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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Am I the only one who think the champion mastery titles sound really dumb. For the assassin it is slayer, marksman is pathfinder and for fighters it is destoryer. They just sounds weird to me kinda try to be Xtreme.
Well they got appease to their younger audience in some way right?


That's a huge early game nerf for Kalista. Before she has a good bit of attack speed built up, she will be extremely vulnerable and get murdered in lane. Gank her early and often.
You mean nerf
QoL for everyone else. Playing against her as Nami is mind numbingly boring
That's a huge early game nerf for Kalista. Before she has a good bit of attack speed built up, she will be extremely vulnerable and get murdered in lane. Gank her early and often.
I think you're over estimating the effect it will have for the majority of matchups. She still gets murdered now by solid Taric and Leo play.
I read that most players where 16-24. It was some post on reddit, but I don't remember it.
The infograph I saw was the 2012 one which had 85% of players 18-30. On top if this college/Uni grads have always been the biggest group IIRC so thats a 21+ group for most?


Good ol' Morde


No one flamed and even though our Jax was our weakest link it didn't bother us, heck I iddn't notice his score til now XD


I'm not saying Kalista is op. But this was my first time playing her.


I can't even believe how few deaths I had considering I had a Leblanc, hecarim and maokai gunning for me every time lol.

Her passive takes some getting used to. Going to need some more practice with it. And I need to get a better sense of how much damage her E does.

I missed so much cs because I'm not used to being unable to auto cancel. Didn't realize how much I relied on that.


Damn son this Black Cleaver gonna be ebin on Gnar

Cleaver -> Sunfire -> Treads -> Visage -> Randuins -> Warmogs

Will try this in some normals tonight


i clicked the play tutorial button for fun

it took me to the lobby i was in last night complete with all the chat and champions locked in, but nothing

then i reloaded and now it says i left a game. the reconnect button does nothing.


i clicked the play tutorial button for fun

it took me to the lobby i was in last night complete with all the chat and champions locked in, but nothing

then i reloaded and now it says i left a game. the reconnect button does nothing.
did you lose lp?
I don't like how HotS forces babby mode on you if you're new to the character.

Imagine if you can't buy half the items for a champ until you play more matches with him.

It's still a fine game though. I like that it's really objective-oriented.


I really like their leveling system. You get extra weekly free champs as you level, bonus gold (content currency) at certain levels and champion levels (like the new mastery system), recolors for your champ, etc. The games are super quick and some of the heroes are real unique, but that's about where the advantages it has over league end for me.
True, it sounds too casual for my liking. I have a few friends that got into the beta. They all swear by it.

It's a hella fun game. I won't swear by it, but as far as fun factor goes it's up to 10. All the heroes have crazy abilities that at times reach half way across the map. It's a weird mix of DotA and League, in terms of how strong skills are and how accessible it is.

I don't like how HotS forces babby mode on you if you're new to the character.

Imagine if you can't buy half the items for a champ until you play more matches with him.

It's still a fine game though. I like that it's really objective-oriented.

I wouldn't call it babby mode, but the system they have set up is one that doesn't overwhelm you. You start playing League, play a champion, and you seemingly have 100 items to pick from and you don't know what to level. With HotS, it's like..'Hey you get these 2 skill modifiers to choose from, and 1 ult. Then once you level up that hero by playing the game, we'll drip the next set of modifiers and 2nd ultimate so you have an idea what to do.

And yeah, the objective stuff makes it really dynamic. And I love the fact that everyone levels up at the same time. Takes away the pressure of having to keep up.

I really like their leveling system. You get extra weekly free champs as you level, bonus gold (content currency) at certain levels and champion levels (like the new mastery system), recolors for your champ, etc. The games are super quick and some of the heroes are real unique, but that's about where the advantages it has over league end for me.

Yeah, it's fantastic. Aside from getting 500 gold per champion to level 5, and then receiving huge amounts of gold through profile level, they give away free chroma packs(for all skins) as you level a hero and then a special master skin that you buy using in game currency at max hero level.

<_> I should get back into playing HotS...


It was pretty much just a nerf though. He has a tiny 0.06 extra ad scaling if he hits all bullets from his Q, in all other scenarios it is worse.
Yeah, I know. It's like I enjoy champions that are injected with skill requirement.


Yeah, I know. It's like I enjoy champions that are injected with skill requirement.
Fair enough, it's just uncommon to see anyone think a champ is more fun post nerfs. An actual rework would be something else.

Alternate jokey reply:
I thought you played MF, Leona and Kayle.


MF is actually probably the highest skill demanding ADC in the game. But yeah, Leona is super brain dead just like the majority of support champions.


I'd disagree with that, MF is really brain dead as well, probably easier than Janna. Just because she is barely viable does not mean she's difficult to play.

The only thing that puts Sivir above brain dead is that she kinda has to time her spell shield.


The positioning requirements of MF make her skill demand so high.

Sivir's skill requirement is mostly laning.
Lucian is the ADC with the highest skill cap.

Keeping high priority targets in your ult's trajectory while dodging incoming bruisers is an art.
Most champions require skill to succeed with, but it's not always mechanical skill. There's nothing mechanically skilful about using Rek'Sai's tunnels and ultimate to let her play faster than her opponent, but some are much better at it than others (indeed, I would say getting full effectiveness out of Rek'Sai's tunnel network and ultimate is one of the hardest things to do in the game, since you have to read the game so well and react extremely fast).


It's weird how I can trash with Gnar and suck with Cait.

Could one consider Gnar mechanically demanding? I do have to control my boomerang and watch the rage meter at all times.


Just played two of the most pleasant games ever. Everyone was super talkative and fun.

Something must be wrong.


Such a weird argument. Each champion requires a lot of specialization to be really good with. I don't think there is a single champ left in the game that you can just pick up and play and be good with within a few games. I guess it just depends on what you consider mechanical skill?

For example imo Shaco is probs top 5 hardest champs in the game and doesn't have a skillshot in his kit. Poppy can be hard to play because she has such a weird power curve and so little lane presence and there is nothing mechanically intensive about her at all. Rumble has an "easy" kit but requires a lot of resource management and decision making.

Edit: plus on poppy being really familiar with her passive is super vital.
i heard they changed ashe

did they change that ass birdshot thing

my solution was up the gold you got by like 30... but I doubt they did that


i heard they changed ashe

did they change that ass birdshot thing

my solution was up the gold you got by like 30... but I doubt they did that

No they actually took the gold part of it away but now you get 2 charges of it and they are global

I actually think new ryze is actually a lot harder but mostly bc he's kinda ass

Edit: in looking to confirm that he is indeed ass I found out that two of my best champs are second and fourth in terms of lowest win rate

seriously guys how is everyone doing so bad with olaf he's freelo
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