be fine in that trade (as Garen) unless you're super far behind.

Edit: It's still more funny watching them run away with ignite burning them down though. Nothing more satisfying than walking away while they run to tower and die off screen. It's like the equivalent of walking away slowly from a massive explosion in an action movie.


Edit: It's still more funny watching them run away with ignite burning them down though. Nothing more satisfying than walking away while they run to tower and die off screen. It's like the equivalent of walking away slowly from a massive explosion in an action movie.

Such a weird argument. Each champion requires a lot of specialization to be really good with. I don't think there is a single champ left in the game that you can just pick up and play and be good with within a few games. I guess it just depends on what you consider mechanical skill?

For example imo Shaco is probs top 5 hardest champs in the game and doesn't have a skillshot in his kit. Poppy can be hard to play because she has such a weird power curve and so little lane presence and there is nothing mechanically intensive about her at all. Rumble has an "easy" kit but requires a lot of resource management and decision making.

Edit: plus on poppy being really familiar with her passive is super vital.

There are champions that are easy to pick up and play, and there are champions that you have to know intrinsically in order to play well. Back in my heyday I was able to buy a new champion, take him into a game, and perform well. Most ADCs fall in this manner, they all play similarly, and you treat them all similarly in a lane. I can't speak for Kalista.

Again, back in the day mages and tanks fell into this as well. I would say there would be few exceptions, like Lee Sin or Shaco, but that's because in order for you to perform well with those champions you need to know them intimately. Shaco is squishy and can die incredibly fast, Lee Sin is mechanically intense. Now a days though, they seem to be giving champions gimmicks that make them mechanically interesting. Reksai, Gnar, Kalista, Azir....not to mention Bard. All of these champions aren't as simple as older champions, because they have gimmicks or play fundamentally different from champions in their same class.

Riots learning I suppose.


Man. I really liked playing Kalista. In one game she's already up there as one of my favorite ADCs. I really hope she goes on sale soon. I don't have enough IP for her right now. Plus I'd probably want to use IP for the new thief champ.


Lucian is the ADC with the highest skill cap.

Keeping high priority targets in your ult's trajectory while dodging incoming bruisers is an art.
He definitely requires more skill post rework, but I wouldn't put him that high since he has a free escape and he's all point and click.
He definitely requires more skill post rework, but I wouldn't put him that high since he has a free escape and he's all point and click.

Yeah, I was just being sarcastic. Lucian is pretty easy to get the hang of. I'm terrible at the ADC position, and Lucian is the only champion that I can take over games with due to how much burst he has.


Right now, Miss Fortune, Quinn, Ashe, and Twitch are the only ADCs that I would say are hard to play. Some of that is meta, some of that is mechanics. Ashe looks to be getting some nice attention soon, however.


Wasn't Quinn's ult supposed to get a huge update to where it had a 1 second CD at max rank or something?

Was tentative. I don't even think it ever made it to pbe, but they took away skystrike part of it and basically made her a stance changer. Same with Ali's headbutt being a skillshot.


Gotta love trolling in champ select to get people to dodge.

You want to go Yasuo mid with no games on Yasuo? Alright, than deal with Ashe jungle.


Gotta love trolling in champ select to get people to dodge.

You want to go Yasuo mid with no games on Yasuo? Alright, than deal with Ashe jungle.

What if they have a good record with Yasuo? Do you feel fine with a Yasuo on your team then?


Won my first ranked game where I felt like I actually did anything relevant, A-Ranked gragas, time to drink myself to sleep.


Gotta love trolling in champ select to get people to dodge.

You want to go Yasuo mid with no games on Yasuo? Alright, than deal with Ashe jungle.
Saying things like "can anyone teach me how 2 jungle" could also work.

*edit* Also, the new post-game trolling strategy should be saying "S+, nice" after a game, no matter what grade the game ACTUALLY gives you.


Gotta love trolling in champ select to get people to dodge.

You want to go Yasuo mid with no games on Yasuo? Alright, than deal with Ashe jungle.

people who do this shit are the ones who hover over the X and press it at the last second

doesnt happen often but i always enjoy the game of chicken


Just went 11/0 on Kalista and my support bought me the blood moon skin after the game. I've never felt better about this games community than I do right now lol.


Play like garbage, get an S+. Actually, we all deserve it since our Leona DC'd at level 13 and it was 4v5 for the rest of the match.


And look how I'm the only person in the entire game that upgraded the trinket. Sheesh.


Only the hardest carry.

But hot damn, Sej is DISGUSTING. I had to get cleaver and spam Mini Gnar attacks to just whittle her health down enough to get a kill.

Only the hardest carry.

But hot damn, Sej is DISGUSTING. I had to get cleaver and spam Mini Gnar attacks to just whittle her health down enough to get a kill.


Just imagine if that Sej went with a boot with actual combat stats, and forgo the stupid Iceborn for like Frozen Heart. Oh and also a Skirmisher sabre that lower the living crap out of your damage.
Is Ashe jungle a thing? Can it be done? She has the slow, but i always imagined her early game to be the weakest point. Also is ap ashe possible?
It was done once or twice in LCS. Complete gimmick. You really need coordination to get through the jungle. She could definitely survive before they reworked the leash reset mechanic earlier this season.

AP Ashe has pitiful damage. I suppose you can go with a Volley build using Liandry and Luden.
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